The Fight for 15 dollars an hour...the computer that just took my order is laughing at you......

You've been a big proponent of a $15 minimum wage; allegedly a "living wage", yet I showed how $15 an hour isn't close to a living wage.

Why are you afraid to addreess that?

Because your numbers are probably bullshit and I don't want to waste time crunching them.

I've got better things to do.

I use those self-service lines all the time. There's nothing which precludes someone who's buying a lot of items from using them.

No, it's just not practical.. And frankly, I don't like scanning and bagging it all myself. Not to mention the bagging area tends to be small and hard to work in. So I'll use one if I have maybe two items and I'm in a hurry.

Otherwise, I'm going to one of those "Essential Workers" you guys seem to think should be paid slave wages.

Doesn't matter if he was a racist monster or not. The fact of tghe matter is that he was a fucking General who didn't go to college...

Maybe if he went to college, he would have realized Genocide was wrong... but never mind. The guy was crazy and piss ignorant.

And Donald Trump's role model.

But, here's the thing, regardless of your ignorant opinion of them, community college internships exist. They're a thing. And you saying they're not makes you look fucking retarded...

Again, I've never seen them, so they don't exist.

Every intern I've seen brought in over my career came from a real college, not some scam they have to let people think they are getting a real college education.

That's because you're mentally retarded...

Nope, guy. The retard is the guy who is working class, and is absolutely fine with the rich fucking over the working class. That's beyond retarded... that's mean AND stupid.
Many of those people working those jobs are going to College. They work so they can. Others are either not capable or can not afford to go.
Well, the OP gets on here and tries to convince people that swimming pools are more dangerous than guns... so I take anything he says with a shaker of salt.

In 2018, there were 458 accidental shooting deaths in the United States.

[Updated 2020] Examining Accidental Gun Death Statistics | Aftermath Services

From 2005-2014, there were 3,536 accidental drownings per year.

Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center

A strong case could be made for the OP's point...

Actually, I besmirch them because they are kind of useless. Seriously, I went to one for one semester prior to getting accepted at UIC. The professors were kind of idiots and the coursework was less challenging than what I had encountered at my Catholic High School. I doubt they've gotten any better in the subsequent 40 years.

UIC? The University of Idiot Cretins?

I'm never wrong.. nobody wants an intern from a community college.

I bet you used to get trophies for coming in ninth, didn't you?

You were proven wrong. You're just too big a fucking coward to admit it.

Face facts, Joey, you're a fucking moron who talks out his ass without the benefit of facts...
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Labor needs to be able to afford our first world economy.

Should we ask landlords to determine what an optimum minimum wage should be from a real estate market perspective?
Because your numbers are probably bullshit and I don't want to waste time crunching them.

I've got better things to do.

You're such a little chickenshit.

The numbers are pretty spot on. You're just on your heels because, after all this blathering you've done about $15 an hour being a living wage, you've been shown that it's not.

It's not that you have "better things to do", it's that you're incapable of refuting anything in my post...

No, it's just not practical.. And frankly, I don't like scanning and bagging it all myself. Not to mention the bagging area tends to be small and hard to work in. So I'll use one if I have maybe two items and I'm in a hurry.

That's you. I see people with entire shopping carts full waiting in line at the self-service aisles all the time.

Otherwise, I'm going to one of those "Essential Workers" you guys seem to think should be paid slave wages.

Doesn't matter. The inarguable fact is that, where there were once 16 employees, there's now one...

Maybe if he went to college, he would have realized Genocide was wrong... but never mind. The guy was crazy and piss ignorant.

You keep trying to change the argument, and you're proving to be only a miserable failure.

You said only those of the upper class could go to college and become officers.

And, once again, I proved you wrong. Racist or not, genocidal maniac or not, you've been proven wrong.


Again, I've never seen them, so they don't exist.

By that logic, I guess pussy doesn't exist, as I can't imagine you've ever seen one of those, either.

