The FACTS on Food Stamps

If people are really interested in teaching the next generation how to pull their children up out of poverty, hunger, despair and ignorance they would support blowing up the food stamp program and each and every one of the current entitlement programs and start over.
The net result of 50 years of this is that we have created a cycle of poverty, hunger, ignorance, and uneducated young women having children out of wedlock.
How anyone with an IQ over 70 can support this IS the problem.

Yes. People will stop fucking and obediently starve to death once they hear your lecture on self-reliance.


While the entitlement programs are not well run, the real problem is that we are putting our economic focus on creating wealth and not creating jobs.

And those damned poor people just refuse to starve to death.

The fact is, that 40% of those on food stamps have at least one family member with a job. The same with Section 8 housing and MedicAid.

It isn't that the poor are "gaming" the system, it's that the system is not providing the jobs to make these people self-reliant.

Much better to have one overstressed person doing the job of three than to create three jobs.

High taxes never stimulate investment.
Investment in the private sector is what creates jobs.
Or we could do it your way and nationalize all industry like they do in Cuba.
That would create a lot of jobs Joe. Everyone has a job in Cuba.
Or do it the way that it has always been done with capitalism. Government gets the hell out of the way and I hire 2 employees.
Or sit on my ass with my 2 million in the bank, keep it instead of giving a large % of it to government to keep running their vote getting machine.
Just sold a tract of land and made a profit. Such a crime that is as I had 200K of my $$ at risk for 5 years when the market was so low I could not get an offer over $110K.
You communists would rather I lose money than make one cent.
I lived without pets for two years because I could only afford an apartment and they didn't allow them. I quit smoking, then drinking, largely because I couldn't afford it (that and drinking triggers hellacious 48-hour panic attacks for me anymore, freaky). We don't eat out, we don't go to movies, and we ride bikes exclusively for about 2 weeks out of the month every month because I can't afford it.

Charity is generally given for a particular purpose..and that purpose is very rarely to get people drunk and provide a nicotine fix. Foodstamps is a charity (entitlement) program. The only requirements are that you meet an income standard, and be here legally. They aren't meant to supplement the lifestyle to which you have become accustomed...they are meant to prevent you, and especially your children, from starving until you can get back on your feet. There is nothing wrong with the expectation that people who receive charity from other people at least make a nominal effort to cut back on unnecessary expenses. Entitlement programs are to keep you alive...they aren't meant to subsidize a lifestyle you are incapable of funding on your own.

I agree, good post but charity is voluntary.
Nothing voluntary about food stamps.
I support giving for folks to eat. However, the grocery lobby has it at retail.
We could run a better program for 1/3 the cost.

I live without most luxuries. I do have a car...but I can't afford to drive it or even for any serious upkeep on it. We don't have cable. We don't have a landline, and my phone bill is MINIMAL, literally, I only have a phone because I need it for the kids. My minutes are limited, I can't take pics with my phone.

I don't own a house. I rent.

I don't go to the doctor unless I absolutely can't go another day without it because I can't pay my co-pays. Welfare people don't understand that because they don't have co-pays. Every visit for them is free. Not mine. I do a lot of home remedies for things that most people rush to the clinic for. I'm not good about getting my lab work done...because I can't freaking afford it.

I don't get new clothes. I haven't had a new pair of tennis shoes in 2 years. I use that money to do what upkeep my bicycle needs, because I need my bike more than I need shoes, since I can't drive my car all the time.

See, this is the way people on limited budgets live...and it is NOT the way most (not all) welfare recipients live. They don't have to worry about their power being shut off every month if they don't pay it, because their power is paid by subsidies. They don't have to worry about making it to the end of the month with their food (unless they trade it) because a family of 3 is eligible for $526 in foodstamps. I feed my family on about $300.

