The facts of Trumpist allegations of Arizona Voter Fraud: Over 3 million votes cast; 182 problem cases; 4 charges; ZERO convictions.

They have facts. They aren't "leaking" anything, turd. They are announcing their findings.
Their findings ZERO convictions
2 republicans and 2 democrats charged
210 non-criminal irregularities.

That's 214 votes out of 3 million.

Not enough to overturn an election. Or even enough fraud to keep looking.

Or to put it in coronavirus terms. 99.993% error free.
You literally compared the peaceful, constitutional process of impeachment to a Jacobin plot where mob violence ruled the day. Literally it doesn't get any 'Funnier' than that. You are a funny fellow.

"Impeached twice during the Jacobin Pelosi era and convicted ZERO times!

The impeachments say much more about the brutally insane democrat leadership
There was no plot, moron.
Accuracy of who executed the ballots is a concern, and in the case of Atlanta, Philly, and Dertroit anything can be executed if everyone is in on it.
Accuracy of who executed the ballots is a concern, and in the case of Atlanta, Philly, and Dertroit anything can be executed if everyone is in on it
More of your assumptions.
There is no evidence that “everyone is in on it”, fool.
Their findings ZERO convictions
2 republicans and 2 democrats charged
210 non-criminal irregularities.

That's 214 votes out of 3 million.

Not enough to overturn an election. Or even enough fraud to keep looking.

Or to put it in coronavirus terms. 99.993% error free.
That ignore the result of the audit, which shows that thousands of votes were accepted illegally.
You're talking an accounting error, just like failure to have or keep the chain of custody sheets for the drop box collections. In the end it means nothing, because the ballots returned are checked against the voter registrations records to see if the person is eligible to vote.

All you can do is piss about poor record keeping. Not voter fraud.
You're talking an accounting error, just like failure to have or keep the chain of custody sheets for the drop box collections. In the end it means nothing, because the ballots returned are checked against the voter registrations records to see if the person is eligible to vote.

All you can do is piss about poor record keeping. Not voter fraud.
IT's no "accounting error." It's a failure to follow the law. Those votes were counted illegally. You obviously didn't read the article because checking the voter registration records showed that thousands of voters weren't legally registered when they voted.
In what way is a pause in the counting indicative of fraud to you? What fraud transpired during the pause?

They think humans can work infinite overtime, working 24/7 365 and that the same people who verify the ballot envelope credentials, also push the ballots through the tabulators.

Maybe these people never saw their car being worked on at the dealership. Where one guy does the diagnostics, and another guy wrenches the parts.
They think humans can work infinite overtime, working 24/7 365 and that the same people who verify the ballot envelope credentials, also push the ballots through the tabulators.
it's called split shifts and companies around the globe work three shifts. You're too stupid to ever understand that concept.
IT's no "accounting error." It's a failure to follow the law. Those votes were counted illegally. You obviously didn't read the article because checking the voter registration records showed that thousands of voters weren't legally registered when they voted.
Again, record keeping errors.

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