The fall of Trumpism continues

How’s he doing it?
The Republican party is less than 30% of the population. A majority of the Republicans, 20% of the population, are Trump cult members. The Republicans cannot win most Republican primaries without kissing Trump's ass. Most do it holding their nose.
The Republican party is less than 30% of the population. A majority of the Republicans, 20% of the population, are Trump cult members. The Republicans cannot win most Republican primaries without kissing Trump's ass. Most do it holding their nose.
How was the question
The Republican party is less than 30% of the population. A majority of the Republicans, 20% of the population, are Trump cult members. The Republicans cannot win most Republican primaries without kissing Trump's ass. Most do it holding their nose.
Did Trump cause an interruption in your welfare checks?
Only a person who should not buy a house could not come up with 20% down for a house. The current rate is well below the average mortgage rate over the past 30 years.
You are an idiot. Go after Biden on inflation, the border, the pull back from Afghanistan. Despite all those issues he is much better than Trump.
You do not lose a Presidential election by 7 million votes, the House and the Senate unless you are the ultimate loser. And you lose to a party led by Joe Biden. Hardly the best Presidential candidate in history.
Trump is a loser. You are a loser.
Because dumping millions of votes at 3:15AM EST is normal.
Millions of Americans willingly walked away from self-serving Washington Establishment cowards who don't truly represent them ... sort of how blacks and Latinos are doing with the Democrats now ... and THAT is your definition of 'being held hostage'??


That's not being 'held hostage' - that is BEING REJECTED. :p

For decades RINOS told Conservatives, "Suck it up and vote for us so Democrats don't win."

Trump came along and actually gave Conservative a true choice - someone they related to and represented them. They have chosen to follow him.

F* the whiny RINOS. If they refuse to actually represent and fight for Conservatives then they deserve to he rejected and cast by the wayside.

The Democratic Party is now being held hostage by extremists and they are hemorrhaging voters. (Good thing they rely on stealing elections now instead of winning them.)
Conservative values are not led by a man who has 5 kids by 3 wives, multiple affairs, run a fake University that fleeced students and was made to pay back the tuitions, has a charity that is stripped of it's 501c3 was stripped because a majority of funds going to benefit Trump. Conservatives do not support white supremacists. Conservatives do not support a closed economy. Conservatives do not set records in adding to the national debt. Conservative leaders do not claim they know more than the military leaders.
Conservative values are not led by a man who has 5 kids by 3 wives, multiple affairs, run a fake University that fleeced students and was made to pay back the tuitions, has a charity that is stripped of it's 501c3 was stripped because a majority of funds going to benefit Trump. Conservatives do not support white supremacists. Conservatives do not support a closed economy. Conservatives do not set records in adding to the national debt. Conservative leaders do not claim they know more than the military leaders.
Oh, my! You're hurting our feelings!
Who's the trespasser?
You? Your lover? Both?
Conservative values are not led by a man who has 5 kids by 3 wives, multiple affairs, run a fake University that fleeced students and was made to pay back the tuitions, has a charity that is stripped of it's 501c3 was stripped because a majority of funds going to benefit Trump. Conservatives do not support white supremacists. Conservatives do not support a closed economy. Conservatives do not set records in adding to the national debt. Conservative leaders do not claim they know more than the military leaders.
You need to spend time worrying about “liberal values.” Now there’s an amusing oxymoron.
Conservative values are not led by a man who has 5 kids by 3 wives, multiple affairs, run a fake University that fleeced students and was made to pay back the tuitions, has a charity that is stripped of it's 501c3 was stripped because a majority of funds going to benefit Trump. Conservatives do not support white supremacists. Conservatives do not support a closed economy. Conservatives do not set records in adding to the national debt. Conservative leaders do not claim they know more than the military leaders.
Demofks holding all Americans hostage
You need to spend time worrying about “liberal values.” Now there’s an amusing oxymoron.
If you do not approve of liberal values, are you saying based on Trump's embarrassing values, he should be a liberal?
He has called himself a liberal in the past and he had the same horrific values then.
Conservative values are not led by a man who has 5 kids by 3 wives, multiple affairs, run a fake University that fleeced students and was made to pay back the tuitions, has a charity that is stripped of it's 501c3 was stripped because a majority of funds going to benefit Trump. Conservatives do not support white supremacists. Conservatives do not support a closed economy. Conservatives do not set records in adding to the national debt. Conservative leaders do not claim they know more than the military leaders.
You're failing
I see having values, morality or ethics are anything you care about.
I do not think any of the Trump slime care about values.
If you are so concerned about values, why do you deposit your money in a bank or a financial firm when the Board of Directors and most of the managers are drug addicts and adulterers?

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