The facts of Trumpist allegations of Arizona Voter Fraud: Over 3 million votes cast; 182 problem cases; 4 charges; ZERO convictions.

he had 74 million, again, why do you care if the ballots are inspected? your actions are saying look the other way, and I say no, no, no

Sorry, but the losers of the elections have time limits to file objections and must adhere to the election laws as written at the time. Proponents of the BIGLIE want to destroy our form of Democracy and have destroyed our tradition of non-violent transfers of power from one party to the next. What's to stop the next loser from declaring massive fraud too. We're playing with fire. \

Nip it in the bud.
Well then maybe Twitter and Facebook needs to stop abusing their authority and let him start posting again. But since they're evil totalitarians.....they're cutting their own throats. Fascism may be fashionable for idiots like you people....but most Americans don't tolerate censorship.
What Tweeter and Facebook are doing isn't censorship. Their managing deliberate false information on their platforms.
no, they did recounts, recounting fake ballots does nothing but ensure the faked count. An audit, forensic audit, did ballots get folded that were mail in ballots. Again, you didn't answer why do you care then if the ballots are inspected? It seems to be a very fking big deal to you all. why? if there is nothing there, the audit will show that. Yet, you all are like exited wasps from a nest. why?
The cyber ballot charade just showed that they have nothing.
Trumpsters, all you need to do is prove this stuff in a court of law.

When you do, we can get to work on dealing with what to do next.

Easy peasy.
The courts will do what they can to avoid what is inevitable. Our justice system is corrupt. All you are saying is that you are fine with an illegitimate criminal administration. You are simply a traitor. Next.
Sorry, but the losers of the elections have time limits to file objections and must adhere to the election laws as written at the time. Proponents of the BIGLIE want to destroy our form of Democracy and have destroyed our tradition of non-violent transfers of power from one party to the next. What's to stop the next loser from declaring massive fraud too. We're playing with fire. \

Nip it in the bud.
So many reasons why Trump won. Biden having ten people show up at rallies was a major one.
The courts will do what they can to avoid what is inevitable. Our justice system is corrupt. All you are saying is that you are fine with an illegitimate criminal administration. You are simply a traitor. Next.
Another maga fuckup brought to you by Angry White Fuckups, inc.
The 74,000 ballots returned that were never sent out. People registering after the cut off date. Ballots on illegal paper, in other words counterfeit ballots. More to come. Biden clearly did not win AZ.
Another maga fuckup brought to you by Angry White Fuckups, inc.
You are using it as an excuse not me. Fraud has been proven to the extent that the public will believe it no matter what happens. Your lie has crashed and burned.


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