The fascist Obama Administration

Nitwit here has Anarchy (the complete absence of government) on the left and fascism (totalitarian government) on the right. LMAO!!! How can the complete absence of government be further left than communism - which is total government control? This poor boy has the IQ of a new born gorilla. :laugh:
the obama administration wasn't fascist.
The link proves that Obama and his administration were 100% fascist. Ask an adult to read it to you sweetie and then explain it to you and you might understand.
the orange sociopath seems to be moving in that direction.
I notice you can't back up that outrageous statement. Not surprising since every Executive Order he has issued simply erased a previous Obama Executive Order and provided more liberty and power back to the American people. How is it "fascist" to reduce regulations sweetie? Your silence on the matter is deafening jillian.
i do like how you want the smart judges who AREN'T RELIGIOUS FREAKS to die, though.
The problem with Ruth Bader Ginsburg is that she isn't intelligent (at all), she doesn't keep her word (she promised to step down if Donald Trump became president) and she shows nothing but disgust and contempt for the U.S. Constitution, violating her oath as a Justice and instead acting as political activist instead. Her faith (or lack there of) has nothing to do with the issue.
Nitwit here has Anarchy (the complete absence of government) on the left and fascism (totalitarian government) on the right. LMAO!!! How can the complete absence of government be further left than communism - which is total government control? This poor boy has the IQ of a new born gorilla. :laugh:
Have you ever read Marx? The ultimate goal of communism is to have little or no government.
Nitwit here has Anarchy (the complete absence of government) on the left and fascism (totalitarian government) on the right. LMAO!!! How can the complete absence of government be further left than communism - which is total government control? This poor boy has the IQ of a new born gorilla. :laugh:
Have you ever read Marx? The ultimate goal of communism is to have little or no government.'s always a good idea to read the propaganda of people who desire control over others and consider it "fact". :rolleyes:

One cannot create little or no government through totalitarianism. That's just common fuck'n sense...
Maybe you should try protesting peacefully. That would be a good start.

Maybe you should stop lying about protestors. That way, you'd look less Stalinist.

The question is, do you want to look less Stalinist?

Probably not. If you started telling the truth, you'd lose status in TheParty.

What protestors? Oh, you mean the hired thugs / violent pawns?
Nitwit here has Anarchy (the complete absence of government) on the left and fascism (totalitarian government) on the right. LMAO!!! How can the complete absence of government be further left than communism - which is total government control? This poor boy has the IQ of a new born gorilla. :laugh:
Have you ever read Marx? The ultimate goal of communism is to have little or no government.'s always a good idea to read the propaganda of people who desire control over others and consider it "fact". :rolleyes:

One cannot create little or no government through totalitarianism. That's just common fuck'n sense...
Is that the goal of conservatives, little or no government?
Nitwit here has Anarchy (the complete absence of government) on the left and fascism (totalitarian government) on the right. LMAO!!! How can the complete absence of government be further left than communism - which is total government control? This poor boy has the IQ of a new born gorilla. :laugh:
Have you ever read Marx? The ultimate goal of communism is to have little or no government.
Carl Marx is one of the stupidest sons of bitches to ever live… An absolute deadbeat when he lived
Nitwit here has Anarchy (the complete absence of government) on the left and fascism (totalitarian government) on the right. LMAO!!! How can the complete absence of government be further left than communism - which is total government control? This poor boy has the IQ of a new born gorilla. :laugh:
Have you ever read Marx? The ultimate goal of communism is to have little or no government.
Nitwit here has Anarchy (the complete absence of government) on the left and fascism (totalitarian government) on the right. LMAO!!! How can the complete absence of government be further left than communism - which is total government control? This poor boy has the IQ of a new born gorilla. :laugh:
Have you ever read Marx? The ultimate goal of communism is to have little or no government.
For all of those things Marx wasn't, he sure had an impact on the world and American politics.
Nitwit here has Anarchy (the complete absence of government) on the left and fascism (totalitarian government) on the right. LMAO!!! How can the complete absence of government be further left than communism - which is total government control? This poor boy has the IQ of a new born gorilla. :laugh:
Have you ever read Marx? The ultimate goal of communism is to have little or no government.
For all of those things Marx wasn't, he sure had an impact on the world and American politics.
Well, he very well could be getting butt fucked in hell by Hitler now.
Socialism has never helped anybody long-term
Is that the goal of conservatives, little or no government?
The goal of conservatism is constitutional government. Nothing less. Nothing more.

