The FACTS on Food Stamps

How soon we forget......the great depression lasted for years. Food was rationed so there would be enough for everyone. I see we may soon be approaching the same circumstances. But the economy is getting better, right?? Sure it is.


March 1, 1942 ? Food Rationing Begins Nationwide « The National WWII Museum Blog

Um, I think you are confused on your history.

Food was not rationed during the Great Depression. What occurred then was that when the economy collapse, no one could afford to buy that much of it, so farmers started destroying their crops in the feilds because they couldn't sell it.

Now, during WWII, food was rationed because we were sending huge amounts of it to our allies to keep them fed. The Soviets were burning their wheat fields so the Nazis couldn't use them, and we sent tons of food to make up the difference.

Now, keep in mind, this is 1942, before hormones and such. Before they developed high-yeild grains that fed the world.
If people are really interested in teaching the next generation how to pull their children up out of poverty, hunger, despair and ignorance they would support blowing up the food stamp program and each and every one of the current entitlement programs and start over.
The net result of 50 years of this is that we have created a cycle of poverty, hunger, ignorance, and uneducated young women having children out of wedlock.
How anyone with an IQ over 70 can support this IS the problem.
Few weeks ago at Publix woman with 2 rug rats buys 2 cartons of Marlboros, 12 pack of Heineken, 2 large bags of Iams dog food and pays cash for it $120+.
Then uses her food card for her groceries.
Would be nice if she would have turned around and said "thank you for buying my food so I can use my money on smokes and booze"
If people are really interested in teaching the next generation how to pull their children up out of poverty, hunger, despair and ignorance they would support blowing up the food stamp program and each and every one of the current entitlement programs and start over.
The net result of 50 years of this is that we have created a cycle of poverty, hunger, ignorance, and uneducated young women having children out of wedlock.
How anyone with an IQ over 70 can support this IS the problem.

Yes. People will stop fucking and obediently starve to death once they hear your lecture on self-reliance.


While the entitlement programs are not well run, the real problem is that we are putting our economic focus on creating wealth and not creating jobs.

And those damned poor people just refuse to starve to death.

The fact is, that 40% of those on food stamps have at least one family member with a job. The same with Section 8 housing and MedicAid.

It isn't that the poor are "gaming" the system, it's that the system is not providing the jobs to make these people self-reliant.

Much better to have one overstressed person doing the job of three than to create three jobs.
Few weeks ago at Publix woman with 2 rug rats buys 2 cartons of Marlboros, 12 pack of Heineken, 2 large bags of Iams dog food and pays cash for it $120+.
Then uses her food card for her groceries.
Would be nice if she would have turned around and said "thank you for buying my food so I can use my money on smokes and booze"

So are you going to demand that poor people be denied pets and minor vices?


Maybe we should put a Scarlet "P" on their chests to further stigmatize them.
Do bear in mind that SNAP serves many more people than just the recipients.

The workers and owners of the stores that sell that food benefit from SNAP.

The owners and workers of the corporations that grow, process and ship that food also benefit from SNAP to the tune of billions per year.

Cut out those 49 million food stamp recipients and watch how quickly those for-profit, privately owned corporations petition YOUR government to put them back in place.

There's BIG money in "charity" folks and I can assure you that poor people are NOT getting it.
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Do berar in mind that the fgood stamp program serves many more people than just the recipients.

The workers and owners of the stores that sell that food benefit from SNAP.

The Corporations that grow, process and ship that food also benefit from SNAP.

Cut out those 49 million food stamp recipients and watch how quickly those corporations petition YOUR government to put them back in place.

There's BIG money in "charity" folks and I can assure you that poor people are NOT getting it.

And this is a very good point. Food Stamps have always been a big amount of corporate welfare for the Food Industry. Its purpose is to keep food widely available despite economic conditions and exempt it from the laws of supply and demand.
Few weeks ago at Publix woman with 2 rug rats buys 2 cartons of Marlboros, 12 pack of Heineken, 2 large bags of Iams dog food and pays cash for it $120+.
Then uses her food card for her groceries.
Would be nice if she would have turned around and said "thank you for buying my food so I can use my money on smokes and booze"

So are you going to demand that poor people be denied pets and minor vices?


Maybe we should put a Scarlet "P" on their chests to further stigmatize them.

No, just cut them off food stamps. People who claim disability income replacement sometimes get followed to see if they are really injured or sick, and some are found to be screwing the system and get booted off compo. Do the same with the stamps.
Yes, the USDA controls the foodstamp program, and also exerts a lot of control over our farmers.

Which brings us back to what I originally's all about government managing and controlling the food supply, and therefore the people.
And any time government does that, the powers that be recognize and accept that there will be "initial" losses due to food distribution issues. I.e., starvation. It's a risk they're willing for you to take. Collateral damage is expected and approved.
Few weeks ago at Publix woman with 2 rug rats buys 2 cartons of Marlboros, 12 pack of Heineken, 2 large bags of Iams dog food and pays cash for it $120+.
Then uses her food card for her groceries.
Would be nice if she would have turned around and said "thank you for buying my food so I can use my money on smokes and booze"

So are you going to demand that poor people be denied pets and minor vices?


Maybe we should put a Scarlet "P" on their chests to further stigmatize them.

if you can afford pets and vices.... they you don't need welfare or food stamps.
I lived without pets for two years because I could only afford an apartment and they didn't allow them. I quit smoking, then drinking, largely because I couldn't afford it (that and drinking triggers hellacious 48-hour panic attacks for me anymore, freaky). We don't eat out, we don't go to movies, and we ride bikes exclusively for about 2 weeks out of the month every month because I can't afford it.

