The facts of Trumpist allegations of Arizona Voter Fraud: Over 3 million votes cast; 182 problem cases; 4 charges; ZERO convictions.

You need more than one group to do the day shift. Polls are open for 12 hours. (or more_

Ex: New York - Polling places are open 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM for primary and general election days
Ex: Georgia - . Polling places are open on Election Day from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
yep, they call them split shifts. It's what I said. So you're statements about overtime, is wrong. As usual, you're a demofk, you are always wrong.
Nope. It's the result of election officials ignoring the law. Do you imagine they didn't know the cut-off date?

Or they were backlogged and didn't enter the data until after the cut-off date.
They were overwhelmed with applications, so many were processed days or weeks after being received.

As I said, accounting errors.
yep, they call them split shifts. It's what I said. So you're statements about overtime, is wrong. As usual, you're a demofk, you are always wrong.
As I said, polling places are open for 12 or more hours. After they close, they start tabulating the votes. They use the same poll workers to do the tabulation. Call them the afternoon crew, who then work up until midnight or better to get the vote totals out.
As I said, polling places are open for 12 or more hours. After they close, they start tabulating the votes. They use the same poll workers to do the tabulation. Call them the afternoon crew, who then work up until midnight or better to get the vote totals out.
but the afternoon team didn't come in until later in the day and they worked eight hours. Volunteering!!!!!
but the afternoon team didn't come in until later in the day and they worked eight hours. Volunteering!!!!!

As far as being volunteers, only in 9 of the states / districts.

In some states, poll workers can opt-out of their lawful compensation and spend their time working as volunteers.

Poll workers may serve as volunteers in nine states:
◾Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Virginia

In short, the vast majority of poll workers are paid, asshole.

As far as being volunteers, only in 9 of the states / districts.

In some states, poll workers can opt-out of their lawful compensation and spend their time working as volunteers.

Poll workers may serve as volunteers in nine states:
◾Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Virginia

In short, the vast majority of poll workers are paid, asshole.
no they aren't. and you saying so, doesn't help your case. Anyway, no one worked overtime. Your factually incorrect.
All four of your revelations have already been debunked because the "Kung Fu Squad" has zero experience in election auditing. If they try to take that to court, they will be laughed out of it again.
Wrong, of course.

The "not certified" excuse is a deflection, and nothing more.

As far as being volunteers, only in 9 of the states / districts.

In some states, poll workers can opt-out of their lawful compensation and spend their time working as volunteers.

Poll workers may serve as volunteers in nine states:
◾Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Virginia

In short, the vast majority of poll workers are paid, asshole.

no they aren't. and you saying so, doesn't help your case. Anyway, no one worked overtime. Your factually incorrect.

They are, the article proves they are. You're the asshole who can't read the article, or are too dumb to understand that only 9 states allow people to be volunteer poll workers.

That leaves how many out of the 57 remaining Obama states where poll workers have to get paid?
Where are the arrests?
You folks claim there's no fraud at all....and now you move the goalposts to people must be arrested before you believe there is any?
The fact that they're finding fraud isn't enough.
They're at the point where they're just now finding fraud in an audit.
I don't expect our corrupt FBI to ever investigate and make arrests.
The best we can expect is that we will prove that Biden didn't win.

TRUMP, citing “74,000 mail in ballots received that were never mailed (magically appearing ballots).”

THE FACTS: No, there were no magically appearing ballots. He is alleging that the number of filled-out ballots received in the mail by election officials exceeded the number of people who had asked earlier for mail-in ballots, by 74,000. But that’s not at all what happened.

The claim mischaracterizes reports created for political parties to track who has voted early so they can target their get-out-the-vote efforts.

One report tracks all requests that voters make for early ballots, either by mail or in person, up to 11 days before the election. The other report tracks all ballots received through the day before the election. That leaves a 10-day window during which people who vote in-person but don’t request a mail ballot would appear on one report but not the other.

What time did “they” start counting and why is that relevant to your claims of fraud?
I don't care what time they started, I call fraud when they stop counting in the middle of a count to see what other state numbers are. So as to create and manipulate the count. You act as if you've never heard of cheating before. It happens every election cycle. What pisses demofks off this time is they got called on it. You'd have thunk we hit the wasps nest they way you all came out. hahahahahahahahahahaha, that's my evidence.
You folks claim there's no fraud at all....and now you move the goalposts to people must be arrested before you believe there is any?
The fact that they're finding fraud isn't enough.
They're at the point where they're just now finding fraud in an audit.
I don't expect our corrupt FBI to ever investigate and make arrests.
The best we can expect is that we will prove that Biden didn't win.
182 potential cases of fraud in Arizona.
They say that Trump probably carried AZ by over a million votes.
Dumbfuck, 4 out of 5 are Republican.

  • Clint Hickman - Republican
  • Jack Sellers - Republican
  • Steve Chucri - Republican
  • Bill Gates - Republican
  • Steve Gallardo - Democrat

The space between the alternate universes just keeps getting wider. Evidently they're told they're all Democrats.

Sellers has told "Cyber Ninjas" they'd better be ready to back this stuff up in court.

This is just fuckin' bizarre.

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