The final solution is mixed race marriages.

And multiculturalism failed even here.

You still haven't explained how the most powerful and successful nation in the history of the world "failed." We have always been a land of many peoples, cultures, languages, religions, etc. and it has only made us stronger. If you imagine some "failure," does that mean you oppose certain relationships/marriages?
No the most multicultural cites are all failing , the assimilated communities are keeping America strong
Immigrants today are assimilating just as they have throughout American history.
Legal immigrants are, illegal immigrants aren’t.
For the most part, they are as well.
Overall, MRI studies show that brain size is related to IQ differences within race. Moreover, the three-way pattern of group differences in average brain size is detectable at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites, and Whites average 5 cubic inches more cranial capacity than Blacks. These findings on group differences in average brain size have been replicated using MRI, endocranial volume from empty skulls, wet brain weight at autopsy, and external head size measures .
If bigger brains was the key to intelligence then why don't whales rule the planet ?

A Chihuahua and a Rottweiler are able to learn the same tricks although their brain sizes differ considerably. On the other hand, the cognitive capabilities of a Rottweiler are not superior to the Chihuahua proportionally to its brain size.

Why is that ?

The question then is, what is the rest of the Rottweiler’s brain matter doing if it can’t learn more than its tiny species mate ? A plausible conclusion would be that there must be something else at work and that a given cognitive performance is independent of the brain mass of an individual within a given species, (and also brain-to-body mass cross-species.)

And this why in neurology no one takes IQ seriously.

It is archaic and only really useful to social scientists.

Neurologists who have a better understanding of how the brain works because they spend decades of their lives studying it have little to no use for it, but to the public at large it is so important.

By the way neuroscientists have already found a few answers to the Chihuahua and Rottweiler question. Once again, the keyword is plasticity, ie. rewiring of synapses. Directly observable and experimentally reproducible, synaptic rewiring has a strong environmental component.

Apart from that, there are also other parts involved in cognitive processes such as the cerebellum. Neuronal density is also thought to play a big role.

However the precise physiological mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Full stop. A bunch of cooked up stats by a handful of quacks will certainly not contribute anything productive to the serious research of neuroscientists.
I have read that one of the reasons humans are at the top of species list is that we have opposable thumbs.
So do Chimpanzees and the various species of Great Ape. There is more to it than that.
You've never conquered all Blacks.

Wakanda, right?
No Haiti

The French never conquered Haiti?
Haiti was the sole example of a successful slave uprising. The only reason it succeeded was that the white French had their hands full fighting the white British. The color of the slaves skins had nothing to do with their success. That was the high point of Haitian society. Compare Haiti to the Dominican Republic on the other half of the island. Haiti’s GDP is 9.695 billion, the Dominican Republic’s GDP is 85.65 billion. That’s $868.34 versus $8,050.63 per capita. If blacks were so superior to other races the figures should be reversed. No race is inherently superior or inferior to any other race.
Trying to make that a race thing is particularly stupid.
I've done post on USMB over 100 pages long with 100's of examples of white supremacy

"I've done post..."

What the fuck is "I've done post"?

I don't speak ebonics. Speak fucking English...
Did you not understand the sentence ?

No, because I don't speak ebonics, dipshit...
So you can't understand this sentence ?

" I've done post on USMB over 100 pages long with 100's of examples of white supremacy "

You don't have the intelligence to understand this ? OK. Interesting

You're just another illiterate negro...
No you specifically stated that the fisherman was below average in IQ-------while the professor was above average in IQ.
I know what I wrote

I know what having a low and High IQ implies.
OK. What ?

An ability to acquire knowledge and apply it.
So if I can cook an omelette does that mean I have a high IQ ? After all you have to acquire knowledge and apply it to cook an omelette.

The Low IQ fisherman would be a threat in a storm...his low iq means that he would be slow to learn from the past and slow to apply new knowledge in a situation. The professor having a high IQ would be smart enough to stay off the water when a storm is approaching...or atleast should be.
So you are going to make an argument that a professor (who has never been on a boat at sea) would be better than a fisherman who has spent his life at seas

Tn this case you specifically stated that the professor had the higher iq which means he would be far more intelligent than the RETARDED fisherman with the lower than average IQ.
What I said was that the professor had a higher IQ than the fisherman. I never said anything about who is more intelligent.