Charity is generally given for a particular purpose..and that purpose is very rarely to get people drunk and provide a nicotine fix. Foodstamps is a charity (entitlement) program. The only requirements are that you meet an income standard, and be here legally. They aren't meant to supplement the lifestyle to which you have become accustomed...they are meant to prevent you, and especially your children, from starving until you can get back on your feet. There is nothing wrong with the expectation that people who receive charity from other people at least make a nominal effort to cut back on unnecessary expenses. Entitlement programs are to keep you alive...they aren't meant to subsidize a lifestyle you are incapable of funding on your own.
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I lived without pets for two years because I could only afford an apartment and they didn't allow them. I quit smoking, then drinking, largely because I couldn't afford it (that and drinking triggers hellacious 48-hour panic attacks for me anymore, freaky). We don't eat out, we don't go to movies, and we ride bikes exclusively for about 2 weeks out of the month every month because I can't afford it.

Charity is generally given for a particular purpose..and that purpose is very rarely to get people drunk and provide a nicotine fix. Foodstamps is a charity (entitlement) program. The only requirements are that you meet an income standard, and be here legally. They aren't meant to supplement the lifestyle to which you have become accustomed...they are meant to prevent you, and especially your children, from starving until you can get back on your feet. There is nothing wrong with the expectation that people who receive charity from other people at least make a nominal effort to cut back on unnecessary expenses. Entitlement programs are to keep you alive...they aren't meant to subsidize a lifestyle you are incapable of funding on your own.

The thing people are trying to point out is there is more than enough food, water & shelter for everyone to eat their fill & burn some in their car gas tank. The only reason anyone is doing without is because someone is holding it back punishing them for not having a high income job. If it were not for low income labor on food-stamps planting, tending, weeding, picking, cleaning, processing, transporting, displaying, cashiering & bagging your food, you would not eat or would have to leave that high income job & grow your own food. Throwing out food or cutting food production so low income workers must do without, go hungry or beg charity is sick. We are swimming in food & empty housing in this country, yet we force people to starve in the streets. Who cares if everyone in the country gets enough food stamps so no one ever goes hungry.
What commie hogwash. If you allow the govt to control the food, people won't just go hungry..they will starve to death.
Not me, because I'm capable of foraging and growing enough to keep me and mine alive.

But lunatics like billy are doomed.
Not me, because I'm capable of foraging and growing enough to keep me and mine alive.

But lunatics like billy are doomed.

I grow enough to feed 833 people eating at current US food standards. Government has been controlling farming & food in the USA longer than I have been alive.
I owned a First Data (Cardservice International) agency for a couple years and sold EBT processing as part of an overall Visa/MC package. So whatever you've heard or read about EBT abuse is mostly baloney (pun intended). Merchants know if they trade EBT for cash or cigs or booze and get caught at it ONCE, it's a death-sentence. We TMFed appeal. Many would try to regain CC priveleges in their wife's or brother's name....again TMFed and that person would never be considered again. Only a lunatic or a pakistani would risk that because 70% of most food business is Visa/MC. The stories about lobster and caviar are either bullshit or a person with EBT benefits coming to an end because they got a new job and burned out their balance to celebrate. While that may be low-down, it's legal.
Not me, because I'm capable of foraging and growing enough to keep me and mine alive.

But lunatics like billy are doomed.

I grow enough to feed 833 people eating at current US food standards. Government has been controlling farming & food in the USA longer than I have been alive.

Nothing like what you're going to see shortly.
I owned a First Data (Cardservice International) agency for a couple years and sold EBT processing as part of an overall Visa/MC package. So whatever you've heard or read about EBT abuse is mostly baloney (pun intended). Merchants know if they trade EBT for cash or cigs or booze and get caught at it ONCE, it's a death-sentence. We TMFed appeal. Many would try to regain CC priveleges in their wife's or brother's name....again TMFed and that person would never be considered again. Only a lunatic or a pakistani would risk that because 70% of most food business is Visa/MC. The stories about lobster and caviar are either bullshit or a person with EBT benefits coming to an end because they got a new job and burned out their balance to celebrate. While that may be low-down, it's legal.

So what you see is that they are never caught.

That doesn't mean it's not happening. Trust me. There's almost no oversight. Case workers don't investigate fraud, even if they know it's taking place. It has to be really egregious and over the top, or it doesn't even get referred to the fraud investigations unit. It is almost impossible to catch anyone trading their fs for cash or other stuff...I mean seriously, who's going to catch the person who trades her family's fs allotment to the grocer down the street? Or to the drug dealer across the hall? DHS may be armed and ready to handle domestic uprising...but they aren't prepared to raid welfare moms' houses...yet. Though it's probably just around the corner. That's a good way to scoop up the kids from the despised and teeming masses.
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Few weeks ago at Publix woman with 2 rug rats buys 2 cartons of Marlboros, 12 pack of Heineken, 2 large bags of Iams dog food and pays cash for it $120+.
Then uses her food card for her groceries.
Would be nice if she would have turned around and said "thank you for buying my food so I can use my money on smokes and booze"

So are you going to demand that poor people be denied pets and minor vices?


Maybe we should put a Scarlet "P" on their chests to further stigmatize them.
Minor vices like:

Xboxes or playstations
2 color tv's
washer & dryer
cell phones

Like those vices?

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