The events in Paris are the reason we should NOT take any Muslim refugees from the middle east

Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12
There are a couple problems with your suggestion. Denying entrance to US based on religious grounds would clearly be a constitutional violation. Also, federal law prevents the government from asking a person's religious. Lastly, what good would it do? An Islamic terrorist entering this country intending to engage in terrorist activities is certain not going to declare their religion to government.

There are a couple problems with your suggestion. Denying entrance to US based on religious grounds would clearly be a constitutional violation.

That's an interesting claim. Which part of the Constitution?
Assuming we are talking about preventing Muslim from entering the US, Amendment 1.

foreigners have no rights under the Constitution, so the First Amendment doesn't apply to them.
Elimination or limitation of the growth of a religion in the US by the government is going to be a violation of the 1st amendment. In addition to the constitution, federal law prevents the government from collecting any data on a persons religion. Immigration law excludes religion and race as a criteria for immigration. Trying to use religion as a basis for denying enter to the US is just not going to work.

Immigration law can be changed. That's the whole point of this discussion. Nothing in the Constitution says it can't exclude Muslims.
There are a couple problems with your suggestion. Denying entrance to US based on religious grounds would clearly be a constitutional violation.

That's an interesting claim. Which part of the Constitution?
Assuming we are discussing preventing Muslim from entering the US, Amendment 1.

Nope. That only applies to America or people living here. It doesn't apply to foreigners in foreign countries.
You know quite well that is not how SCOTUS would see it. To eliminate or lessen the number of Muslims in the US, would put the government in the position of prohibiting the free exercise of a religion and that is a clearly a violation of the 1st amendment. Even a court packed with conversations would agree.

And just how would SCOTUS ENFORCE a stupid ruling like that if the Executive disagrees... Remember SCOTUS is only 1/3 of the government, and has NO POWER unless the executive agrees and will enforce it, as per the Constitution.... Unusual times, such as this, call for UNUSUAL methods for survival!
If the SCOTUS finds that the president is acting in violation of federal law or the constitution, then the president must yield. If not congress must act because the president is required to execute the law.

Obama proved otherwise.
I have got to pat myself on the back, because I called this one and I knew this was sooner or later gonna happen and low and behold, it happened. Its was very foolish of Europe to allow an open border policy when all the world has had terrorist attacks from Islamic extremist...And realizing that 80% of those fleeing, WE're FUCKIN MEN!!!!!!!!! What better way to enter a country with terrorist intent, than to join those fleeing???? It was a perfect storm, that all of the world should have saw coming.
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12
Stay out of their nations, arm them all, not just the Zionists, and see what happens. Their precious oil however, you won't have access to that, which is the only reason we've ever been there.
We have plenty of our own oil but you dumbfucks won't let us get it

Oh, so use your bike, you moron!!
Figures the very same hawks who run their mouths and beat their chests about using the military like it's a toy are on the side of not wanting to take any responsibility for displacing vast amounts of people.

If you don't want a refugee crisis because you're afraid they'll turn into jihadists, then maybe don't get involved in endless military stalemates in their home countries?

Those assholes aren't worth my countrymen and women dying over. They can't even hold a city down once they win one because they have no governing strategy to speak of. They don't know about running water, they have food problems, medicine. There's a reason why ISIS doesn't have any more than 20 or 30,000 "members" and it's because they're dead-enders who do what dead-enders do, which is to take out their misery on innocent people.

This will be won when good Muslims finally have the balls to take out their own trash. And we need to twist their arms to do it now by threatening to walk away from the Middle East altogether and to take our foreign aid with us.
Interesting. It does seem as if most of these "refugees" are young men. Where are all the women and children?

United Nations says 72% of Syrian “refugees” are MEN, only 13% are children! » The Right Scoop -

72% of the 400,000 refugees who tried going by sea were men. That's what that graph is all about, although right-wing media tried to pawn it off as 72% of ALL Syrian refugees.

There are 4 million registered Syrian refugees in total, and 2.1 million are women, 1.9 million are men, while 38.5% of the 4 million are aged 11 and younger.

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees
Interesting. It does seem as if most of these "refugees" are young men. Where are all the women and children?

United Nations says 72% of Syrian “refugees” are MEN, only 13% are children! » The Right Scoop -

72% of the 400,000 refugees who tried going by sea were men. That's what that graph is all about, although right-wing media tried to pawn it off as 72% of ALL Syrian refugees.

There are 4 million registered Syrian refugees in total, and 2.1 million are women, 1.9 million are men, while 38.5% of the 4 million are aged 11 and younger.

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

So? If they aren't Syrian, then where ARE these 72% coming from? Some other middle eastern cesspool of religious garbage?
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12

THe US, and the Coalition of the Fucktards , have been fucking around in the middle east since , at least, 1949.

Payback is a bitch.

Hey dipshit read some history. Barbary pirates

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Hey dipshit some history : Barbary pirates "the main purpose of their attacks was to capture Christian slaves for the Ottoman slave trade".

No go eat a banana and fantasize is me.

Lord you are dumb.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
If the french people still haven't recognised the dangers of diversity, and the link between diversity and this unprecedented vicious attack then I will not show any ounce of sympathy for them...... you reap what you sew. Europeans need to rise up against the traitors in their government. They don't care about Europeans. Their only concern is trying to look good in front of a camera. They have destroyed an entire civilization with in just 70 years. Hitler warned us about any nation who does not protect its purity will perish.

