The FACTS on Food Stamps

Wow I think you got some saliva on your screen...and everything around it. When you compose yourself, maybe you can try again in English. And perhaps...sober?
Yes that was part of welfare reform. And it works.

So Obama quietly defunded it.
actually i prefer the wic program over food stamps for people.... wic flat out tell you what you can have....and its all food, not junk, snacks, sweets and flat out crap.

and it fucking holds up the line at checkout!.....if i had my way wick and foodstamps would be a line all of its own!

I can totally support a WIC customer hashing out "who's paying for what". At least they're attempting to be frugal and figure out where the funds are going. At least WIC is a program that helps out the needy but doesn't allow for the abuse SNAP has always allowed.

I remember when there were actual "food stamps". Anyone could redeem them, so druggies or other system abusers would trade them 2-1 for cash. My high school buddy who sold weed made a killing selling nickel bags for $50 in food stamps in the early 90's.

Nickel bag was $5 in the 60s.

in the 70s as well
I find it hilarious some of you are so convinced you get in line with SNAP recipients in the supermarket. I don't get it. What makes you so sure that they are? I think you people just believe what you want to believe. You see a white trash looking person and you automatically assume they are using EBT. You just make these assumptions so you can feel superior. It's really quite pathetic.

I can tell when they use the EBT card to buy groceries, that is pretty much a dead giveaway.
what makes me so sure is how they talk when paying....

try paying attention to the person holding up the line sorting out what is going to pay for what....

its not rocket science.

wick tickets are the worst! ...they hold up the line forever!

They do, but wic is a very useful program.
actually i prefer the wic program over food stamps for people.... wic flat out tell you what you can have....and its all food, not junk, snacks, sweets and flat out crap.

and it fucking holds up the line at checkout!.....if i had my way wick and foodstamps would be a line all of its own!

WIC is a great program and that is why it holds up lines, it makes people ge, only what they are supposed to get. I can never figure out how I always get behind them in line. Drives me nuts. The you get the person who try's to buy things not allowed on the EBT card and the have to sort it out.

They do need their own line.

if you can afford pets and vices.... they you don't need welfare or food stamps.

and if rich people can afford Dressage Horsies, they can afford to pay the top marginal tax rate.

It goes both ways.

they are not asking anyone else to afford THEM the dressage horses..... so not it does not go both ways.

That money was made by screwing tax payers. Mitt Romney's first $millions was from using his dads political clout & corporate loopholes to stick tax payers with Monsanto's massive pollution "Super Fund" cleanup bill & raiding their pensions. Most dollars since was the same government funding, raiding pension funds & not paying taxes. He suckered voters into believing he donated to charity, when he only used them in his tax avoiding CRT for profit scheme. GOPers love unscrupulous rich assholes when they don't understand how rich assholes stole their wealth & taxes. Keep the fraud scheme complicated because thinking is difficult for GOPers. Point fingers & prosecute the hard working unsophisticated starving poor. That way you can nail a bunch of people taking pennies instead of only one guy robbing the country blind stealing billions. These people almost put Bernie Madoff in charge of the S.E.C. :lol: A prosecutors record always looks better when you convict a ton of stupid petty criminals instead of spending all year nailing One Big Time Fraudster.

Bernie Madoff for President. GOPers would vote for him. What's really sad is all the big banks failed or would have failed if not for tax payer bailout before Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme did. And that was only because people withdrew massive amounts from Madoff's Ponzi scheme to cover their bank losses. :lol:
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i am trying to get the facts about snap out of you here

can you buy caviar with snap?

I am sure you can probably buy and food on SNAP. Is there a point you are trying to make here?

i am trying to get the facts about snap out of you here

can you buy caviar with snap?

I am sure you can probably buy and food on SNAP. Is there a point you are trying to make here?

She made her point and it was well taken, try reading the whole thread.

Not by me. I don't have to read the whole thread to identify ignorance. The only 'point' you right wing scum ever make is that you are always willing to prove you are scum.