That's the way it's supposed to work. I'm proud of the fact that I'm able to support my family, and that I've been able to find ways to make it work for us. Most welfare families have no sense of that, because people tell them all their lives that they shouldn't have to work, to sacrifice, or to give up anything they want, just because they don't work and have no skills.
I liked it when Oprah years ago had on a welfare queen from DC on her show talking about how she had no money to feed her kids as the food stamps were not enough, the housing was bad and she needed more money to get by. Part of the show was Oprah in the apartment government paid for this woman.
Oprah pointed to her gold chains and $125 Nike tennis shoes.
Then Oprah showed the big screen TV in her apartment.
And the mens' shoes in the apartment that showed a man lived there which would deny her most if not all of her benefits.
Oprah called her out as the fraud she was.
That is the norm sports fans. Who are these folks trying to shit?
My main ride is a Toyota with 295,000 miles on it. I also own a 2009 Toyota Tacoma, basic ride with low miles to tow boat and go to Florida in. Small boat.
My house is 2000 sf, 4 BR, 2 1/2 bath.
I have never made over 125K in one year in my life.
We have a garden to eat out of, I hunt and fish.
I have never traded a new car in as I always put over 200K on them, passed them on to kids or given to other family in need. Last 3 cars I have put over 300K on each of them.
I put 3 kids through college.
Something about a work ethic, practical habits and the Quaker influence of my family.
I think the primary problem is that people are afraid to say "This is the right way to do things. Be responsible for yourself. Do everything you can to be self sufficient, and KEEP trying to be self sufficient."

People are afraid to say that, and the result is a lazy, grasping, irresponsible, and stupid class of people whose primary objective in life is to score dope, get drunk, and get laid.
Few weeks ago at Publix woman with 2 rug rats buys 2 cartons of Marlboros, 12 pack of Heineken, 2 large bags of Iams dog food and pays cash for it $120+.
Then uses her food card for her groceries.
Would be nice if she would have turned around and said "thank you for buying my food so I can use my money on smokes and booze"

So are you going to demand that poor people be denied pets and minor vices?


Maybe we should put a Scarlet "P" on their chests to further stigmatize them.
Minor vices like:

Xboxes or playstations
2 color tv's
washer & dryer
cell phones

Like those vices?

dont forget the designer shoes, clothes and accessories, cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.
And the hair cuts! i can't afford to have my hair cut regularly. I

dont you just shag? what is this thread turning into a whine fest? hell I pull my own tooth out with just vodka and my leatherman multi tool, I could afford to go to to the dentist, just cheap as hell and hate quacks.. saving up cash for a new adventure...
Yes, the USDA controls the foodstamp program, and also exerts a lot of control over our farmers.

Which brings us back to what I originally's all about government managing and controlling the food supply, and therefore the people.

You mean making sure people get fed?

If we ran agriculture like the rest of capitalism, we'd have mass starvation and riots.
Few weeks ago at Publix woman with 2 rug rats buys 2 cartons of Marlboros, 12 pack of Heineken, 2 large bags of Iams dog food and pays cash for it $120+.
Then uses her food card for her groceries.
Would be nice if she would have turned around and said "thank you for buying my food so I can use my money on smokes and booze"

So are you going to demand that poor people be denied pets and minor vices?


Maybe we should put a Scarlet "P" on their chests to further stigmatize them.

if you can afford pets and vices.... they you don't need welfare or food stamps.

and if rich people can afford Dressage Horsies, they can afford to pay the top marginal tax rate.

It goes both ways.
Yes, the USDA controls the foodstamp program, and also exerts a lot of control over our farmers.

Which brings us back to what I originally's all about government managing and controlling the food supply, and therefore the people.

You mean making sure people get fed?

If we ran agriculture like the rest of capitalism, we'd have mass starvation and riots.

You really are one of the stoopidest people on the planet.
Few weeks ago at Publix woman with 2 rug rats buys 2 cartons of Marlboros, 12 pack of Heineken, 2 large bags of Iams dog food and pays cash for it $120+.
Then uses her food card for her groceries.
Would be nice if she would have turned around and said "thank you for buying my food so I can use my money on smokes and booze"

So are you going to demand that poor people be denied pets and minor vices?


Maybe we should put a Scarlet "P" on their chests to further stigmatize them.
Minor vices like:

Xboxes or playstations
2 color tv's
washer & dryer
cell phones

Like those vices?

So let me get this straight. People should starve because they have maybe $2000 or $3000 in appliances you don't think they should have? Seriously.

DVD Players. You can get them for about 25 bucks now.

You see, kind of the problem here is that you want to PUNISH the poor just for being poor. I really don't understand this.

