The Fight for 15 dollars an hour...the computer that just took my order is laughing at you......

Your position still advocates the loss of 210,000 jobs...

Wow. Okay. We've lost 65 million jobs in TRUMP PLAGUE.

You don't seem to think that was a big deal.

For fun, let's say McDonald's says "fuck it, we're done", and closes shop.

Immediately, 210,000 people are out of work. Also, those folks who enjoy a Big Mac and a medium order of fries can no longer get them. This is where your position fails. Despite the consumer demand, which you insist is what creates jobs, the consumer demand for a Big Mac and fries won't create a fucking thing.

Naw, they'll just go for a Wendy's Double or a Double Whopper at Burger King.... and those places will have to hire more people.

The legal age to work in New York is 16. Hell you can have a paper route at age 12. Do you really view these as a "child exploitation scheme"?

Wow, you still think a paper route is a thing? Really? Or that anyone still reads newspapers?

No, I'm guessing the real problem here is that your pussy hurts because, once upon a time, you were fired from McDonald's for failing to master the "lettuce, tomato, onion" system they have...

Nope, my wonderful experience with Minimum wage exploitation was back in the 1980's, where I worked my way through college. Of course, you could do that back in the 1970-80's because the mimimum wage was closer to a living wage than it is now, and college was actually affordable.

Of course, of the three jobs I held during that time, two of them are out of business now. one of them was "Farrell's Ice Cream". Now, I bring that up because it was a great example of corporate sleaze. Farrells had a giveaway where you could sign your kid up for a birthday party by giving them your child's name and date of birth and other particulars.

Farrell's parent company took that list and sold it to the Selective Service, who started hounding people to sign up.

Wow. Okay. We've lost 65 million jobs in TRUMP PLAGUE.
You don't seem to think that was a big deal.

Because Trump had nothing to do with it, and you are blaming him for government actions he did not do, and was even against?

Trump didn't want the lock downs. Democrats did. Trump didn't lose those jobs. Democrats lost those jobs.

You can't blame Trump for things he opposed the entire time. That's ridiculous. Saying incoherent things like that, is how we know you are a non-thinking individual.

Naw, they'll just go for a Wendy's Double or a Double Whopper at Burger King.... and those places will have to hire more people.

That's ignorant. Increase the prices of whatever services you sell by 25%, and tell me how demand goes up, and you'll have to hire someone to help you do your job.

Wow, you still think a paper route is a thing? Really? Or that anyone still reads newspapers?

My nephew has been working since he was 16.

Nope, my wonderful experience with Minimum wage exploitation was back in the 1980's, where I worked my way through college. Of course, you could do that back in the 1970-80's because the mimimum wage was closer to a living wage than it is now, and college was actually affordable.

No, the minimum wage was not closer to the living wage back then. Sorry. Not true.

You can live on the minimum wage today, just as easily as you could back then. You can find crappy apartments, like they had in the 1970s, that have no Air Conditioning, and are the size of a shoe box, and be able to afford a 1970s lifestyle. The problem is you want a 2020 lifestyle on a 1970s wage. Sorry, you can't do that. You want more stuff? You more more amenities? You want cell phones? You want cable TV? And high speed internet? And a modern car? You want more things and services, than you had in the 1970s? Then you have to pay more. That's how life works. You want to live a 1970s life? You can do that on minimum wage. I show you houses you can buy for barely $30,000 near down town Columbus, and I know people who worked $10/hour jobs, and paid for their house.

College was more affordable back then, which is exactly why any rational thinking person, should ask themselves how it is that after 30 years of government directly involved in trying to make college more affordable, why it is less affordable now, than ever before?

And given the amazing success of all the programs and regulations to make college more affordable.... why do people on the left want more government programs involved in housing, and health care, and everything else?

College dorms in the 1970s were practically nothing. I've seen them. College dorms today are luxuries. If you go back even farther, you had 4 people in a room, with 2 bunk beds, and you were not even supposed to study in your room, you went to a library to have a desk. Now you have 2 people, with separate beds, and individual desks. And that doesn't include the insanity that covers the rest of the campus, with yoga classes, and pools, and entertainment rooms.

That's why college costs more. If you go to a college that doesn't have all that crap, it's still cheap. You go to Columbus State Community College, it's $4,500 a year. You can earn enough working minimum wage to pay for that, if you are a student living at home.

