The fallacy of black unwed births

Nah, fascism is what you believe. We don't need white racist opinion to continue being part of the national discussion. 241 years of it is more than enough.

the silencing of dissent is fascist

Yep like what whites have done to us for 241 years. Racism is not dissent.
Get a job stooge.

I worked for 43 years thank you. It's Saturday, but maybe on Monday you go find one.
Why? Get job welfare queen.

I don't need to. So on Monday waltz your white ass out and go find a job..
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.


Oh, what were the PERCENTAGES, shit fer brains?

You're not just a liar, not just a racist, but dumb as a fucking brick...

The truth is a painful thing for dust wads like you.
I don't know where you went to school but wherever it was they didn't teach you much math. There is one and only one way to determine the percentage of unwed Black births. You create a fraction with the number of unwed Black births on the top and the total number of Black births on the bottom. Then you divide the top number by the bottom. You do the same thing for White mothers, dividing the number of illegitimate White births by the total number of White births. Then you can compare the percentage of illegitimate Black births to the percentage of illegitimate White births.

I don't know how old you are but you must be very young because there are countless studies and many millions of references to the number of unmarried births by race and they all show the same thing: About 70 percent of Black children are born to unwed mothers compared to about 30% for White mothers. You notion that the illegitimacy rate for Black mother is only about 10 is laughable. Here is one of millions of links:

“More than three quarters of African American births are to unmarried women, nearly double the illegitimacy rate of all other births, according to new federal data.

“The National Center for Health Statistics said that in 2015, 77.3 percent of non-immigrant black births were illegitimate. The national non-immigrant average is 42 percent, and it was 30 percent for whites.

“More than three quarters of African American births are to unmarried women, nearly double the illegitimacy rate of all other births, according to new federal data.

“The National Center for Health Statistics said that in 2015, 77.3 percent of non-immigrant black births were illegitimate. The national non-immigrant average is 42 percent, and it was 30 percent for whites."

77% black births to single moms, 49% for Hispanic immigrants

CONCLUSION: Every study, including those done by various government agencies and elements in the private sector prove the same thing: the percentage of illegitimate Black children is much higher than the percentage of illegitimate White children. I wouldn't be surprised if White mothers had a greater number (not percentage) of illegitimate births because there are a lot more White mothers (around six times as many).

PS: Using the figures you provided (415,000 Black babies born to unwed mothers and only a little over 500,000 total Black births), the percentage of illegitimate Black births would be 83 percent.

Blacks had approximately 593,000 babies total. I am 57 and have read one sided stats from white agencies all my life.

Actually you cmpare the unwed births to the total number of births. That how they go the 40 percent out of wedlock birth rate. You know putting 1,600,208 over 3,977,745 and then dividing. So you take the 415,000 and put that over the 1,600,208 and you end up with 26 percent of all unwed children were back. Now if you only go by black births total compared to unwed births only by backs you get your total, But when we look at unwed births as a societal or cultural problem then we must look at the entire picture not just one race make the claim. So then we look at the total number of blacks born out of wedlock 415,000 and we put that over the 3,977,745 to come to the conclusion that 10.4 prcent of all races born were back out of wedlock babies.

So unless you went to the Kollege of the KI KLUX KLAN, the numbers shown represent the total number of black babies born out of wedlock as a percentage of total births in America in 2015. 10.4 percent. md in the usual white r axis fashion, you want to deny that having more out of wedlock births than blacks had total births doesn't represent a problem only the manufactured story of backs having a 70 percent unwed rate is much more of a problem.

So if you are t he professor, I'm the dean. So is JQPublic.

Oh I see mr chicken ran away.

The problem isn't the total number, you act as if the Black & White communities are the same, that we coexist harmoniously, we both know that is not the case. You do understand that the White population is 77% of the total US population and blacks are 13%, are you able to follow this fact? I hope so, so in essence the number of unwed mothers in the Black community is extremely high compared to the White community. Don't get me wrong, I think the number of unwed mothers of all races are too high, Blacks lead the pack at 72%, Native American Indians come in 2nd at 53%, Hispanics are in 3rd with 46% and Whites are at 25%, Asians are such a small percentage it's irrelevant.

You're only proving the point if you continue down this path, I think its time we as Americans recognize the Black community needs real help, not the patronizing the Democrats continue to feed you...

I know that your comments show a tremendous amount of racism and ignorance. The total number is he truth. If blacks had 70 percent of all unwed births hen you might have a point. But that's not so. Especially since things were worse when we had a lower rate of unwed births. What America needs is for dumb ass racist whites like you to be made to shut up. Stop electing them and take their asses off the radio and TV.