I provided links; actual substance to my argument. All you've done is whine and spit up on yourself...

Every intern I've seen brought in over my career came from a real college, not some scam they have to let people think they are getting a real college education.

Like one would expect to get from the University of Idiot Cockbites, is it?

Nope, guy. The retard is the guy who is working class, and is absolutely fine with the rich fucking over the working class. That's beyond retarded... that's mean AND stupid.

Well, then the retard needs to shake things up and make himself more valuable to his employer.

The General Manager of my local Publix grocery store started out there as a bagger back in 2006. He was making $6.15 an hour. The guy is 38 years old and now makes over $100K a year.

He got that job by always working hard, always being the guy who volunteered for the shitty work, for always being the guy who got the job done and for never being the guy who caused problems.

Oh, and he's got nothing more than a high school diploma...
Unemployment from raising the minimum wage can simply be factored into the cost of living and taxation.

Raising the minimum wage to eighteen dollars an hour would raise more tax revenue and create more demand and generate a higher multiplier while achieving that form of purchasing power for Labor as the least wealthy in our republic.
Unemployment from raising the minimum wage can simply be factored into the cost of living and taxation.

Raising the minimum wage to eighteen dollars an hour would raise more tax revenue and create more demand and generate a higher multiplier while achieving that form of purchasing power for Labor as the least wealthy in our republic.

If I'm paying someone $15 an hour to sweep floors, if the minimum wage goes to $18 an hour that guy's gonna' be out of a job. He will create exactly zero tax revenue and have zero purchasing power...
Unemployment from raising the minimum wage can simply be factored into the cost of living and taxation.

Raising the minimum wage to eighteen dollars an hour would raise more tax revenue and create more demand and generate a higher multiplier while achieving that form of purchasing power for Labor as the least wealthy in our republic.

If I'm paying someone $15 an hour to sweep floors, if the minimum wage goes to $18 an hour that guy's gonna' be out of a job. He will create exactly zero tax revenue and have zero purchasing power...
Not at all. We fix unemployment compensation so it solves for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment so they can spend money and pay taxes. Socializing costs is what socialism is good for.
In 2018, there were 458 accidental shooting deaths in the United States.

From 2005-2014, there were 3,536 accidental drownings per year.

Actually, simple math shows that his statemetn isn't true. IN a 10 year period, we have 350 drowning deaths a year. IN ALL BODIES OF WATER, not just swimming pools. That's still less than if you just count accidents. (I've seen numbers that have as many as 800 accidental shooting a year.

Of course, we have 23,000 suicides and 14,500 homicides with guns, which make them a lot more dangerous.

You were proven wrong.

No, I wasn't. Some fly by night company convincing a college kid to work for free isn't an internship.

The numbers are pretty spot on. You're just on your heels because, after all this blathering you've done about $15 an hour being a living wage, you've been shown that it's not.

Actually, it is... if you are practical with money... which you apparently aren't.

That's you. I see people with entire shopping carts full waiting in line at the self-service aisles all the time.

yes, and they are the same assholes who refuse to wear a mask, I'm sure.

I provided links; actual substance to my argument.

Really? You seem to be getting pretty childish... you really don't take being ridiculed well, do you? I imagine it happens to you a lot.

Well, then the retard needs to shake things up and make himself more valuable to his employer.

No, employees need to put employers in their place. In 42 years of working, I've seen so much shitty behavior towards employees by employers, I don't want to give them an inch. Living Wage. Mandatory. You can't pay that, no one will miss you as a boss.

I'd also make unions or worker's guilds mandatory in every workplace that employs more than 50 people.
Actually, simple math shows that his statemetn isn't true. IN a 10 year period, we have 350 drowning deaths a year. IN ALL BODIES OF WATER, not just swimming pools. That's still less than if you just count accidents. (I've seen numbers that have as many as 800 accidental shooting a year.

