The fallacy of black unwed births

That means whites commit the most crimes.

And blacks commit the most murders and robberies.

But that's irrelevant when whites commit the most crimes.

Murders and robberies are never irrelevant.
Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites. Off the top of my head i believe that 84% is the WOW (white on white) rate.

Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites.

It's true, blacks mostly kill blacks. Whites mostly kill whites.
It's also true that blacks commit more murders than whites.
Hmmmm! Maybe... But since people killed by White cops, who kill more people than black cops do, aren't included in the UCR. But lets not stop there. If we bring the white dominated medical profession into it...white incomptence is responsible for more than a whopping 400,000 deaths each year because of medical error. Blacks don't cause deaths anywhere near that number by any means.

Deaths by medical mistakes hit records
More excuses.

I'm not excusing the higher total of murders committed by blacks.

You are.

Of course you don't.. You just excuse the higher numbers of very other crime whites commit.
No one cares about jay walkers. It's violent crimes that are the problem, and black people commit most of them.
View attachment 180838
It gets e an worse when trying to determine the rates of whites, and hispanics, as the federal government lump the two together. However not all cities do. And when one examines the rates between whites, and hispanics in cities like NYC for instance; it's easy to see that the crime rate amongst whites, is significantly lower than that reported by the federal government.
Table 21 of the FBI UCR does differentiate between Hispanics and non did you miss it?
You don't post the numbers because it shows whites were arrested in more than double the numbers.

Only double? Despite being 5 times the population? Weird.

More excuses.

I'm not excusing the higher total of murders committed by blacks.

You are.

Of course you don't.. You just excuse the higher numbers of very other crime whites commit.
No one cares about jay walkers. It's violent crimes that are the problem, and black people commit most of them.
View attachment 180838
Your chart is based on arrests not convictions. Now I am going to shake the very foundations of your universal black criminality world view with this year old report:

For years I've suspected that the arrestee data presented in the FBI UCR was purposely skewed against Blacks. But until now I had no way of validating my suspicions.

A year old study brings the statistical damage wrongly perpetrated upon the reputation of the black community clearly into focus. But the findings, evidently, didn't serve the needs of a biased media. Most, it seems, choose to ignore positive news coming out of the black areas. It is far more lucrative to find profit in the vested interest of keeping myths of blacks as the collective boogeyman alive.

Let the lesson begin.

Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder

"That’s the takeaway from a study for the National Registry of Exonerations, published on Tuesday. Researchers Samuel Gross, Maurice Possley, and Klara Stephens analyzed years of exoneration data, looking at how race may influence whether someone is wrongfully convicted — and later cleared — of a crime they didn’t commit."

Did i see someone recently post they are tired of reading about or hearing about black victimhood? Well if it's real, help the blacks to address those responsible for victimizing them instead of throwing skewed statistics in the face of blacks who are not and never have been criminals.

Hang comes justification for my opposition to race based criminal statistics

"African Americans are only 13% of the American population but a majority of innocent defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated,” the researchers write. “They constitute 47% of the

1,900 exonerations listed in the National Registry of Exonerations (as of October 2016), and the great majority of more than 1,800 additional innocent defendants who were framed and convicted of crimes in 15 large-scale police scandals and later cleared in ‘group exonerations.’”

Who is missing the message here? Anyone? Given the above revelation, who can, if you are honest, look at race based crime statistics the same way they did prior to reading this exposé?

I'm hopeful the results of this study will help to offset some of the negative anti black stereotyping that

Has been gaining momentum everywhere in the last decade..i
You are equating ARRESTS with commission of crime withou realizing it. How do i know? Its because I pay attention to clues showing how the data is collected and compiled. Police agencies do the reporting not the courts. So, arrests are the only data falling within the purview of uniformed officers and detectives...not the subsequent convictions or even subsequent exonerations.. The arrest statistic becomes part of the permanent. UCR record
Regardless of the outcome.

One more thing. Logic should have told you that something is amiss when whites are arrested for 69.6 of crimes commited in 2016 but
they aren't represented in prison at anywhere near that rate.

