The Ethical Boundaries of the Gay Agenda: A New Millenium of Free Speech

It is you who has no point and cannot defend your assertions.

Now, I repeat:

-Demonstrate that I said anything 'bogus'
-Highlight where I said i have no problem with children around sexually explicit behavior
-Explain why it is only sexual behavior you do not wish to take part in that you have said children should not be around
-Demonstrate that all homosexuals have some need to parade their sexuality in the streets and no heterosexuals flaunt their sexuality in the open

or shut the fuck up
It is you who has no point and cannot defend your assertions.

Now, I repeat:

-Demonstrate that I said anything 'bogus'
-Highlight where I said i have no problem with children around sexually explicit behavior
-Explain why it is only sexual behavior you do not wish to take part in that you have said children should not be around
-Demonstrate that all homosexuals have some need to parade their sexuality in the streets and no heterosexuals flaunt their sexuality in the open

or shut the fuck up

Your posts, or at least these last few are completely disjointed incinuations based on idle supposition.

To begin with, heterosexuals do not organize parades celebratng their sexual liberation, explicitly. If you can find one, let me know. The mardi gras "festivites" display random sexuality on one street mostly in a drunken state but Burbon Street is the designated area for this behavior; and summer break venues is not an organized parade. It's much the same thing as Burbon Streeet, and most of these are kids on a school break. There is a huge difference between fratty kids and adults groping themselves and each other in public in a parade. This happens every year in New York City once the parade reaches the outer borders of Central Park. It's quite unbelievable and not to mention Central Park West buses carrying school kids usually pass around the same time these "sexually liberated" folks are in full blown sex fest mode. There is absolutely no exageration here. Try walking to the boat house during that time. In fact, you will come across many males waiting for each other in the bushes in that area at just about any time of year. Never understood why they just don't "hook up" at each other's apartment or get a room. Never understood that mentality.

Secondly, "all" as in all homosexuals is yet another ridiculous statement. But there is certainly a high concentration of depraved behavior by homosexuals during this parade and that is what the public sees by their doing. Here's another demonstration of how not to gain equality and respect when in fact you are displaying the most degenerate, indecent, and disgusting behavior in public. What is that point of that? And what person would allow their children to be among these particular people who happen to have this sense of urgency to expose themselves? lol I mean really. It's pathetic. And that fact that you endorse this makes you a likely poster child leading their parade.

What is also rather disgusting is that the homosexual community has attempted to disgrace the Catholic Church into participating in such a display. It's laughable if not completely outrageous and that is what is coming from the homosexual community. That is the message that they are sending to society. We here, we're queer and we will indiscriminately voice our sexuality because it's our civil right to do so.

God Bless America!!

Anne Marie
To begin with, heterosexuals do not organize parades celebratng their sexual liberation, explicitly.

Nor do all homosexuals, as you implied they all do

Secondly, "all" as in all homosexuals is yet another ridiculous statement.

you said that homosexuals do something. Not some- that being a homosexual = a participant
What is also rather disgusting is that the homosexual community has attempted to disgrace the Catholic Church

The Catholics church needs noone's help being a disgrce
As an organization, I might agree with your comments about the Catholic Church given their poor management of their pedophile priests. They should have had these people prosecuted and imprisoned for life. Not sure what they were thinking except saving face. What's more after they sent these guys on a "retreat" they were reintroduced to other parishes. That entire situation was pretty devastating, and quite frankly I have to wonder now why homosexuals would target the Catholic Church.

Hmmmmm. Never put that together until now! Hmmmmm I guess it takes one to know one. What better place to "spread" their word. lol

Anne Marie
Oh by the way, the comment about homosexuals disgracing the Catholic Church was cut off. You conveniently left out the rest of the sentence.

.... disgracing the Catholic Church into participating in such a display.

Nice try, Goober.

As an organization, I might agree with your comments about the Catholic Church given their poor management of their pedophile priests. They should have had these people prosecuted and imprisoned for life. Not sure what they were thinking except saving face. What's more after they sent these guys on a "retreat" they were reintroduced to other parishes. That entire situation was pretty devastating, and quite frankly I have to wonder now why homosexuals would target the Catholic Church.

