The final solution is mixed race marriages.

Ted Bundy was a psychopath-----and he was very very intelligent
But what is intelligence ?

which made him more dangerous as a psychopath increasing his kill numbers.. To claim that he was evil preventing him from being intelligent is nonsense. Most true psychopaths score high on the intelligence scale-------they are known to plot and plan as adults even IF more clumsy as children. Sociopaths tend to be more impulsive and dumber
But what is intelligence ?

Let’s say you have two people studying the sea.
  1. University professor. An expert on oceanography;
  2. An old-fashioned fisherman.
The professor learned at most prestigious of universities (Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton etc). He has an above high IQ and aced all exams put in front of him.

The fisherman took over from his father, tending to the waters that surrounded them, just as his own father had taken over from his father before him. He barely finished school and has a lower than average IQ,

These men studied exactly the same domain but from different points and purposes.

The professor spent a lot of time studying sea, but little time in the sea.

The fisherman has all of his life in the sea, but little time studying the sea.

So my question to you is :

Who out of these men is more intelligent in how the sea works — the professor or the fisherman ?
You've never conquered all Blacks.

Wakanda, right?
No Haiti

The French never conquered Haiti?
Not after Africans gained control. They beat the French ass twice which is why the US is now so large. Say thank you to the first country to permanently outlaw slavery and ensure individual rights. Something the US wouldn't do for another 100 years.

Not after Africans gained control.

So before Africans gained control.
Having been raised in the South in mid 20th century, I have to disagree with your statement that no white man believes he is superior to a black man. I must have heard at least a thousand times that blacks were just animals, ignorant, immoral, lazy, and not to be trusted. Those ideas still exist today and I dare say you will find them on this board.
No white man believes they are superior they to black man. You see the sh*t whites talk about blacks is just a front.

Black men threaten White men in a way that Hispanic, Asian and Arab men don't.

This fear is ancient and you can trace it to its origins in the first Indo-Aryan invasions of Black civilization.
  • Is it because the Black-man built the world’s first civilizations?
  • Is it because the Black-man is the only man to surpass White men in every field of human achievement?
  • Is it the White-man’s sexual inferiority complex they feel regarding the Black Man?
Also Whites fear black men because we are seen and thought of as so physical we can hurt them.

This comes back to the black physical; the black potency, the black strength. That fear partly sexual goes back a long way, and that comes down to the fact that white men regard black men as better sexual performers than they are.

They don't say this publicly, but they say, 'gee they're so natural' and u begin to wonder. 'Our women could they not be attracted to that?"

Therefore all whites efforts to de-man black men.

The most graphic was lynching but now they put blk men in cages, called prisons, again to de-male them.

Whites can't call us 'boy' but they still somehow can make sure black men don’t have jobs, make sure we don't threaten them in other ways

You see what fks up black people is the fact that we don't think like white people

Black people could never red-line white areas from credit, the way whites red-line black areas from credit.
  • Black people could never use white people as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the way whites use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.
  • Black people could never rip up white CV's and resumes the way white people rip up black Cv's resumes.
  • Black people could never poison the water supply in white areas, the way white people poison the water supply in black areas.
God did not make us that way. He just did not give us that heart.
Just because you fear a person or group or they are physical stronger or more aggressive does not mean that you don't feel superior to that person or group. In the days of apartheid in South Africa and slavery in the US, Whites certainly feared Blacks but they considered themselves superior due to their economic, social, and educational status which still exist today. In fact, the belief by Whites of their racial superiority and their fear of Blacks is largely responsible for the racial problems we have today.
Last edited:
You've never conquered all Blacks.

Wakanda, right?
No Haiti

The French never conquered Haiti?
Not after Africans gained control. They beat the French ass twice which is why the US is now so large. Say thank you to the first country to permanently outlaw slavery and ensure individual rights. Something the US wouldn't do for another 100 years.

Not after Africans gained control.

So before Africans gained control.
Whites killed off all the NA's. Blacks returned the favor for the NAs by killing off all the French or kicking them off the island. Even that took resorting to the savagery exhibited by whites.
Having been raised in the South in mid 20th century, I have to disagree with your statement that no white man believes he is superior to a black man. I must have heard at least a thousand times that blacks were just animals, ignorant, immoral, lazy, and not to be trusted. Those ideas still exist today and I dare say you will find them on this board.
No white man believes they are superior they to black man. You see the sh*t whites talk about blacks is just a front.