You are equating ARRESTS with commission of crime withou realizing it.

The data I posted wasn't arrests.

whites are arrested for 69.6 of crimes commited in 2016

What's the stat for blacks?

If you posed the white percentage you know he percentage of blacks. You don't post the numbers because it shows whites were arrested in more than double the numbers.

But this thread is not about that and we have moderators here who are supposed to keep threads on topic allowing this to go on. And that's because they suffer from the same racial bias, to be nice about it. This thread is about unwed births.

You don't post the numbers because it shows whites were arrested in more than double the numbers.

Only double? Despite being 5 times the population? Weird.

More excuses.

I'm not excusing the higher total of murders committed by blacks.

You are.
You might want to consider the following study before you put that other foot in the concrete:

Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder
Whites commit the most crimes.

Not the most murders or robberies.
But if you want to say whites commit the most crimes besides those then yes, you're right.

I don't equate ARRESTS with commission of crime. Thats what the FBI UCR is reporting...ARRESTS. Due to the nature of the system as I have painstakingly explained it, More Blacks are arrested for murder than actually commit murder. Cops are aware of the power of getting as many arrests as possible even if the Black guy is freed later. I'd call that called statistical padding. It's the arrests that go into the UCR not the convictions.

I don't equate ARRESTS with commission of crime.

The data I've seen shows more murders and robberies, not just more arrests for murder and robberies.

View attachment 180764

You are equating ARRESTS with commission of crime withou realizing it. How do i know? Its because I pay attention to clues showing how the data is collected and compiled. Police agencies do the reporting not the courts. So, arrests are the only data falling within the purview of uniformed officers and detectives...not the subsequent convictions or even subsequent exonerations.. The arrest statistic becomes part of the permanent. UCR record
Regardless of the outcome.

One more thing. Logic should have told you that something is amiss when whites are arrested for 69.6 of crimes commited in 2016 but
they aren't represented in prison at anywhere near that rate.

You are equating ARRESTS with commission of crime withou realizing it.

The data I posted wasn't arrests.

whites are arrested for 69.6 of crimes commited in 2016

What's the stat for blacks?
If not arrests what do you think the data you posted represents?

See post# 99 for the answer to your question.

If not arrests what do you think the data you posted represents?


Well, it says murder offenders. It says 5,004 were White and 6,095 were Black or African American.

What do you think it represents?
That means whites commit the most crimes.

And blacks commit the most murders and robberies.

But that's irrelevant when whites commit the most crimes.

Murders and robberies are never irrelevant.
Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites. Off the top of my head i believe that 84% is the WOW (white on white) rate.

Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites.

It's true, blacks mostly kill blacks. Whites mostly kill whites.
It's also true that blacks commit more murders than whites.
The arrests for murder do seem to back you up ...BUT!!!!!#
For years I've suspected that the arrestee data presented in the FBI UCR was purposely skewed against Blacks. But until now I had no way of validating my suspicions.

A year old study brings the statistical damage wrongly perpetrated upon the reputation of the black community clearly into focus. But the findings, evidently, didn't serve the needs of a biased media. Most, it seems, choose to ignore positive news coming out of the black areas. It is far more lucrative to find profit in the vested interest of keeping myths of blacks as the collective boogeyman alive.

Let the lesson begin.
Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder

"That’s the takeaway from a study for the National Registry of Exonerations, published on Tuesday. Researchers Samuel Gross, Maurice Possley, and Klara Stephens analyzed years of exoneration data, looking at how race may influence whether someone is wrongfully convicted — and later cleared — of a crime they didn’t commit."

Did i see someone recently post they are tired of reading about or hearing about black victimhood? Well if it's real, help the blacks to address those responsible for victimizing them instead of throwing skewed statistics in the face of blacks who are not and never have been criminals.

Hang comes justification for my opposition to race based criminal statistics

"African Americans are only 13% of the American population but a majority of innocent defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated,” the researchers write. “They constitute 47% of the

1,900 exonerations listed in the National Registry of Exonerations (as of October 2016), and the great majority of more than 1,800 additional innocent defendants who were framed and convicted of crimes in 15 large-scale police scandals and later cleared in ‘group exonerations.’”

