The Fear and Hate Inside American Reactionaries Is Again Fueling A Massive Increase In Gun Sales


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The Fear and Hate Inside American Reactionaries Is Again Fueling A Massive Increase In Gun Sales

Just as in 2008, with the fear and hatred by the RWNJs that a Black Democrat could be elected POTUS, gun sales skyrocketed. The RWNJs forget, President Obama never made any attempt at regulating firearms in any way.

This time it’s the ever-present danger of firearms being kept out of the hands of individuals known to be dangerous that has the reactionaries stocking up. The gall of some Americans to want their children to be safe in school. (Remember, the COVID-19 pandemic will end, eventually, and all the schools will be opened.)

It’s amazing how many RWNJs fear they will fail the federal background check needed to buy a gun. What have the lives of these people been like that so many have a questionable criminal and/or mental health history, a dishonorable military discharge, an unlawful immigration status, an open warrant, a documented history of domestic violence, and/or drug use or any combination of the a fore mentioned disqualifying action that would result in the failure to pass the federal background check?

The scale of those RWNJs fearing failure of this test is massive, and makes the frequency and who is to blame in the many multiple murders of school children much more apparent.

If they do have any one or more of these disqualifying actions in their past, why should they be trusted with a gun? Oddly enough, the RWNJs never have been able to come up with a satisfactory answer for this question. Naturally, they have been satisfied with every crackpot answer their side has put forward. But sane and rational people haven’t accepted any of their bullsh!t reasoning.

Never the less, it’s doubtful any positive action to keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot pass a federal background check will ever take place in the United States. Gun control is a reliable political tool for both parties, and neither wants to fvck with success.

A word of caution to U.S. students, with so many RWNJs apparently unable to pass the federal background check, while your at school, stay low. After all, these people have never denied their hatred of education and the educated.

President-Elect Biden May Ironically Be Good For The Gun Industry


The Fear and Hate Inside American Reactionaries Is Again Fueling A Massive Increase In Gun Sales

Just as in 2008, with the fear and hatred by the RWNJs that a Black Democrat could be elected POTUS, gun sales skyrocketed. The RWNJs forget, President Obama never made any attempt at regulating firearms in any way.

This time it’s the ever-present danger of firearms being kept out of the hands of individuals known to be dangerous that has the reactionaries stocking up. The gall of some Americans to want their children to be safe in school. (Remember, the COVID-19 pandemic will end, eventually, and all the schools will be opened.)

It’s amazing how many RWNJs fear they will fail the federal background check needed to buy a gun. What have the lives of these people been like that so many have a questionable criminal and/or mental health history, a dishonorable military discharge, an unlawful immigration status, an open warrant, a documented history of domestic violence, and/or drug use or any combination of the a fore mentioned disqualifying action that would result in the failure to pass the federal background check?

The scale of those RWNJs fearing failure of this test is massive, and makes the frequency and who is to blame in the many multiple murders of school children much more apparent.

If they do have any one or more of these disqualifying actions in their past, why should they be trusted with a gun? Oddly enough, the RWNJs never have been able to come up with a satisfactory answer for this question. Naturally, they have been satisfied with every crackpot answer their side has put forward. But sane and rational people haven’t accepted any of their bullsh!t reasoning.

Never the less, it’s doubtful any positive action to keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot pass a federal background check will ever take place in the United States. Gun control is a reliable political tool for both parties, and neither wants to fvck with success.

A word of caution to U.S. students, with so many RWNJs apparently unable to pass the federal background check, while your at school, stay low. After all, these people have never denied their hatred of education and the educated.

President-Elect Biden May Ironically Be Good For The Gun Industry.

I take it you're referring to Antifa, BLM and the big city hood rats?

The Fear and Hate Inside American Reactionaries Is Again Fueling A Massive Increase In Gun Sales

Just as in 2008, with the fear and hatred by the RWNJs that a Black Democrat could be elected POTUS, gun sales skyrocketed. The RWNJs forget, President Obama never made any attempt at regulating firearms in any way.

This time it’s the ever-present danger of firearms being kept out of the hands of individuals known to be dangerous that has the reactionaries stocking up. The gall of some Americans to want their children to be safe in school. (Remember, the COVID-19 pandemic will end, eventually, and all the schools will be opened.)

