The experts explain

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Jun 08 2020
Health Officials: Okay to Riot but Not to Protest Lockdowns
Our liberal ruling class has decreed that tens of millions had to be thrown out of work lest they spread Wuhan coronavirus, yet that same ruling class eggs on tightly packed mobs to take to the streets to denounce America, loot, and destroy. Some see an inconsistency here.

John Nolte even fumes that Anthony Fauci, who personifies the liberal technocracy, is a sociopath and either a liar or a fraud:
Is he a fraud who still believes these mass gatherings are a nightmare scenario, but is unwilling to use his massive public platform to say so out loud because shaming protesters who hold the “approved” views among America’s hideous elite would risk Fauci feeling the disapproval of those elites?
Or is he a liar, does he in fact know the coronavirus is nowhere near as deadly as he played it up to be? Is he a liar who mislead us into agreeing to destroy our amazing economy in order to undermine the Bad Orange Man’s re-election?
Either way, Fauci’s a sociopath. Either he’s a sociopath who furthered his political ambitions and abused his authority and public trust to talk hundreds of millions of Americans into shattering their own lives and mental wellbeing when there was no real danger, or he’s a sociopath who chooses the good opinion of elites over raising the alarm to save the lives of thousands and thousands of protesters, and the countless millions those thousands will infect.
As Nolte notes, elite approval of the protests/riots stands in stark contrast to the ruling class reaction to patriots protesting the abrogation of our constitutional rights in the name of COVID-19.
God help those who came out to protest the lockdowns, because bitter, power-hungry tyrants such as Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) and the hate-filled media that empower her, waved the Holy Writ of Fauci to justify smearing these Americans as racists and punishing them with lockdown extensions.
No worries. The Experts have stepped forward to explain themselves:
More than 1,200 health professionals have signed a letter saying that they approve of protests against racism during the Chinese virus pandemic, because it is “vital to the national public health.” The health professionals added, however, that protesting lockdown orders is still dangerous, and is also “rooted in white nationalism.” According to the letter, “White supremacy is a lethal public health issue that predates and contributes to COVID-19.”
In short, race riots good, protests against unconstitutional power grabs bad, because as many of us have suspected for some time, the lockdowns are about political power, not public health.
The media wailed in righteous grief that blacks have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. They will be even more disproportionately affected if mobbing the streets results in a second wave of disease.

Likewise, the massive Ferguson Effect that is certain to result from the current war on police will disproportionately effect blacks, who are the primary victims of black crime. But as with the lockdowns, mobilizing mobs to destroy American cities is about political power, not some dead career criminal in Minneapolis.

On tips from Rapinhoe, ABC of the ANC, and R F.
All links highlighted
Please only protest what the left wing establishment deems acceptable
Those who cooperate will receive an increase in thier monthly chocolate ration allotment.
When the circus is in town, you don't ask "why" the clowns act like fools. You just enjoy the show.

Hell, they're such an expert on why even listen to these so-called "experts" in the first place? Oh yeah, because they seem to know more stupid ways and reasons to "dictate" what's best for us.


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