Black men threaten White men in a way that Hispanic, Asian and Arab men don't.

This fear is ancient and you can trace it to its origins in the first Indo-Aryan invasions of Black civilization.
  • Is it because the Black-man built the world’s first civilizations?
  • Is it because the Black-man is the only man to surpass White men in every field of human achievement?
  • Is it the White-man’s sexual inferiority complex they feel regarding the Black Man?
Also Whites fear black men because we are seen and thought of as so physical we can hurt them.

This comes back to the black physical; the black potency, the black strength. That fear partly sexual goes back a long way, and that comes down to the fact that white men regard black men as better sexual performers than they are.

They don't say this publicly, but they say, 'gee they're so natural' and u begin to wonder. 'Our women could they not be attracted to that?"

Therefore all whites efforts to de-man black men.

The most graphic was lynching but now they put blk men in cages, called prisons, again to de-male them.

Whites can't call us 'boy' but they still somehow can make sure black men don’t have jobs, make sure we don't threaten them in other ways

You see what fks up black people is the fact that we don't think like white people

Black people could never red-line white areas from credit, the way whites red-line black areas from credit.
  • Black people could never use white people as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the way whites use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.
  • Black people could never rip up white CV's and resumes the way white people rip up black Cv's resumes.
  • Black people could never poison the water supply in white areas, the way white people poison the water supply in black areas.
God did not make us that way. He just did not give us that heart.
Just because you fear a person or group or they are physical stronger or more aggressive does not mean that you don't feel superior to that person or group. In the days of apartheid in South Africa and slavery in the US, Whites certainly feared Blacks but they considered themselves superior due to their economic, social, and educational status which still exist today.
" Whites certainly feared Blacks but they considered themselves superior due to their economic, social, and educational status which still exist today. "

You don't fear what you feel you are superior to. Economic, social, educational status are all just rationalizations. Basically if you have to think up reasons to feel superior instead of just knowing you are then its all just a front. Its increasingly obvious that whites from all disciplines have worked to keep certain knowledge from the masses of other whites (and all races).. There are so many references to the fact that whites needed to paint themselves in a better light to feel superior and make money.
" Philanthropic Donations Grooming Competition For Technocracy Market Share "

* Persistent Scientific Challenge Of Conjectures Based On Contemporaneous And Limited Sample Spaces *

What's your point ?
" By showing the typical IQ levels of people who succeed at different levels of training and employment, the earlier illustration also demonstrates the practical importance of general intelligence. Few occupations are out of reach, on the basis of intelligence, for people above the 90th percentile of general intelligence (IQ 120), but virtually none is within ready reach for those below the 10th (IQ 80). Indeed, the military is forbidden by law to induct anyone below the equivalent of IQ 80 and it currently inducts no one below about IQ 85.

Low literacy is sometimes literally a matter of life and death. The last four pairs of tasks show how other daily tasks vary in complexity. "
Having been raised in the South in mid 20th century, I have to disagree with your statement that no white man believes he is superior to a black man. I must have heard at least a thousand times that blacks were just animals, ignorant, immoral, lazy, and not to be trusted. Those ideas still exist today and I dare say you will find them on this board.
No white man believes they are superior they to black man. You see the sh*t whites talk about blacks is just a front.

Black men threaten White men in a way that Hispanic, Asian and Arab men don't.

This fear is ancient and you can trace it to its origins in the first Indo-Aryan invasions of Black civilization.
  • Is it because the Black-man built the world’s first civilizations?
  • Is it because the Black-man is the only man to surpass White men in every field of human achievement?
  • Is it the White-man’s sexual inferiority complex they feel regarding the Black Man?
Also Whites fear black men because we are seen and thought of as so physical we can hurt them.

This comes back to the black physical; the black potency, the black strength. That fear partly sexual goes back a long way, and that comes down to the fact that white men regard black men as better sexual performers than they are.

They don't say this publicly, but they say, 'gee they're so natural' and u begin to wonder. 'Our women could they not be attracted to that?"

Therefore all whites efforts to de-man black men.

The most graphic was lynching but now they put blk men in cages, called prisons, again to de-male them.

