The final solution is mixed race marriages.

Turns out it was just a recessive mutation combined with centuries of inbreeding during the ice age.

Turns out smarter people inbreeding works better than dumber people outbreeding, eh?
If that were true white people would not have been last to civilization.

The Africans who left Africa had lower levels of civilization than the Africans who stayed?
Once Africans left Africa they regressed and turned white up in europe. They did this during the ice age and also during the dark ages. They had to be taught civilization twice because they are slower.

Once Africans left Africa they regressed and turned white up in europe.


They did this during the ice age and also during the dark ages.

You mean they survived the ice age.
I wonder if Africans had to survive an ice age if you guys would smarten up like we did?
You can look it up if you dont know what regressed means.

They survived the ice age but they were drastically changed. They frequently ate each other, they became recessively white, and their genitals shrank from the cold. I might add they almost reverted back to animals and the large amount of fur they carry to this day is an indicator of that. they even grow fur on their backs.


They survived the ice age but they were drastically changed.

Well, yeah. The dumber ones died off.

Unlike the current US, where we're paying the dumb blacks to reproduce.

"Well, yeah. The dumber ones died off."

More likely they were eaten by the savage ones that were left. However, you do grow fur and attract hair lice which was the point I was getting to. You almost reverted back into a missing link.

And after all that, we came out smarter and you stayed dumb.
I don't fear negroes.
I don't believe you

A negro would never, ever go one on one in a fight with a white guy.
We've been stomping on white men in fair 1 on 1 fights for over a 100 years.

It's called boxing

When its a one on one fight. This is what usually happens.

By and large they're fucking cowards.
Cowards ?

Black people are the only group who challenge white supremacy on consistent basis and have done so for centuries. We don't fully bow down it.

And what makes us so amazing is that we're the minority population here but we still go hard body. We are out here on the streets right now.

We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.
But we fking dust ourselves off and challenge the dam beast.........EVERYDAY !! We still out everyday saying "Hell no.......we ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"


No one has that kinda fking courage. No one.

Whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If white were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago.

Never. The chickenshit, cowardly negro will, instead, run away like a little bitch and come back with his little negro bitch friends. That's the only way a negro can be a threat.
You have the police. You need guns, batons, tanks, tasers and immediate militarized back up to square up to one unarmed black man.


Even back in the day. The Klan didn't just lynch a black man on a fair one.

No. They used to get him at night, unsuspecting, smashing his windows, petrol bombing his house and them armed with pitch forks and guns with a 10 to 15 strong group with legitimized backing from the local sheriff only with all that did whites feel that's brave.

That's cowardly

White people systematically dis-armed black men in the US after the Civil War to make the African-American community evulnerable to white mob violence, racial pogroms, and ethnic cleansing.

That's cowardly.

White supremacist are the ultimate cowards.

Sure white people have the technological edge in terms of military but that was true in Vietnam but they still got their asses kicked.

Sexuality? I've fucked colored chicks.
Coloured ? What does that mean ?

They're good for a ride around the block, but not for much else. I don't worry about what anyone else does. I fuck, and I fuck a lot and, as long as my hot Puerto Rican girlfriend is happy,
There are white Puerto Ricans. What does that mean ? But is that supposed to impress me ?

I'm happy.
No you're not.

Let me ask you: If blacks are so fucking superior, why couldn't they stop the KKK from hanging them from trees, or from buying and trading them as slaves?
I've never said that black people are superior.

I'm saying black history, black achievements for mankind has been superior.

Black people are fathers of everything. Black people are the fathers of Maths, the Fathers of Chemistry, the Fathers of Physics. The fathers of everything.

But that's good question you ask. Why did history go the way it did ?

Answer = Gunpowder.

Marco Polo brought it back to Europe and whites started using it to kill people with.

You see white people have something going for them that black people don't to the same extent.

Whites love to kill.

In Africa, they generally kill for food. In Europe, they kill for sport.






You have a white supremacist who majored in physics and what does he do ?

He think's "If I cut an an atom in half, that will in turn cut other atoms in half and so on then I can create a nuclear bomb from that explosion that would kill thousands and thousands"

Who thinks like that ? Fking crazy. The white supremacist thinks like that.