It's you that is making the link between a high IQ and intelligence. I'm not

The fact is you would rather be out at sea with a Fisherman (who has spent his at life sea) than a professor (Who has never been at sea)

Why is that ?
Omg, did you just claim that Africans emancipated themselves? Dippy, africans fought on the southern side and without whites putting an end to slavery both here in the US and in most of Africa, most africans would still be slaves. It was and is still the African way and has been for thousands of years long before the US was even a thought.
The Civil War was never about freeing enslaved Black Americans. In fact, the first policy during the beginning of the Civil War was for the Union Army to return any Black slave who escaped during the war, back to southern plantation owners. Also SLAVERY WAS IN THE NORTH too

Slavery never ended. Chattel slavery did. But Slavery was the just the first stage of white supremacy.
Racism is slavery. When you can mistreat someone on the basis of race n the person cant do nothing about it.

That's a slave.
Define civilization and define who you think invented it.
Black people

The black Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace.


They built stuff like



That;s why statues of blk ppl are all over Europe.




They introduced art, architecture, sciences, medicines, animal husbandry and other advanced disciplines to Spain and the rest of Europe. This was the catalyst which led to the European Renaissance.

After the Greco/Roman Empire fell, whites went back into the DARK AGES. They thought the world was flat, were scared to take baths.

This is where the black plague almost killed all of white Europe in the 13th, due to UNSANITARY conditions. During that same time, in Spain, the Moors had over 300 public baths. While 1% of Europe was literate, there were over 90 universities in the Moorish Empire. These blacks are responsible for the white boy 'renaissance' where they had a refocus on science, learning and math. BLACK MOORS are the ones who inspired this reawakening.

Black ppl gave the world the alphabet (Phoenicians were black Moorish people from North Africa...the word PHONICS comes from them) and numbers (Arabic numbers are 0-9 as opposed to Roman numerals which don't have a zero making higher math IMPOSSIBLE).

Most of Western European scientific discoveries or rather copies of the original discoveries of Africans were put to use during the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries.

It was during this time that some of the great scientific and technological discoveries and inventions were made.

Yet, these discoveries and inventions were and are merely improvements on ancient discoveries made by Africans Blacks.

For example, gunpowder was invented by the ancient Egyptians and Nigerians who used the cola nut to make gunpowder. The Chinese reinvented it and used it in fireworks and explosives. Steel was invented by Africans in ancient Tanzania, where ancient cone-like blast furnaces with bellows still exist to this very day and are still used. The hydraulic pump for lifting water and irrigation was invented by Africans in Egypt

Therefore, even if people of European origins have made improvements in ancient technologies and ancient inventions, such as rocketry, computer technology, aerodynamics and others, the basic mathematical formulas and ancient prototypes were invented by Africans and Chinese.

You see, SERIOUS White historians know these facts very well they also know that to tell the truth would reveal the dominate position of the Blackman in the bronze-age. SERIOUS white historians know they were barbarians when the foundation of world civilization was built by black men. Few western historians will tell the full story of man's racial history to do so would challenge the Aryan model of history so deeply ingrained in western culture. One fact I will emphasize again and again is that SERIOUS White historians
We don't have to teach our kids to dislike whites. Again, and I will repeat this until you can understand, things are not the same for blacks and whites. If you are a 6 or 7 year old kid and you keep seeing unarmed blacks getting killed by whites, their parents are forced to answer questions why and the truth is what that child is going to get. White culture is the cause of multiple societal problems. White racism being one of them.
That is a very tribalistic, determinsitic and- quite frankly - really racist interpretation of contemporary society. No wonder racial tensions are so high when people have this kind of worldview.
Bullshit. Drop the hypocrisy boy. It is society how it operates right now. We have racial problems because whites like you don't honestly want to face the problem then you try forcing everybody to see things your way by gaslighting. Turn black and try living, then come talk. We aren't teaching our kids to hate whites. Whites like you create the anger because of your racist attitudes.
Yes, you are picking a partner-- a life partner who will pass down their genes to your offspring. You don't want to pick an airhead to be that partner.......or mate.
Well, obviously not. However, To determine a given person's airheadedness, all you need to do is to engage in a conversation with them. You do not hand your date an IQ-test, that is just dumb. :lol:

Judging a date in advanced based on group averages is even dumber.
Bullshit. Drop the hypocrisy boy. It is society how it operates right now. We have racial problems because whites like you don't honestly want to face the problem then you try forcing everybody to see things your way by gaslighting.
I am not a collectivist and thus have a very difficult time understanding the collectivist perspective you and majority of society has on this matter. I do not have any "racial problems" and therefore it is wrong for you to include me in a "We" that has racial problems.