True, but it takes months of investigative man hours. Investigators aren't cheap, they have to be credible and do thorough paperwork. We're talking about how many millions of people now in the system? I don't want gov't to arbitrarily cut off people for the sake of saving money of course, but there has to be a way to wean people off the tit for Christ's sake.

Sure there is.

It's called jobs.

You tax the rich at an exhorbitant rate- also known as "their fair share" - like we did in the 1960's, you spend a lot of money on public works. That keeps people employed, improves infrastructure, and forces private employers to offer better wages and benefits to keep up.

You see, we don't have a "food stamp problem", we have a "People refusing to let their children starve so that Mitt has a place to ride his Dressage Horsie problem".
We punish the poor, pound their faces into the ground daily.
We support government running the show to "help them" instead of doing it ourselves in our own communities.
If you want to help the poor find someone in your extended family AND HELP THEM instead of pointing them to government while you sit on your fat, lazy ass.

True, but it takes months of investigative man hours. Investigators aren't cheap, they have to be credible and do thorough paperwork. We're talking about how many millions of people now in the system? I don't want gov't to arbitrarily cut off people for the sake of saving money of course, but there has to be a way to wean people off the tit for Christ's sake.

Sure there is.

It's called jobs.

You tax the rich at an exhorbitant rate- also known as "their fair share" - like we did in the 1960's, you spend a lot of money on public works. That keeps people employed, improves infrastructure, and forces private employers to offer better wages and benefits to keep up.

You see, we don't have a "food stamp problem", we have a "People refusing to let their children starve so that Mitt has a place to ride his Dressage Horsie problem".

We could tax everyone that makes 250K 100% and that would not run the government that now borrows 45 cents of every dollar it spends for 6 months.
Do the math and get back to us. You tax too high these days, they leave and go to another country.
Why did not they do that in the 1960s? Because the economy WAS NOT a world economy then like it is now. I can fly out of Atlanta right now at 7 am and be in Guanacaste Liberia airport in Costa Rica with my money deposited in their bank tax free and my ass at the bar with a cold Imperial bottle of suds and a plate of cornida tipica by noon.
Different world now Joe. Please join us in it as you are stuck on stupid over half a century ago.
Government creating jobs is so laughable.
Government has destroyed the economic base in this country over the last 50 years.
I am sure you can probably buy and food on SNAP. Is there a point you are trying to make here?

She made her point and it was well taken, try reading the whole thread.

Not by me. I don't have to read the whole thread to identify ignorance. The only 'point' you right wing scum ever make is that you are always willing to prove you are scum.

More liberal elitism bull shit, do you guys ever get over yourselves?
So what you see is that they are never caught.

That doesn't mean it's not happening. Trust me. There's almost no oversight. Case workers don't investigate fraud, even if they know it's taking place. It has to be really egregious and over the top, or it doesn't even get referred to the fraud investigations unit. It is almost impossible to catch anyone trading their fs for cash or other stuff...I mean seriously, who's going to catch the person who trades her family's fs allotment to the grocer down the street? Or to the drug dealer across the hall? DHS may be armed and ready to handle domestic uprising...but they aren't prepared to raid welfare moms' houses...yet. Though it's probably just around the corner. That's a good way to scoop up the kids from the despised and teeming masses.

I'm not talking about who gets benefits in my post....only the merchant's role in taking them as payment. An EBT card is a debit card so for a person to use it they need to know the 4 digit passcode. I find it hard to believe a person with EBT benefits would lend out their card and reveal that code for fear it could be stolen by who they loaned it to.

If a black man is using the card of a woman named "Beverly Steinberg", the merchant has a responsibility to report that transaction....whether it's acted upon is outside the realm of the transaction itself. And to close, merchants who use merchant services from small time processors or even their banks never face the scrutiny they would from First Data because we only have one dog in the fight....the merchant. For that privelege they know we don't tolerate taking a third-party transaction, fronting themselves cash with timed-transactions, upcharging the customer their discount rate (although that's changing), pricing something above their credit ceiling by doing multiple transactions, or selling prohibited services or merchandise.

