The FACTS on Food Stamps

They couldn't. Bendigo (my city) is the hardest city in the country to find work, with at least 33 applicants for every single job. That's worse than the major cities, like Melbourne and Sydney.

I can provide you with a link to prove this if you dare to dispute my claims.

there must be a tremendous problem

with business not wanting to locate to your area to supply jobs for some reason

We have a few decent businesses here. We've a population of around 40,000, last I heard, although it might have grown since then.
The main problem is that employers refuse to train their staff, they expect everyone to come with experience - even kids out of high school. If you are looking for a junior to work in your store, you can't request that they have previous experience, its just common sense.

The biggest problem is that there are simply too many people, and not enough jobs to go around, which is why so many people commute to Melbourne each day - a 2 hour train ride, or 4 hours there and back.

employers refuse to train their staff, they expect everyone to come with experience

why not

with 33 to 1 there is an over abundance of people from the work pool

out here for awhile the unemployed number dropped so low

that we pretty much had to accept anyone that came for a job

that was a production nightmare
At what point does society say "for the sake of the children as these parents are irresponsible and can not feed, clothe and house their existing children much less the others on the way we have to find suitable responsible parents to take these kids"?
We have created a growing society of poor, uneducated and irresponsible young women that do not know how to raise children.
I invite you to my city where you can read all the job advertisements and discover that you must even have experience working the cash register in a supermarket before they will offer you a job.

Hey - you think I'd be stuck at Macca's if I could get another job? Doesn't take much to show someone how to answer a phone and type shit up on a computer, but you need this degree, and that qualification, and sometimes you can actually be overqualified for a job, which doesn't make sense to me.

I assume that when that happens, you are smarter than the boss.

The flat out ignorance and laziness of some people just amazes me. No one ever gets a job without experience in your city. OMG

I would bet every single one of my kids could get a job in your city with no experience in a couple hours.

They couldn't. Bendigo (my city) is the hardest city in the country to find work, with at least 33 applicants for every single job. That's worse than the major cities, like Melbourne and Sydney.

I can provide you with a link to prove this if you dare to dispute my claims.

LOL I have this picture in my mind of a city with half of the population staring at the other half saying give me a job. If there are no jobs you make one.
Yeah but ya see Billy its the poor's fault they are poor. Not the business's that refuse to pay them a livable wage or in most cases even hire them! Your typical republican,conservative,libertarian response.


$20 Food Showdown: Fast Food vs. Healthy Food | SparkPeople

I have no idea why, fast food is anywhere close to popular, except people are lazy and would exchange good food they can make themselves, for fast fixed dog shit.

You cannot buy ANY prepared foods with SNAP.

At what point does society say "for the sake of the children as these parents are irresponsible and can not feed, clothe and house their existing children much less the others on the way we have to find suitable responsible parents to take these kids"?
We have created a growing society of poor, uneducated and irresponsible young women that do not know how to raise children.

I think taking kids away from parents because they are poor and throwing them into institutions would do more damage to them.

I agree we have a lot of people making babies who shouldn't. But where we have failed is in not promoting marriage and reducing job oppurtunities.
At what point does society say "for the sake of the children as these parents are irresponsible and can not feed, clothe and house their existing children much less the others on the way we have to find suitable responsible parents to take these kids"?
We have created a growing society of poor, uneducated and irresponsible young women that do not know how to raise children.

Try and take my kids you would be lying in my yard with a gun shot wound to the head. That goes for ANYONE...if it wasn't for my kids I would kiss this sorry ass world good bye.

I love my kids too. It just pisses me off when scum bags take money from my kids against my permission.
At what point does society say "for the sake of the children as these parents are irresponsible and can not feed, clothe and house their existing children much less the others on the way we have to find suitable responsible parents to take these kids"?
We have created a growing society of poor, uneducated and irresponsible young women that do not know how to raise children.

Try and take my kids you would be lying in my yard with a gun shot wound to the head. That goes for ANYONE...if it wasn't for my kids I would kiss this sorry ass world good bye.

