The fall of Trumpism continues

Indictments are not convictions.
I suffer no illusions that they are. You have fallen back in to incoherence.

What does Raffensperger investigation of the Special Election have to do with Lastamender ‘s conspiracy theory that Raffensperger is hiding fraud for the Deep State plot to cheat DJT out of his rightful second term?
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I suffer no illusions that they are. You have fallen back in to incoherence.

What does Rathsburger’s investigation of the Special Election have to do with Lastamender ‘s conspiracy theory that Rathsburger is hiding fraud for the Deep State plot to cheat DJT out of his rightful second term?
Uh, it is the 2020 state general election and subsequent US Senate runoff.

Please check your facts.

Who the hell is Rathsburger?

Your incoherence precedes you......
Americans have the right to the answers so they can have faith in elections.
NFBW +< wrote: Trump is a loser so his voters are by default - LOSERS! Losers do not have a right to have faith ONLY in elections that they win. The answer is YOU LOST.

We cannot have democratic institutions and governance in a free multicultural society if the once dominant grieving American white Christian community demand it’s their entitlement to always win every election because a certain type of whites believe America was invented by them and built by them and God intended them to have dominion over it forever.

Patriotic people did. Dominion needs to be held accountable

What must Dominion be held to account?

Dominion did not make these Republicans try to defraud the Federal and State governments.

And the signers of those slates knew that. For whatever reason — hope, belief in the cause, pressure from GOP voters, whatever — they signed the slates. It wasn't secret. It wasn't fraud. It wasn't forgery.

The turtle is in bed with that faction.

Here is Mitch’s huge dilemma:

Correll wrote: As the country becomes assimilated into the Third World, and less American, it becomes hard to see how the GOP will win national elections. 21FEB11-POST#193

Mitch knows the once dominant but now grieving American rightwing white Christian plus corporate community cannot keep Republicans in power through Trumpism. He upped the conservative judges hold on the Supreme Court but now needs to return the GOP to Bush and McCainism. That’s all, but white grievance is still way too strong under Trump,

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I carry it with honor, thank you. Better that than living in the Trumpista echo chamber of imaginary horrors.
If I recall, there were many, many imaginary horrors emanating from the left's everything Trump dialog that failed muster in investigations, insinuations and impeachments.

Epic fail......and you're proud to be part of that epic failure....

Duly noted.

Durham is still investigating.
The rise of Brandonism?



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