There were 3,536 ACCIDENTAL drownings a year, not total...

Of course, we have 23,000 suicides and 14,500 homicides with guns, which make them a lot more dangerous.

Well, using your brand of pinheaded logic, cars are far more dangerous than either...

No, I wasn't. Some fly by night company convincing a college kid to work for free isn't an internship.

Yeah, Argonne National Labratory is a "fly by night company". The U.S. Department of Energy is a "fly by night company".

You are monumentally stupid...

Actually, it is... if you are practical with money... which you apparently aren't.

I'm quite practical with money. That's why I have a great deal of it.

But the numbers I gave you are averages for St. John's County in northeastern Florida. They're real numbers. You're just too big a coward to address them because, as stupid as you are, you realize that those numbers destroy your argument that $15 an hour is a living wage. Oh, and one more thing to consider: Florida doesn't have a State income tax. Someone living in a State that does, and where utilities, rent, etc are comparable, is completely fucked.

A single 26 year old man (the number I used for the car insurance and health insurance quotes) cannot afford to live in St. Johns County. Period. He'll run out of money before the bills are paid, before groceries are bought or before he puts a drop of gasoline in his car.

But you're not smart enough to actually refute anything with any sort of data. You just whine...

yes, and they are the same assholes who refuse to wear a mask, I'm sure.

Actually, dipshit, they're all wearing masks. The stores require them.

Anything else you want to be stupid about?

Really? You seem to be getting pretty childish... you really don't take being ridiculed well, do you? I imagine it happens to you a lot.

Only by meaningless little dipshits like you who aren't accustomed to dealing with rational arguments...

No, employees need to put employers in their place. In 42 years of working, I've seen so much shitty behavior towards employees by employers, I don't want to give them an inch. Living Wage. Mandatory. You can't pay that, no one will miss you as a boss.

HAHAHA! What a fucking dweeb.

You insist that $15 is a "living wage", and it isn't. That's been proven to you (even if you're too cowardly of stupid to acknowledge it).

The employees are always the ones who end up on the muzzle side of the gun. If an employee doesn't want to work for $12 an hour, fine; have a nice life. The employer will find someone who will...

I'd also make unions or worker's guilds mandatory in every workplace that employs more than 50 people.

That would be destined to fail.

If a business can operate with 50 people who are unionized, it can operate with 49 people who aren't...
This is a moot point if Labor can obtain UC for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
Well, using your brand of pinheaded logic, cars are far more dangerous than either...

Now, you almost have a good point here. Cars are more dangerous, because they are used a lot more. But with cars, the auto makers make them safer every year, they pass more and more traffic laws every year to increase safety

The gun industry, on the other hand, makes their products more dangerous and fights even the most common sense legislation to reduce the carnage.

If the auto industry was like the gun industry, we'd all be driving Mad Max cars.


Actually, dipshit, they're all wearing masks. The stores require them.

And I see a lot of people breaking those rules... screaming about freedom... etc.

You insist that $15 is a "living wage", and it isn't. That's been proven to you (even if you're too cowardly of stupid to acknowledge it).

Why , because you generated some bullshit numbers and I'm supposed to take you at face value?

The employees are always the ones who end up on the muzzle side of the gun. If an employee doesn't want to work for $12 an hour, fine; have a nice life. The employer will find someone who will...

The 1950's called, they want their scare tactics back.

The ironic thing about the 1950's is that's when Unions were the strongest and the MW was nearing being a living wage because they didn't want American Workers to start thinking Communism might not be so bad.

Then they figured out you can get Stupid White People like you to take it up the ass so long as they play on your racial, sexual and religious fears.
The gun industry, on the other hand, makes their products more dangerous and fights even the most common sense legislation to reduce the carnage.

That's because a gun isn't capable of killing someone. I can lay my loaded 1911 on the sidewalk and it will kill no one.


But let one chucklehead like you show up and that's when the problems would start...

