The Fallacy of Marijuana Taxes Helping the Economy


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
California is supposed to get a billion dollars a year from taxing pot.

In 1984 voters approved a State lottery that has given schools a billion dollars a year as part of the cut.

California has gone from first to 49th in education. And all you hear is more spending is needed in education.

Democrats just find more ways to piss away money the more they get. In the case of California it is freebies to illegals and a train to nowhere no one will ride. Any money from pot will simply be spent on the illegals and a choo-choo no one cares about expect some elitist Democrats in Sacramento.

In the meantime, any pot smokers will be excluded from getting hired in most white collar jobs.
Ooooooops, now we do need that awful centralized federal govt to shat up state's rights and local control. Who knew.
Smoking weed makes you stupid.


Someone has to flip burgers otherwise people would starve.


Ooooooops, now we do need that awful centralized federal govt to shat up state's rights and local control. Who knew.
Nice strawman. Government has always been the purpose of upholding the requirements of a civilized society.
Why yes, warfare for profit is so civilized...
Speaking of severe mental illness.......
That's usually the cause of and reason for warfare...
Fact remains the left just legalize behavior that degrades society by dangling the "we will make money" carrot to get it passed. Only to piss the money away on even more anti-civilization agendas.
Fact remains the left just legalize behavior that degrades society by dangling the "we will make money" carrot to get it passed. Only to piss the money away on even more anti-civilization agendas.
Yeah, that religion thing has never produced any criminals...or ever had any criminals associated with it...

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