I watched white people when I was a kid,on a farm my dad used to take me to. When they'd shoot something they'd go crazy.


It takes a man to use a sword because you've got to have the heart to get up close to someone.
But anybody can take a gun and stand at a distance and shoot at something that's no danger to him.
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Turns out it was just a recessive mutation combined with centuries of inbreeding during the ice age.

Turns out smarter people inbreeding works better than dumber people outbreeding, eh?
If that were true white people would not have been last to civilization.

The Africans who left Africa had lower levels of civilization than the Africans who stayed?
Once Africans left Africa they regressed and turned white up in europe. They did this during the ice age and also during the dark ages. They had to be taught civilization twice because they are slower.

Once Africans left Africa they regressed and turned white up in europe.


They did this during the ice age and also during the dark ages.

You mean they survived the ice age.
I wonder if Africans had to survive an ice age if you guys would smarten up like we did?
You can look it up if you dont know what regressed means.

They survived the ice age but they were drastically changed. They frequently ate each other, they became recessively white, and their genitals shrank from the cold. I might add they almost reverted back to animals and the large amount of fur they carry to this day is an indicator of that. they even grow fur on their backs.


They survived the ice age but they were drastically changed.

Well, yeah. The dumber ones died off.

Unlike the current US, where we're paying the dumb blacks to reproduce.

"Well, yeah. The dumber ones died off."

More likely they were eaten by the savage ones that were left. However, you do grow fur and attract hair lice which was the point I was getting to. You almost reverted back into a missing link.

And after all that, we came out smarter and you stayed dumb.
Obviously you came out a lot dumber. Becoming a weak, insecure, violent people doesnt say much for your intelligence. It just shows how having a plethora of recessive genes is a indicator of lower intell'gence.
I don't fear negroes.
I don't believe you

A negro would never, ever go one on one in a fight with a white guy.
We've been stomping on white men in fair 1 on 1 fights for over a 100 years.

It's called boxing

When its just one on one this is what usually happens.

By and large they're fucking cowards.
Cowards ?

We are the only ones who challenge white supremacy. We don't fully bow down it.

And what makes us so amazing is that we are the minority population here and still go HARD BODY. We are out here on the streets right now. We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.


But we fking dust ourselves off and challenge the dam beast.........EVERYDAY !! We still out everyday saying "Hell no.......we ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"


No one has that kinda fking courage. No one.

Whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If white were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago.

Never. The chickenshit, cowardly negro will, instead, run away like a little bitch and come back with his little negro bitch friends. That's the only way a negro can be a threat.
You have the police. You need guns, batons, tanks, tasers and immediate militarized back up to square up to one unarmed black man.


Even bk in the day. The KKK didn't just lynch a black man on a fair one.

No. They used to get him at night, unsuspecting, smashing his windows, petrol bombing his house and them armed with pitch forks and guns with a 10 to 15 strong group with legitimized backing from the local sheriff that's when they felt brave.

That;s cowardly

White people systematically disarmarmed of black men in the US after the Civil War to make the African-American community especially vulnerable to white mob violence, racial pogroms, and ethnic cleansing.

That's cowardly.

White supremacist are the ultimate cowards.

Sure white people have the technological edge in terms of military but that was true in Vietnam but they still got their asses kicked.

Sexuality? I've fucked colored chicks.
Coloured ? What does that mean ?

They're good for a ride around the block, but not for much else. I don't worry about what anyone else does. I fuck, and I fuck a lot and, as long as my hot Puerto Rican girlfriend is happy,
There are white P.Ricans. What does that mean ? But is that supposed to impress me ?

I'm happy.
No you're not.

Let me ask you: If blacks are so fucking superior, why couldn't they stop the KKK from hanging them from trees, or from buying and trading them as slaves?
I've never said that black people are superior.

I'm saying black history, black achievements for mankind has been superior.

Black people are fathers of everything. Black people are the fathers of Maths, the Fathers of Chemistry, the Fathers of Physics. The fathers of everything.

But that's good question you ask. Why did history go the way it did ?