"In fact, since the early 1990s, the rate of out-of-wedlock child birth for all women — not just teenagers — has fallen for blacks, while actually climbing for whites. From 1990 to 2010 the white out-of-wedlock birth rate grew by one-third while the rate for black women fell by more than 28 percent. Since 1970, the rate of out-of-wedlock births has more than tripled for white women, while falling among black women by nearly a third.

But how can that be? Over 72 percent of black babies born today are born out-of-wedlock, as opposed to 66.5 percent of all black babies in 1990, and only 37.5 percent of black babies born in 1970! Doesn’t this prove that single black women are becoming less responsible in their childbearing patterns? Doesn’t it prove a cultural tendency in the black community to bring children into the world, despite the lack of a father in the home? Well no, and anyone who knew how to interpret basic statistical concepts would know why. "


"Finally someone got it right. Basically black birth rates are down amongst black married and unmarried couples but when you compare the two the out-of-wedlock numbers look larger. Therefore, causing the deception about Out-of-Wedlock birth in the black community."

Explaining Conservative Deception About Out-of-Wedlock Births in the Black Comm.

Ye shall learn the truth..........

This is saying that black women are giving birth at a lower rate than in the past, but that among those births, the rate that are to unwed mothers is increasing. Put another way, the rate of births to unmarried women has dropped among all black women, but among black women who give birth, the rate of unmarried births has increased.

Perhaps it would be easier to say that the rate of unwed births among blacks has fallen, while the percentage of births to unwed mothers has increased.

Assuming one thinks that out of wedlock births are bad (not a given by any means), this could mean that it is good that black women in general are having children out of wedlock less frequently, or it could be bad that when black women do have children, it is more often out of wedlock. Or both. There are a lot of conclusions that could be drawn from the data.

And yes, the rate of unwed births among whites has increased in the same time frame. The percentage of white births that are to unwed mothers has increased, as well.

I don't recall if you linked to this before, but this seems to be where Wise got his numbers, if anyone is interested:

Montrovant. blacks having babies out of wedlock is really a non issue perpetuated by white racists. That's the point of his thread.

I don't think I can entirely agree, but neither do I think it is a problem only among blacks. For that matter, it isn't out of wedlock births that I would consider an issue, but rather the correlation between out of wedlock births and single parent homes. Pretty much all of the data I can recall seeing on the subject indicates that children tend to have better outcomes in two parent rather than single parent homes.

That is an issue that it would be good to address for all Americans, regardless of race.
The commitment of marriage is for the benefit of the kids and the culture at large.
The missing black father is not a myth. It’s an empirical reality and consistently manifests itself in social demise.

The missing black father is a myth. What is not is the white female divorcee that leaves at about 1/2 of all white homes with no father present.
So you're saying you're retarded because of your genetics and not because you didn't have a father?

Motherfucker I had a father who lived with my mother for 53 years until he died. So it's apparent that you are retard because you are a dumb fuck white piece of racist shit.

Where are the moderators around here who can send me a notification for making comments about someones momma, but this punk ass bitch gets to say shit like this?
Where did I say anything about your momma? I asked you why you were retarded (must be genetics) since it's apparently NOT because of a lack of a father. Now sure how the fuck you got "comments about someones momma" out of that. Must be your long heritage of genetic retardation. And a touch of your victim mentality.

I'm far more intelligent than you and have shown it.
So why don't you post those statistics you claimed?
Blacks had approximately 593,000 babies total. I am 57 and have read one sided stats from white agencies all my life.

Actually you cmpare the unwed births to the total number of births. That how they go the 40 percent out of wedlock birth rate. You know putting 1,600,208 over 3,977,745 and then dividing. So you take the 415,000 and put that over the 1,600,208 and you end up with 26 percent of all unwed children were back. Now if you only go by black births total compared to unwed births only by backs you get your total, But when we look at unwed births as a societal or cultural problem then we must look at the entire picture not just one race make the claim. So then we look at the total number of blacks born out of wedlock 415,000 and we put that over the 3,977,745 to come to the conclusion that 10.4 prcent of all races born were back out of wedlock babies.

So unless you went to the Kollege of the KI KLUX KLAN, the numbers shown represent the total number of black babies born out of wedlock as a percentage of total births in America in 2015. 10.4 percent. md in the usual white r axis fashion, you want to deny that having more out of wedlock births than blacks had total births doesn't represent a problem only the manufactured story of backs having a 70 percent unwed rate is much more of a problem.