Whites can't call us 'boy' but they still somehow can make sure black men don’t have jobs, make sure we don't threaten them in other ways

You see what fks up black people is the fact that we don't think like white people

Black people could never red-line white areas from credit, the way whites red-line black areas from credit.
  • Black people could never use white people as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the way whites use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.
  • Black people could never rip up white CV's and resumes the way white people rip up black Cv's resumes.
  • Black people could never poison the water supply in white areas, the way white people poison the water supply in black areas.
God did not make us that way. He just did not give us that heart.
Just because you fear a person or group or they are physical stronger or more aggressive does not mean that you don't feel superior to that person or group. In the days of apartheid in South Africa and slavery in the US, Whites certainly feared Blacks but they considered themselves superior due to their economic, social, and educational status which still exist today.
" Whites certainly feared Blacks but they considered themselves superior due to their economic, social, and educational status which still exist today. "

You don't fear what you feel you are superior to. Economic, social, educational status are all just rationalizations. Basically if you have to think up reasons to feel superior instead of just knowing you are then its all just a front. Its increasingly obvious that whites from all disciplines have worked to keep certain knowledge from the masses of other whites (and all races).. There are so many references to the fact that whites needed to paint themselves in a better light to feel superior and make money.
When a person lives in a fine home in an all white neighborhood, has an income in the 7 figures, has a college degree from a prestigious school, employs Blacks to cut his grass, scrub his floors, serve him at his all white country club, you bet he feels superior. Even the blue collar white worker in a well integrated neighborhood often has the attitude of 'at least I'm not black." Although a lot progress has been made in the equality of races in American over the last 60 years or so, the belief in racial superiority certainly exist today among Whites in America.
" Philanthropic Donations Grooming Competition For Technocracy Market Share "

* Persistent Scientific Challenge Of Conjectures Based On Contemporaneous And Limited Sample Spaces *

What's your point ?
" By showing the typical IQ levels of people who succeed at different levels of training and employment, the earlier illustration also demonstrates the practical importance of general intelligence. Few occupations are out of reach, on the basis of intelligence, for people above the 90th percentile of general intelligence (IQ 120), but virtually none is within ready reach for those below the 10th (IQ 80). Indeed, the military is forbidden by law to induct anyone below the equivalent of IQ 80 and it currently inducts no one below about IQ 85.

Low literacy is sometimes literally a matter of life and death. The last four pairs of tasks show how other daily tasks vary in complexity. "
Another white boy rationalization due to feeling insecure about being recessive.
Having been raised in the South in mid 20th century, I have to disagree with your statement that no white man believes he is superior to a black man. I must have heard at least a thousand times that blacks were just animals, ignorant, immoral, lazy, and not to be trusted. Those ideas still exist today and I dare say you will find them on this board.
No white man believes they are superior they to black man. You see the sh*t whites talk about blacks is just a front.

Black men threaten White men in a way that Hispanic, Asian and Arab men don't.

This fear is ancient and you can trace it to its origins in the first Indo-Aryan invasions of Black civilization.
  • Is it because the Black-man built the world’s first civilizations?
  • Is it because the Black-man is the only man to surpass White men in every field of human achievement?
  • Is it the White-man’s sexual inferiority complex they feel regarding the Black Man?
Also Whites fear black men because we are seen and thought of as so physical we can hurt them.

This comes back to the black physical; the black potency, the black strength. That fear partly sexual goes back a long way, and that comes down to the fact that white men regard black men as better sexual performers than they are.

They don't say this publicly, but they say, 'gee they're so natural' and u begin to wonder. 'Our women could they not be attracted to that?"

Therefore all whites efforts to de-man black men.

The most graphic was lynching but now they put blk men in cages, called prisons, again to de-male them.

Whites can't call us 'boy' but they still somehow can make sure black men don’t have jobs, make sure we don't threaten them in other ways

You see what fks up black people is the fact that we don't think like white people

Black people could never red-line white areas from credit, the way whites red-line black areas from credit.
  • Black people could never use white people as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the way whites use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.
  • Black people could never rip up white CV's and resumes the way white people rip up black Cv's resumes.
  • Black people could never poison the water supply in white areas, the way white people poison the water supply in black areas.
God did not make us that way. He just did not give us that heart.
Just because you fear a person or group or they are physical stronger or more aggressive does not mean that you don't feel superior to that person or group. In the days of apartheid in South Africa and slavery in the US, Whites certainly feared Blacks but they considered themselves superior due to their economic, social, and educational status which still exist today.
" Whites certainly feared Blacks but they considered themselves superior due to their economic, social, and educational status which still exist today. "