Who is missing the message here? Anyone? Given the above revelation, who can, if you are honest, look at race based crime statistics the same way they did prior to reading this exposé?

I'm hopeful the results of this study will help to offset some of the negative anti black stereotyping that

Has been gaining momentum everywhere in the last decade..i
That means whites commit the most crimes.

And blacks commit the most murders and robberies.

But that's irrelevant when whites commit the most crimes.

Murders and robberies are never irrelevant.
Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites. Off the top of my head i believe that 84% is the WOW (white on white) rate.

Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites.

It's true, blacks mostly kill blacks. Whites mostly kill whites.
It's also true that blacks commit more murders than whites.
And blacks commit the most murders and robberies.

But that's irrelevant when whites commit the most crimes.

Murders and robberies are never irrelevant.
Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites. Off the top of my head i believe that 84% is the WOW (white on white) rate.

Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites.

It's true, blacks mostly kill blacks. Whites mostly kill whites.
It's also true that blacks commit more murders than whites.
Hmmmm! Maybe... But since people killed by White cops, who kill more people than black cops do, aren't included in the UCR. But lets not stop there. If we bring the white dominated medical profession into it...white incomptence is responsible for more than a whopping 400,000 deaths each year because of medical error. Blacks don't cause deaths anywhere near that number by any means.

Deaths by medical mistakes hit records

But since people killed by White cops, who kill more people than black cops do, aren't included

Well, first of all, there are many more white cops, why wouldn't they kill more people?
And second, most killings by cops aren't murders, why would they be included in murder totals?

If we bring the white dominated medical profession into it..

Sure, and while you're at it, why not drag in a few more non sequiturs?
Hey, whites guys invented the automobile, look at all the deaths they cause.......
You are equating ARRESTS with commission of crime withou realizing it.

The data I posted wasn't arrests.

whites are arrested for 69.6 of crimes commited in 2016

What's the stat for blacks?

If you posed the white percentage you know he percentage of blacks. You don't post the numbers because it shows whites were arrested in more than double the numbers.

But this thread is not about that and we have moderators here who are supposed to keep threads on topic allowing this to go on. And that's because they suffer from the same racial bias, to be nice about it. This thread is about unwed births.

You don't post the numbers because it shows whites were arrested in more than double the numbers.

Only double? Despite being 5 times the population? Weird.

More excuses.

I'm not excusing the higher total of murders committed by blacks.

You are.
You might want to consider the following study before you put that other foot in the concrete:

Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder

Thanks for the link.

“African Americans are only 13% of the American population but a majority of innocent defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated,” the researchers write. “They constitute 47% of the 1,900 exonerations listed in the National Registry of Exonerations (as of October 2016), and the great majority of more than 1,800 additional innocent defendants who were framed and convicted of crimes in 15 large-scale police scandals and later cleared in ‘group exonerations.’”

Of the 11,390 murder offenders in 2016, listed below... 6,095, or 53.5% are listed as black.
Looks like wrongful convictions, 47%, are less than 53.5%.

But that's irrelevant when whites commit the most crimes.

Murders and robberies are never irrelevant.
Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites. Off the top of my head i believe that 84% is the WOW (white on white) rate.

Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites.

It's true, blacks mostly kill blacks. Whites mostly kill whites.
It's also true that blacks commit more murders than whites.
Hmmmm! Maybe... But since people killed by White cops, who kill more people than black cops do, aren't included in the UCR. But lets not stop there. If we bring the white dominated medical profession into it...white incomptence is responsible for more than a whopping 400,000 deaths each year because of medical error. Blacks don't cause deaths anywhere near that number by any means.

Deaths by medical mistakes hit records

But since people killed by White cops, who kill more people than black cops do, aren't included

Well, first of all, there are many more white cops, why wouldn't they kill more people?
And second, most killings by cops aren't murders, why would they be included in murder totals?

If we bring the white dominated medical profession into it..

