The fall of Trumpism continues are delusional.

If an Election was held today Trump wins! wakey wakey OP

The fall of Trumpism continues​

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Trump is a loser.
Hey Stupid, does it make you feel better to tell yourself that just to bury the fact that out of office, Trump is still winning more battles than your string-puppet Biden has actually won IN office?

It was Trump's three constitutional scholars appointed that made changing Roe v Wade possible, and I won't even mention Disney, CRT, Build Back Better, Russia, Afghanistan, Twitter, Covid, the economy, or any of the other enormous failures Biden has ushered in on us! No one can point to a single good thing he has accomplished! :21:

Everyone is just relieved to see the old fool make it off the stage each day and not fall down or shit himself again.
Having a super hero makes you really scary. Weak people use, what they consider, strong images.
'Super hero'??

WTF are you talking about. Snowflake?!

Love how you try to sound tough on your keyboard in your momma's basement. :p
'Super hero'??

In a backward way, the Left have accidentally shown their hand trying to insult Trump supporters by revealing through such phrases they really ENVY Trump and are jealous of his unshakable popularity because while they can lie, cheat and steal elections and put on a show in front of cameras, they can't fake raw, honest POPULARITY.

Put simply, the Left hate us because we have Trump and like Trump more every day and the closest thing to a liked democrat these days is their house rascal, Joe Manchin. Joe Biden and Kamela Harris are the most despised, despicably incompetent, callous and unqualified frauds in the history of our Capitol.

And it just kills them in light of how like EverReady, Trump just keeps marching on. :71:
If a fair Election was held today in America .....Trump wins.

No stealing....a fair election!

Trump wins again.
He beat Barry & his criminal administration.

He beat Pelosi and tge treasonous criminal Democrats...again and again.

He had the most successful Presidency by the numbers in decades, in some cases EVER
- Compared to Biden's WORST Presidency, making Carter look like a genius

His endorsed candidates just went something like 21 for 21 the other night while Democrats would secretly rather have an endorsement from Trump than Biden
The CULT is alive.
The LIES you believe.
The CULT is alive.
Yes, the Trump-hating cult still lives. Some douchebag just tried to claim unemployment is better under Biden ...before being exposed as a liar with multiple articles showing Trump set records never seen in US history.

You continue to prove the depths of your insanity is endless, your willingness to repeatedly, knowingly lie truly is pathetic.
If a fair Election was held today in America .....Trump wins.

No stealing....a fair election!

Trump wins again.

Skye, I live in a big, deep blue city (thankfully on the outskirts) that is all democrat all the time, and in 2020, I saw Trump signs everywhere. There was easily 5-10 Trump signs for every house I saw carrying a Biden sign!
tried to claim unemployment is better under Biden ...before being exposed as a liar with multiple articles showing Trump set records never seen in US history.

Obama set the trend
Trump continued the trend (which Policy??????????????)
Pandemic/ Scamdemic........whatever.......trump failed. BLAME China. Oh, he did.
Black unemployment, sure, which trump policy was that??????

No policy. trump.....con man.

NOPE....Obama Trend.
I saw Trump signs everywhere. There was easily 5-10 Trump signs for every house I saw carrying a Biden sign!
I saw this in my WA State, which trounced piece of shit con man trump, and the trump signs were in his favor.

You know why?????????

It is called a CULT.
You are part of the CULT.
It is called a CULT.
You are part of the CULT.

A cult nation? :laughing0301: You wanna know why, shitferbranes?




Democrats ought to try it sometime.

I'm NOT a Biden Fan or A Trump fan

I will say it is embarrassing that WE, as Americans, can't find a younger, better, candidate.

These 75+ fuck should NOT be eligible.
How many wars did Trump start?

He whacked the #1 terrorist intheMiddle East, if not the world, responsible for killing many Americans, and you spineless, enemy/terroristnotsack huggers begN openly weeping, gnashing teeth, and professing your solidarity with Iran.

Soliamani was the go to guy to negotiate a peace with the Al houthi.
In a backward way, the Left have accidentally shown their hand trying to insult Trump supporters by revealing through such phrases they really ENVY Trump and are jealous of his unshakable popularity because while they can lie, cheat and steal elections and put on a show in front of cameras, they can't fake raw, honest POPULARITY.

Put simply, the Left hate us because we have Trump and like Trump more every day and the closest thing to a liked democrat these days is their house rascal, Joe Manchin. Joe Biden and Kamela Harris are the most despised, despicably incompetent, callous and unqualified frauds in the history of our Capitol.

And it just kills them in light of how like EverReady, Trump just keeps marching on. :71:
Trump is entertaining, but most conservatives want a better candidate.

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