If you could stop being so afraid of yourself and of the word I instead of hiding behind a "We", you would learn to see individuals as individuals and regard race for the arbitrary and irrelevant superficiality that it is. But, as long as you speak in terms of "Us", "We" "Them", "Blacks", "Whites" and haveyous, you will not be able to beat racism.

The reason there is so much racial tension in contemporary society is - as I have already described - that everyone is a collectivist, unable to understand the basics of individualism and colour-blindness. "Multiculturalists" and "Anti-Immigrationists" chain individuals to the their culture. Racists and "Anti-Racists" equate individuals to their racial group identity.

It is an asbolutely laughable sistuation.

This rotten philosophy breeds rotten politicians and intellectuals who then force their rotten ideas onto people who, in turn, create a rotten society. it also breeds rotten radicals such as WhItE NaTiOnAliStS and BlAcK liVeS mAtTeR.

If only more people could embrace freedom and liberty, that would be great. Would it not?

Turn black and try living, then come talk. We aren't teaching our kids to hate whites. Whites like you create the anger because of your racist attitudes.
How do I "turn Black" and why is that even relevant to anything at all? Where did I accuse Blacks of teaching their kids to hate Whites? And in what post have I ever expressed any racist attitude?

Most people here are racist. It is only me and one or two other posters who advocate individualism.
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" Fictional Ishmaelism Dementia "

* Killing Japheth *

Black people
The black Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace.
Black moors polluted the european gene pool .
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" Intelligence Can Be Estimated "

* Maintaining Excuses *

You can't say a certain group are not intelligent but then unable to define what intelligence is.

Intelligence is not something quantifiable (not sure if that is a word) you can’t measure how intelligent someone is, because to begin with you would have to be able to define intelligence very specifically and that can’t be done because intelligence, like many words that define brain functions is an umbrella term that describes several properties of thought (communication, reasoning, understanding) working in tandem.
There are tests for iq that correlate with other data .
Moreover, the three-way pattern of mean Black–White–East Asian group differences occurs worldwide on culture-fair reaction time measures, which all children can do in less than 1 s (see Section 3).

The Odd-Man-Out Reaction Time test (OMO RT) is a test of reaction times that uses Arthur Jensen's testing apparatus, the Jensen box. The box is normally used for measuring choice reaction times in which the participant in the experiment is tested on their ability to recognize which of the eight lights of the Jensen box is illuminated, as quickly as possible.[1] However, in the Odd Man Out RT test, three lights are illuminated in each trial. Two are close together and the other further apart; the individual being tested must identify this third light.[1]

The Odd-Man-Out RT test correlates with "Intelligent Quotients (IQ) in the range of 0.30 to 0.60, a reliable and substantial effect."[1] This correlation range is typically higher than the correlations to IQ in other reaction time tests.[1]

* Diverting From Reality *
You still think there is some "Dumb Gene" "Violent Gene" that black people may have ? The science community — the people who spend their whole lives talking about this and, y’know, get PhD’s in it — have proved, time and again you are wrong.
Other nongenetic hypotheses are that standard IQ tests are culturally biased because the test items are not equally familiar and motivating to all groups or that they only measure familiarity with middle-class language or culture. However, despite attempts to equate items for familiarity and culture-fairness, no “culture-fair” test has eliminated the mean group difference.
Subsequent culture-only hypotheses have pointed to specific aspects of deprivation as possible determinants of IQ. These include the following: (a) lack of reading material in the home, (b) poor cultural amenities in the home, (c) weak structural integrity of the home, (d) foreign language in the home, (e) low preschool attendance, (f) no encyclopedia in the home, (g) low level of parental education, (h) little time spent on homework, (i) low parental educational desires for child, (j) low parental interest in school work, (k) negative child self-concept (self-esteem), and (l) low child interest in school and reading. However, both within-race kinship studies and across-race adoption studies show that these
environmental variables have increasingly smaller effects on the adoptees’ IQ as they reach adolescence (see Sections 5 and 7).
There are tests for iq that correlate with other data
Correlation is not causation. It is always easy to misinterpret correlations or to cheery-pick them to suit one's agenda. There is still one thing that IQ cannot predict and that it does not correlate with at all and that is wealth.

IQ is mostly a bs-unit that only shows how well you perform at taking an IQ test.
You've never conquered all Blacks.

