The Evidence Supporting Prop 8 As Law In California Becomes Overwhelming

I stand corrected, thanks for the info.

With regard to same sex marriages, by the. United States Supreme Court kicking it back to the individual states, it becomes an individual state issue. That being said if a state doesn't recognize same sex marriage, you still can't force the to accept documents from a state which does. You have to accept the process and the will of the people. As difficult as it is, that is the way in which our nation was established.

You stand corrected again.

The Supreme Court did not ‘kick back’ Perry for the states to decide the issue, the High Court ruled that supporters of Proposition 8 lacked standing and the Court couldn’t rule on the merits of the case accordingly, letting stand the Ninth’s decision invalidating Proposition 8.

A similar case, with officers of a given state defending a measure prohibiting same-sex couples’ right to access to marriage law, could come to the Supreme Court for review.

Unless the United States Supreme Court has ruled that same sex marriage is legal and to be recognized on a NATIONAL level that ALL states must accept..... I do not stand corrected.

They haven't heard a case yet that decides that. The only case they chose to rule on was DOMA which only affected the states who correctly apply the 14th Amendment. They have yet to rule on the anti gay ones.
Unless the United States Supreme Court has ruled that same sex marriage is legal and to be recognized on a NATIONAL level that ALL states must accept..... I do not stand corrected.

Exactly. What is Upheld across all 50 states was the retroactive constitutional right to consensus on gay marriage. The right to say "yes" or "no" through a state consensus. In CA that consensus is the initiative system that twice said "no" to gay marriage. No other consensus has been held on the matter to my knowledge. 7 million have spoken. Gay marriage is NOT legal in California.
Unless the United States Supreme Court has ruled that same sex marriage is legal and to be recognized on a NATIONAL level that ALL states must accept..... I do not stand corrected.

Exactly. What is Upheld across all 50 states was the retroactive constitutional right to consensus on gay marriage. The right to say "yes" or "no" through a state consensus. In CA that consensus is the initiative system that twice said "no" to gay marriage. No other consensus has been held on the matter to my knowledge. 7 million have spoken. Gay marriage is NOT legal in California.

No it wasn't. The SCOTUS allowed the determination that Prop 8 was unconstitutional to remain in place.

What was determined in the DOMA case was that if the State said "Yes" that the Federal government could not ignore that. It did not address at all if the State said "No". The DOMA case was about Federal law, which by the way they said was clearly discriminatory and was found unconstitutional.

Look folks, we are probably going to sanction gay marriage in this country. If you don't think that is a slippery slope to bigamy and polygamy and other forms of "marriage" then you don't know how lawyers work or how our legal system works.

If you think that sanctioning all forms of marriage will make our society better, then you have a perfect right to think that.

Many believe that our society will crumble if that is allowed, and they have an equal right think that.

Societal morals and ethics should be set by the society by a majority vote, not by a bunch of high paid lawyers speaking latin.

The fact is that the constitution is silent on marriage, any form of marriage. So to try to make a constitutional argument is playing games.

I cannot predict how this will play out, but our culture is at stake.

homosexuality is an aberation of the human condition----it is not normal or equal to heterosexuality.

gays should have equal rights, because I do believe that SOME of them have no choice in their sexuality.

but to call a gay union a marriage is culturally damaging IMHO
it is unfair to those going to court to not know they dont have standing except after 3 layers of court.
IF those defending prop8 had known they would be denied standing they would not have defended the law in the fist place. That is another part of the joke that is the federal court system along with gimmicky rules on standing that say a case already won, in DOMA, could continue on to Supreme court, and yet a whole states voters could be essentially denied standing.

Well in a sense what the court is indirectly demonstrating, is that the right of the people to petition their government and allow their voice to be heard is both insignificant and irrelevant. A woman's right to vote wasn't simply accomplished in that fashion, there were Constitutional procedures to securing that right.... otherwise history would show the 14th Amendment would be enough to stand on its own merits.

I think I see what your saying, Since the gender issue of women voting wasnt solved by 14th than neither can gay marriage issue.
Look folks, we are probably going to sanction gay marriage in this country. If you don't think that is a slippery slope to bigamy and polygamy and other forms of "marriage" then you don't know how lawyers work or how our legal system works.

If you think that sanctioning all forms of marriage will make our society better, then you have a perfect right to think that.

Many believe that our society will crumble if that is allowed, and they have an equal right think that.