Answer = Gunpowder.

Marco Polo brought it back to Europe and whites started using it to kill people with.

You see white people have something going for them that black people don't to the same extent.

Whites love to kill.

In Africa, they generally kill for food. In Europe, they kill for sport.






you have white supremacist who majored in physics and what does he do ?

He think's "well if I cut an an atom in half, which in turn cuts other atoms in half and so on. I can make a nuclear bomb that would kill thousands and thousands"

Who thinks like that ? Fking crazy. The white supremacist thinks like that.

I've watched white people; when I was a kid, on a farm my dad used to take me. When they'd shoot something, they just go crazy, like they were really getting their kicks.
You see, it takes a man to use sword. It takes a man to use a sword and a spear, because you've got to have the heart to get up to someone close enough to work with him. Right now, you notice you probably have nightmares if you think a black man has got a blade.

But anybody can take a gun and stand at a distance and shoot at something that's no danger to him.

That first video where he broke that fat white boy off something proper.
Turns out it was just a recessive mutation combined with centuries of inbreeding during the ice age.

Turns out smarter people inbreeding works better than dumber people outbreeding, eh?
If that were true white people would not have been last to civilization.

The Africans who left Africa had lower levels of civilization than the Africans who stayed?
Once Africans left Africa they regressed and turned white up in europe. They did this during the ice age and also during the dark ages. They had to be taught civilization twice because they are slower.
Oh hell, I will get into. Two things are credited with higher brain function as far as evolution goes..............cooler temperatures for the brain (which Europe provided) (walking upright helped cool too) and more protein.
You are delusional----for one, intelligent people have intelligent children.
But what is intelligence ?

After all serial killer Ted Bundy apparently had an IQ in the 140 which would make him genius level.

But would it be right to say a man who used slit women from throat to vagina as intelligent ?

And intelligent people SELF EDUCATE and EDUCATE their kids--if your kids are failing---it ain't the schools sweetheart----------its the parents raising ability and genetic material.
But what is intelligence ?

The problem is intelligence is not something quantifiable (not sure if that is a word) you can’t measure how intelligent someone is, because to begin with you would have to be able to define intelligence very specifically and that can’t be done because intelligence, like many words that define brain functions is an umbrella term that describes several properties of thought (communication, reasoning, understanding) working in tandem.

You can exhibit greater proficiency or ability in certain areas of it than others, but that's about it. So if Einstein was in the same room as Floyd Mayweather and discussing about the theory of relativity in that context Einstein would be more knowledgeable but in the boxing ring Mayweather would be more knowledgeable about boxing than Einstein

So what is intelligence ?
Ted Bundy was a psychopath-----and he was very very intelligent which made him more dangerous as a psychopath increasing his kill numbers.. To claim that he was evil preventing him from being intelligent is nonsense. Most true psychopaths score high on the intelligence scale-------they are known to plot and plan as adults even IF more clumsy as children. Sociopaths tend to be more impulsive and dumber.

Don't get me wrong, most criminals are very stupid. Stupid people have the extra drawback of often not being able to overcome life's issues from an intellectual standpoint meaning they are less likely to escape the life that they are born into. They are also prone to impulse control issues which means they act out without thought of right or wrong or with the ability to avoid punishment as well for their misdeeds so they are caught sooner. Bundy committed his crimes because he was addicted to the feelings power and control (psychopaths always have "addiction" issues which usually includes control issues)-----he had no desire to stop himself from raping and killing but he did take extraordinary means to avoid being detected even though serial killers were then not suspected or even a though in many cases and then to escape to continue his compulsion to rape and kill.

Quantifiable is a word and sorry Intelligence is quantifiable. It can be measured and tested and recorded. It can be seen and used. In most everything even Einstein who I think was grossly overrated, would be easily the winner. The FBI was at one time, the only group that had a true IQ test-------but this is likely no longer the case given how long ago I read about this.