College is still very affordable, to anyone who really wants it. And honestly, if you just work hard, you can get enough scholarships to get through free, or almost free. I know a guy that got a double degree in education and physics, going through Capital State University, and paid almost nothing. Pretty close to 25% of the cost, with everything else through scholarships. His parents didn't fund him a penny. He cash flowed the degree himself, from working a $10/hour job.

No excuse for anyone who really wants a degree, to not get one. You don't have to spend $40,000 a a major university. That's pointless and stupid. I haven't had an employer yet that cared where you got your degree from, as long as you had it, and could do that job.

College was more affordable back then, which is exactly why any rational thinking person, should ask themselves how it is that after 30 years of government directly involved in trying to make college more affordable, why it is less affordable now, than ever before?


College dorms in the 1970s were practically nothing. I've seen them. College dorms today are luxuries. If you go back even farther, you had 4 people in a room, with 2 bunk beds, and you were not even supposed to study in your room, you went to a library to have a desk. Now you have 2 people, with separate beds, and individual desks. And that doesn't include the insanity that covers the rest of the campus, with yoga classes, and pools, and entertainment rooms.

Endless government dollars lets you buy all kinds of neat stuff.
We don’t live in the 1970’s anymore.
Sure it happens. Why the fuck do you think there are kiosks taking fast food orders now?

You mean the ones nobody uses?

Panera Bread tried those. No one used them and people lined up to have a live person take their order.

My local Jewel-Osco is on their third version of "Self-Serve"- Most people go to a live cashier if they have more than a handful of items, and you still need a cashier on standby when people can't figure out how to use them.

You have the obsession with the old world French means of justice, and that's ruining every argument you make. Pull your head out of your ask and be rational and discuss what could happen instead of what you want to see happen.

Because what you want to see is stupid...

Actually, we know what could happen. We saw that this summer. A lot of angry poor people who got upset, just like they did in France 200 years ago.

But our rich people are just as clueless as the French Nobility.... so I'm looking forward to public guillotinings.

How many times did you see some wet-behind-the-ears Ensign or 2nd LT come out of their service academy, show up, and act like they were this hottest thing going? We used to get that a lot. We had this one clown, ENS Pat Growny. He acted like he was God's gift to the fleet. We sat his ass in a corner and told him to observe and not to touch anything. It was six months before we allowed him to do anything meaningful.


Because he knew dick. He thought the Navy was Annapolis, and it's not...

Okay, the problem is, the Military has been doing that for hundreds of years, and it was a bad system they inherited from the British, when only the upper classes were allowed to get an education and be officers.

Now leaving the Service Academies aside (which are pretty much spending $400,000 to produce a single O-1, which is stupid), what you see now is most officers are enlisted men, go to college on a scholarship, and then go to OCS. So what I saw was OCS officers who knew what they were doing, and ROTC officers who were kind of clueless.

The thing is, if the only thing that separates an 0-1 from an E-3 is a college degree, that becomes increasingly meaningless when everyone has a college degree.

None of this had anything to do with the fact that big companies prefer kids from big colleges.

You know, it's fun watching you belch up complete bullshit, but after a while we start feeling sorry for you, because you either feel forced to lie through your teeth or you simply have no fucking idea what you're talking about...

Guy, stand by my point. No real company is looking for an intern from Cleetus Community College.

I know that you guys on the right hate college because you think they are brainwashing young kids to be liberals.
Loans to students become spending by the college. Idiot.

Duurrrr.... idiot... the government doesn't spend that money, the students have to pay it back.

After the big banks make a huge profit on the interest.


Let the market decide

if hungry customers want to pay double for a hamburger and fries because the person at the counter is making $15 thats fine with me

but if they dont want to overpay businesses should be able to fill that demand also at $7.50 or with a computer

Um. No. The market doesn't decide anything... The thing is, McDonald's pays their people shit wages, but so do the places like Red Lobster that charge you $25.00 for dinner.

Me, I want my food prepared by people who don't hate their jobs.
"My father lost his job to automation. He did the the same job for 25 years and one day, he was replaced by a machine. The machine did everything my father did, only better and faster. The worst part was, my mother went out and bought one."

-- Woody Allen

It's funny until you remember he molested his kid and married his stepdaughter.
The joke was probably stolen. I never liked his brand of comedy.
Sure it happens. Why the fuck do you think there are kiosks taking fast food orders now?

You mean the ones nobody uses?

Panera Bread tried those. No one used them and people lined up to have a live person take their order.