You don't fear what you feel you are superior to. Economic, social, educational status are all just rationalizations. Basically if you have to think up reasons to feel superior instead of just knowing you are then its all just a front. Its increasingly obvious that whites from all disciplines have worked to keep certain knowledge from the masses of other whites (and all races).. There are so many references to the fact that whites needed to paint themselves in a better light to feel superior and make money.
When a person lives in fine home, has an income in the 7 figures, has a college degree from a prestigious school, employs Blacks to cut his grass, scrub his floors, serve him at his all white country club, you bet he feels superior. Even the blue collar white worker in a well integrated neighborhood often has attitude of 'at least I'm not black." Although a lot progress has been made in the equality of races in American over the last 60 years or so, the belief in racial superiority certainly exist today among Whites in America.
That feeling of superiority is not real. They cant hide from the fact that others were held back so they could succeed no matter how hard they try to forget about it. Its in their subconscious and eats at them which is why they are so against equality. Once they lose the facade of superiority their conscious minds have to reconcile with the subconscious which creates cognitive dissonance. Think about it. Why would you be against leveling the playing field if you really believed yourself superior?
" Self Sufficiency Requirements Of Liberty "

* Forever Feigning Validity *

The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people are and have been the main evil.
What would be the nature of your blubbering given that white people were the ones successful in setting a standard that peoples be emancipated from slavery ?

Tell us black man , where were you and yours , along with the pretentious supremacy for arab cultural hegemony of fictional ishmaelism that institutionalizes the bonds of slavery upon your kindred , ever capable of the convictions to emancipate anyone including yourselves ?

A 2005 study stated that over 800,000 people (nearly 8% of the population) in Niger are enslaved.[102][103][104]

* Contest Of War Between Repesentatives For Divine Convictions *

One group of adherents forwarded that slavery was an institution ordained by gawd , whereas another group of adherents forwarded that slavery was an institution rebuked by gawd ; and so the seven by seven bars and fatalism of thirteen stars symbolizes a crossing of those swords .
" Philanthropic Donations Grooming Competition For Technocracy Market Share "

* Persistent Scientific Challenge Of Conjectures Based On Contemporaneous And Limited Sample Spaces *

What's your point ?
" By showing the typical IQ levels of people who succeed at different levels of training and employment, the earlier illustration also demonstrates the practical importance of general intelligence. Few occupations are out of reach, on the basis of intelligence, for people above the 90th percentile of general intelligence (IQ 120), but virtually none is within ready reach for those below the 10th (IQ 80). Indeed, the military is forbidden by law to induct anyone below the equivalent of IQ 80 and it currently inducts no one below about IQ 85.

Low literacy is sometimes literally a matter of life and death. The last four pairs of tasks show how other daily tasks vary in complexity. "
No one has ever said that intelligence does not matter. The problem is defining what intelligence actually is.

Can you start a fire without matches ?
Can you look at the sun and use it as a guidance map ?
Can you purify water ?
Can skin a wild animal and the fur as clothing ?
Do you know how preserve food without a fridge ?

No. Well there are many people living in rural parts of the world who can do this with their eyes closed but they wouldn't do well on an IQ test.

So they're dumb. Right ?

Donald Trump inherited a couple hundred million dollars worth of assets from his daddy.

Mark Zuckerberg attended two of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the USA (Harvard, Phillips Exeter Academy).

If Steve Jobs was not put up for adoption and his father returned with him back to Syria, then it is highly unlikely he would founded one of the world’s top computer companies.

Their success was due to his parents bank account and a bit a luck.

That's how it works.

Everyone from Bill Gates to Warren Buffett needed a substantial amount of money to start up their companies.

Take the average drug dealer born in the ghetto. The same type of person that has the personality and skills to run a criminal entrepreneurship can easily run a legal one, but many will never have the opportunity that will allow them to earn the credentials necessary to do so
" Mental Blocks In Your Own Way And Blaming Evil Whitey "

* Failing To Understand Statistics And Levying False Conjectures That All Are Equally Intelligent *

That feeling of superiority is not real. They cant hide from the fact that others were held back so they could succeed no matter how hard they try to forget about it. Its in their subconscious and eats at them which is why they are so against equality. Once they lose the facade of superiority their conscious minds have to reconcile with the subconscious which creates cognitive dissonance. Think about it. Why would you be against leveling the playing field if you really believed yourself superior?
Let us know when the median iq of african nations climb in the ranking .