And I see a lot of people breaking those rules... screaming about freedom... etc.

And that has zero impact on the fact that a lot of people use those self-service lines when they're buying a lot of groceries.

See, your problem is that you clearly have ADD. We're talking about how jobs are lost when self-service aisles are put in, and you're whining about people not wearing masks. You possess an innate inability to remain focused...

Why , because you generated some bullshit numbers and I'm supposed to take you at face value?

You're an utter failure at refuting my argument.

You want to believe that $15 is a "living wage". Cool.

Take that $15 and multiply it by 32, which is the minimum number of hours someone has to work to be considered "full time" in Florida. That's $480 a week. Now, that's not some "bullshit number", that's actual math. Multiply that by four, which is the number of weeks you'll work in a month. That comes to $1,920 a month, gross. Multiply that by 12, because there are 12 months in a year. You end up with $23,040 a year. Again, not "bullshit numbers" but actual, real math.

Now, someone who makes $23,040 before taxes in a year pays $987.50 plus 12% of the amount over $9,875, which you can figure out by subtracting $9,875 from $23,040. You end up with $13,165. That's the amount that you have to pay %12 of. So, dolt, multiply $13,165 by 12% and you get $1,579.80, which is added to the $987.50 which came right off the top. The resulting tax you pay to the government is $2,567.30, which is subtracted from the $23,040 gross pay. You're left with $20,472.70 after taxes.

These aren't "bullshit numbers". These numbers are from the US Tax Code:

Income Tax Rates for Idiots Like Joe

Now, the numbers I used for expenses are averages for where I live. I would challenge you to use the same numbers for whatever slum you live in, but you and I both know that you're too scared to do that, because you know you can't cover your expenses with $20,472.70. Oh, and bear in mind, there's no state income tax taken out in my example, as Florida doesn't have a state income tax. For someone in Illinois, for example, there's an additional 4.95% of your net income which goes to the State.

Go ahead, Joe. Figure out your own example using numbers for wherever you live. Do it or be a cowardly bitch...

The 1950's called, they want their scare tactics back.

And exactly how is the employee going to force the employer to pay a higher wage? If I'm offering you $12 an hour to clean the bathrooms in my building, you can demand $15 an hour until you're blue in the face. You won't get it. What you will get is an escort out of the building, ad I'll hire some kid who's not afraid to work...

Then they figured out you can get Stupid White People like you to take it up the ass so long as they play on your racial, sexual and religious fears.

Well, my ass is nestled in a $2,200 desk chair at the moment, so I'm okay.

I have no racial, sexual or religious fears. Honestly, you're a retard for mentioning those, simply because they're not topics of discussion.

Oh, right, your ADD. Sorry, man, I forgot...
So what. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is still better for Labor in our first world economy.
So what. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is still better for Labor in our first world economy.

But "labor" is only one part of the equation.

The argument was that $15 an hour is a living wage.

It's not, and that's been clearly demonstrated.

So, stay on point or shut up...
So what. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is still better for Labor in our first world economy.

But "labor" is only one part of the equation.

The argument was that $15 an hour is a living wage.

It's not, and that's been clearly demonstrated.

So, stay on point or shut up...
The current minimum wage is even less livable. And, even a fifteen dollar an hour minimum in a few years won't be worth as much as fifteen dollars an hour now.
So what. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is still better for Labor in our first world economy.

But "labor" is only one part of the equation.

The argument was that $15 an hour is a living wage.

It's not, and that's been clearly demonstrated.

So, stay on point or shut up...
The current minimum wage is even less livable. And, even a fifteen dollar an hour minimum in a few years won't be worth as much as fifteen dollars an hour now.


Which means the "$15 an hour is a living wage" idea being promoted my retards like Joe is silly and, more importantly, wrong...
So what. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is still better for Labor in our first world economy.

But "labor" is only one part of the equation.

The argument was that $15 an hour is a living wage.