So if you are t he professor, I'm the dean. So is JQPublic.

Oh I see mr chicken ran away.

The problem isn't the total number, you act as if the Black & White communities are the same, that we coexist harmoniously, we both know that is not the case. You do understand that the White population is 77% of the total US population and blacks are 13%, are you able to follow this fact? I hope so, so in essence the number of unwed mothers in the Black community is extremely high compared to the White community. Don't get me wrong, I think the number of unwed mothers of all races are too high, Blacks lead the pack at 72%, Native American Indians come in 2nd at 53%, Hispanics are in 3rd with 46% and Whites are at 25%, Asians are such a small percentage it's irrelevant.

You're only proving the point if you continue down this path, I think its time we as Americans recognize the Black community needs real help, not the patronizing the Democrats continue to feed you...

I know that your comments show a tremendous amount of racism and ignorance. The total number is he truth. If blacks had 70 percent of all unwed births hen you might have a point. But that's not so. Especially since things were worse when we had a lower rate of unwed births. What America needs is for dumb ass racist whites like you to be made to shut up. Stop electing them and take their asses off the radio and TV.

"In fact, since the early 1990s, the rate of out-of-wedlock child birth for all women — not just teenagers — has fallen for blacks, while actually climbing for whites. From 1990 to 2010 the white out-of-wedlock birth rate grew by one-third while the rate for black women fell by more than 28 percent. Since 1970, the rate of out-of-wedlock births has more than tripled for white women, while falling among black women by nearly a third.

But how can that be? Over 72 percent of black babies born today are born out-of-wedlock, as opposed to 66.5 percent of all black babies in 1990, and only 37.5 percent of black babies born in 1970! Doesn’t this prove that single black women are becoming less responsible in their childbearing patterns? Doesn’t it prove a cultural tendency in the black community to bring children into the world, despite the lack of a father in the home? Well no, and anyone who knew how to interpret basic statistical concepts would know why. "


"Finally someone got it right. Basically black birth rates are down amongst black married and unmarried couples but when you compare the two the out-of-wedlock numbers look larger. Therefore, causing the deception about Out-of-Wedlock birth in the black community."

Explaining Conservative Deception About Out-of-Wedlock Births in the Black Comm.

Ye shall learn the truth..........

This is saying that black women are giving birth at a lower rate than in the past, but that among those births, the rate that are to unwed mothers is increasing. Put another way, the rate of births to unmarried women has dropped among all black women, but among black women who give birth, the rate of unmarried births has increased.

Perhaps it would be easier to say that the rate of unwed births among blacks has fallen, while the percentage of births to unwed mothers has increased.

Assuming one thinks that out of wedlock births are bad (not a given by any means), this could mean that it is good that black women in general are having children out of wedlock less frequently, or it could be bad that when black women do have children, it is more often out of wedlock. Or both. There are a lot of conclusions that could be drawn from the data.

And yes, the rate of unwed births among whites has increased in the same time frame. The percentage of white births that are to unwed mothers has increased, as well.

I don't recall if you linked to this before, but this seems to be where Wise got his numbers, if anyone is interested:

Montrovant. blacks having babies out of wedlock is really a non issue perpetuated by white racists. That's the point of his thread.

I don't think I can entirely agree, but neither do I think it is a problem only among blacks. For that matter, it isn't out of wedlock births that I would consider an issue, but rather the correlation between out of wedlock births and single parent homes. Pretty much all of the data I can recall seeing on the subject indicates that children tend to have better outcomes in two parent rather than single parent homes.

That is an issue that it would be good to address for all Americans, regardless of race.

You don't have to agree because you don't have to read and hear the bullshit said about you and your race based on his fallacy. So whether or not you agree isn't of any relevance to me. It is a non issue in the overall scheme of out of wedlock births. An out of wedlock birth does not automatically mean a single parent home. And the black community had less wealth when we had much lower percentages of out of wedlock births. It is a non issue based on that alone.
The missing black father is a myth. What is not is the white female divorcee that leaves at about 1/2 of all white homes with no father present.
So you're saying you're retarded because of your genetics and not because you didn't have a father?

Motherfucker I had a father who lived with my mother for 53 years until he died. So it's apparent that you are retard because you are a dumb fuck white piece of racist shit.