Sure, and while you're at it, why not drag in a few more non sequiturs?
Hey, whites guys invented the automobile, look at all the deaths they cause.......
After reviewing a number of scandals involving cops, the latest being the Baltimore scandal, I've come to understand just how prevalent that sort of thing is. I've seen cops murder unarmed citizens on national tv. You and the system won't call it murder but most of us with objective views know murder when we see it. The VOX article I cited mentions the scandalous effects of police corruption and how some carried toy guns to plant on people they killed.

You can't dismiss my introduction of medical error deaths so easily as a non sequitur. When 400, 000 people die each yearin this country from. alleged medical error, failing to address it is just as criminal as the negligece that costs so many lives each year. Those deaths are preventable and the professionals who fail their patients are just as deadly as the gangster with a gun. Negligent homicide is tantamount to murder in my book.
But to get back to unwed mothers... we've drifted s bit and I've forgotten how we got here. I'm going back to the op topic...
If you posed the white percentage you know he percentage of blacks. You don't post the numbers because it shows whites were arrested in more than double the numbers.

But this thread is not about that and we have moderators here who are supposed to keep threads on topic allowing this to go on. And that's because they suffer from the same racial bias, to be nice about it. This thread is about unwed births.

You don't post the numbers because it shows whites were arrested in more than double the numbers.

Only double? Despite being 5 times the population? Weird.

More excuses.

I'm not excusing the higher total of murders committed by blacks.

You are.
You might want to consider the following study before you put that other foot in the concrete:

Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder

Thanks for the link.

“African Americans are only 13% of the American population but a majority of innocent defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated,” the researchers write. “They constitute 47% of the 1,900 exonerations listed in the National Registry of Exonerations (as of October 2016), and the great majority of more than 1,800 additional innocent defendants who were framed and convicted of crimes in 15 large-scale police scandals and later cleared in ‘group exonerations.’”

Of the 11,390 murder offenders in 2016, listed below... 6,095, or 53.5% are listed as black.
Looks like wrongful convictions, 47%, are less than 53.5%.

The link explores the likelihood of thousands more being wrongly or falsely imprisoned. Some who may never be freed.
More excuses.

I'm not excusing the higher total of murders committed by blacks.

You are.

Of course you don't.. You just excuse the higher numbers of very other crime whites commit.
No one cares about jay walkers. It's violent crimes that are the problem, and black people commit most of them.
View attachment 180838

I fail to see the point of you pretty bar chart.
That’s because I wasn’t replying to you. You see that thank you click under it? That’s from the person I was replying to. It made sense to them, because that’s who I was talking to...
Murders and robberies are never irrelevant.
Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites. Off the top of my head i believe that 84% is the WOW (white on white) rate.

Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites.

It's true, blacks mostly kill blacks. Whites mostly kill whites.
It's also true that blacks commit more murders than whites.
Hmmmm! Maybe... But since people killed by White cops, who kill more people than black cops do, aren't included in the UCR. But lets not stop there. If we bring the white dominated medical profession into it...white incomptence is responsible for more than a whopping 400,000 deaths each year because of medical error. Blacks don't cause deaths anywhere near that number by any means.

Deaths by medical mistakes hit records

But since people killed by White cops, who kill more people than black cops do, aren't included

Well, first of all, there are many more white cops, why wouldn't they kill more people?
And second, most killings by cops aren't murders, why would they be included in murder totals?

If we bring the white dominated medical profession into it..

Sure, and while you're at it, why not drag in a few more non sequiturs?
Hey, whites guys invented the automobile, look at all the deaths they cause.......
After reviewing a number of scandals involving cops, the latest being the Baltimore scandal, I've come to understand just how prevalent that sort of thing is. I've seen cops murder unarmed citizens on national tv. You and the system won't call it murder but most of us with objective views know murder when we see it. The VOX article I cited mentions the scandalous effects of police corruption and how some carried toy guns to plant on people they killed.

You can't dismiss my introduction of medical error deaths so easily as a non sequitur. When 400, 000 people die each yearin this country from. alleged medical error, failing to address it is just as criminal as the negligece that costs so many lives each year. Those deaths are preventable and the professionals who fail their patients are just as deadly as the gangster with a gun. Negligent homicide is tantamount to murder in my book.
But to get back to unwed mothers... we've drifted s bit and I've forgotten how we got here. I'm going back to the op topic...