It’s amazing how many RWNJs fear they will fail the federal background check needed to buy a gun. What have the lives of these people been like that so many have a questionable criminal and/or mental health history, a dishonorable military discharge, an unlawful immigration status, an open warrant, a documented history of domestic violence, and/or drug use or any combination of the a fore mentioned disqualifying action that would result in the failure to pass the federal background check?

The scale of those RWNJs fearing failure of this test is massive, and makes the frequency and who is to blame in the many multiple murders of school children much more apparent.

If they do have any one or more of these disqualifying actions in their past, why should they be trusted with a gun? Oddly enough, the RWNJs never have been able to come up with a satisfactory answer for this question. Naturally, they have been satisfied with every crackpot answer their side has put forward. But sane and rational people haven’t accepted any of their bullsh!t reasoning.

Never the less, it’s doubtful any positive action to keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot pass a federal background check will ever take place in the United States. Gun control is a reliable political tool for both parties, and neither wants to fvck with success.

A word of caution to U.S. students, with so many RWNJs apparently unable to pass the federal background check, while your at school, stay low. After all, these people have never denied their hatred of education and the educated.

President-Elect Biden May Ironically Be Good For The Gun Industry

FAKE electing Democrats must be a false flag by the Firearms Manufacturing Industry.

It works every fucking time.

The Fear and Hate Inside American Reactionaries Is Again Fueling A Massive Increase In Gun Sales

Just as in 2008, with the fear and hatred by the RWNJs that a Black Democrat could be elected POTUS, gun sales skyrocketed. The RWNJs forget, President Obama never made any attempt at regulating firearms in any way.

This time it’s the ever-present danger of firearms being kept out of the hands of individuals known to be dangerous that has the reactionaries stocking up. The gall of some Americans to want their children to be safe in school. (Remember, the COVID-19 pandemic will end, eventually, and all the schools will be opened.)

It’s amazing how many RWNJs fear they will fail the federal background check needed to buy a gun. What have the lives of these people been like that so many have a questionable criminal and/or mental health history, a dishonorable military discharge, an unlawful immigration status, an open warrant, a documented history of domestic violence, and/or drug use or any combination of the a fore mentioned disqualifying action that would result in the failure to pass the federal background check?

The scale of those RWNJs fearing failure of this test is massive, and makes the frequency and who is to blame in the many multiple murders of school children much more apparent.

If they do have any one or more of these disqualifying actions in their past, why should they be trusted with a gun? Oddly enough, the RWNJs never have been able to come up with a satisfactory answer for this question. Naturally, they have been satisfied with every crackpot answer their side has put forward. But sane and rational people haven’t accepted any of their bullsh!t reasoning.

Never the less, it’s doubtful any positive action to keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot pass a federal background check will ever take place in the United States. Gun control is a reliable political tool for both parties, and neither wants to fvck with success.

A word of caution to U.S. students, with so many RWNJs apparently unable to pass the federal background check, while your at school, stay low. After all, these people have never denied their hatred of education and the educated.

President-Elect Biden May Ironically Be Good For The Gun Industry

All those words to say stupid shit that is incorrect.
What fuels gun sales is you asshole libs constantly crowing about banning everything.
Biden and company have been doing it since the primaries, and are doing it as we speak.
So it’s a “get it while you can” Atmosphere.
“Fear and hate”... lol.
What a fucking dope you are.
Holy shit youre an ignorant idiot
Again, you RWNJs never have a satisfactory response acceptable to anyone other than RWNJs.

But you're an ignorant hysterical fool
And I must thank you for, twice, helping prove my point concerning you super-intelligent (not) RWNJs.

I've had fun exposing your stupidity, but, enough is enough.

Good night.


Run forrest ruuuun

Off a cliff

The Fear and Hate Inside American Reactionaries Is Again Fueling A Massive Increase In Gun Sales

Just as in 2008, with the fear and hatred by the RWNJs that a Black Democrat could be elected POTUS, gun sales skyrocketed. The RWNJs forget, President Obama never made any attempt at regulating firearms in any way.