My local Jewel-Osco is on their third version of "Self-Serve"- Most people go to a live cashier if they have more than a handful of items, and you still need a cashier on standby when people can't figure out how to use them.

You have the obsession with the old world French means of justice, and that's ruining every argument you make. Pull your head out of your ask and be rational and discuss what could happen instead of what you want to see happen.

Because what you want to see is stupid...

Actually, we know what could happen. We saw that this summer. A lot of angry poor people who got upset, just like they did in France 200 years ago.

But our rich people are just as clueless as the French Nobility.... so I'm looking forward to public guillotinings.

How many times did you see some wet-behind-the-ears Ensign or 2nd LT come out of their service academy, show up, and act like they were this hottest thing going? We used to get that a lot. We had this one clown, ENS Pat Growny. He acted like he was God's gift to the fleet. We sat his ass in a corner and told him to observe and not to touch anything. It was six months before we allowed him to do anything meaningful.


Because he knew dick. He thought the Navy was Annapolis, and it's not...

Okay, the problem is, the Military has been doing that for hundreds of years, and it was a bad system they inherited from the British, when only the upper classes were allowed to get an education and be officers.

Now leaving the Service Academies aside (which are pretty much spending $400,000 to produce a single O-1, which is stupid), what you see now is most officers are enlisted men, go to college on a scholarship, and then go to OCS. So what I saw was OCS officers who knew what they were doing, and ROTC officers who were kind of clueless.

The thing is, if the only thing that separates an 0-1 from an E-3 is a college degree, that becomes increasingly meaningless when everyone has a college degree.

None of this had anything to do with the fact that big companies prefer kids from big colleges.

You know, it's fun watching you belch up complete bullshit, but after a while we start feeling sorry for you, because you either feel forced to lie through your teeth or you simply have no fucking idea what you're talking about...

Guy, stand by my point. No real company is looking for an intern from Cleetus Community College.

I know that you guys on the right hate college because you think they are brainwashing young kids to be liberals.
Self service in the grocery is fine for a few items if you know what you are doing. Otherwise Cashier for big basket. We owe them for working thru this pandemic.
Loans to students become spending by the college. Idiot.

Duurrrr.... idiot... the government doesn't spend that money, the students have to pay it back.

After the big banks make a huge profit on the interest.


Let the market decide

if hungry customers want to pay double for a hamburger and fries because the person at the counter is making $15 thats fine with me

but if they dont want to overpay businesses should be able to fill that demand also at $7.50 or with a computer

Um. No. The market doesn't decide anything... The thing is, McDonald's pays their people shit wages, but so do the places like Red Lobster that charge you $25.00 for dinner.

Me, I want my food prepared by people who don't hate their jobs.
How about the greedy educators overcharging students in the first place?
Self service in the grocery is fine for a few items if you know what you are doing. Otherwise Cashier for big basket. We owe them for working thru this pandemic.

You make an excellent point. A lot of the people working for less than "living wage" are the ones who got designated as "essential workers", having to go into work and risk infection while the rest of us took furloughs or worked from home.

But guys like Andy and Canon think they don't think they are as 'deserving' to make a living wage.
How about the greedy educators overcharging students in the first place?

Except they aren't.

You get what you pay for. The only difference is that since 1980, the costs have shifted from the state to the student.

The professors aren't making more money. Heck, we have adjunct professors on food stamps. We have TA's who are expected to provide service as part of getting their degrees.

Now, all that said. I went to UIC, where you can get a college degree for 17,000 a year. Ridiculously expensive, but a bargain compared to Yale, where it costs a kid $72,000 a year to attend.
Self service in the grocery is fine for a few items if you know what you are doing. Otherwise Cashier for big basket. We owe them for working thru this pandemic.

You make an excellent point. A lot of the people working for less than "living wage" are the ones who got designated as "essential workers", having to go into work and risk infection while the rest of us took furloughs or worked from home.

But guys like Andy and Canon think they don't think they are as 'deserving' to make a living wage.

I think quite the opposite and thank them every time they help me.. Kroger’s gave extra pay so I shop at Kroger’s.
How about the greedy educators overcharging students in the first place?

Except they aren't.

You get what you pay for. The only difference is that since 1980, the costs have shifted from the state to the student.

The professors aren't making more money. Heck, we have adjunct professors on food stamps. We have TA's who are expected to provide service as part of getting their degrees.