Hmmmmm. Never put that together until now! Hmmmmm I guess it takes one to know one. What better place to "spread" their word. lol

Anne Marie

The gays were targeting the catholic church? Back in the middle ages, gays became priests because at the time society tortured and killed gays. Which is why monks and that went to far away retreats, so they could be left alone to engage in homo sex.
And anyways, in the bible, god asked adam to stay in eden with him for blissful eternity, but adam went and ate the fruit that made him want to have sex with eve instead, so god kicked them both out of eden. That's a pretty homosexual story, not to forget the phallic symbol bad boy snake.
Give it up, anne
we gave up hope on you ever saying anything intelligent a long time ago

We? lol. So you are the poster boy. I should have known considering you absolutely refuse to have an intelligent debate on topic.


So you saying that Homosexuals want to join the Catholic Church to zone in on the action? What a concept.

Anne Marie

So you saying that Homosexuals want to join the Catholic Church to zone in on the action? What a concept.

Anne Marie

Why do you think the cath church has so many pedophile priests? Why do you think they're not allowed to marry? Why do you think they go to monasteries to pray for years at a time? Because 'the calling" as it's called, is when you realize that you're gay. Why else do they all look gay? I have absolutely nothing against gays, I just think that it's funny that the cath church protests against gays, when almost all the priests are gay themselves (I'll give you that there are some that MIGHT not be gay, prolly just deformed or miniscule genetalia).

btw, did you know that you belong to a religion that puts women in their place as second class citizens?
Sydney if you're going to post articles that are really long, can you please not the post the entire thing as one giant wall of text.

Also worldnetdaily is beyond biased and such they make very lousy sources.
I usually just post urls but in some cases I provide the actual article. I'll simmer a bit with that. Worldnetdaily is biased but they still write about the truth. Biased people don't have to lie about what they believe especially when the news is coming from true life stories.

Family oriented organizations who write about Homosexuality such as the issue of homosexual schooling in public schools that was not passed in California, they are simply reporting the truth and offering their opinions. Their opinion is of course just their opinion, but it's predicated on actual events.

I hear that a lot about biased organizations but simply saying they're biased or bigoted is as arbitrary as anyones opinions. It facts remain a they are. They way they are absorbed is the discussion.

Anne Marie
The more biased a source is the more likely they'll distort, fib and paint a less than accurate picture of what really happened, and this is true no matter which side they're biased towards (and I've seen it first hand on all sides, although it really isn't hard to find).

If you really trust people with a clear as day agenda to give you fair and accurate news on the subject of their agenda, you're a fool.
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The more biased a source is the more likely they'll distort, fib and paint a less than accurate picture of what really happened, and this is true no matter which side they're biased towards (and I've seen it first hand on all sides, although it really isn't hard to find).

If you really trust people with a clear as day agenda to give you fair and accurate news on the subject of their agenda, you're a fool.

It's not a matter of trusting someones opinion as much as going to the source of information and the credibility of the news source.

Take for instance Roe v. Wade. That was a law enacted to protect the rights of women. That is the core source of discussion. However, there have been countless articles, discussions, interpretations and critical battles in it's adoption in this country. It covers perhaps the broadest ground of any other discussion in this society.

Anne Marie
The more biased a source is the more likely they'll distort, fib and paint a less than accurate picture of what really happened, and this is true no matter which side they're biased towards (and I've seen it first hand on all sides, although it really isn't hard to find).

If you really trust people with a clear as day agenda to give you fair and accurate news on the subject of their agenda, you're a fool.

It's not a matter of trusting someones opinion as much as going to the source of information and the credibility of the news source.

Take for instance Roe v. Wade. That was a law enacted to protect the rights of women. That is the core source of discussion. However, there have been countless articles, discussions, interpretations and critical battles in it's adoption in this country. It covers perhaps the broadest ground of any other discussion in this society.

Anne Marie

Roe vs Wade is about freedom of choice, or no choice at all. Some people just can't stand to give folks the choice to choose for themselves. A lot of Americans are really moral communists.
Roe V. Wade was argue not on facts or in regards to rights. It was built around lies and manipulation

I don't know about that, but it certainly demonstrates selective and inconsistent interpretation of constitutional rights. How, for example, does the alleged right to privacy, the cornerstone of the Roe decision, not apply to a guy who is growing weed in his front window and then smoking his harvest? :eusa_think:
Roe V. Wade was argue not on facts or in regards to rights. It was built around lies and manipulation

I don't know about that, but it certainly demonstrates selective and inconsistent interpretation of constitutional rights. How, for example, does the alleged right to privacy, the cornerstone of the Roe decision, not apply to a guy who is growing weed in his front window and then smoking his harvest? :eusa_think:

Get a light and grow it in your basement I guess. even more privacy :D

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