The events in Paris are the reason we should NOT take any Muslim refugees from the middle east

Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12
There are a couple problems with your suggestion. Denying entrance to US based on religious grounds would clearly be a constitutional violation. Also, federal law prevents the government from asking a person's religious. Lastly, what good would it do? An Islamic terrorist entering this country intending to engage in terrorist activities is certain not going to declare their religion to government.

There are a couple problems with your suggestion. Denying entrance to US based on religious grounds would clearly be a constitutional violation.

That's an interesting claim. Which part of the Constitution?
Assuming we are discussing preventing Muslim from entering the US, Amendment 1.

Nope. That only applies to America or people living here. It doesn't apply to foreigners in foreign countries.
You know quite well that is not how SCOTUS would see it. To eliminate or lessen the number of Muslims in the US, would put the government in the position of prohibiting the free exercise of a religion and that is a clearly a violation of the 1st amendment. Even a court packed with conversations would agree.

To eliminate or lessen the number of Muslims in the US, would put the government in the position of prohibiting the free exercise of a religion

They're free to exercise their religion, somewhere else.
Wrong! Neither the Japanese nor Germans were confined because of their religious preference.

Replace ETHNIC with RELIGIOUS for CURRENT CONDITIONS... do I have to spell out everything for you?...OR are you just a terrorist sympathizer...I, for one, would not be surprised!
There are about 100 recognized ethnic groups and almost all of them contain Muslims. To make it little more complicated, most people are a combination of ethnic groups. So discriminating basic ethnicity won't work.
We'll do our best!
You can no more legally stop Muslims from entering the country than Catholics, Jews, or Hindus.
You can stop ANYONE from entering this country. Unless of course you live in the land of make believe aka liberaltopia
Try to stop people from entering the country based on their religious beliefs and see how fast the courts say no.
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12
There are a couple problems with your suggestion. Denying entrance to US based on religious grounds would clearly be a constitutional violation. Also, federal law prevents the government from asking a person's religious. Lastly, what good would it do? An Islamic terrorist entering this country intending to engage in terrorist activities is certain not going to declare their religion to government.

There are a couple problems with your suggestion. Denying entrance to US based on religious grounds would clearly be a constitutional violation.

That's an interesting claim. Which part of the Constitution?
Assuming we are discussing preventing Muslim from entering the US, Amendment 1.

Nope. That only applies to America or people living here. It doesn't apply to foreigners in foreign countries.
You know quite well that is not how SCOTUS would see it. To eliminate or lessen the number of Muslims in the US, would put the government in the position of prohibiting the free exercise of a religion and that is a clearly a violation of the 1st amendment. Even a court packed with conversations would agree.

And just how would SCOTUS ENFORCE a stupid ruling like that if the Executive disagrees... Remember SCOTUS is only 1/3 of the government, and has NO POWER unless the executive agrees and will enforce it, as per the Constitution.... Unusual times, such as this, call for UNUSUAL methods for survival!
Replace ETHNIC with RELIGIOUS for CURRENT CONDITIONS... do I have to spell out everything for you?...OR are you just a terrorist sympathizer...I, for one, would not be surprised!
There are about 100 recognized ethnic groups and almost all of them contain Muslims. To make it little more complicated, most people are a combination of ethnic groups. So discriminating basic ethnicity won't work.
We'll do our best!
You can no more legally stop Muslims from entering the country than Catholics, Jews, or Hindus.
You can stop ANYONE from entering this country. Unless of course you live in the land of make believe aka liberaltopia
Try to stop people from entering the country based on their religious beliefs and see how fast the courts say no.
oh..there are plenty of other reasons to stop them..We can come up with one...If I have to take my shoes off in airports for "security" reasons, we can keep these people out for the same
There are a couple problems with your suggestion. Denying entrance to US based on religious grounds would clearly be a constitutional violation. Also, federal law prevents the government from asking a person's religious. Lastly, what good would it do? An Islamic terrorist entering this country intending to engage in terrorist activities is certain not going to declare their religion to government.