Boxing takes no real intelligence (stamina, strength, coordination, practice, skill are not signs of intelligence)---in fact, partaking in it is very likely to result in lowering one's iq.
".. and sorry Intelligence is quantifiable. It can be measured and tested and recorded. "

False. This has been definitively proven to be false. They havent even documented all the different types of intelligence. White people never have been and never will be smart enough to measure intelligence. This is simply because its beyond their intellectual capacity. People that are actually intelligent know that intelligence takes many forms.

Ahhh...the stick head in the sand and pretend the facts aren't there comeback. Hun, pull your head out of the sand or wherever else you have shoved it and stop trying to hide from the facts. They have iq tests-and sorry black males from infancy on up score lower than everyone else. This is just the facts---someone had to be on the bottom---This is why so many black females date outside their race......

(This isn't to say all black men are idiots---but there are some definately some real issues going on.)

Lying to yourself about IQ being a real thing is just goofy.......
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I don't need such a system...
The system of white supremacy is there for you whether you like it or not and without that system white people would not be able to compete with black people.

It’s hard for white supremacists to admit they live in a socialist system called white supremacy, where whiteness offers them a welfare system of racial guarantees and benefits

I would submit that it's the negro community which wants a social system which handicaps them. Then they get to suck off the government tit and, instead of going to work and being productive, they sit around all day drinking Colt .45 and bitching about how shitty their lot in life is...
Then why is the welfare capital of America a place that is an all white town in Kentucky and is 99% white ? The place is Owsley County and they are never told to “pull themselves up by their boot straps” like Black people who have had a history of systematic economic deprivation, are told to do ?
Thus is literally an entire town that 99% white and every single person there is on welfare. You won't find a Black city where 99% of the people are on welfare NO PLACE in this country

You're one stupid colored boy, you know that?
I'm not throwing out any insults. Nor am I attacking you personally. I'm focusing entirely on your argument. So if you have the self control then you do the same.

It's not unjust. Get off your dead ass and go to work, boy...
So how do explain the fact that white men with a criminal record have more of a chance at getting the job than a black man that is clean ?

Sure they can. And I applaud those who work hard and become successful.
And blk ppl are are told, "just do the best with what’s around you" which is usually next to nothing and it’s their fault if they don’t make it.

Sure, there are people who have done it, but why should anyone have to and why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation….? Unrealistic.

But here's the kicker.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way African Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most African Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people
You have made a claim that there is a 'system of White supremacy' in place in America without which Whites would not be able to compete against Blacks. Can you cite a couple of examples of this system and how it enables White people to compete against Blacks?
I've done post on USMB over 100 pages long with 100's of examples of white supremacy
I went through the first few pages of your White Supremacy thread. Is there anything else other than Cops are nicer to White criminals than Black criminals? That's a very narrow slice of America. You are claiming a 'system of White supremacy' that gives advantages to all White people over Black people.
Turns out it was just a recessive mutation combined with centuries of inbreeding during the ice age.

Turns out smarter people inbreeding works better than dumber people outbreeding, eh?
If that were true white people would not have been last to civilization.

The Africans who left Africa had lower levels of civilization than the Africans who stayed?
Once Africans left Africa they regressed and turned white up in europe. They did this during the ice age and also during the dark ages. They had to be taught civilization twice because they are slower.
Oh hell, I will get into. Two things are credited with higher brain function as far as evolution goes..............cooler temperatures for the brain (which Europe provided) (walking upright helped cool too) and more protein.
You are delusional----for one, intelligent people have intelligent children.
But what is intelligence ?

After all serial killer Ted Bundy apparently had an IQ in the 140 which would make him genius level.

But would it be right to say a man who used slit women from throat to vagina as intelligent ?

And intelligent people SELF EDUCATE and EDUCATE their kids--if your kids are failing---it ain't the schools sweetheart----------its the parents raising ability and genetic material.
But what is intelligence ?

The problem is intelligence is not something quantifiable (not sure if that is a word) you can’t measure how intelligent someone is, because to begin with you would have to be able to define intelligence very specifically and that can’t be done because intelligence, like many words that define brain functions is an umbrella term that describes several properties of thought (communication, reasoning, understanding) working in tandem.