Societal morals and ethics should be set by the society by a majority vote, not by a bunch of high paid lawyers speaking latin.

The fact is that the constitution is silent on marriage, any form of marriage. So to try to make a constitutional argument is playing games.

I cannot predict how this will play out, but our culture is at stake.

homosexuality is an aberation of the human condition----it is not normal or equal to heterosexuality.

gays should have equal rights, because I do believe that SOME of them have no choice in their sexuality.

but to call a gay union a marriage is culturally damaging IMHO

So change the name...we're not stopping you.
Look folks, we are probably going to sanction gay marriage in this country. If you don't think that is a slippery slope to bigamy and polygamy and other forms of "marriage" then you don't know how lawyers work or how our legal system works.

If you think that sanctioning all forms of marriage will make our society better, then you have a perfect right to think that.

Many believe that our society will crumble if that is allowed, and they have an equal right think that.

Societal morals and ethics should be set by the society by a majority vote, not by a bunch of high paid lawyers speaking latin.

The fact is that the constitution is silent on marriage, any form of marriage. So to try to make a constitutional argument is playing games.

I cannot predict how this will play out, but our culture is at stake.

homosexuality is an aberation of the human condition----it is not normal or equal to heterosexuality.

gays should have equal rights, because I do believe that SOME of them have no choice in their sexuality.

but to call a gay union a marriage is culturally damaging IMHO

"We", like a cult Seawytch?

Our culture really is at stake. Marriage epitomizes the icon of social acceptance. When a behavior like homosexualiy is thusly iconized, look for HIV to start soaring in boys seeking to be "normal", like all teens do.

Oh, wait, that's already happening. Coincidentally just since gays started shoving their brand of marriage through in the 12 states it's now legal in and DC, there has been a skyrocket jump in new HIV cases in boys ages 13-29. I'm sure it's all just a coincidence.
What's worse is passing on the message that denying the civil right of Californians to consensus on gay marriage, the contsitutional right to say "no" to it was ripped away by rogue public servants who should be tried for contempt of the US Supreme Court and for civil rights violations.

The right of each vote to count in consensus in California's Prop 8 has been suppressed illegally. This can and must be tried in the courts and turned around. Literally, California's rogue officials are flipping the middle finger to the US Constitution.
Yup, the IRS recognize same-sex marriages at the federal level for income tax purposes.

That forces hetero-only marriage states to accept the federal regulation instead of their own, since almost all of them used the federal form as the platform for their state.

Yup, shakes and silhouette, you have nothing but a dead argument walking.
Look folks, we are probably going to sanction gay marriage in this country. If you don't think that is a slippery slope to bigamy and polygamy and other forms of "marriage" then you don't know how lawyers work or how our legal system works.

If you think that sanctioning all forms of marriage will make our society better, then you have a perfect right to think that.

Many believe that our society will crumble if that is allowed, and they have an equal right think that.

Societal morals and ethics should be set by the society by a majority vote, not by a bunch of high paid lawyers speaking latin.

The fact is that the constitution is silent on marriage, any form of marriage. So to try to make a constitutional argument is playing games.

I cannot predict how this will play out, but our culture is at stake.

homosexuality is an aberation of the human condition----it is not normal or equal to heterosexuality.

gays should have equal rights, because I do believe that SOME of them have no choice in their sexuality.

but to call a gay union a marriage is culturally damaging IMHO

"We", like a cult Seawytch?

No, "we" as in gays. Nobody in fact is stopping the "you can't use marriage" folks from changing the name.

Our culture really is at stake. Marriage epitomizes the icon of social acceptance. When a behavior like homosexualiy is thusly iconized, look for HIV to start soaring in boys seeking to be "normal", like all teens do.

Oh, wait, that's already happening. Coincidentally just since gays started shoving their brand of marriage through in the 12 states it's now legal in and DC, there has been a skyrocket jump in new HIV cases in boys ages 13-29. I'm sure it's all just a coincidence.

Yeah, I'm sure an increase in HIV is because gays are getting married in 13 states and DC. :rolleyes:
Look folks, we are probably going to sanction gay marriage in this country. If you don't think that is a slippery slope to bigamy and polygamy and other forms of "marriage" then you don't know how lawyers work or how our legal system works.

This is either ignorance or demagoguery on your part, and you clearly have no idea how our legal system works.

Marriage law can accommodate same-sex couples now, currently, without being rewritten or changed, that is not the case with bigamy and polygamy, where neither conform to current marriage laws, as currently written – consequently there is no ‘slippery slope.’