This time it’s the ever-present danger of firearms being kept out of the hands of individuals known to be dangerous that has the reactionaries stocking up. The gall of some Americans to want their children to be safe in school. (Remember, the COVID-19 pandemic will end, eventually, and all the schools will be opened.)

It’s amazing how many RWNJs fear they will fail the federal background check needed to buy a gun. What have the lives of these people been like that so many have a questionable criminal and/or mental health history, a dishonorable military discharge, an unlawful immigration status, an open warrant, a documented history of domestic violence, and/or drug use or any combination of the a fore mentioned disqualifying action that would result in the failure to pass the federal background check?

The scale of those RWNJs fearing failure of this test is massive, and makes the frequency and who is to blame in the many multiple murders of school children much more apparent.

If they do have any one or more of these disqualifying actions in their past, why should they be trusted with a gun? Oddly enough, the RWNJs never have been able to come up with a satisfactory answer for this question. Naturally, they have been satisfied with every crackpot answer their side has put forward. But sane and rational people haven’t accepted any of their bullsh!t reasoning.

Never the less, it’s doubtful any positive action to keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot pass a federal background check will ever take place in the United States. Gun control is a reliable political tool for both parties, and neither wants to fvck with success.

A word of caution to U.S. students, with so many RWNJs apparently unable to pass the federal background check, while your at school, stay low. After all, these people have never denied their hatred of education and the educated.

President-Elect Biden May Ironically Be Good For The Gun Industry

Or maybe it could be because:

Fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity of the moronic right.

Biden’s not going to ‘take’ anyone’s guns – the notion is a ridiculous lie; Congress isn’t going to enact a new AWB, also a ridiculous lie.

As a consequence of this rightwing ignorance and stupidity ammo is nearly impossible to find – and what can be found is ridiculously priced – all for no valid reason.

The Fear and Hate Inside American Reactionaries Is Again Fueling A Massive Increase In Gun Sales

Just as in 2008, with the fear and hatred by the RWNJs that a Black Democrat could be elected POTUS, gun sales skyrocketed. The RWNJs forget, President Obama never made any attempt at regulating firearms in any way.

This time it’s the ever-present danger of firearms being kept out of the hands of individuals known to be dangerous that has the reactionaries stocking up. The gall of some Americans to want their children to be safe in school. (Remember, the COVID-19 pandemic will end, eventually, and all the schools will be opened.)

It’s amazing how many RWNJs fear they will fail the federal background check needed to buy a gun. What have the lives of these people been like that so many have a questionable criminal and/or mental health history, a dishonorable military discharge, an unlawful immigration status, an open warrant, a documented history of domestic violence, and/or drug use or any combination of the a fore mentioned disqualifying action that would result in the failure to pass the federal background check?

The scale of those RWNJs fearing failure of this test is massive, and makes the frequency and who is to blame in the many multiple murders of school children much more apparent.

If they do have any one or more of these disqualifying actions in their past, why should they be trusted with a gun? Oddly enough, the RWNJs never have been able to come up with a satisfactory answer for this question. Naturally, they have been satisfied with every crackpot answer their side has put forward. But sane and rational people haven’t accepted any of their bullsh!t reasoning.

Never the less, it’s doubtful any positive action to keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot pass a federal background check will ever take place in the United States. Gun control is a reliable political tool for both parties, and neither wants to fvck with success.

A word of caution to U.S. students, with so many RWNJs apparently unable to pass the federal background check, while your at school, stay low. After all, these people have never denied their hatred of education and the educated.

President-Elect Biden May Ironically Be Good For The Gun Industry

Well said.
Fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity of the moronic right.

Biden’s not going to ‘take’ anyone’s guns – the notion is a ridiculous lie; Congress isn’t going to enact a new AWB, also a ridiculous lie.

As a consequence of this rightwing ignorance and stupidity ammo is nearly impossible to find – and what can be found is ridiculously priced – all for no valid reason.
Sezz the violent racist hate filled subhuman progressive

They are pathetic

The Fear and Hate Inside American Reactionaries Is Again Fueling A Massive Increase In Gun Sales

Just as in 2008, with the fear and hatred by the RWNJs that a Black Democrat could be elected POTUS, gun sales skyrocketed. The RWNJs forget, President Obama never made any attempt at regulating firearms in any way.

