The FACTS on Food Stamps

Republican Lies about Welfare

"lazy people looking for handouts are ruining the country", "lazy people are taking my tax dollars", "welfare makes people dependent", "welfare queens have more children in order to get more money", "the poor refuse to work because they will be supported by the rich", "Obama wants to take from the 'haves' and give to the 'have nots'", "Obama supporters want a handout", "Obama wants everyone dependent on the Government". If they aren't worded exactly like this, they are simply different variations of these types of statements.

As it turns out, according to the TANF statistics on welfare recipients, these statements - all of them - are, quite simply, false. That's right, every single one of them isn't supported by anything not produced by the Heritage Foundation. As often as these myths get thrown around, you'd think they'd have been proven to the degree that the Pythagorean Thereom has. But, a rather peculiar thing occurs each time one of these welfare gems is carelessly floated into a discussion; it never seems to be accompanied by any supporting evidence. It's generally lobbed into the discussion without explanation as if everyone knows it to be true. Well, let's take a look at the numbers:

In the fiscal year of 2009, there were an average of a little over 4 million people on welfare in any given month. With a population of over 320 million people total, 4 million's a pretty miniscule number to act as if a large portion of someone's tax dollars are going to 'some lazy person on welfare' link. Not to mention, About 75% of all 'lazy' recipients were children (link pg. 86).

That last fact provides a nice segue for another welfare myth: that people have more children in order to get more assistance - welfare queens, as they are generally referred to. Well, the average number of recipient children in a welfare family -1.8 (link pg. 86) is actually less than the national average for number of children in a family - 1.86 (link pg. 1). In fact, one in two recipient families only had one child and only one in ten recipient families had more than three children (link pg. 86). How could that possibly be if welfare recipients have more kids in order to receive more assistance? Quite simply, it couldn't.

Oh, and in regard to that 'welfare creates dependency' diatribe? The average stay for a family on welfare was 35 months, with only 6.6% of families exceeding the limit for benefit assistance (link pg. 8). According to the 1996 House Ways and Means COmmittee, half of families on assistance exited assistance in less than 24 months link. Not to mention, the average assistance - cash and noncash combined - was $370 a month (link pg. 12). Dependence? On $370 a month?

In terms of tax dollars, lists 2009 expenses budgeted for Family and Children programs at $80.1 billion, which was around 2% of the federal budget link.
I have devoted years of my life to listening to stories like that every single day.

That's the reality of welfare.

For some, but not for all. Be fair, Allie, you know that most people on welfare want to get off it, and are not lazy shmucks like the woman you described.

from what i see, no most don't want to get off of welfare. They want more welfare.

I see those people around as well, believe me, we have our fair share of them. But I cannot tar everyone with the same brush and assume that just because I see a ton of lazy fucks out there, that they all must be the same.
I do believe that most people want a job, and want to get off welfare.
Myth: ”People on welfare are lazy and sit at home collecting it while the rest of us work to support them.”

Fact: The welfare reform law that was signed by President Clinton in 1996 largely turned control over welfare benefits to the states, but the federal government provides some of the funding for state welfare programs through a program called Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF). TANF grants to states require that all welfare recipients must find work within two years of first receiving benefits. This includes single parents, who are required to work at least 30 hours per week. Two parent families are required to work 35 to 50 hours per week. Failure to obtain work could result in loss of benefits. It is also worth noting that thanks to the pay offerings of companies such as Walmart, many who work at low wage jobs qualify for public assistance, even though they work full time.
See. 30hrs part time at minimum wage. A high school job. And this is the best they can do? Wow. 45 million people. Wow.
No, it's not. It's one of many.

Primarily, that welfare that is provided to people who will not take steps towards self sufficiency increases the welfare class..if the objective is to help the destitute move out of their condition, it's not working.
Myth: ”People on welfare are lazy and sit at home collecting it while the rest of us work to support them.”

Fact: The welfare reform law that was signed by President Clinton in 1996 largely turned control over welfare benefits to the states, but the federal government provides some of the funding for state welfare programs through a program called Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF). TANF grants to states require that all welfare recipients must find work within two years of first receiving benefits. This includes single parents, who are required to work at least 30 hours per week. Two parent families are required to work 35 to 50 hours per week. Failure to obtain work could result in loss of benefits. It is also worth noting that thanks to the pay offerings of companies such as Walmart, many who work at low wage jobs qualify for public assistance, even though they work full time.
See. 30hrs part time at minimum wage. A high school job. And this is the best they can do? Wow. 45 million people. Wow.

The reform law was wildly successful. People were getting off benefits, and finding work.

So naturally Obama got rid of it. He doesn't want his voters to learn what it's like to support themselves and be responsible for themselves, or to prove to themselves and others that they can be upwardly mobile...just like other people.
I have devoted years of my life to listening to stories like that every single day.

That's the reality of welfare.

For some, but not for all. Be fair, Allie, you know that most people on welfare want to get off it, and are not lazy shmucks like the woman you described.

from what i see, no most don't want to get off of welfare. They want more welfare.

those that want to get off of welfare usually try to avoid it in the first place

even if they qualify

i have seen some real sad 2nd and third generation welfare cases


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I have no idea why, fast food is anywhere close to popular, except people are lazy and would exchange good food they can make themselves, for fast fixed dog shit.
For some, but not for all. Be fair, Allie, you know that most people on welfare want to get off it, and are not lazy shmucks like the woman you described.

from what i see, no most don't want to get off of welfare. They want more welfare.

I see those people around as well, believe me, we have our fair share of them. But I cannot tar everyone with the same brush and assume that just because I see a ton of lazy fucks out there, that they all must be the same.
I do believe that most people want a job, and want to get off welfare.

and if you offer them a dish washing job they will laugh at you. Offer them a job picking fields and they will laugh at you.

no, what they want is more. Look at the op, its not about moving people off of food stamps...its wanting MORE food stamps.

from what i see, no most don't want to get off of welfare. They want more welfare.