Marriage is a contract between two equal parties, two equal partners, where the couple can be either opposite- or same-sex; it makes no difference with regard to the wording of the contract (marriage).

It remains and is called ‘marriage,’ where the genders of the partners are irrelevant.

To ‘rename’ marriage is pointless nonsense, just as is the notion that allowing same-sex couples access to marriage would be ‘culturally damaging.’
Yup, the IRS recognize same-sex marriages at the federal level for income tax purposes.

That forces hetero-only marriage states to accept the federal regulation instead of their own, since almost all of them used the federal form as the platform for their state.

Yup, shakes and silhouette, you have nothing but a dead argument walking.

Go ahead and pit IRS tax codes agains the states' recent Affirmation of their constitutional right to choose yes or no [consensus] on gay marriage and see if an IRS tax code trumps a state's right to constitutional consensus on gay marriage in front of SCOTUS.

You can try to worm your way into forcing your perversion to be advertised to kids in each state via marriage as "normal", but you're going to find a constitutional right standing in your way now. What DOMA did was to legally shut down what gays are doing: forcing their subculture through the legal cracks via blackmail, coercion, and in the case of California, outright sedition on their constitution, their initiative system and in contempt of the US Supreme Court and the US Constitution.
Look folks, we are probably going to sanction gay marriage in this country. If you don't think that is a slippery slope to bigamy and polygamy and other forms of "marriage" then you don't know how lawyers work or how our legal system works.

This is either ignorance or demagoguery on your part, and you clearly have no idea how our legal system works.

Marriage law can accommodate same-sex couples now, currently, without being rewritten or changed, that is not the case with bigamy and polygamy, where neither conform to current marriage laws, as currently written – consequently there is no ‘slippery slope.’

Marriage is a contract between two equal parties, two equal partners, where the couple can be either opposite- or same-sex; it makes no difference with regard to the wording of the contract (marriage).

It remains and is called ‘marriage,’ where the genders of the partners are irrelevant.

To ‘rename’ marriage is pointless nonsense, just as is the notion that allowing same-sex couples access to marriage would be ‘culturally damaging.’

You are wrong. gender of the partners is not irrelevant. Most agree that gays should be able to make a legal committment to each other, but its not a marriage. Marriage is one man and one woman.

If the court system allows two females or two males to marry, then the next logical legal step will be to legalize bigamy and polygamy as forms of marriage.

once gay marriage is sanctioned then there is no legal basis to not sanction other forms of marriage contracts. The ACLU is just waiting.
Look folks, we are probably going to sanction gay marriage in this country. If you don't think that is a slippery slope to bigamy and polygamy and other forms of "marriage" then you don't know how lawyers work or how our legal system works.

If you think that sanctioning all forms of marriage will make our society better, then you have a perfect right to think that.

Many believe that our society will crumble if that is allowed, and they have an equal right think that.

Societal morals and ethics should be set by the society by a majority vote, not by a bunch of high paid lawyers speaking latin.

The fact is that the constitution is silent on marriage, any form of marriage. So to try to make a constitutional argument is playing games.

I cannot predict how this will play out, but our culture is at stake.

homosexuality is an aberation of the human condition----it is not normal or equal to heterosexuality.

gays should have equal rights, because I do believe that SOME of them have no choice in their sexuality.

but to call a gay union a marriage is culturally damaging IMHO

So change the name...we're not stopping you.

What? you are the one who is insisting that your gay union be called a marriage.

Like I said earlier, its not about equality and fairness because civil unions give you those things-------your agenda is to have the govt force the rest of us to accept gay unions as marriages, even though that violates our religions and our basic beliefs.

you want govt mandated thought control------and I say screw that.
What DOMA did was to legally shut down what gays are doing...

No it didn't, the DOMA decision was that when the State says "Yes" to SSCM, then the Federal government cannot not recognize it. States that said "No", were not addressed at all. The DOMA was about the Federal government discriminating against couples that were legally Civilly Married, it was not about requiring (or not requiring) States to grant such legal Civil Marriages.

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Look folks, we are probably going to sanction gay marriage in this country. If you don't think that is a slippery slope to bigamy and polygamy and other forms of "marriage" then you don't know how lawyers work or how our legal system works.

If you think that sanctioning all forms of marriage will make our society better, then you have a perfect right to think that.