Wakanda, right?
No Haiti

The French never conquered Haiti?
Haiti was the sole example of a successful slave uprising. The only reason it succeeded was that the white French had their hands full fighting the white British. The color of the slaves skins had nothing to do with their success. That was the high point of Haitian society. Compare Haiti to the Dominican Republic on the other half of the island. Haiti’s GDP is 9.695 billion, the Dominican Republic’s GDP is 85.65 billion. That’s $868.34 versus $8,050.63 per capita. If blacks were so superior to other races the figures should be reversed. No race is inherently superior or inferior to any other race.
Agreed. Haiti is essentially an all black nation, which has been ruled independent of foreign intervention for most of it’s history, since it’s independence. What does it have to show for it’s freedom? Not much. It’s one of the poorest nations in the world and has been for many decades. So, freedom hasn’t done much for blacks in Haiti. What could the reason?
Racism is slavery. When you can mistreat someone on the basis of race n the person cant do nothing [sic] about it.

That's a slave.

That is deeply offensive semantic bullshit. You should be ashamed of yourself (and you still need to learn proper English).
Turns out it was just a recessive mutation combined with centuries of inbreeding during the ice age.

Turns out smarter people inbreeding works better than dumber people outbreeding, eh?
If that were true white people would not have been last to civilization.

The Africans who left Africa had lower levels of civilization than the Africans who stayed?
Once Africans left Africa they regressed and turned white up in europe. They did this during the ice age and also during the dark ages. They had to be taught civilization twice because they are slower.

Once Africans left Africa they regressed and turned white up in europe.


They did this during the ice age and also during the dark ages.

You mean they survived the ice age.
I wonder if Africans had to survive an ice age if you guys would smarten up like we did?

Colder climates are harder to survive in---------it takes more planning and more knowledge to survive cold winters and an ability to adapt quickly--------generations of colder climates would have repetedly killed off dumber members leaving a bit smarter population to breed and pass on their genes. But shhhhhhh....don't tell you know who because he would get his feelings hurt. Plus larger amounts of protein in the diet and cooler temperature for the brain are known factors in evolution.
" Colder climates are harder to survive in---------it takes more planning and more knowledge to survive cold winters and an ability to adapt quickly- "

True its harder to survive in colder climates. Thats exactly why whites became savage and ate each other in addition to inbreeding. Fast forward through the ice age and now you have something that has become feral and unfit to be around other humans due to their instincts to kill everything including themselves. Mixed marriages would only help quell those destructive and feral instincts whites seem to possess. Not to mention that it would greatly assist their gene pool.
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  • Funny
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Turns out it was just a recessive mutation combined with centuries of inbreeding during the ice age.

Turns out smarter people inbreeding works better than dumber people outbreeding, eh?
If that were true white people would not have been last to civilization.

The Africans who left Africa had lower levels of civilization than the Africans who stayed?
Once Africans left Africa they regressed and turned white up in europe. They did this during the ice age and also during the dark ages. They had to be taught civilization twice because they are slower.
Oh hell, I will get into. Two things are credited with higher brain function as far as evolution goes..............cooler temperatures for the brain (which Europe provided) (walking upright helped cool too) and more protein.
You are delusional----for one, intelligent people have intelligent children.
But what is intelligence ?

After all serial killer Ted Bundy apparently had an IQ in the 140 which would make him genius level.

But would it be right to say a man who used slit women from throat to vagina as intelligent ?

And intelligent people SELF EDUCATE and EDUCATE their kids--if your kids are failing---it ain't the schools sweetheart----------its the parents raising ability and genetic material.
But what is intelligence ?

The problem is intelligence is not something quantifiable (not sure if that is a word) you can’t measure how intelligent someone is, because to begin with you would have to be able to define intelligence very specifically and that can’t be done because intelligence, like many words that define brain functions is an umbrella term that describes several properties of thought (communication, reasoning, understanding) working in tandem.

You can exhibit greater proficiency or ability in certain areas of it than others, but that's about it. So if Einstein was in the same room as Floyd Mayweather and discussing about the theory of relativity in that context Einstein would be more knowledgeable but in the boxing ring Mayweather would be more knowledgeable about boxing than Einstein

So what is intelligence ?
Ted Bundy was a psychopath-----and he was very very intelligent which made him more dangerous as a psychopath increasing his kill numbers.. To claim that he was evil preventing him from being intelligent is nonsense. Most true psychopaths score high on the intelligence scale-------they are known to plot and plan as adults even IF more clumsy as children. Sociopaths tend to be more impulsive and dumber.