I see those people around as well, believe me, we have our fair share of them. But I cannot tar everyone with the same brush and assume that just because I see a ton of lazy fucks out there, that they all must be the same.
I do believe that most people want a job, and want to get off welfare.

and if you offer them a dish washing job they will laugh at you. Offer them a job picking fields and they will laugh at you.

no, what they want is more. Look at the op, its not about moving people off of food stamps...its wanting MORE food stamps.

And people want to know why we have so many illegals taking American jobs? At least they aren't too freaking lazy to do backbreaking manual labor. Still doesn't change the fact they are illegal, and it doesn't change the fact that Americans are being babied by the Government. It's a one way clusterfuck.
The welfare class could learn a lot from immigrant families who came here to work..and who are on foodstamps.

I'd a hundred times rather see a poor immigrant family of a mom with legal status, her illegal husband and their 4 citizen kids applying for foodstamps and medical than I would seeing someone who is the third generation welfare recipient, in the office alone because she doesn't live with any of the dads of her kids (or they're in prison) who claims she's *disabled* because she has adult ADHD or a pinched nerve. Because you can bet that one or both of the adults in that immigrant family are working. They may not be earning much, but they are getting as many hours as they can..instead of looking for a better excuse NOT to work.

From the KFC purchase, if any leftovers how good will they taste? Still won't improve the nutrition or lack there of.

OTOH, the other fresh foods can be 'stretched' and with simple additions of vegetables, legumes, pastas etc., be carried into soups, salads, chilies, soups, or stews.

I found that couponing works wonders. 25 bucks buys a weeks worth of food on a 20k budget.
How the hell does someone get $9512.18 on a Food Stamp card? I thought you could not have over a couple thousand dollars in countable resources assets? This looks like 6 years worth of food stamps.

Myth: ”People on welfare are lazy and sit at home collecting it while the rest of us work to support them.”

Fact: The welfare reform law that was signed by President Clinton in 1996 largely turned control over welfare benefits to the states, but the federal government provides some of the funding for state welfare programs through a program called Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF). TANF grants to states require that all welfare recipients must find work within two years of first receiving benefits. This includes single parents, who are required to work at least 30 hours per week. Two parent families are required to work 35 to 50 hours per week. Failure to obtain work could result in loss of benefits. It is also worth noting that thanks to the pay offerings of companies such as Walmart, many who work at low wage jobs qualify for public assistance, even though they work full time.
See. 30hrs part time at minimum wage. A high school job. And this is the best they can do? Wow. 45 million people. Wow.

The reform law was wildly successful. People were getting off benefits, and finding work.

So naturally Obama got rid of it. He doesn't want his voters to learn what it's like to support themselves and be responsible for themselves, or to prove to themselves and others that they can be upwardly mobile...just like other people.

Obama did NOT get rid of it. So not only are you folks scum, and ignorant scum, you are also lying scum.

from what i see, no most don't want to get off of welfare. They want more welfare.

I see those people around as well, believe me, we have our fair share of them. But I cannot tar everyone with the same brush and assume that just because I see a ton of lazy fucks out there, that they all must be the same.
I do believe that most people want a job, and want to get off welfare.

and if you offer them a dish washing job they will laugh at you. Offer them a job picking fields and they will laugh at you.

no, what they want is more. Look at the op, its not about moving people off of food stamps...its wanting MORE food stamps.

Know what? I would take a job washing dishes if it meant some extra cash - but here's the problem - any restaurant that advertises for a kitchen hand, or dishwasher requests that any candidate have experience. That's right, if you don't have previous experience in washing dishes in a restaurant, they don't want to hear from you.

Sometimes I wonder if the employer isn't the problem.
I see those people around as well, believe me, we have our fair share of them. But I cannot tar everyone with the same brush and assume that just because I see a ton of lazy fucks out there, that they all must be the same.
I do believe that most people want a job, and want to get off welfare.

and if you offer them a dish washing job they will laugh at you. Offer them a job picking fields and they will laugh at you.

no, what they want is more. Look at the op, its not about moving people off of food stamps...its wanting MORE food stamps.

Know what? I would take a job washing dishes if it meant some extra cash - but here's the problem - any restaurant that advertises for a kitchen hand, or dishwasher requests that any candidate have experience. That's right, if you don't have previous experience in washing dishes in a restaurant, they don't want to hear from you.

Sometimes I wonder if the employer isn't the problem.

I'm sure that isn't the case in 100% of all jobs posted. If an employer needs a worker, they'll find a worker. You logic sometimes is just mind numbing.
and if you offer them a dish washing job they will laugh at you. Offer them a job picking fields and they will laugh at you.

no, what they want is more. Look at the op, its not about moving people off of food stamps...its wanting MORE food stamps.

Know what? I would take a job washing dishes if it meant some extra cash - but here's the problem - any restaurant that advertises for a kitchen hand, or dishwasher requests that any candidate have experience. That's right, if you don't have previous experience in washing dishes in a restaurant, they don't want to hear from you.

Sometimes I wonder if the employer isn't the problem.

I'm sure that isn't the case in 100% of all jobs posted. If an employer needs a worker, they'll find a worker. You logic sometimes is just mind numbing.

I invite you to my city where you can read all the job advertisements and discover that you must even have experience working the cash register in a supermarket before they will offer you a job.

Hey - you think I'd be stuck at Macca's if I could get another job? Doesn't take much to show someone how to answer a phone and type shit up on a computer, but you need this degree, and that qualification, and sometimes you can actually be overqualified for a job, which doesn't make sense to me.

I assume that when that happens, you are smarter than the boss.

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