You can't dismiss my introduction of medical error deaths so easily as a non sequitur.

Pretending a medical error is the same as murder is silly and stupid.
You don't post the numbers because it shows whites were arrested in more than double the numbers.

Only double? Despite being 5 times the population? Weird.

More excuses.

I'm not excusing the higher total of murders committed by blacks.

You are.
You might want to consider the following study before you put that other foot in the concrete:

Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder

Thanks for the link.

“African Americans are only 13% of the American population but a majority of innocent defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated,” the researchers write. “They constitute 47% of the 1,900 exonerations listed in the National Registry of Exonerations (as of October 2016), and the great majority of more than 1,800 additional innocent defendants who were framed and convicted of crimes in 15 large-scale police scandals and later cleared in ‘group exonerations.’”

Of the 11,390 murder offenders in 2016, listed below... 6,095, or 53.5% are listed as black.
Looks like wrongful convictions, 47%, are less than 53.5%.

The link explores the likelihood of thousands more being wrongly or falsely imprisoned. Some who may never be freed.

The link explores the likelihood of thousands more being wrongly or falsely imprisoned.

Yup. And it looks like the percentage of wrongly convicted was less than the percentage convicted.
That tends to argue against the theory that it's a racism issue.

That concrete looks more like water, eh?
Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites. Off the top of my head i believe that 84% is the WOW (white on white) rate.

Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites.

It's true, blacks mostly kill blacks. Whites mostly kill whites.
It's also true that blacks commit more murders than whites.
Hmmmm! Maybe... But since people killed by White cops, who kill more people than black cops do, aren't included in the UCR. But lets not stop there. If we bring the white dominated medical profession into it...white incomptence is responsible for more than a whopping 400,000 deaths each year because of medical error. Blacks don't cause deaths anywhere near that number by any means.

Deaths by medical mistakes hit records

But since people killed by White cops, who kill more people than black cops do, aren't included

Well, first of all, there are many more white cops, why wouldn't they kill more people?
And second, most killings by cops aren't murders, why would they be included in murder totals?

If we bring the white dominated medical profession into it..

Sure, and while you're at it, why not drag in a few more non sequiturs?
Hey, whites guys invented the automobile, look at all the deaths they cause.......
After reviewing a number of scandals involving cops, the latest being the Baltimore scandal, I've come to understand just how prevalent that sort of thing is. I've seen cops murder unarmed citizens on national tv. You and the system won't call it murder but most of us with objective views know murder when we see it. The VOX article I cited mentions the scandalous effects of police corruption and how some carried toy guns to plant on people they killed.

You can't dismiss my introduction of medical error deaths so easily as a non sequitur. When 400, 000 people die each yearin this country from. alleged medical error, failing to address it is just as criminal as the negligece that costs so many lives each year. Those deaths are preventable and the professionals who fail their patients are just as deadly as the gangster with a gun. Negligent homicide is tantamount to murder in my book.
But to get back to unwed mothers... we've drifted s bit and I've forgotten how we got here. I'm going back to the op topic...

You can't dismiss my introduction of medical error deaths so easily as a non sequitur.

Pretending a medical error is the same as murder is silly and stupid.
To you the comparison might be frivolous but of all the 400, 000 deaths hidden behind the term , some are undoubtedly akin to murder.
If homicide is more palatable for the neligent loss of life defined in the term, it still doesn't
quite put so many medical fatalities under the accidental column. I am presently engaged in a study to determine if the victims of these "accidental" deaths are mostly Black. Given the sordid racust history connected to the US
health system..i.e. The Tuskegee experiments, I don't rule out the possibility of the term "medical error" as a covert euphemism for ethnic cleansing.. Silly me!
More excuses.

I'm not excusing the higher total of murders committed by blacks.

You are.
You might want to consider the following study before you put that other foot in the concrete:

Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder

Thanks for the link.

