The fall of Trumpism continues

We have gone over this, Joe Blowhard, the bloated, card carrying commie. You didn't even know who the major players were in this charade that was Sandy Hoax. You purposely ignore the glaring holes in the "official story" and frankly? I don't have the time nor the inclination to school you yet again. Kicking that fat ass of yours was getting boring and there was no point. Time is precious and why should I waste it here? No one is going to change their minds and you are the poster child for why no one should be a commie fuck like you. What was that you said about China? They got communism right????? I can find the quote, but if so inclined by using the search feature, I could find it.

I lurk here, rarely chime in.....what is the point? There are posters here whose opinions I value.....I check in. They check in on me and want to know how I am doing. I was here for 6 years wasting my time arguing with idiots like yourself. I loom pretty large in your world, obviously.


You tried that nonsense already, dickless delusional dale, when you claimed it was a hoax based on a photo in the winter where the kids weren't wearing jackets. Only you missed the part where the cops who were rushing the kids out of the school were wearing jackets.

Vermont, Nevada, DC, California, New Jersey, Colorado, Hawaii, Utah, Washington and Oregon.
Um...retard? Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington State conduct their elections entirely by mail. Long before 2020.
The fall of Trumpism continues. Pence contradicts Trump in speech at the Federalist society. More and more conservatives and Republicans are pulling away from Trumpism.

Evil is always difficult to eliminate but it will be neutralized. Only the dumbest of the dumb and the evilist of the evil will be left supporting Trumpism.

It's funny when libtards go off on these "wishful thinking fantasy tirades". Running a program through their virtual reality goggles, LoL! :abgg2q.jpg:
In which direction? I would like them to bring back the Reagan line. The Trumpists are not right at all.
"In 2016, 140,000 Republicans voted for Trump, but did not vote for former Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on the same ballot. In 2020, 70,000 Republicans voted for their incumbent GOP member of Congress but did not vote for Trump."

Trump has fallen alright
If democrats quit with all the mouth foaming, let the forensic audits run their course, the dems would be able to scream I told you so all over the media.

And this hasn't happened because?

There hasn't been that many forensic audits....only recounts and ballot count audits.

The big lie is the dems aren't afraid of a FA outcome.
Why did dominion hide their machines?

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