You can exhibit greater proficiency or ability in certain areas of it than others, but that's about it. So if Einstein was in the same room as Floyd Mayweather and discussing about the theory of relativity in that context Einstein would be more knowledgeable but in the boxing ring Mayweather would be more knowledgeable about boxing than Einstein

So what is intelligence ?
Ted Bundy was a psychopath-----and he was very very intelligent which made him more dangerous as a psychopath increasing his kill numbers.. To claim that he was evil preventing him from being intelligent is nonsense. Most true psychopaths score high on the intelligence scale-------they are known to plot and plan as adults even IF more clumsy as children. Sociopaths tend to be more impulsive and dumber.

Don't get me wrong, most criminals are very stupid. Stupid people have the extra drawback of often not being able to overcome life's issues from an intellectual standpoint meaning they are less likely to escape the life that they are born into. They are also prone to impulse control issues which means they act out without thought of right or wrong or with the ability to avoid punishment as well for their misdeeds so they are caught sooner. Bundy committed his crimes because he was addicted to the feelings power and control (psychopaths always have "addiction" issues which usually includes control issues)-----he had no desire to stop himself from raping and killing but he did take extraordinary means to avoid being detected even though serial killers were then not suspected or even a though in many cases and then to escape to continue his compulsion to rape and kill.

Quantifiable is a word and sorry Intelligence is quantifiable. It can be measured and tested and recorded. It can be seen and used. In most everything even Einstein who I think was grossly overrated, would be easily the winner. The FBI was at one time, the only group that had a true IQ test-------but this is likely no longer the case given how long ago I read about this.

Boxing takes no real intelligence (stamina, strength, coordination, practice, skill are not signs of intelligence)---in fact, partaking in it is very likely to result in lowering one's iq.
".. and sorry Intelligence is quantifiable. It can be measured and tested and recorded. "

False. This has been definitively proven to be false. They havent even documented all the different types of intelligence. White people never have been and never will be smart enough to measure intelligence. This is simply because its beyond their intellectual capacity. People that are actually intelligent know that intelligence takes many forms.

Ahhh...the stick head in the sand and pretend the facts aren't there comeback. Hun, pull your head out of the sand or wherever else you have shoved it and stop trying to hide from the facts. They have iq tests-and sorry black males from infancy on up score lower than everyone else. This is just the facts---someone had to be on the bottom---

Lying to yourself about IQ being a real thing is just goofy.......
They have tests for a lot shit that isnt real. The IQ test has been dead for decades and only came about as a ridiculous attempt by whites to assert the myth that they were the most intelligent. If you dont believe me maybe you will believe your fellow white boys.

Turns out it was just a recessive mutation combined with centuries of inbreeding during the ice age.

Turns out smarter people inbreeding works better than dumber people outbreeding, eh?
If that were true white people would not have been last to civilization.

The Africans who left Africa had lower levels of civilization than the Africans who stayed?
Once Africans left Africa they regressed and turned white up in europe. They did this during the ice age and also during the dark ages. They had to be taught civilization twice because they are slower.
Oh hell, I will get into. Two things are credited with higher brain function as far as evolution goes..............cooler temperatures for the brain (which Europe provided) (walking upright helped cool too) and more protein.
You are delusional----for one, intelligent people have intelligent children.
But what is intelligence ?

After all serial killer Ted Bundy apparently had an IQ in the 140 which would make him genius level.

But would it be right to say a man who used slit women from throat to vagina as intelligent ?

And intelligent people SELF EDUCATE and EDUCATE their kids--if your kids are failing---it ain't the schools sweetheart----------its the parents raising ability and genetic material.
But what is intelligence ?

The problem is intelligence is not something quantifiable (not sure if that is a word) you can’t measure how intelligent someone is, because to begin with you would have to be able to define intelligence very specifically and that can’t be done because intelligence, like many words that define brain functions is an umbrella term that describes several properties of thought (communication, reasoning, understanding) working in tandem.