Incidentally - less government means more liberty. Why does liberty scare you so much?
For all of those things Marx wasn't, he sure had an impact on the world and American politics.
Only in the minds of the uneducated and the insane. For the educated and rational, his is the ramblings of an idiot to be dismissed and ignored.
For all of those things Marx wasn't, he sure had an impact on the world and American politics.
Only in the minds of the uneducated and the insane. For the educated and rational, his is the ramblings of an idiot to be dismissed and ignored.
Maybe you missed the McCarthy period in the US, and the fears that Social Security would lead directly to communism. I think Marx had an impact on the world and certainly on American politics. The Republicans have been running on the threat of communism to America probably for all your life.
"WE"RE ALL SOCIALISTS NOW!" - Finland PM when ACA passed.
Who cares about the opinion of Finland's Prime Minister? You don't even know the persons freaking name. You don't even know if it is a man or a woman.

England is currently trying to decentralize their government run healthcare because it is bankrupting them and they have finally learned the hard way that socialism doesn't work. It never works. It has a failure rate of 100% world wide.

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money" - Margaret Thatcher
The only problem with NHS in the UK is the RW Tories refuse to fund it enough, dupe (SECOND worst party in the West). Health Care there costs 7-8% of GDP, almost 18% here. Great job, dupes. Socialism like in the EU, Canada, OZ, NZ, and HERE (tho a pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess, shyttehead lol) is the final and best stop there is. Well regulated capitalism, ALWAYS democratic, with a good safety net. Dingbat superdupe.
For all of those things Marx wasn't, he sure had an impact on the world and American politics.
Only in the minds of the uneducated and the insane. For the educated and rational, his is the ramblings of an idiot to be dismissed and ignored.
Maybe you missed the McCarthy period in the US, and the fears that Social Security would lead directly to communism. I think Marx had an impact on the world and certainly on American politics. The Republicans have been running on the threat of communism to America probably for all your life.
Maybe you missed the fact that it wasn't Karl Marx that lead to the McCarthy period but Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and the atrocities of left-wing policy that lead to the McCarthy period.
For all of those things Marx wasn't, he sure had an impact on the world and American politics.
Only in the minds of the uneducated and the insane. For the educated and rational, his is the ramblings of an idiot to be dismissed and ignored.
Maybe you missed the McCarthy period in the US, and the fears that Social Security would lead directly to communism. I think Marx had an impact on the world and certainly on American politics. The Republicans have been running on the threat of communism to America probably for all your life.
The only problem with NHS in the UK is the RW Tories refuse to fund it enough, dupe (SECOND worst party in the West).
Yeah stupid...rational people refuse to fund that which they cannot afford. Only left-wing idiot hatriots such as yourself insist on owning a Lamborghini when you can only afford Kia.
The protester's attack people for their beliefs. I'm trying to figure out how the hell that is lying.

Because almost no protesters did that. Millions came out, were entirely peaceful, and you ignored them entirely. Instead, you used the actions of a few dozen people who weren't part of the peaceful protests to imply all the protestors were violent.

That's lying.

Your goal is to use that big lie to justify having your precious authoritarian state stomp on the free speech of your political opponents. That's Stalinist.

Every conservative here endorses that Stalinism. They're all demanding that the police ban protest under penalty of arrest and beatings. Only one side is unified in their desire to end free speech for their opponents, and as always, it's the conservative side.
Health Care there costs 7-8% of GDP, almost 18% here.
You get what you pay for, you nitwit. That's why we not only have the greatest healthcare in the world, but why we can get in to see our doctor the same day we call, while Englanders have to suffer for months with a soar throat before they can get in for an appointment.

If you want cheap, horrible healthcare with no access to it - move to Cuba, stupid. The rest of us? We enjoy having the best healthcare with unlimited access to it.

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