Where are the moderators around here who can send me a notification for making comments about someones momma, but this punk ass bitch gets to say shit like this?
Where did I say anything about your momma? I asked you why you were retarded (must be genetics) since it's apparently NOT because of a lack of a father. Now sure how the fuck you got "comments about someones momma" out of that. Must be your long heritage of genetic retardation. And a touch of your victim mentality.

I'm far more intelligent than you and have shown it.
So why don't you post those statistics you claimed?

Go read the OP.
So you're saying you're retarded because of your genetics and not because you didn't have a father?

Motherfucker I had a father who lived with my mother for 53 years until he died. So it's apparent that you are retard because you are a dumb fuck white piece of racist shit.

Where are the moderators around here who can send me a notification for making comments about someones momma, but this punk ass bitch gets to say shit like this?
Where did I say anything about your momma? I asked you why you were retarded (must be genetics) since it's apparently NOT because of a lack of a father. Now sure how the fuck you got "comments about someones momma" out of that. Must be your long heritage of genetic retardation. And a touch of your victim mentality.

I'm far more intelligent than you and have shown it.
So why don't you post those statistics you claimed?

Go read the OP.
I did. Says nothing about retarded violent criminals.
Motherfucker I had a father who lived with my mother for 53 years until he died. So it's apparent that you are retard because you are a dumb fuck white piece of racist shit.

Where are the moderators around here who can send me a notification for making comments about someones momma, but this punk ass bitch gets to say shit like this?
Where did I say anything about your momma? I asked you why you were retarded (must be genetics) since it's apparently NOT because of a lack of a father. Now sure how the fuck you got "comments about someones momma" out of that. Must be your long heritage of genetic retardation. And a touch of your victim mentality.

I'm far more intelligent than you and have shown it.
So why don't you post those statistics you claimed?

Go read the OP.
I did. Says nothing about retarded violent criminals.

That's because this thread is not about the history of the white male in America.

Nah, fascism is what you believe. We don't need white racist opinion to continue being part of the national discussion. 241 years of it is more than enough.

the silencing of dissent is fascist

Yep like what whites have done to us for 241 years. Racism is not dissent.

Who's trying to silence you? You're here every day speaking your mind. But you want to deny the right of speech and representation to those who oppose you, therefore you are a fascist.

Racsim doesn't need be part of the natonal discussion. We aren't talking about opposition, we are talking about a method of oppression.

So who will make the white racists stop contributing to the national discussion?
Where did I say anything about your momma? I asked you why you were retarded (must be genetics) since it's apparently NOT because of a lack of a father. Now sure how the fuck you got "comments about someones momma" out of that. Must be your long heritage of genetic retardation. And a touch of your victim mentality.

I'm far more intelligent than you and have shown it.
So why don't you post those statistics you claimed?

Go read the OP.
I did. Says nothing about retarded violent criminals.

That's because this thread is not about the history of the white male in America.
So you admit you're full of shit, retarded, and have no evidence to back up your bullshit claim? Good, it's settled then!
Nah, fascism is what you believe. We don't need white racist opinion to continue being part of the national discussion. 241 years of it is more than enough.

the silencing of dissent is fascist

Yep like what whites have done to us for 241 years. Racism is not dissent.

Who's trying to silence you? You're here every day speaking your mind. But you want to deny the right of speech and representation to those who oppose you, therefore you are a fascist.

Racsim doesn't need be part of the natonal discussion. We aren't talking about opposition, we are talking about a method of oppression.

So who will make the white racists stop contributing to the national discussion?

The people who stop electing them, the sponsors who stop them from being on the radio and the TV networks that start firing them.
I'm far more intelligent than you and have shown it.
So why don't you post those statistics you claimed?

Go read the OP.
I did. Says nothing about retarded violent criminals.

That's because this thread is not about the history of the white male in America.
So you admit you're full of shit, retarded, and have no evidence to back up your bullshit claim? Good, it's settled then!

I won't be admitting that. You want evidence? Do something you don't ever do. Start a thread, troll.
the silencing of dissent is fascist

Yep like what whites have done to us for 241 years. Racism is not dissent.

Who's trying to silence you? You're here every day speaking your mind. But you want to deny the right of speech and representation to those who oppose you, therefore you are a fascist.

Racsim doesn't need be part of the natonal discussion. We aren't talking about opposition, we are talking about a method of oppression.

So who will make the white racists stop contributing to the national discussion?

The people who stop electing them, the sponsors who stop them from being on the radio and the TV networks that start firing them.