Lol..the fact that you find it hard to believe shows what limited contact you've had personally with the people who get foodstamps.

Yes, they do give people their pins and their cards...then they report them stolen and they get a replacement. Then they do it again the next month. I've seen people who have had foodstamps for a couple of years and had 45 replacement cards issued.

"Lol"? And you do know these people and aren't reporting them or are you? I've read your posts about your circumstances and haven't seen mention of a husband. Do you have one? And if not, tell me what's the difference between denying your family benefits you could get and living on a meager single income by choice? I notice you donate to this site so I'm confused about your priorities, not that it's any of my business. I'm not sure why you're so angry about those getting benefits....were you denied them?
I'm not talking about who gets benefits in my post....only the merchant's role in taking them as payment. An EBT card is a debit card so for a person to use it they need to know the 4 digit passcode. I find it hard to believe a person with EBT benefits would lend out their card and reveal that code for fear it could be stolen by who they loaned it to.

If a black man is using the card of a woman named "Beverly Steinberg", the merchant has a responsibility to report that transaction....whether it's acted upon is outside the realm of the transaction itself. And to close, merchants who use merchant services from small time processors or even their banks never face the scrutiny they would from First Data because we only have one dog in the fight....the merchant. For that privelege they know we don't tolerate taking a third-party transaction, fronting themselves cash with timed-transactions, upcharging the customer their discount rate (although that's changing), pricing something above their credit ceiling by doing multiple transactions, or selling prohibited services or merchandise.

Lol..the fact that you find it hard to believe shows what limited contact you've had personally with the people who get foodstamps.

Yes, they do give people their pins and their cards...then they report them stolen and they get a replacement. Then they do it again the next month. I've seen people who have had foodstamps for a couple of years and had 45 replacement cards issued.

"Lol"? And you do know these people and aren't reporting them or are you? I've read your posts about your circumstances and haven't seen mention of a husband. Do you have one? And if not, tell me what's the difference between denying your family benefits you could get and living on a meager single income by choice? I notice you donate to this site so I'm confused about your priorities, not that it's any of my business. I'm not sure why you're so angry about those getting benefits....were you denied them?

Wow, you are now trying to date board members?

Bizarro to me.
Let's put it another way. 1 out of 6 people face hunger. America is not as wealthy as people would like to believe.
Liar. WTF do you think the food stamps are for you dolt? No one faces hunger in this country unless they choose to not work and sit on their asses in a cardboard box in the middle of no-where.
76% of SNAP households included a child, an elderly person, or a disabled person...
What a load of statistical bull shit. You could make the same statement about EVERY SINGLE HOUSEHOLD IN THE WORLD. 76% of households include one of a child, an elderly person, or a disabled person. DUH! Did you expect food stamps to be handed out to households that do NOT HAVE A CHILD, AN ELDERLY PERSON OR DISABLED PERSONS? WTF Yeah we should go out and start giving welfare to RICH SINGLE PEOPLE WHO OWN HOMES HAVE NO CHILDREN AND ARE NOT DISABLED. rofl Oh wait.. that's the other 24%. OMG
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True, but it takes months of investigative man hours. Investigators aren't cheap, they have to be credible and do thorough paperwork. We're talking about how many millions of people now in the system? I don't want gov't to arbitrarily cut off people for the sake of saving money of course, but there has to be a way to wean people off the tit for Christ's sake.

Sure there is.

It's called jobs.

You tax the rich at an exhorbitant rate- also known as "their fair share" - like we did in the 1960's, you spend a lot of money on public works. That keeps people employed, improves infrastructure, and forces private employers to offer better wages and benefits to keep up.

You see, we don't have a "food stamp problem", we have a "People refusing to let their children starve so that Mitt has a place to ride his Dressage Horsie problem".

Effective tax rates were lower and government spending on "entitlements" was lower as a % of GDP in the 60s you idiot. You want to go back to the 60s taxing and spending by Govco? I'm all for it.
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