Don't get me wrong, most criminals are very stupid. Stupid people have the extra drawback of often not being able to overcome life's issues from an intellectual standpoint meaning they are less likely to escape the life that they are born into. They are also prone to impulse control issues which means they act out without thought of right or wrong or with the ability to avoid punishment as well for their misdeeds so they are caught sooner. Bundy committed his crimes because he was addicted to the feelings power and control (psychopaths always have "addiction" issues which usually includes control issues)-----he had no desire to stop himself from raping and killing but he did take extraordinary means to avoid being detected even though serial killers were then not suspected or even a though in many cases and then to escape to continue his compulsion to rape and kill.

Quantifiable is a word and sorry Intelligence is quantifiable. It can be measured and tested and recorded. It can be seen and used. In most everything even Einstein who I think was grossly overrated, would be easily the winner. The FBI was at one time, the only group that had a true IQ test-------but this is likely no longer the case given how long ago I read about this.

Boxing takes no real intelligence (stamina, strength, coordination, practice, skill are not signs of intelligence)---in fact, partaking in it is very likely to result in lowering one's iq.
".. and sorry Intelligence is quantifiable. It can be measured and tested and recorded. "

False. This has been definitively proven to be false. They havent even documented all the different types of intelligence. White people never have been and never will be smart enough to measure intelligence. This is simply because its beyond their intellectual capacity. People that are actually intelligent know that intelligence takes many forms.

Ahhh...the stick head in the sand and pretend the facts aren't there comeback. Hun, pull your head out of the sand or wherever else you have shoved it and stop trying to hide from the facts. They have iq tests-and sorry black males from infancy on up score lower than everyone else. This is just the facts---someone had to be on the bottom---This is why so many black females date outside their race......

(This isn't to say all black men are idiots---but there are some definately some real issues going on.)

Lying to yourself about IQ being a real thing is just goofy.......
" Oh hell, I will get into. Two things are credited with higher brain function as far as evolution goes..............cooler temperatures for the brain (which Europe provided) (walking upright helped cool too) and more protein. "

If cooler temperatures were a prerequisite then whites would have invented civilization. They didnt but people in a fucking desert did so that pretty much kills your claim. Whites didnt have much protein which is why they supplemented their diet by snacking on each other. Whites bred with neanderthals and lived in caves. They rarely walked upright after leaving Africa.

Define civilization and define who you think invented it. Remember dear------way way way back then---the Earth was a far different place and people were not the color they are now in many areas. And you may want to note that Neanderthal DNA is found in two races of people---------asian and caucasian.............more so in ASian who score the highest on IQ tests and then in whites who score 2nd highest ------------I suspect that Neanderthals weren't a different species but different race given all the cross breeding with offspring that was able to survive and thrive------------- You should also note that although at one time Neanderthals were thought to be dumb-----that recent finds clearly show that they were far from it. Again living in cooler climates such as they did, would require a higher iq to survive the long cold winters----------than say the africas in their always warmer climates and no Neanderthal DNA and poor test scores.
You sound like a idiot. Neanderthal was not homo sapien sapiens. Youre not really helping your argument when you point out that Asians score high on your fake IQ tests. Youre just pointing out the failure of that test because it was originally shown that whites were smarter. Asians simply beat you at your own game. Neanderthals were dumb. Most of their brain was used for visual acuity. If living in a cold environment made you smarter I ask again why didnt europeans invent civilization and furthermore why did they regress and forget the civilization they were taught in the dark ages?
You've never conquered all Blacks.

Wakanda, right?
No Haiti

The French never conquered Haiti?
Haiti was the sole example of a successful slave uprising. The only reason it succeeded was that the white French had their hands full fighting the white British. The color of the slaves skins had nothing to do with their success. That was the high point of Haitian society. Compare Haiti to the Dominican Republic on the other half of the island. Haiti’s GDP is 9.695 billion, the Dominican Republic’s GDP is 85.65 billion. That’s $868.34 versus $8,050.63 per capita. If blacks were so superior to other races the figures should be reversed. No race is inherently superior or inferior to any other race.
Agreed. Haiti is essentially an all black nation, which has been ruled independent of foreign intervention for most of it’s history, since it’s independence. What does it have to show for it’s freedom? Not much. It’s one of the poorest nations in the world and has been for many decades. So, freedom hasn’t done much for blacks in Haiti. What could the reason?
Well there is a reason for its current economic status. If you simply looked at what all european nations have done to it throughout history for having the audacity to be the first country to outlaw slavery and give all of its citizens freedom. These policies have continued up to this very day. Even while fighting amongst themselves whites united to try and defeat Haiti but couldnt do it. Little napolean even made it clear when he said he wanted to stop the march of the "gilded" Blacks. Everyone on the planet should be required to take a coarse on the history of Haiti. They would see the whites for what they truly are.
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Bullshit. Drop the hypocrisy boy. It is society how it operates right now. We have racial problems because whites like you don't honestly want to face the problem then you try forcing everybody to see things your way by gaslighting.
I am not a collectivist and thus have a very difficult time understanding the collectivist perspective you and majority of society has on this matter. I do not have any "racial problems" and therefore it is wrong for you to include me in a "We" that has racial problems.

