The Feinstein/Biden Paradox

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Many lefties are demanding Diane Feinstein resign due to her health, senility, and old age. But, what about Joe Biden? He clearly has similar problems. If you demand Feinstein resign, don't you have to also demand Biden to resign?
Unemployment is at its lowest in several decades. An infrastructure bill has been passed. Manufacturing jobs are on the rise. China is being kicked in the balls. Putin is being kicked in the balls.

Joe Biden has achieved so much that the tards are terrified of him. They want him removed under any pretense.

God forbid inflation comes down and oil prices come down and the economy starts really rocking. The very real prospect of this is scaring the bejeesus out of the New Right.

That's what all this dementia talk is about.
Many lefties are demanding Diane Feinstein resign due to her health, senility, and old age. But, what about Joe Biden? He clearly has similar problems. If you demand Feinstein resign, don't you have to also demand Biden to resign?

They're both obsessed with greed. Stealing billions is never enough for these sociopaths and psychotics. They have to have more, more, more.

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