You can exhibit greater proficiency or ability in certain areas of it than others, but that's about it. So if Einstein was in the same room as Floyd Mayweather and discussing about the theory of relativity in that context Einstein would be more knowledgeable but in the boxing ring Mayweather would be more knowledgeable about boxing than Einstein

So what is intelligence ?
Ted Bundy was a psychopath-----and he was very very intelligent which made him more dangerous as a psychopath increasing his kill numbers.. To claim that he was evil preventing him from being intelligent is nonsense. Most true psychopaths score high on the intelligence scale-------they are known to plot and plan as adults even IF more clumsy as children. Sociopaths tend to be more impulsive and dumber.

Don't get me wrong, most criminals are very stupid. Stupid people have the extra drawback of often not being able to overcome life's issues from an intellectual standpoint meaning they are less likely to escape the life that they are born into. They are also prone to impulse control issues which means they act out without thought of right or wrong or with the ability to avoid punishment as well for their misdeeds so they are caught sooner. Bundy committed his crimes because he was addicted to the feelings power and control (psychopaths always have "addiction" issues which usually includes control issues)-----he had no desire to stop himself from raping and killing but he did take extraordinary means to avoid being detected even though serial killers were then not suspected or even a though in many cases and then to escape to continue his compulsion to rape and kill.

Quantifiable is a word and sorry Intelligence is quantifiable. It can be measured and tested and recorded. It can be seen and used. In most everything even Einstein who I think was grossly overrated, would be easily the winner. The FBI was at one time, the only group that had a true IQ test-------but this is likely no longer the case given how long ago I read about this.

Boxing takes no real intelligence (stamina, strength, coordination, practice, skill are not signs of intelligence)---in fact, partaking in it is very likely to result in lowering one's iq.
".. and sorry Intelligence is quantifiable. It can be measured and tested and recorded. "

False. This has been definitively proven to be false. They havent even documented all the different types of intelligence. White people never have been and never will be smart enough to measure intelligence. This is simply because its beyond their intellectual capacity. People that are actually intelligent know that intelligence takes many forms.

Ahhh...the stick head in the sand and pretend the facts aren't there comeback. Hun, pull your head out of the sand or wherever else you have shoved it and stop trying to hide from the facts. They have iq tests-and sorry black males from infancy on up score lower than everyone else. This is just the facts---someone had to be on the bottom---This is why so many black females date outside their race......

(This isn't to say all black men are idiots---but there are some definately some real issues going on.)

Lying to yourself about IQ being a real thing is just goofy.......
" Oh hell, I will get into. Two things are credited with higher brain function as far as evolution goes..............cooler temperatures for the brain (which Europe provided) (walking upright helped cool too) and more protein. "

If cooler temperatures were a prerequisite then whites would have invented civilization. They didnt but people in a fucking desert did so that pretty much kills your claim. Whites didnt have much protein which is why they supplemented their diet by snacking on each other. Whites bred with neanderthals and lived in caves. They rarely walked upright after leaving Africa.
It doesn’t matter what you think the white man is the dominant race we take what we want
I agree that whites or should I say white supremacists are the most powerful race in terms of economic and political influence

But no white man believes he is superior to a black man.
Having been raised in the South in mid 20th century, I have to disagree with your statement that no white man believes he is superior to a black man. I must have heard at least a thousand times that blacks were just animals, ignorant, immoral, lazy, and not to be trusted. Those ideas still exist today and I dare say you will find them on this board.
I think he means its all a front. Whites said alot of things about Blacks that a lot of whites knew were not true. The art of projection seems to have been elevated with white racists.
I believe there are a lot of people today that really do believe in racial superiority and I'm not just talking about the loons in the KKK and other white supremacy group. I'm taking about pretty ordinary people who would never dream of using the N world in public or publicly stating their real opinions on race. They have no friends that are black, almost always take the side of whites in any confrontation, would be very concerned if a black family moved in next door, more comfortable with a white worker in their home than black person, encourage their kids to befriend whites, keep blacks at a distance at work or social occasion. And if you accused them of being racists, they would be outraged.
I don't fear negroes.
I don't believe you

A negro would never, ever go one on one in a fight with a white guy.
We've been stomping on white men in fair 1 on 1 fights for over a 100 years.

It's called boxing

When its a one on one fight. This is what usually happens.

By and large they're fucking cowards.
Cowards ?

Black people are the only group who challenge white supremacy on consistent basis and have done so for centuries. We don't fully bow down it.