I love my kids too. It just pisses me off when scum bags take money from my kids against my permission.
Blame the state.They are the ones robbing all of us seeing how there is this thing called WORKING POOR...that's what me and my wife are...we pay taxes aka get it stolen from checks goes to people like someone I know has 6 sons.Now is pregnant with #7 baby with 3rd different father,has no vehicle,neither has a job,they can barely pay rent etc...those are the ones sucking down resources and not providing anything.

I have no idea why, fast food is anywhere close to popular, except people are lazy and would exchange good food they can make themselves, for fast fixed dog shit.

You cannot buy ANY prepared foods with SNAP.


You get dumber each post, I never said you COULD buy prepared foods with SNAP, dumb shit.

Someone put up the post and I commented how crappy fast food is, and then, you being the stupid shit that you are claim I said something I didn't.

At what point does society say "for the sake of the children as these parents are irresponsible and can not feed, clothe and house their existing children much less the others on the way we have to find suitable responsible parents to take these kids"?
We have created a growing society of poor, uneducated and irresponsible young women that do not know how to raise children.

I think taking kids away from parents because they are poor and throwing them into institutions would do more damage to them.

I agree we have a lot of people making babies who shouldn't. But where we have failed is in not promoting marriage and reducing job oppurtunities.

What does marriage do? All it is, is a piece of paper that complicates life when a couple break up.
Try and take my kids you would be lying in my yard with a gun shot wound to the head. That goes for ANYONE...if it wasn't for my kids I would kiss this sorry ass world good bye.

I love my kids too. It just pisses me off when scum bags take money from my kids against my permission.
Blame the state.They are the ones robbing all of us seeing how there is this thing called WORKING POOR...that's what me and my wife are...we pay taxes aka get it stolen from checks goes to people like someone I know has 6 sons.Now is pregnant with #7 baby with 3rd different father,has no vehicle,neither has a job,they can barely pay rent etc...those are the ones sucking down resources and not providing anything.

the money stripped of you not only goes towards that

but other needed projects like 40 grand for IRS workers

to youtube themselves line dancing

or to fund a reality show in India

for example
I invite you to my city where you can read all the job advertisements and discover that you must even have experience working the cash register in a supermarket before they will offer you a job.

Hey - you think I'd be stuck at Macca's if I could get another job? Doesn't take much to show someone how to answer a phone and type shit up on a computer, but you need this degree, and that qualification, and sometimes you can actually be overqualified for a job, which doesn't make sense to me.

I assume that when that happens, you are smarter than the boss.

The flat out ignorance and laziness of some people just amazes me. No one ever gets a job without experience in your city. OMG

I would bet every single one of my kids could get a job in your city with no experience in a couple hours.

They couldn't. Bendigo (my city) is the hardest city in the country to find work, with at least 33 applicants for every single job. That's worse than the major cities, like Melbourne and Sydney.

I can provide you with a link to prove this if you dare to dispute my claims.

thank you for your honesty, now you dont think your minimum wage of $15 bucks an hour has anything to do with it?
At what point does society say "for the sake of the children as these parents are irresponsible and can not feed, clothe and house their existing children much less the others on the way we have to find suitable responsible parents to take these kids"?
We have created a growing society of poor, uneducated and irresponsible young women that do not know how to raise children.

Try and take my kids you would be lying in my yard with a gun shot wound to the head. That goes for ANYONE...if it wasn't for my kids I would kiss this sorry ass world good bye.

How the hell could you find anyone in your yard admist the 6 cars on blocks and over grown weeds?
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I have no idea why, fast food is anywhere close to popular, except people are lazy and would exchange good food they can make themselves, for fast fixed dog shit.

You cannot buy ANY prepared foods with SNAP.


Yes you can. You just can't buy HOT prepared food. You can buy any deli item that is cold, and you can buy take & bake pizza from Papa Murphy's. In fact, their business largely depends on snap dollars...our local one had a broken ebt machine, and the manager was talking to me and they said it was taking forever to get it fixed and it was killing their business. You can also buy soda....and fountain soda from 7/11...and candy.

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