“African Americans are only 13% of the American population but a majority of innocent defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated,” the researchers write. “They constitute 47% of the 1,900 exonerations listed in the National Registry of Exonerations (as of October 2016), and the great majority of more than 1,800 additional innocent defendants who were framed and convicted of crimes in 15 large-scale police scandals and later cleared in ‘group exonerations.’”

Of the 11,390 murder offenders in 2016, listed below... 6,095, or 53.5% are listed as black.
Looks like wrongful convictions, 47%, are less than 53.5%.

The link explores the likelihood of thousands more being wrongly or falsely imprisoned. Some who may never be freed.

The link explores the likelihood of thousands more being wrongly or falsely imprisoned.

Yup. And it looks like the percentage of wrongly convicted was less than the percentage convicted.
That tends to argue against the theory that it's a racism issue.

That concrete looks more like water, eh?

You're lost. You don't understand what is right in front of you..
When you learn to comprehend what you read we can converse. Until then...keep drifting.
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.

Exact 2015 numbers from underlined.

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 (415,029-non-Hispanic black) babies born to unwed black moms........ Blacks had just over 500,000 (589,605-non-Hispanic black) babies total.

70% of black births were to unwed mothers.

Whites had over 1.9 million (2,129,657-non-Hispanic white) total and over 600,000 (621,498-non-Hispanic white) babies born to unwed moms

29% of white births were to unwed mothers.

We can see that 5.13 times the total number of white births, compared to total black births, resulted in 1.5 times the number of out of wedlock white births, compared to out of wedlock black births.

That's why, while total white unwed births are 50% higher, the black unwed birth rate is about 2.4 times the white rate.
Way way way too much higher math for the average liberal dickhead to comprehend. But a good job, thank you.
Welllll, whites are not the targets of murder by blacks anywhere near as much as they are targetted by other Whites.

It's true, blacks mostly kill blacks. Whites mostly kill whites.
It's also true that blacks commit more murders than whites.
Hmmmm! Maybe... But since people killed by White cops, who kill more people than black cops do, aren't included in the UCR. But lets not stop there. If we bring the white dominated medical profession into it...white incomptence is responsible for more than a whopping 400,000 deaths each year because of medical error. Blacks don't cause deaths anywhere near that number by any means.

Deaths by medical mistakes hit records

But since people killed by White cops, who kill more people than black cops do, aren't included

Well, first of all, there are many more white cops, why wouldn't they kill more people?
And second, most killings by cops aren't murders, why would they be included in murder totals?

If we bring the white dominated medical profession into it..

Sure, and while you're at it, why not drag in a few more non sequiturs?
Hey, whites guys invented the automobile, look at all the deaths they cause.......
After reviewing a number of scandals involving cops, the latest being the Baltimore scandal, I've come to understand just how prevalent that sort of thing is. I've seen cops murder unarmed citizens on national tv. You and the system won't call it murder but most of us with objective views know murder when we see it. The VOX article I cited mentions the scandalous effects of police corruption and how some carried toy guns to plant on people they killed.

You can't dismiss my introduction of medical error deaths so easily as a non sequitur. When 400, 000 people die each yearin this country from. alleged medical error, failing to address it is just as criminal as the negligece that costs so many lives each year. Those deaths are preventable and the professionals who fail their patients are just as deadly as the gangster with a gun. Negligent homicide is tantamount to murder in my book.
But to get back to unwed mothers... we've drifted s bit and I've forgotten how we got here. I'm going back to the op topic...

You can't dismiss my introduction of medical error deaths so easily as a non sequitur.

Pretending a medical error is the same as murder is silly and stupid.
To you the comparison might be frivolous but of all the 400, 000 deaths hidden behind the term , some are undoubtedly akin to murder.
If homicide is more palatable for the neligent loss of life defined in the term, it still doesn't
quite put so many medical fatalities under the accidental column. I am presently engaged in a study to determine if the victims of these "accidental" deaths are mostly Black. Given the sordid racust history connected to the US
health system..i.e. The Tuskegee experiments, I don't rule out the possibility of the term "medical error" as a covert euphemism for ethnic cleansing.. Silly me!