This time it’s the ever-present danger of firearms being kept out of the hands of individuals known to be dangerous that has the reactionaries stocking up. The gall of some Americans to want their children to be safe in school. (Remember, the COVID-19 pandemic will end, eventually, and all the schools will be opened.)

It’s amazing how many RWNJs fear they will fail the federal background check needed to buy a gun. What have the lives of these people been like that so many have a questionable criminal and/or mental health history, a dishonorable military discharge, an unlawful immigration status, an open warrant, a documented history of domestic violence, and/or drug use or any combination of the a fore mentioned disqualifying action that would result in the failure to pass the federal background check?

The scale of those RWNJs fearing failure of this test is massive, and makes the frequency and who is to blame in the many multiple murders of school children much more apparent.

If they do have any one or more of these disqualifying actions in their past, why should they be trusted with a gun? Oddly enough, the RWNJs never have been able to come up with a satisfactory answer for this question. Naturally, they have been satisfied with every crackpot answer their side has put forward. But sane and rational people haven’t accepted any of their bullsh!t reasoning.

Never the less, it’s doubtful any positive action to keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot pass a federal background check will ever take place in the United States. Gun control is a reliable political tool for both parties, and neither wants to fvck with success.

A word of caution to U.S. students, with so many RWNJs apparently unable to pass the federal background check, while your at school, stay low. After all, these people have never denied their hatred of education and the educated.

President-Elect Biden May Ironically Be Good For The Gun Industry.

I take it you're referring to Antifa, BLM and the big city hood rats?
BLM are hoodrats--POS-------
Anti-fa is more a violent white kid/criminal druggy thing---also POS but not necessarily hoodrats

The Fear and Hate Inside American Reactionaries Is Again Fueling A Massive Increase In Gun Sales

Just as in 2008, with the fear and hatred by the RWNJs that a Black Democrat could be elected POTUS, gun sales skyrocketed. The RWNJs forget, President Obama never made any attempt at regulating firearms in any way.

This time it’s the ever-present danger of firearms being kept out of the hands of individuals known to be dangerous that has the reactionaries stocking up. The gall of some Americans to want their children to be safe in school. (Remember, the COVID-19 pandemic will end, eventually, and all the schools will be opened.)

It’s amazing how many RWNJs fear they will fail the federal background check needed to buy a gun. What have the lives of these people been like that so many have a questionable criminal and/or mental health history, a dishonorable military discharge, an unlawful immigration status, an open warrant, a documented history of domestic violence, and/or drug use or any combination of the a fore mentioned disqualifying action that would result in the failure to pass the federal background check?

The scale of those RWNJs fearing failure of this test is massive, and makes the frequency and who is to blame in the many multiple murders of school children much more apparent.

If they do have any one or more of these disqualifying actions in their past, why should they be trusted with a gun? Oddly enough, the RWNJs never have been able to come up with a satisfactory answer for this question. Naturally, they have been satisfied with every crackpot answer their side has put forward. But sane and rational people haven’t accepted any of their bullsh!t reasoning.

Never the less, it’s doubtful any positive action to keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot pass a federal background check will ever take place in the United States. Gun control is a reliable political tool for both parties, and neither wants to fvck with success.

A word of caution to U.S. students, with so many RWNJs apparently unable to pass the federal background check, while your at school, stay low. After all, these people have never denied their hatred of education and the educated.

President-Elect Biden May Ironically Be Good For The Gun Industry

pure bullshit----that's a lot of babble crap make yourself look stupid:
1. RWNJ/white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year
a. that's not even counting crimes committed with firearms
2. it is the WHITE vote, that voted in not only Obama, but also Harris
3. blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
etc etc
--again, you people concentrate on what isn't even a problem, and not the REAL problems = they continue
..if you want links, please ask
The Fear and Hate Inside American Reactionaries Is Again Fueling A Massive Increase In Gun Sales
They're absolutely terrified. Look at the posts on this board - they're LITERALLY expecting us to go commie, LITERALLY expecting knocks on the door to grab their guns.

This is what their alternate universe has done to them. They've used them for ratings and clicks. And now look at these people. They're basket cases.

For the most part, these things will gather dust. But it will help soothe these guys a little, like a bottle of warm milk soothes a cranky toddler.