So basically, use economic pressure to freeze out white racists from having any say in the political sphere?
Yep like what whites have done to us for 241 years. Racism is not dissent.

Who's trying to silence you? You're here every day speaking your mind. But you want to deny the right of speech and representation to those who oppose you, therefore you are a fascist.

Racsim doesn't need be part of the natonal discussion. We aren't talking about opposition, we are talking about a method of oppression.

So who will make the white racists stop contributing to the national discussion?

The people who stop electing them, the sponsors who stop them from being on the radio and the TV networks that start firing them.

So basically, use economic pressure to freeze out white racists from having any say in the political sphere?

Racism is illegal. Drug dealers and other criminals at forced out by the same techniques. If you practice racism you are a criminal and should be treated as such.. We aren't talking about what you imagine as racism here either.
Who's trying to silence you? You're here every day speaking your mind. But you want to deny the right of speech and representation to those who oppose you, therefore you are a fascist.

Racsim doesn't need be part of the natonal discussion. We aren't talking about opposition, we are talking about a method of oppression.

So who will make the white racists stop contributing to the national discussion?

The people who stop electing them, the sponsors who stop them from being on the radio and the TV networks that start firing them.

So basically, use economic pressure to freeze out white racists from having any say in the political sphere?

Racism is illegal. Drug dealers and other criminals at forced out by the same techniques. If you practice racism you are a criminal and should be treated as such.. We aren't talking about what you imagine as racism here either.

Racism as it's defined in every English dictionary is NOT illegal. How do you personally define racism?
Who's trying to silence you? You're here every day speaking your mind. But you want to deny the right of speech and representation to those who oppose you, therefore you are a fascist.

Racsim doesn't need be part of the natonal discussion. We aren't talking about opposition, we are talking about a method of oppression.

So who will make the white racists stop contributing to the national discussion?

The people who stop electing them, the sponsors who stop them from being on the radio and the TV networks that start firing them.

So basically, use economic pressure to freeze out white racists from having any say in the political sphere?

Racism is illegal. Drug dealers and other criminals at forced out by the same techniques. If you practice racism you are a criminal and should be treated as such.. We aren't talking about what you imagine as racism here either.
Racism is illegal is it? Hmmm... You got a citation to go with that...? I didn’t think so.
Racsim doesn't need be part of the natonal discussion. We aren't talking about opposition, we are talking about a method of oppression.

So who will make the white racists stop contributing to the national discussion?

The people who stop electing them, the sponsors who stop them from being on the radio and the TV networks that start firing them.

So basically, use economic pressure to freeze out white racists from having any say in the political sphere?

Racism is illegal. Drug dealers and other criminals at forced out by the same techniques. If you practice racism you are a criminal and should be treated as such.. We aren't talking about what you imagine as racism here either.

Racism as it's defined in every English dictionary is NOT illegal. How do you personally define racism?

Racism in America s illegal.
Racsim doesn't need be part of the natonal discussion. We aren't talking about opposition, we are talking about a method of oppression.

So who will make the white racists stop contributing to the national discussion?

The people who stop electing them, the sponsors who stop them from being on the radio and the TV networks that start firing them.

So basically, use economic pressure to freeze out white racists from having any say in the political sphere?

Racism is illegal. Drug dealers and other criminals at forced out by the same techniques. If you practice racism you are a criminal and should be treated as such.. We aren't talking about what you imagine as racism here either.
Racism is illegal is it? Hmmm... You got a citation to go with that...? I didn’t think so.

I think I have a few constitutional amendments that say so.
So who will make the white racists stop contributing to the national discussion?

The people who stop electing them, the sponsors who stop them from being on the radio and the TV networks that start firing them.

So basically, use economic pressure to freeze out white racists from having any say in the political sphere?

Racism is illegal. Drug dealers and other criminals at forced out by the same techniques. If you practice racism you are a criminal and should be treated as such.. We aren't talking about what you imagine as racism here either.

Racism as it's defined in every English dictionary is NOT illegal. How do you personally define racism?

Racism in America s illegal.
Citation... Produce.
So why don't you post those statistics you claimed?

Go read the OP.
I did. Says nothing about retarded violent criminals.

That's because this thread is not about the history of the white male in America.
So you admit you're full of shit, retarded, and have no evidence to back up your bullshit claim? Good, it's settled then!

I won't be admitting that. You want evidence? Do something you don't ever do. Start a thread, troll.
You don't have to keep posting and cementing the fact that you're full of shit and retarded. You've done enough for that already.

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