"The evidence of fraud is overwhelming." (President Trump in Georgia last night)

When did folks who consider themselves rugged individualists become such cry babies?I think the logic here is, If the election didn’t end the way I want the whole system must be compromised? You sound like a bunch of Hilary supporters, who just could not believe that many people really dislike her.
Well friends, a lot of people do not like Democratic policies but they liked the prospect of 4 more years of Trumps shenanigans even less.
Yeah.....Russia....Russia....Russia.....fuk you.
... and I'm sure when I last played Mega Millions a few years ago fraud is the only reason why I'm not a multi-millionaire.
Most of you would rather stay in denial and keep believing the media lies, but pretty soon it will be time to move forward.

President Trump's full speech at the Valdosta, Georgia rally yesterday.

I agree! Great speech in Georgia by the President!:clap:


Read this carefully.....very carefully

"To secure rights granted to us in the constitution, a government will be instituted purely by our consent, and that should any government be instituted by fraud so as to be destructive of these ends, it is our RIGHT to reject, alter or to abolish it. That is why #BidenWillNeverBePresident. "

China Biden will never, never, never in a million years be President.

This below will never happen!


Mr. Joe Biden is the elected president of the USA. He will overtake the government affairs of the USA in January, 20th - as far as I am informed right. Normally the former president will inform the new presdident about everything what has to do with the government of the USA and the fromer preoasndet wil ask the future president in case of all decisions he liker to do ot make the new start of a new president to a continous strong stream. That's the traditional US-American way.

If Donald Trump will still be president of the USA on 21st of January 2021 - against the result of the elections in 2020 - then I think it will be definetelly clear that it will be the duty of every member of the western world to eliminate Donald Trump - dead or alive. And you are a member of a terror organisation in case Donald Trump will still be president on 21st of January 2021. So - whatever are the reasons why you say such mad and stupid things: Let it be! You will destroy your own life, outlaw.


I hate it to have to say such things, but your tyrant gives no one any other serios chance in the world than to kill him. His trying to create now an absurde "Dolchstoßlegende" (stab-in-the-back-legend) will lead your country into an evil future the more people believe in this absurde nosense. No oe saw any syr5emni pernsm of yoru egison nor any impo0rtmnat irregularity. But Trump is not able to accept to be a loser on psychopatholigical reasons. And the ego-centralized narcissist Donald Trump seems to infect everyone with his narcissism. He lost!!! That's all. Accept the reality and be happy. Enjoy Christmas and accept that the election campaign is over.

Just because you don't want to believe the evidence don't take it out on me.

There is loads of evidence out there and hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by both Dem and Rep watchers. Signing an illegal affidavit will land you in court for perjury. I doubt anyone would sign a false affidavit.

He hasn't lost yet. I'd bet this will land in front of the SC and they will see all the evidence and talk to those that signed the affidavit. MIT is already looking into Dominion. Loads of evidence.

Suck it up buttercup. Its going to be a bumpy ride.

Idiot-gram ^^^; extended idiocy. But I might have judged you too harshly, since you've claimed to know the evidence, please post it. Make sure that anything you post is probative or admit you are brainwashed.

I hate it to have to say such things, but your tyrant gives no one any other serios chance in the world than to kill him. His trying to create now an absurde "Dolchstoßlegende" (stab-in-the-back-legend) will lead your country into an evil future the more people believe in this absurde nosense. No oe saw any syr5emni pernsm of yoru egison nor any impo0rtmnat irregularity. But Trump is not able to accept to be a loser on psychopatholigical reasons. And the ego-centralized narcissist Donald Trump seems to infect everyone with his narcissism. He lost!!! That's all. Accept the reality and be happy. Enjoy Christmas and accept that the election campaign is over.

Just because you don't want to believe the evidence don't take it out on me.

There is loads of evidence out there and hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by both Dem and Rep watchers. Signing an illegal affidavit will land you in court for perjury. I doubt anyone would sign a false affidavit.

He hasn't lost yet. I'd bet this will land in front of the SC and they will see all the evidence and talk to those that signed the affidavit. MIT is already looking into Dominion. Loads of evidence.

Suck it up buttercup. Its going to be a bumpy ride.

Idiot-gram ^^^; extended idiocy. But I might have judged you too harshly, since you've claimed to know the evidence, please post it. Make sure that anything you post is probative or admit you are brainwashed.
The Attorney General, Republican governors, and freakin' Trump-appointed judges can't get through to these people.

No one can. This will just have to take time.
Most of you would rather stay in denial and keep believing the media lies, but pretty soon it will be time to move forward.

President Trump's full speech at the Valdosta, Georgia rally yesterday.

I agree! Great speech in Georgia by the President!:clap:


Read this carefully.....very carefully

"To secure rights granted to us in the constitution, a government will be instituted purely by our consent, and that should any government be instituted by fraud so as to be destructive of these ends, it is our RIGHT to reject, alter or to abolish it. That is why #BidenWillNeverBePresident. "

China Biden will never, never, never in a million years be President.

This below will never happen!

View attachment 426401

Wow, anyone who believed dumb donald's rally speech was anything more than a man-child cry baby who lost his toy is truly amazing. Narcissists can't stand rejection, and megalomaniacs even lie to themselves when they didn't get what they wanted.
Most of you would rather stay in denial and keep believing the media lies, but pretty soon it will be time to move forward.

President Trump's full speech at the Valdosta, Georgia rally yesterday.

I agree! Great speech in Georgia by the President!:clap:


Read this carefully.....very carefully

"To secure rights granted to us in the constitution, a government will be instituted purely by our consent, and that should any government be instituted by fraud so as to be destructive of these ends, it is our RIGHT to reject, alter or to abolish it. That is why #BidenWillNeverBePresident. "

China Biden will never, never, never in a million years be President.

This below will never happen!

View attachment 426401

Meanwhile back in reality, Being Butthurt that you lost a free and fair election is not suffering absolute despotism.

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

You lost, get over it, and try to do better next election.

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