To you the comparison might be frivolous

Only because violent murder and medical mishaps aren't similar. In any significant way.
If you want to compare error rates caused by white doctors versus black doctors, feel free.
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.

Exact 2015 numbers from underlined.

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 (415,029-non-Hispanic black) babies born to unwed black moms........ Blacks had just over 500,000 (589,605-non-Hispanic black) babies total.

70% of black births were to unwed mothers.

Whites had over 1.9 million (2,129,657-non-Hispanic white) total and over 600,000 (621,498-non-Hispanic white) babies born to unwed moms

29% of white births were to unwed mothers.

We can see that 5.13 times the total number of white births, compared to total black births, resulted in 1.5 times the number of out of wedlock white births, compared to out of wedlock black births.

That's why, while total white unwed births are 50% higher, the black unwed birth rate is about 2.4 times the white rate.
Way way way too much higher math for the average liberal dickhead to comprehend. But a good job, thank you.
That's not higher math, bozo. Its elementsry math. But i guess a nincompoop would see that as higher math!
I'm not excusing the higher total of murders committed by blacks.

You are.
You might want to consider the following study before you put that other foot in the concrete:

Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder

Thanks for the link.

“African Americans are only 13% of the American population but a majority of innocent defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated,” the researchers write. “They constitute 47% of the 1,900 exonerations listed in the National Registry of Exonerations (as of October 2016), and the great majority of more than 1,800 additional innocent defendants who were framed and convicted of crimes in 15 large-scale police scandals and later cleared in ‘group exonerations.’”

Of the 11,390 murder offenders in 2016, listed below... 6,095, or 53.5% are listed as black.
Looks like wrongful convictions, 47%, are less than 53.5%.

The link explores the likelihood of thousands more being wrongly or falsely imprisoned. Some who may never be freed.

The link explores the likelihood of thousands more being wrongly or falsely imprisoned.

Yup. And it looks like the percentage of wrongly convicted was less than the percentage convicted.
That tends to argue against the theory that it's a racism issue.

That concrete looks more like water, eh?

You're lost. You don't understand what is right in front of you..
When you learn to comprehend what you read we can converse. Until then...keep drifting.

You don't understand what is right in front of you..

Sure I do.

"Look, look, 47% of wrongly convicted murderers are black. That's clear proof of racism"

Ummm...53.5% of murder offenders in 2016 were black. To show proof of racism, you'd need the number of wrongly convicted to be higher than 53.5%, not lower.

When you learn to comprehend what statistics mean, we can converse.
You might want to consider the following study before you put that other foot in the concrete:

Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder

Thanks for the link.

“African Americans are only 13% of the American population but a majority of innocent defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated,” the researchers write. “They constitute 47% of the 1,900 exonerations listed in the National Registry of Exonerations (as of October 2016), and the great majority of more than 1,800 additional innocent defendants who were framed and convicted of crimes in 15 large-scale police scandals and later cleared in ‘group exonerations.’”

Of the 11,390 murder offenders in 2016, listed below... 6,095, or 53.5% are listed as black.
Looks like wrongful convictions, 47%, are less than 53.5%.

The link explores the likelihood of thousands more being wrongly or falsely imprisoned. Some who may never be freed.

The link explores the likelihood of thousands more being wrongly or falsely imprisoned.

Yup. And it looks like the percentage of wrongly convicted was less than the percentage convicted.
That tends to argue against the theory that it's a racism issue.

That concrete looks more like water, eh?

You're lost. You don't understand what is right in front of you..
When you learn to comprehend what you read we can converse. Until then...keep drifting.

You don't understand what is right in front of you..

Sure I do.

"Look, look, 47% of wrongly convicted murderers are black. That's clear proof of racism"

Ummm...53.5% of murder offenders in 2016 were black. To show proof of racism, you'd need the number of wrongly convicted to be higher than 53.5%, not lower.

When you learn to comprehend what statistics mean, we can converse.
Can we also address the fact that for every wrongfully convicted black, there's a guilty black man who should have been convicted in his place? The point being, blacks are responsible for most violent crimes.

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