Any low-life, piece of shit idiot who seeks inspiration from fucking hitler deserves nothing but disdain at most.
If the french people still haven't recognised the dangers of diversity, and the link between diversity and this unprecedented vicious attack then I will not show any ounce of sympathy for them...... you reap what you sew. Europeans need to rise up against the traitors in their government. They don't care about Europeans. Their only concern is trying to look good in front of a camera. They have destroyed an entire civilization with in just 70 years. Hitler warned us about any nation who does not protect its purity will perish.

Any low-life, piece of shit idiot who seeks inspiration from fucking hitler deserves nothing but disdain at most.

substitute "obama" for "hitler" and you're a winner.
The liberals want a attack here because they believe we deserve it for supporting the Jews

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
fuck the jews..they are bigoted supremacists..."gods own people"..indeed!..what hogwash...and whites and christians are "unclean"...and "goyim" and "shiksas" to them.

fuck the muzzies..they are bigoted supremacists...whites and christians are "infidels" to them.

Let the jews and the muzzies work out their own problems and last man standing "wins"....fighting endless proxy wars for israel in the ME is part of the problem.
The liberals want a attack here because they believe we deserve it for supporting the Jews

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
fuck the jews..they are bigoted supremacists..."gods own people"..indeed!..what hogwash...and whites and christians are "unclean"...and "goyim" and "shiksas" to them.

fuck the muzzies..they are bigoted supremacists...whites and christians are "infidels" to them.

Let the jews and the muzzies work out their own problems and last man standing "wins"....fighting endless proxy wars for israel in the ME is part of the problem.
Proving me right

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The liberals want a attack here because they believe we deserve it for supporting the Jews

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
fuck the jews..they are bigoted supremacists..."gods own people"..indeed!..what hogwash...and whites and christians are "unclean"...and "goyim" and "shiksas" to them.

fuck the muzzies..they are bigoted supremacists...whites and christians are "infidels" to them.

Let the jews and the muzzies work out their own problems and last man standing "wins"....fighting endless proxy wars for israel in the ME is part of the problem.
Proving me right

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

the truth is large. go ahead and refute what I said....

LMAO..just can't refute any of it and you know it... It's all true.
The liberals want a attack here because they believe we deserve it for supporting the Jews

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
fuck the jews..they are bigoted supremacists..."gods own people"..indeed!..what hogwash...and whites and christians are "unclean"...and "goyim" and "shiksas" to them.

fuck the muzzies..they are bigoted supremacists...whites and christians are "infidels" to them.

Let the jews and the muzzies work out their own problems and last man standing "wins"....fighting endless proxy wars for israel in the ME is part of the problem.
Proving me right

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

the truth is large. go ahead and refute what I said....

LMAO..just can't refute any of it and you know it... It's all true.
Refute the fact that you want genocide? Why when you just said you do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The liberals want a attack here because they believe we deserve it for supporting the Jews

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
fuck the jews..they are bigoted supremacists..."gods own people"..indeed!..what hogwash...and whites and christians are "unclean"...and "goyim" and "shiksas" to them.

fuck the muzzies..they are bigoted supremacists...whites and christians are "infidels" to them.

Let the jews and the muzzies work out their own problems and last man standing "wins"....fighting endless proxy wars for israel in the ME is part of the problem.
Proving me right

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

the truth is large. go ahead and refute what I said....

LMAO..just can't refute any of it and you know it... It's all true.
Refute the fact that you want genocide? Why when you just said you do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

no son..refute this;
rotagilla said:
fuck the jews..they are bigoted supremacists..."gods own people"..indeed!..what hogwash...and whites and christians are "unclean"...and "goyim" and "shiksas" to them.

fuck the muzzies..they are bigoted supremacists...whites and christians are "infidels" to them.

try to focus.
The liberals want a attack here because they believe we deserve it for supporting the Jews

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
fuck the jews..they are bigoted supremacists..."gods own people"..indeed!..what hogwash...and whites and christians are "unclean"...and "goyim" and "shiksas" to them.

fuck the muzzies..they are bigoted supremacists...whites and christians are "infidels" to them.

Let the jews and the muzzies work out their own problems and last man standing "wins"....fighting endless proxy wars for israel in the ME is part of the problem.
Proving me right

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

the truth is large. go ahead and refute what I said....

LMAO..just can't refute any of it and you know it... It's all true.
Refute the fact that you want genocide? Why when you just said you do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's the Muslims and Jews who want White Genocide. That is what's taking place here. Their goal is the destruction of our race, culture and heritage.
The liberals want a attack here because they believe we deserve it for supporting the Jews

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
fuck the jews..they are bigoted supremacists..."gods own people"..indeed!..what hogwash...and whites and christians are "unclean"...and "goyim" and "shiksas" to them.

fuck the muzzies..they are bigoted supremacists...whites and christians are "infidels" to them.

Let the jews and the muzzies work out their own problems and last man standing "wins"....fighting endless proxy wars for israel in the ME is part of the problem.
Proving me right

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

the truth is large. go ahead and refute what I said....

LMAO..just can't refute any of it and you know it... It's all true.
Refute the fact that you want genocide? Why when you just said you do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's the Muslims and Jews who want White Genocide. That is what's taking place here. Their goal is the destruction of our race, culture and heritage.
Lmao. Are you kidding me? Listen little child if race is the center of your univers you are as stupid as a Democrat and just as hateful.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

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