I would have no problem if you make Food Stamps subject to workfare, so long as you provide them with a useful activity. But it seems to me that you want to just outright punish them... for what, exactly?

Voting for Democrats?
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Yes, the USDA controls the foodstamp program, and also exerts a lot of control over our farmers.

Which brings us back to what I originally's all about government managing and controlling the food supply, and therefore the people.

You mean making sure people get fed?

If we ran agriculture like the rest of capitalism, we'd have mass starvation and riots.

You really are one of the stoopidest people on the planet.

No, just telling it like it is.

Agriculture is a great example of Corporate Welfare/Socialism out there. Always been that way. My Mom had an uncle who had a farm, and my Dad remarked that he paid more in taxes on our two-flat than her uncle paid on his 300 acre spread.

And understandable. 50% of businesses fail. We can't afford for 50% of farms to fail. People would starve.
I owned a First Data (Cardservice International) agency for a couple years and sold EBT processing as part of an overall Visa/MC package. So whatever you've heard or read about EBT abuse is mostly baloney (pun intended). Merchants know if they trade EBT for cash or cigs or booze and get caught at it ONCE, it's a death-sentence. We TMFed appeal. Many would try to regain CC priveleges in their wife's or brother's name....again TMFed and that person would never be considered again. Only a lunatic or a pakistani would risk that because 70% of most food business is Visa/MC. The stories about lobster and caviar are either bullshit or a person with EBT benefits coming to an end because they got a new job and burned out their balance to celebrate. While that may be low-down, it's legal.

So what you see is that they are never caught.

That doesn't mean it's not happening. Trust me. There's almost no oversight. Case workers don't investigate fraud, even if they know it's taking place. It has to be really egregious and over the top, or it doesn't even get referred to the fraud investigations unit. It is almost impossible to catch anyone trading their fs for cash or other stuff...I mean seriously, who's going to catch the person who trades her family's fs allotment to the grocer down the street? Or to the drug dealer across the hall? DHS may be armed and ready to handle domestic uprising...but they aren't prepared to raid welfare moms' houses...yet. Though it's probably just around the corner. That's a good way to scoop up the kids from the despised and teeming masses.

I'm not talking about who gets benefits in my post....only the merchant's role in taking them as payment. An EBT card is a debit card so for a person to use it they need to know the 4 digit passcode. I find it hard to believe a person with EBT benefits would lend out their card and reveal that code for fear it could be stolen by who they loaned it to.

If a black man is using the card of a woman named "Beverly Steinberg", the merchant has a responsibility to report that transaction....whether it's acted upon is outside the realm of the transaction itself. And to close, merchants who use merchant services from small time processors or even their banks never face the scrutiny they would from First Data because we only have one dog in the fight....the merchant. For that privelege they know we don't tolerate taking a third-party transaction, fronting themselves cash with timed-transactions, upcharging the customer their discount rate (although that's changing), pricing something above their credit ceiling by doing multiple transactions, or selling prohibited services or merchandise.
1 in 6 people are without adequate food. Republicans won't tell you that, but its true.

So, how many are starving?

What does "without adequate food" mean?

What the fuck else does it mean? It means people do not get adequate amount of food everyday. I dont know how else to put it to you.

There are different levels of hungry. Some food insecure people get more than others, which means some of those 1 in 6 would be starving, wouldn't they?

You people nit pick over really dumb things just for the sake of winning an argument. If you want to challenge the 1 in 6 statistic, then find stats of your own, otherwise don't bother arguing with it.

Are you really this detached, or simply delusional? I mean do you live in some wealthy enclave where the only poor people you see in public are mexican nanny's and housekeepers waiting for metro buses back to the ghetto?

Have you seen some of these disgustingly obese "poor" people riding handicapped scooters through Wal-Mart as opposed to walking, which they really need to be doing?

Maybe you're one of those "upper middle class" bed wetters who only shop at Whole Foods because Wal-Mart is somehow more evil because they charge prices your victims can afford.

I don't need to challenge your bullshit statistic because I live in the real fucking world. I've also been to countries that have REAL POVERTY, and the fat of one of our "poor" people could feed a compound full of Pashtuns for a winter.

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