* Independent Of Cultural Bias *
Overall, MRI studies show that brain size is related to IQ differences within race. Moreover, the three-way pattern of group differences in average brain size is detectable at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites, and Whites average 5 cubic inches more cranial capacity than Blacks. These findings on group differences in average brain size have been replicated using MRI, endocranial volume from empty skulls, wet brain weight at autopsy, and external head size measures .
What would be the nature of your blubbering given that white people were the ones successful in setting a standard that peoples be emancipated from slavery ?
Blubbering ? I'm disagreeing with you, Can you handle that ?

As to your statement. So once slavery ended - Racism just stopped - Right ?

Tell us black man , where were you and yours , along with the pretentious supremacy for arab cultural hegemony of fictional ishmaelism that institutionalizes the bonds of slavery upon your kindred , ever capable of the convictions to emancipate anyone including yourselves ?
No other group of Americans has emancipated themselves and pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way African Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most African Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people
" Mental Blocks In Your Own Way And Blaming Evil Whitey "

* Failing To Understand Statistics And Levying False Conjectures That All Are Equally Intelligent *

That feeling of superiority is not real. They cant hide from the fact that others were held back so they could succeed no matter how hard they try to forget about it. Its in their subconscious and eats at them which is why they are so against equality. Once they lose the facade of superiority their conscious minds have to reconcile with the subconscious which creates cognitive dissonance. Think about it. Why would you be against leveling the playing field if you really believed yourself superior?
Let us know when the median iq of african nations climbs in the ranking .

* Independent Of Cultural Bias *
Overall, MRI studies show that brain size is related to IQ differences within race. Moreover, the three-way pattern of group differences in average brain size is detectable at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites, and Whites average 5 cubic inches more cranial capacity than Blacks. These findings on group differences in average brain size have been replicated using MRI, endocranial volume from empty skulls, wet brain weight at autopsy, and external head size measures .
" Let us know when the median iq of african nations climbs in the ranking . "

Let us know when white boys stop leaning on the fable of IQ. Hell Asians are beating you now in your own made up tests. :lol:
Having been raised in the South in mid 20th century, I have to disagree with your statement that no white man believes he is superior to a black man. I must have heard at least a thousand times that blacks were just animals, ignorant, immoral, lazy, and not to be trusted. Those ideas still exist today and I dare say you will find them on this board.
No white man believes they are superior they to black man. You see the sh*t whites talk about blacks is just a front.

Black men threaten White men in a way that Hispanic, Asian and Arab men don't.

This fear is ancient and you can trace it to its origins in the first Indo-Aryan invasions of Black civilization.
  • Is it because the Black-man built the world’s first civilizations?
  • Is it because the Black-man is the only man to surpass White men in every field of human achievement?
  • Is it the White-man’s sexual inferiority complex they feel regarding the Black Man?
Also Whites fear black men because we are seen and thought of as so physical we can hurt them.

This comes back to the black physical; the black potency, the black strength. That fear partly sexual goes back a long way, and that comes down to the fact that white men regard black men as better sexual performers than they are.

They don't say this publicly, but they say, 'gee they're so natural' and u begin to wonder. 'Our women could they not be attracted to that?"

Therefore all whites efforts to de-man black men.

The most graphic was lynching but now they put blk men in cages, called prisons, again to de-male them.

Whites can't call us 'boy' but they still somehow can make sure black men don’t have jobs, make sure we don't threaten them in other ways

You see what fks up black people is the fact that we don't think like white people

Black people could never red-line white areas from credit, the way whites red-line black areas from credit.
  • Black people could never use white people as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the way whites use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.
  • Black people could never rip up white CV's and resumes the way white people rip up black Cv's resumes.
  • Black people could never poison the water supply in white areas, the way white people poison the water supply in black areas.
God did not make us that way. He just did not give us that heart.
Just because you fear a person or group or they are physical stronger or more aggressive does not mean that you don't feel superior to that person or group. In the days of apartheid in South Africa and slavery in the US, Whites certainly feared Blacks but they considered themselves superior due to their economic, social, and educational status which still exist today.
" Whites certainly feared Blacks but they considered themselves superior due to their economic, social, and educational status which still exist today. "

