The facts of Trumpist allegations of Arizona Voter Fraud: Over 3 million votes cast; 182 problem cases; 4 charges; ZERO convictions.

No, fucking moron. Gays can marry the person they love, just as straight people can. You really should try to keep up.

And marriage is about far more than reproduction as many people have kids without getting married and many married people never have any kids.

How'd you get to be this fucked up in the head?
That's how things are now becuase of woke turds like you. That wasn't the original purpose of marriage.
The courts will do what they can to avoid what is inevitable. Our justice system is corrupt. All you are saying is that you are fine with an illegitimate criminal administration. You are simply a traitor. Next.
The courts will do what they can to avoid what is inevitable. Our justice system is corrupt. All you are saying is that you are fine with an illegitimate criminal administration. You are simply a traitor. Next
Of course. Every system, govt agency, media, science, liberal, immigrant, doctor, expert, lawyer, judge, is lying and corrupt. Only You, Trump and Jesus know the truth. Sometimes your brother Cleetus gets it right too.
Go back to loading ammo in your bunker.
The courts will do what they can to avoid what is inevitable. Our justice system is corrupt. All you are saying is that you are fine with an illegitimate criminal administration. You are simply a traitor. Next.
Courts require proof for there to be a case.

You want them to join your cult bloated maga fuckups.
The 74,000 ballots returned that were never sent out. People registering after the cut off date. Ballots on illegal paper, in other words counterfeit ballots. More to come. Biden clearly did not win AZ.
Allegations are not evidence. All of those accusations have been proven to be mistakes or mis-perceptions about the voting laws and procedures by an inexperienced group claiming to be election auditors. How many state election audits have they been in charge of?
They have released enough to show there was massive fraud. Maricopa holding the routers also prove the fraud. They are hiding something that now cannot be denied. GA. PA. WI are all going to do forensic audits. It is over, your big lie has failed.

The American people know the election was stolen. Your media and politicians can deny it but it will not work.

They released nothing, ya dumbfuck. They made some claims with zero proof as to how they came to those conclusions. And their claims were summarily debunked by Maricopa County election officials who highlighted the ignorance of their bullshit claims. Like their bullshit claim of receiving 74K more mail-in ballots than were sent.


it's been explained. again, in 2016 there were 128 million votes cast, you all think that magically 27 million more voters voted in 2020 155 million. That's hilarious. You tell us where the 16 million came from. Hitlery received 65 million and Xiden received 81 million, Trump had 62 million 2016 and 74 million in 2020, and still lost the six states he won in 2016. That's mathematically impossible. I know, demofks don't do math.
Aww, look ^^^ a conservative doing math. How cute.

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