Many believe that our society will crumble if that is allowed, and they have an equal right think that.

Societal morals and ethics should be set by the society by a majority vote, not by a bunch of high paid lawyers speaking latin.

The fact is that the constitution is silent on marriage, any form of marriage. So to try to make a constitutional argument is playing games.

I cannot predict how this will play out, but our culture is at stake.

homosexuality is an aberation of the human condition----it is not normal or equal to heterosexuality.

gays should have equal rights, because I do believe that SOME of them have no choice in their sexuality.

but to call a gay union a marriage is culturally damaging IMHO

So change the name...we're not stopping you.

What? you are the one who is insisting that your gay union be called a marriage.

Like I said earlier, its not about equality and fairness because civil unions give you those things-------your agenda is to have the govt force the rest of us to accept gay unions as marriages, even though that violates our religions and our basic beliefs.

you want govt mandated thought control------and I say screw that.

Wrong. Marriage licenses are what are granted by the government so that is what we demand equal access to. If you were to change it to civil unions for everyone, you'd get no complaint from gays.
So change the name...we're not stopping you.

What? you are the one who is insisting that your gay union be called a marriage.

Like I said earlier, its not about equality and fairness because civil unions give you those things-------your agenda is to have the govt force the rest of us to accept gay unions as marriages, even though that violates our religions and our basic beliefs.

you want govt mandated thought control------and I say screw that.

Wrong. Marriage licenses are what are granted by the government so that is what we demand equal access to. If you were to change it to civil unions for everyone, you'd get no complaint from gays.

a gay union is not equivalent to a man/woman marriage. It is an unnatural coupling of two adults of the same sex.

If you want to do it, fine. But its not a marriage.

I am done with you and this thread.
What? you are the one who is insisting that your gay union be called a marriage.

Like I said earlier, its not about equality and fairness because civil unions give you those things-------your agenda is to have the govt force the rest of us to accept gay unions as marriages, even though that violates our religions and our basic beliefs.

you want govt mandated thought control------and I say screw that.

Wrong. Marriage licenses are what are granted by the government so that is what we demand equal access to. If you were to change it to civil unions for everyone, you'd get no complaint from gays.

a gay union is not equivalent to a man/woman marriage. It is an unnatural coupling of two adults of the same sex.

If you want to do it, fine. But its not a marriage.

I am done with you and this thread.

That is your religious or ideological opinion. The law is not going to agree with it so if you don't want us to be legally married, hurry up and change the name now, we won't long as it applies to everyone.

Yes, run off again. You always come back.
opinion[/b]. The law is not going to agree with it so if you don't want us to be legally married, hurry up and change the name now, we won't long as it applies to everyone.

Yes, run off again. You always come back.

Correction. The law already does agree with him. The highest Law in the Land. In June this year the US Supreme Court Upheld that each state's consensus to choose yes or no on gay marriage is a constitutional right of theirs back to the founding of the country. It cited that each state's populace has a vested and protected interest in setting social norms via marriage as a distinct social institution for doing so. Read the dicta. Future lawyers will be...

So, if you think you are legally married in California, think again. No lower court may take that right away from each state. None. It's a retroactive finding. All lower findings previous and in conflict are destroyed and void. No finding whatsoever was made that gay marriage is a right. Zero.

Therefore, the civil rights of 7 million have been revoked illegally and in contempt of the constituitonal interpretation of the US Supreme Court. As you will soon enough find out.
opinion[/b]. The law is not going to agree with it so if you don't want us to be legally married, hurry up and change the name now, we won't long as it applies to everyone.

Yes, run off again. You always come back.

Correction. The law already does agree with him. The highest Law in the Land. In June this year the US Supreme Court Upheld that each state's consensus to choose yes or no on gay marriage is a constitutional right of theirs back to the founding of the country. It cited that each state's populace has a vested and protected interest in setting social norms via marriage as a distinct social institution for doing so. Read the dicta. Future lawyers will be...

So, if you think you are legally married in California, think again. No lower court may take that right away from each state. None. It's a retroactive finding. All lower findings previous and in conflict are destroyed and void. No finding whatsoever was made that gay marriage is a right. Zero.

Therefore, the civil rights of 7 million have been revoked illegally and in contempt of the constituitonal interpretation of the US Supreme Court. As you will soon enough find out.

I am legally married in CA. You're tired meme had been debunked from here to Sunday.

Change the name for everyone if you don't want us to be married.

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