There are a couple problems with your suggestion. Denying entrance to US based on religious grounds would clearly be a constitutional violation.

That's an interesting claim. Which part of the Constitution?
Assuming we are discussing preventing Muslim from entering the US, Amendment 1.

Nope. That only applies to America or people living here. It doesn't apply to foreigners in foreign countries.
You know quite well that is not how SCOTUS would see it. To eliminate or lessen the number of Muslims in the US, would put the government in the position of prohibiting the free exercise of a religion and that is a clearly a violation of the 1st amendment. Even a court packed with conversations would agree.

To eliminate or lessen the number of Muslims in the US, would put the government in the position of prohibiting the free exercise of a religion

They're free to exercise their religion, somewhere else.
Yes, they are free to exercise their religious freedom somewhere else but the constitution is not concerned with exercise of religious freedom somewhere else.
There are a couple problems with your suggestion. Denying entrance to US based on religious grounds would clearly be a constitutional violation.

That's an interesting claim. Which part of the Constitution?
Assuming we are discussing preventing Muslim from entering the US, Amendment 1.

Nope. That only applies to America or people living here. It doesn't apply to foreigners in foreign countries.
You know quite well that is not how SCOTUS would see it. To eliminate or lessen the number of Muslims in the US, would put the government in the position of prohibiting the free exercise of a religion and that is a clearly a violation of the 1st amendment. Even a court packed with conversations would agree.

To eliminate or lessen the number of Muslims in the US, would put the government in the position of prohibiting the free exercise of a religion

They're free to exercise their religion, somewhere else.
Yes, they are free to exercise their religious freedom somewhere else but the constitution is not concerned with exercise of religious freedom somewhere else.

Excellent. Stop them from entering, for their religious freedom!
There are a couple problems with your suggestion. Denying entrance to US based on religious grounds would clearly be a constitutional violation.

That's an interesting claim. Which part of the Constitution?
Assuming we are discussing preventing Muslim from entering the US, Amendment 1.

Nope. That only applies to America or people living here. It doesn't apply to foreigners in foreign countries.
You know quite well that is not how SCOTUS would see it. To eliminate or lessen the number of Muslims in the US, would put the government in the position of prohibiting the free exercise of a religion and that is a clearly a violation of the 1st amendment. Even a court packed with conversations would agree.

To eliminate or lessen the number of Muslims in the US, would put the government in the position of prohibiting the free exercise of a religion

They're free to exercise their religion, somewhere else.
Yes, they are free to exercise their religious freedom somewhere else but the constitution is not concerned with exercise of religious freedom somewhere else.
Oh we can parse words and play semantic games...but america isn't going to put up with 3rd world peasants disrupting our country. There will be blowback.
The group said this is for Syria. The first group of Invaders just came over here to New Orleans.. This is coming here and if an attack happens its all ON Obama.. Cant blame the republicans for this crap! Syrian refugees beginning to arrive in New Orleans

go show the french your funny cartoons..see if they're amused.
There are about 100 recognized ethnic groups and almost all of them contain Muslims. To make it little more complicated, most people are a combination of ethnic groups. So discriminating basic ethnicity won't work.
We'll do our best!
You can no more legally stop Muslims from entering the country than Catholics, Jews, or Hindus.
You can stop ANYONE from entering this country. Unless of course you live in the land of make believe aka liberaltopia
Try to stop people from entering the country based on their religious beliefs and see how fast the courts say no.
oh..there are plenty of other reasons to stop them..We can come up with one...If I have to take my shoes off in airports for "security" reasons, we can keep these people out for the same
Sure, if Muslims entering the US refuse to take off their shoes. However, I doubt Islamic terrorist are going to that.
If the french people still haven't recognised the dangers of diversity, and the link between diversity and this unprecedented vicious attack then I will not show any ounce of sympathy for them...... you reap what you sew. Europeans need to rise up against the traitors in their government. They don't care about Europeans. Their only concern is trying to look good in front of a camera. They have destroyed an entire civilization with in just 70 years. Hitler warned us about any nation who does not protect its purity will perish.
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12

I got a better idea. Let's just not kill anymore Arab Muslims over there.