Now, all that said. I went to UIC, where you can get a college degree for 17,000 a year. Ridiculously expensive, but a bargain compared to Yale, where it costs a kid $72,000 a year to attend.
My Son ended up at a Catholic College. $5000 ,today $70,000. He could live at home, The Grandson won a Scholarship but there are living expenses and other things. Even parking a car. But it is virtual now.
How about the greedy educators overcharging students in the first place?

Except they aren't.

You get what you pay for. The only difference is that since 1980, the costs have shifted from the state to the student.

The professors aren't making more money. Heck, we have adjunct professors on food stamps. We have TA's who are expected to provide service as part of getting their degrees.

Now, all that said. I went to UIC, where you can get a college degree for 17,000 a year. Ridiculously expensive, but a bargain compared to Yale, where it costs a kid $72,000 a year to attend.
Professors are far from over paid. If they are greedy they do not stay in the Educational field long.
Right wingers merely doth protest too much. They should have fine, free market capital solution like they allege in socialism threads.
Sure it happens. Why the fuck do you think there are kiosks taking fast food orders now?

You mean the ones nobody uses?

Panera Bread tried those. No one used them and people lined up to have a live person take their order.

My local Jewel-Osco is on their third version of "Self-Serve"- Most people go to a live cashier if they have more than a handful of items, and you still need a cashier on standby when people can't figure out how to use them.

You have the obsession with the old world French means of justice, and that's ruining every argument you make. Pull your head out of your ask and be rational and discuss what could happen instead of what you want to see happen.

Because what you want to see is stupid...

Actually, we know what could happen. We saw that this summer. A lot of angry poor people who got upset, just like they did in France 200 years ago.

But our rich people are just as clueless as the French Nobility.... so I'm looking forward to public guillotinings.

How many times did you see some wet-behind-the-ears Ensign or 2nd LT come out of their service academy, show up, and act like they were this hottest thing going? We used to get that a lot. We had this one clown, ENS Pat Growny. He acted like he was God's gift to the fleet. We sat his ass in a corner and told him to observe and not to touch anything. It was six months before we allowed him to do anything meaningful.


Because he knew dick. He thought the Navy was Annapolis, and it's not...

Okay, the problem is, the Military has been doing that for hundreds of years, and it was a bad system they inherited from the British, when only the upper classes were allowed to get an education and be officers.

Now leaving the Service Academies aside (which are pretty much spending $400,000 to produce a single O-1, which is stupid), what you see now is most officers are enlisted men, go to college on a scholarship, and then go to OCS. So what I saw was OCS officers who knew what they were doing, and ROTC officers who were kind of clueless.

The thing is, if the only thing that separates an 0-1 from an E-3 is a college degree, that becomes increasingly meaningless when everyone has a college degree.

None of this had anything to do with the fact that big companies prefer kids from big colleges.

You know, it's fun watching you belch up complete bullshit, but after a while we start feeling sorry for you, because you either feel forced to lie through your teeth or you simply have no fucking idea what you're talking about...

Guy, stand by my point. No real company is looking for an intern from Cleetus Community College.

I know that you guys on the right hate college because you think they are brainwashing young kids to be liberals.
From my experience a Friend who became a Community College Professor when he lost 2 Engineering Jobs during the recession. He was teaching Manufacturing. Companies wanted twice the number of students he turned out with a 2 year degree. Things have turned around. They are making more money than those with a 4 year degree. A Masters degree he went back to Engineering because the College did not pay enough to live on.
Actually, we know what could happen. We saw that this summer. A lot of angry poor people who got upset, just like they did in France 200 years ago.


Wealthy NYC college student, 20, is among eight arrested on riot charges in BLM rampage | Daily Mail Online

Just like France......DURR
Duurrrr.... idiot... the government doesn't spend that money, the students have to pay it back.

That's why morons on the left want the debt forgiven, because the students paid it back. DURR

End the limitless government loans, colleges will have to cut costs to attract customers.
You get what you pay for.

the cost of a college education has risen more than any other commodity with no improvement in the product

the greedy lib educators are ripping off the students, their parents and the government
Duurrrr.... idiot... the government doesn't spend that money, the students have to pay it back.

That's why morons on the left want the debt forgiven, because the students paid it back. DURR

End the limitless government loans, colleges will have to cut costs to attract customers.
Equal protection of the laws is in our Constitutions. Sounds like a good reason for some on the left.

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