And what makes us so amazing is that we're the minority population here but we still go hard body. We are out here on the streets right now.

We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.
But we fking dust ourselves off and challenge the dam beast.........EVERYDAY !! We still out everyday saying "Hell no.......we ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"


No one has that kinda fking courage. No one.

Whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If white were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago.

Never. The chickenshit, cowardly negro will, instead, run away like a little bitch and come back with his little negro bitch friends. That's the only way a negro can be a threat.
You have the police. You need guns, batons, tanks, tasers and immediate militarized back up to square up to one unarmed black man.


Even back in the day. The Klan didn't just lynch a black man on a fair one.

No. They used to get him at night, unsuspecting, smashing his windows, petrol bombing his house and them armed with pitch forks and guns with a 10 to 15 strong group with legitimized backing from the local sheriff only with all that did whites feel that's brave.

That's cowardly

White people systematically dis-armed black men in the US after the Civil War to make the African-American community evulnerable to white mob violence, racial pogroms, and ethnic cleansing.

That's cowardly.

White supremacist are the ultimate cowards.

Sure white people have the technological edge in terms of military but that was true in Vietnam but they still got their asses kicked.

Sexuality? I've fucked colored chicks.
Coloured ? What does that mean ?

They're good for a ride around the block, but not for much else. I don't worry about what anyone else does. I fuck, and I fuck a lot and, as long as my hot Puerto Rican girlfriend is happy,
There are white Puerto Ricans. What does that mean ? But is that supposed to impress me ?

I'm happy.
No you're not.

Let me ask you: If blacks are so fucking superior, why couldn't they stop the KKK from hanging them from trees, or from buying and trading them as slaves?
I've never said that black people are superior.

I'm saying black history, black achievements for mankind has been superior.

Black people are fathers of everything. Black people are the fathers of Maths, the Fathers of Chemistry, the Fathers of Physics. The fathers of everything.

But that's good question you ask. Why did history go the way it did ?

Answer = Gunpowder.

Marco Polo brought it back to Europe and whites started using it to kill people with.

You see white people have something going for them that black people don't to the same extent.

Whites love to kill.

In Africa, they generally kill for food. In Europe, they kill for sport.






You have a white supremacist who majored in physics and what does he do ?

He think's "If I cut an an atom in half, that will in turn cut other atoms in half and so on then I can create a nuclear bomb from that explosion that would kill thousands and thousands"

Who thinks like that ? Fking crazy. The white supremacist thinks like that.

I watched white people when I was a kid,on a farm my dad used to take me to. When they'd shoot something they'd go crazy.


It takes a man to use a sword because you've got to have the heart to get up close to someone.
But anybody can take a gun and stand at a distance and shoot at something that's no danger to him.

Much as it may surprise him.....he just posted a damn good post in rebuttal. Excellent, in fact.
It doesn’t matter what you think the white man is the dominant race we take what we want
I agree that whites or should I say white supremacists are the most powerful race in terms of economic and political influence

But no white man believes he is superior to a black man.
Having been raised in the South in mid 20th century, I have to disagree with your statement that no white man believes he is superior to a black man. I must have heard at least a thousand times that blacks were just animals, ignorant, immoral, lazy, and not to be trusted. Those ideas still exist today and I dare say you will find them on this board.
I think he means its all a front. Whites said alot of things about Blacks that a lot of whites knew were not true. The art of projection seems to have been elevated with white racists.
I believe there are a lot of people today that really do believe in racial superiority and I'm not just talking about the loons in the KKK and other white supremacy group. I'm taking about pretty ordinary people who would never dream of using the N world in public or publicly stating their real opinions on race. They have no friends that are black, almost always take the side of whites in any confrontation, would be very concerned if a black family moved in next door, more comfortable with a white worker in their home than black person, encourage their kids to befriend whites, keep blacks at a distance at work or social occasion. And if you accused them of being racists, they would be outraged.
This is true. When I was in Korea I had a friend that was white and racist. I didnt find out until a white girl I knew from back in the states came over and she gave me a big kiss when she saw me. It set him off something bad.

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