The Fight for 15 dollars an hour...the computer that just took my order is laughing at you......

An eighteen dollar an hour minimum wage would be more optimal from consumers being able to create more demand.
That's because a gun isn't capable of killing someone. I can lay my loaded 1911 on the sidewalk and it will kill no one.

Okay, your attempts to convince me you are retarded are definitely working.

Take that $15 and multiply it by 32, which is the minimum number of hours someone has to work to be considered "full time" in Florida.

Don't care.... Not sure why you waste your time with this, since I won't bother reading through it.

And exactly how is the employee going to force the employer to pay a higher wage? If I'm offering you $12 an hour to clean the bathrooms in my building, you can demand $15 an hour until you're blue in the face. You won't get it. What you will get is an escort out of the building, ad I'll hire some kid who's not afraid to work...

That's why you have unions and a government that backs working people, dummy.

If you are still unclear on the point, then some members from the local union hall will have a discussion in the parking lot... Heh, heh, heh... the good old days.

Well, my ass is nestled in a $2,200 desk chair at the moment, so I'm okay.

I have no racial, sexual or religious fears. Honestly, you're a retard for mentioning those, simply because they're not topics of discussion.

You're convincing nobody? Really, a $2200 chair? What the fuck is it made of, Gold?

Frankly, you sound like one of those guys who tells everyone he's married to a supermodel.
Okay, your attempts to convince me you are retarded are definitely working.

Unless you can explain how a gun will kill someone without influece from a person, the retarded one is you, boy...

Don't care.... Not sure why you waste your time with this, since I won't bother reading through it.

That's because you're s chickenshit coward who's afraid of finding out he's wrong...

That's why you have unions and a government that backs working people, dummy.

And how will they forcefully form a union?

If you are still unclear on the point, then some members from the local union hall will have a discussion in the parking lot... Heh, heh, heh... the good old days.

You're convincing nobody? Really, a $2200 chair? What the fuck is it made of, Gold?

Maybe, one day, you can have fine things, too. But you'll have to work hard and better yourself. You don't want to clean toilets for the rest of your life, Joey...
Frankly, you sound like one of those guys who tells everyone he's married to a supermodel.

Nope, not married. But my hot Puerto Rican girlfriend is smokin'...
An eighteen dollar an hour minimum wage would be more optimal from consumers being able to create more demand.

And if I, as an employer, have to pay everyone who works for me $18 an hour, I'm raising my prices for my customers.

That's how it works.

I'm not going to let my bottom line be negatively impacted because some idiot like you believes $18 an hour is a panacea...
Oh the DRama! If your business can't afford to pay a lousy $17 an hour, your business is shit anyway, for one. The mininum wage stayed stuck at around $6 or $7 an hour for decades, yet prices still went up, and went up quite a bit, same as wholesale meat prices in the 1980'sskyrocketed up after Saint Reagan Of Ronald busted the meat packing unions and let illegal aliens flood the country and wages in that industry went from an average of $12 an hour to $6 an hour. Wholesales prices surpassed those when the unions were strong. Why? There were only three companies running the entire industry and fixing prices.

Those '$10 hamburgers' started showing up a while back, with zero increases in minimum wages, but dumbasses can't admit their lack of any clue as to labor costs as percentages of prices. In fast food doubling the wage to $14 an hour would add maybe 8% to retail price at a going concern like a McDonald's back in 2008, for instance, based on just minimum $2 orders, a fry and drink. Your orders fall below a certain number, your other costs bankrupt you, not your flunkies working the counters, like real estate costs, franchise fees, maintenance, and utilities.

Of course, many will claim that isn't true and snivel like whiny bitches, but what they won't do is post any evidence to the contrary after checking out the data and charts, they will just shift to some other stupid talking point, like those claiming minimum wage rates aren't based on anything and just made up or something. Why not just make it zero? Since a job is such a grand privilege, why should businesses have to pay people anything at all? Think business will be great in the U.S. if 90% of the employed make 15 cents an hour, do you?
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Unless you can explain how a gun will kill someone without influece from a person, the retarded one is you, boy...

Naw, the retarded thing is giving guns to people who shouldn't have them because a bunch of slave rapists couldn't write a militia amendment clearly.

Nope, not married. But my hot Puerto Rican girlfriend is smokin'...

Sure she is, when she's fully inflated.
An eighteen dollar an hour minimum wage would be more optimal from consumers being able to create more demand.

And if I, as an employer, have to pay everyone who works for me $18 an hour, I'm raising my prices for my customers.

That's how it works.

I'm not going to let my bottom line be negatively impacted because some idiot like you believes $18 an hour is a panacea...
Inflation is usually around one to three percent.
Your orders fall below a certain number, your other costs bankrupt you, not your flunkies working the counters, like real estate costs, franchise fees, maintenance, and utilities.

Which will be more difficult to pay if I'm paying some high school junior $18 an hour to do this:

Your orders fall below a certain number, your other costs bankrupt you, not your flunkies working the counters, like real estate costs, franchise fees, maintenance, and utilities.

Which will be more difficult to pay if I'm paying some high school junior $18 an hour to do this:

Too bad slavery was abolished?

If slaves were to make sandwiches like the one pictured, abolishing slavery would be a good thing...
Naw, the retarded thing is giving guns to people who shouldn't have them because a bunch of slave rapists couldn't write a militia amendment clearly.

Sorry, Junior, but facts are facts, and you don't have any...

Sure she is, when she's fully inflated.

I guess I shouldn't be at all surprised that you would find an inflatable doll hot. I bet yours has a dick, doesn't it?

As for me, my woman is flesh and bones and, damn, she's hot as fuck. Maybe when your balls drop you can get yourself a hot girlfriend, too.

Or maybe a boyfriend; we won't judge...
American employers have such an easy time finding workers that the wage rate will never climb. The workforce is flooded with productive workers.
I guess I shouldn't be at all surprised that you would find an inflatable doll hot. I bet yours has a dick, doesn't it?

Yes, having lost the argument, you are getting truly Childish... but I would expect that from someone who is upset that a burger flipper will be making as much as you do.
I guess I shouldn't be at all surprised that you would find an inflatable doll hot. I bet yours has a dick, doesn't it?

Yes, having lost the argument, you are getting truly Childish... but I would expect that from someone who is upset that a burger flipper will be making as much as you do.

I see, so saying my hot Puerto Rican girlfriend is only hot when she's fully inflated isn't childish, but me saying yours has a dick is?

Fuck you, retard.

Whassamatta', cupcake? Did I hit a nerve?

And the only way a burger flipper's ever going to make as much as me is if your retarded bleeding heart hires him and you pay him so much that it drives you onto the soup line.

Everything about posts in this thread has been profoundly retarded. Your arguments are retarded, you're retarded. I can only pray for you family.

You've been an absolute and complete failure at intelligently refuting anything.

You should be banned for being a retard...
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.
That computer took the job regardless.what do we do when computers take 70 percent of all jobs? It is coming.
Most needed:

A retail order-taking computer with a meat grinder attachment.

For the displaced who put themselves out of work with their incessant demands.
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.
That computer took the job regardless.what do we do when computers take 70 percent of all jobs? It is coming.
Emerging technologies and working from home directing automatons, for example, would mean Labor needs better and more educational opportunities.
Most needed:

A retail order-taking computer with a meat grinder attachment.

For the displaced who put themselves out of work with their incessant demands.
Actually solving for a simple poverty of circulating Capital promotes the general welfare.

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