The Fear and Hate Inside American Reactionaries Is Again Fueling A Massive Increase In Gun Sales

Just as in 2008, with the fear and hatred by the RWNJs that a Black Democrat could be elected POTUS, gun sales skyrocketed. The RWNJs forget, President Obama never made any attempt at regulating firearms in any way.

This time it’s the ever-present danger of firearms being kept out of the hands of individuals known to be dangerous that has the reactionaries stocking up. The gall of some Americans to want their children to be safe in school. (Remember, the COVID-19 pandemic will end, eventually, and all the schools will be opened.)

It’s amazing how many RWNJs fear they will fail the federal background check needed to buy a gun. What have the lives of these people been like that so many have a questionable criminal and/or mental health history, a dishonorable military discharge, an unlawful immigration status, an open warrant, a documented history of domestic violence, and/or drug use or any combination of the a fore mentioned disqualifying action that would result in the failure to pass the federal background check?

The scale of those RWNJs fearing failure of this test is massive, and makes the frequency and who is to blame in the many multiple murders of school children much more apparent.

If they do have any one or more of these disqualifying actions in their past, why should they be trusted with a gun? Oddly enough, the RWNJs never have been able to come up with a satisfactory answer for this question. Naturally, they have been satisfied with every crackpot answer their side has put forward. But sane and rational people haven’t accepted any of their bullsh!t reasoning.

Never the less, it’s doubtful any positive action to keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot pass a federal background check will ever take place in the United States. Gun control is a reliable political tool for both parties, and neither wants to fvck with success.

A word of caution to U.S. students, with so many RWNJs apparently unable to pass the federal background check, while your at school, stay low. After all, these people have never denied their hatred of education and the educated.

President-Elect Biden May Ironically Be Good For The Gun Industry

it's BLM that wants to kill people--WHITE people:'s BLM that is mob rule--vandalizing--STEALING-looting--NOT RWNJs--DUH
----blacks MURDERING whites with BATS!!!!! and you say RWNJs are a problem????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity of the moronic right.

Biden’s not going to ‘take’ anyone’s guns – the notion is a ridiculous lie; Congress isn’t going to enact a new AWB, also a ridiculous lie.

As a consequence of this rightwing ignorance and stupidity ammo is nearly impossible to find – and what can be found is ridiculously priced – all for no valid reason.
Then talk to your boy’s about lying. They are the ones saying it.

The Fear and Hate Inside American Reactionaries Is Again Fueling A Massive Increase In Gun Sales

Just as in 2008, with the fear and hatred by the RWNJs that a Black Democrat could be elected POTUS, gun sales skyrocketed. The RWNJs forget, President Obama never made any attempt at regulating firearms in any way.

This time it’s the ever-present danger of firearms being kept out of the hands of individuals known to be dangerous that has the reactionaries stocking up. The gall of some Americans to want their children to be safe in school. (Remember, the COVID-19 pandemic will end, eventually, and all the schools will be opened.)

It’s amazing how many RWNJs fear they will fail the federal background check needed to buy a gun. What have the lives of these people been like that so many have a questionable criminal and/or mental health history, a dishonorable military discharge, an unlawful immigration status, an open warrant, a documented history of domestic violence, and/or drug use or any combination of the a fore mentioned disqualifying action that would result in the failure to pass the federal background check?

The scale of those RWNJs fearing failure of this test is massive, and makes the frequency and who is to blame in the many multiple murders of school children much more apparent.

If they do have any one or more of these disqualifying actions in their past, why should they be trusted with a gun? Oddly enough, the RWNJs never have been able to come up with a satisfactory answer for this question. Naturally, they have been satisfied with every crackpot answer their side has put forward. But sane and rational people haven’t accepted any of their bullsh!t reasoning.

Never the less, it’s doubtful any positive action to keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot pass a federal background check will ever take place in the United States. Gun control is a reliable political tool for both parties, and neither wants to fvck with success.

A word of caution to U.S. students, with so many RWNJs apparently unable to pass the federal background check, while your at school, stay low. After all, these people have never denied their hatred of education and the educated.

President-Elect Biden May Ironically Be Good For The Gun Industry

Well said.
You would think so.
Retards of a feather.

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