As long as we ship all our Muslims over there, you have a deal.

Our illegal aliens look pretty tame compared to third world Arab Muslim shithole people.

The US can easily change all of that. A little experiment can be conducted . Let history repeat itself.

Have the US invade Mexico.

As a condition for leaving the US should demand that the State of Veracruz be given to Bibi and the Zionuts , so they can create Israhell II.

Fuck the people of Veracruz - let the Zionuts murder or disappear them as they wish. Then have the Zionuts claim that there is no such entity as Veracruz.

Then let's see what happens.

Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12

The US, and the Coalition of the Fucktards , have been fucking around in the middle east since , at least, 1949.

Payback is a bitch.

Fuck you

Making sure the message sinks in. Warmongers have thick skulls:

The US, and the Coalition of the Fucktards , have been fucking around in the middle east since , at least, 1949.

Payback is a bitch.

Then apparently Obozo shouldn't have started his illegal war in Syria, DUMBASS!!!




Making sure the message sinks in. Warmongers have thick skulls:

The US, and the Coalition of the Fucktards , have been fucking around in the middle east since , at least, 1949.

Payback is a bitch.

Then apparently Obozo shouldn't have started his illegal war in Syria, DUMBASS!!!





President Trump would NOT have done that..... But McLame was all for it, as was McGrAmnesty!

Russian airstrikes in Syria 'OK' with Trump
AS THEY SHOULD BE!!!!!...Trump would NOT have given Al Qaeda any money or arms, or is this difficult for you to understand?

he's a typical anti american...jealous and resentful...always rooting for bad things to happen to america so he can gloat and feign superiority...using this horrific mess in paris as a platform to vent and disparage america.
Assuming we are discussing preventing Muslim from entering the US, Amendment 1.
Lol, you liberals have twisted the 1st Amendment all to hell so that Madison himself wouldnt recognize it.

The restrictions on religious tests is to prohibit it being done for federal office holders, later extended by a massive re-interpretation of the 14th.

It has nothing to do with preventing the complete banning of entire religions from the US if we want to.
what would you call banning a religion if not preventing the free exercise of religion?

i doubt even you are so dumb as to believe the united states government can ban a religion
Fuck em. If they can't fight for their freedom in their own home country why bring the cowards here.
At the very least NO MALES OVER THE AGE OF 12


Regugees should be screened but taken based on need not religion.
I NEVER mentioned religion. Dunno why so many of you are obsessed with the pie in the sky nonsense.


It's pretty obvious that 99% are of one religion and no one will care about those who are not that religion.

Oh shit. I'm in a crap mood. All this is just going to generate ever more hate. Not solutions - just ethnic/religious hatred with innocents caught in the middle.
We'll do our best!
You can no more legally stop Muslims from entering the country than Catholics, Jews, or Hindus.
You can stop ANYONE from entering this country. Unless of course you live in the land of make believe aka liberaltopia
Try to stop people from entering the country based on their religious beliefs and see how fast the courts say no.
oh..there are plenty of other reasons to stop them..We can come up with one...If I have to take my shoes off in airports for "security" reasons, we can keep these people out for the same
Sure, if Muslims entering the US refuse to take off their shoes. However, I doubt Islamic terrorist are going to that. cute!..a comedian! should hire an could probably get your own television show.
Replace ETHNIC with RELIGIOUS for CURRENT CONDITIONS... do I have to spell out everything for you?...OR are you just a terrorist sympathizer...I, for one, would not be surprised!
There are about 100 recognized ethnic groups and almost all of them contain Muslims. To make it little more complicated, most people are a combination of ethnic groups. So discriminating basic ethnicity won't work.
We'll do our best!
You can no more legally stop Muslims from entering the country than Catholics, Jews, or Hindus.
You can stop ANYONE from entering this country. Unless of course you live in the land of make believe aka liberaltopia
Try to stop people from entering the country based on their religious beliefs and see how fast the courts say no.
Like I said. Land of lunatic liberals. There is no guarantee to enter the UnitedStates. You're a flaming fool

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