It's not, and that's been clearly demonstrated.

So, stay on point or shut up...
The current minimum wage is even less livable. And, even a fifteen dollar an hour minimum in a few years won't be worth as much as fifteen dollars an hour now.


Which means the "$15 an hour is a living wage" idea being promoted my retards like Joe is silly and, more importantly, wrong...
It is still a cost of living adjustment so Labor can better afford our first world economy.
So what. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is still better for Labor in our first world economy.

But "labor" is only one part of the equation.

The argument was that $15 an hour is a living wage.

It's not, and that's been clearly demonstrated.

So, stay on point or shut up...
The current minimum wage is even less livable. And, even a fifteen dollar an hour minimum in a few years won't be worth as much as fifteen dollars an hour now.


Which means the "$15 an hour is a living wage" idea being promoted my retards like Joe is silly and, more importantly, wrong...
It is still a cost of living adjustment so Labor can better afford our first world economy.

But they won't. That's the point.

Someone making minimum wage, regardless of how much that is, isn't exactly dialed in to the "first world economy". They're at the very lowest rung on the economic ladder.

They're going to think they're doing great when, in fact, they won't be.

The only way to improve your station in life is to make yourself more valuable to your employer so there's a willingness for him to pay you more. If he doesn't realize your value, find an employer who does.

But being content being paid minimum wage, whether it's $5 an hour or $50 an hour will guarantee that you are always the lowest of the low in the economic scheme of things...
So what. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is still better for Labor in our first world economy.

But "labor" is only one part of the equation.

The argument was that $15 an hour is a living wage.

It's not, and that's been clearly demonstrated.

So, stay on point or shut up...
The current minimum wage is even less livable. And, even a fifteen dollar an hour minimum in a few years won't be worth as much as fifteen dollars an hour now.


Which means the "$15 an hour is a living wage" idea being promoted my retards like Joe is silly and, more importantly, wrong...
It is still a cost of living adjustment so Labor can better afford our first world economy.

But they won't. That's the point.

Someone making minimum wage, regardless of how much that is, isn't exactly dialed in to the "first world economy". They're at the very lowest rung on the economic ladder.

They're going to think they're doing great when, in fact, they won't be.

The only way to improve your station in life is to make yourself more valuable to your employer so there's a willingness for him to pay you more. If he doesn't realize your value, find an employer who does.

But being content being paid minimum wage, whether it's $5 an hour or $50 an hour will guarantee that you are always the lowest of the low in the economic scheme of things...
The point is, Labor must be able to afford our first world economy. It is about purchasing power parity. At some point, the Poor can make enough to help with the Tax burden.
So what. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is still better for Labor in our first world economy.

But "labor" is only one part of the equation.

The argument was that $15 an hour is a living wage.

It's not, and that's been clearly demonstrated.

So, stay on point or shut up...
The current minimum wage is even less livable. And, even a fifteen dollar an hour minimum in a few years won't be worth as much as fifteen dollars an hour now.


Which means the "$15 an hour is a living wage" idea being promoted my retards like Joe is silly and, more importantly, wrong...
It is still a cost of living adjustment so Labor can better afford our first world economy.

But they won't. That's the point.

Someone making minimum wage, regardless of how much that is, isn't exactly dialed in to the "first world economy". They're at the very lowest rung on the economic ladder.

They're going to think they're doing great when, in fact, they won't be.

The only way to improve your station in life is to make yourself more valuable to your employer so there's a willingness for him to pay you more. If he doesn't realize your value, find an employer who does.

But being content being paid minimum wage, whether it's $5 an hour or $50 an hour will guarantee that you are always the lowest of the low in the economic scheme of things...
The point is, Labor must be able to afford our first world economy. It is about purchasing power parity. At some point, the Poor can make enough to help with the Tax burden.

Someone who's making minimum wage is never going to have parity with anything, because they'll always be on the lowest rung of the economic ladder...

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