You don't fear what you feel you are superior to. Economic, social, educational status are all just rationalizations. Basically if you have to think up reasons to feel superior instead of just knowing you are then its all just a front. Its increasingly obvious that whites from all disciplines have worked to keep certain knowledge from the masses of other whites (and all races).. There are so many references to the fact that whites needed to paint themselves in a better light to feel superior and make money.
When a person lives in fine home, has an income in the 7 figures, has a college degree from a prestigious school, employs Blacks to cut his grass, scrub his floors, serve him at his all white country club, you bet he feels superior. Even the blue collar white worker in a well integrated neighborhood often has attitude of 'at least I'm not black." Although a lot progress has been made in the equality of races in American over the last 60 years or so, the belief in racial superiority certainly exist today among Whites in America.
That feeling of superiority is not real. They cant hide from the fact that others were held back so they could succeed no matter how hard they try to forget about it. Its in their subconscious and eats at them which is why they are so against equality. Once they lose the facade of superiority their conscious minds have to reconcile with the subconscious which creates cognitive dissonance. Think about it. Why would you be against leveling the playing field if you really believed yourself superior?
If a person holds a belief, it certain is real to them. If someone believes social status, education, or wealth means their race is superior, it is in their own eyes. This is the basis of racism, an individual belief in the superiority of their race. There may be some evidence or maybe it's just their daddy telling them for years how superior Whites are to those damn "N******".
" Philanthropic Donations Grooming Competition For Technocracy Market Share "

* Persistent Scientific Challenge Of Conjectures Based On Contemporaneous And Limited Sample Spaces *

What's your point ?
" By showing the typical IQ levels of people who succeed at different levels of training and employment, the earlier illustration also demonstrates the practical importance of general intelligence. Few occupations are out of reach, on the basis of intelligence, for people above the 90th percentile of general intelligence (IQ 120), but virtually none is within ready reach for those below the 10th (IQ 80). Indeed, the military is forbidden by law to induct anyone below the equivalent of IQ 80 and it currently inducts no one below about IQ 85.

Low literacy is sometimes literally a matter of life and death. The last four pairs of tasks show how other daily tasks vary in complexity. "
No one has ever said that intelligence does not matter. The problem is defining what intelligence actually is.

Can you start a fire without matches ?
Can you look at the sun and use it as a guidance map ?
Can you purify water ?
Can skin a wild animal and the fur as clothing ?
Do you know how preserve food without a fridge ?

No. Well there are many people living in rural parts of the world who can do this with their eyes closed but they wouldn't do well on an IQ test.

So they're dumb. Right ?

Donald Trump inherited a couple hundred million dollars worth of assets from his daddy.

Mark Zuckerberg attended two of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the USA (Harvard, Phillips Exeter Academy).

If Steve Jobs was not put up for adoption and his father returned with him back to Syria, then it is highly unlikely he would founded one of the world’s top computer companies.

Their success was due to his parents bank account and a bit a luck.

That's how it works.

Everyone from Bill Gates to Warren Buffett needed a substantial amount of money to start up their companies.

Take the average drug dealer born in the ghetto. The same type of person that has the personality and skills to run a criminal entrepreneurship can easily run a legal one, but many will never have the opportunity that will allow them to earn the credentials necessary to do so
Overall, MRI studies show that brain size is related to IQ differences within race. Moreover, the three-way pattern of group differences in average brain size is detectable at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites, and Whites average 5 cubic inches more cranial capacity than Blacks. These findings on group differences in average brain size have been replicated using MRI, endocranial volume from empty skulls, wet brain weight at autopsy, and external head size measures .
If bigger brains was the key to intelligence then why don't whales rule the planet ?

A Chihuahua and a Rottweiler are able to learn the same tricks although their brain sizes differ considerably. On the other hand, the cognitive capabilities of a Rottweiler are not superior to the Chihuahua proportionally to its brain size.

Why is that ?

The question then is, what is the rest of the Rottweiler’s brain matter doing if it can’t learn more than its tiny species mate ? A plausible conclusion would be that there must be something else at work and that a given cognitive performance is independent of the brain mass of an individual within a given species, (and also brain-to-body mass cross-species.)

And this why in neurology no one takes IQ seriously.

It is archaic and only really useful to social scientists.

Neurologists who have a better understanding of how the brain works because they spend decades of their lives studying it have little to no use for it, but to the public at large it is so important.

By the way neuroscientists have already found a few answers to the Chihuahua and Rottweiler question. Once again, the keyword is plasticity, ie. rewiring of synapses. Directly observable and experimentally reproducible, synaptic rewiring has a strong environmental component.

Apart from that, there are also other parts involved in cognitive processes such as the cerebellum. Neuronal density is also thought to play a big role.

However the precise physiological mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Full stop. A bunch of cooked up stats by a handful of quacks will certainly not contribute anything productive to the serious research of neuroscientists.

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