If you could stop being so afraid of yourself and of the word I instead of hiding behind a "We", you would learn to see individuals as individuals and regard race for the arbitrary and irrelevant superficiality that it is. But, as long as you speak in terms of "Us", "We" "Them", "Blacks", "Whites" and haveyous, you will not be able to beat racism.

The reason there is so much racial tension in contemporary society is - as I have already described - that everyone is a collectivist, unable to understand the basics of individualism and colour-blindness. "Multiculturalists" and "Anti-Immigrationists" chain individuals to the their culture. Racists and "Anti-Racists" equate individuals to their racial group identity.

It is an asbolutely laughable sistuation.

This rotten philosophy breeds rotten politicians and intellectuals who then force their rotten ideas onto people who, in turn, create a rotten society. it also breeds rotten radicals such as WhItE NaTiOnAliStS and BlAcK liVeS mAtTeR.

If only more people could embrace freedom and liberty, that would be great. Would it not?

Turn black and try living, then come talk. We aren't teaching our kids to hate whites. Whites like you create the anger because of your racist attitudes.
How do I "turn Black" and why is that even relevant to anything at all? Where did I accuse Blacks of teaching their kids to hate Whites? And in what post have I ever expressed any racist attitude?

Most people here are racist. It is only me and one or two other posters who advocate individualism.

" If you could stop being so afraid of yourself and of the word I instead of hiding behind a "We", you would learn to see individuals as individuals and regard race for the arbitrary and irrelevant superficiality that it is. But, as long as you speak in terms of "Us", "We" "Them", "Blacks", "Whites" and haveyous, you will not be able to beat racism. "

Gotta disagree. Humans are inseparable from the concept of "We". Thats why people go crazy when they are isolated. Humans are social animals. Our base reactions are rooted in social constructs. When you see a stranger your body automatically and unconsciously goes through a pattern of thoughts that render a decision on that strange individual which basically hinges on the following questions..."is this stranger a danger? Is he a member of my tribe?" Its foolish for Blacks in particular to not think of themselves as a collective. If they had done so in the first place, African slavery in the US would have been either non existent or short lived. The only way for Blacks to beat racism is to think of themselves as we. As long as they do not bond together they will be separated and picked off.
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You've never conquered all Blacks.

Wakanda, right?
No Haiti

The French never conquered Haiti?
Haiti was the sole example of a successful slave uprising. The only reason it succeeded was that the white French had their hands full fighting the white British. The color of the slaves skins had nothing to do with their success. That was the high point of Haitian society. Compare Haiti to the Dominican Republic on the other half of the island. Haiti’s GDP is 9.695 billion, the Dominican Republic’s GDP is 85.65 billion. That’s $868.34 versus $8,050.63 per capita. If blacks were so superior to other races the figures should be reversed. No race is inherently superior or inferior to any other race.
Agreed. Haiti is essentially an all black nation, which has been ruled independent of foreign intervention for most of it’s history, since it’s independence. What does it have to show for it’s freedom? Not much. It’s one of the poorest nations in the world and has been for many decades. So, freedom hasn’t done much for blacks in Haiti. What could the reason?
Well there is a reason for its current economic status. If you simply looked at what all european nations have done to it for having the audacity to be the first country to outlaw slavery and give all of its citizens freedom. These policies have continued up to this very day. Even while fighting amongst themselves whites united to try and defeat Haiti but couldnt do it. Little napolean even made it clear when he said he wanted to stop the march of the gilded Blacks. Everyone on the planet should be required to take a coarse on the history of Haiti. They would see the whites for what they truly are.
I don’t doubt you’re right, but that’s not the entire reason. The nation is a mess because the people and leadership have failed miserably. Enormous corruption and a culture that is uncaring. This has gone on for two centuries. You’d think they’d change.

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