The final solution is mixed race marriages.

What the fuck.... I thought this was a discussion form where we could express our opinions. Or is this a BLM form where you can express your opinion only if it agrees with yours. Like I said don't like what I said block me.
You are behaving exactly like the BLM-crowd you are criticising, so this comment is very ironic. :lol:
As long as foreigners are accommodated they don't need to assimilate. A Hispanic can live their entire lives here and never have a need to speak English. They are a country within a country.

That's exactly what your Know-Nothing forebears said about 150 years ago. They were wrong then and you are wrong now.
I don't need such a system...
The system of white supremacy is there for you whether you like it or not and without that system white people would not be able to compete with black people.

It’s hard for white supremacists to admit they live in a socialist system called white supremacy, where whiteness offers them a welfare system of racial guarantees and benefits

I would submit that it's the negro community which wants a social system which handicaps them. Then they get to suck off the government tit and, instead of going to work and being productive, they sit around all day drinking Colt .45 and bitching about how shitty their lot in life is...
Then why is the welfare capital of America a place that is an all white town in Kentucky and is 99% white ? The place is Owsley County and they are never told to “pull themselves up by their boot straps” like Black people who have had a history of systematic economic deprivation, are told to do ?
Thus is literally an entire town that 99% white and every single person there is on welfare. You won't find a Black city where 99% of the people are on welfare NO PLACE in this country

You're one stupid colored boy, you know that?
I'm not throwing out any insults. Nor am I attacking you personally. I'm focusing entirely on your argument. So if you have the self control then you do the same.

It's not unjust. Get off your dead ass and go to work, boy...
So how do explain the fact that white men with a criminal record have more of a chance at getting the job than a black man that is clean ?

Sure they can. And I applaud those who work hard and become successful.
And blk ppl are are told, "just do the best with what’s around you" which is usually next to nothing and it’s their fault if they don’t make it.

Sure, there are people who have done it, but why should anyone have to and why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation….? Unrealistic.

But here's the kicker.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way African Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most African Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people
You have made a claim that there is a 'system of White supremacy' in place in America without which Whites would not be able to compete against Blacks. Can you cite a couple of examples of this system and how it enables White people to compete against Blacks?
I've done post on USMB over 100 pages long with 100's of examples of white supremacy
What the fuck.... I thought this was a discussion form where we could express our opinions. Or is this a BLM form where you can express your opinion only if it agrees with yours. Like I said don't like what I said block me.
You are behaving exactly like the BLM-crowd you are criticising, so this comment is very ironic. :lol:
Why? I have not questioned your posts nor have I said you should not post so how is my post just like BLM?
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race.
Its not the human race that is inbred. Its mostly the european races that are inbred. Africans and African Americans have more genetic diversity than all the other humans put together. Basically if all Black people were to disappear the rest of the humans would soon follow. Turn that around and say get rid of all whites and the human race would go on.
The final solution is mixed race marriages.

I'm willing if Maggie Q is.......

Basically if all Black people were to disappear the rest of the humans would soon follow.


I cant find the scientific study where I read that but its true. The human race has lived longer in Africa than anywhere else on the planet. The appearance of homo sapiens sapiens outside of Africa is a very recent phenomenon. The scientist know that this is true. They even have meetings every year on melanin.

... Basically if all Black people were to disappear the rest of the humans would soon follow. Turn that around and say get rid of all whites and the human race would go on.


Are you still pissed at Dr. Yakub?


Dr. Yakub has nothing to do with my point. Thats an old story told by the NOI to explain white people. Turns out it was just a recessive mutation combined with centuries of inbreeding during the ice age.
Basically if all Black people were to disappear the rest of the humans would soon follow.


I cant find the scientific study where I read that but its true. The human race has lived longer in Africa than anywhere else on the planet. The appearance of homo sapiens sapiens outside of Africa is a very recent phenomenon. The scientist know that this is true. They even have meetings every year on melanin.

I cant find the scientific study where I read that but its true.

Sure it is.

The human race has lived longer in Africa than anywhere else on the planet.


The appearance of homo sapiens sapiens outside of Africa is a very recent phenomenon.

So is most of our progress. Coincidence?
Basically if all Black people were to disappear the rest of the humans would soon follow.


I cant find the scientific study where I read that but its true. The human race has lived longer in Africa than anywhere else on the planet. The appearance of homo sapiens sapiens outside of Africa is a very recent phenomenon. The scientist know that this is true. They even have meetings every year on melanin.

I cant find the scientific study where I read that but its true.

Sure it is.

The human race has lived longer in Africa than anywhere else on the planet.


The appearance of homo sapiens sapiens outside of Africa is a very recent phenomenon.

So is most of our progress. Coincidence?

"So is most of our progress. Coincidence?"

No its not coincidence. Just imagine how much further we would be along if other races had not attacked the continent that gave us the foundation of civilization and learning? We are actually behind where we should be. Never forger that most of the inventions came from people that gave credit to Africa for their ideas unless they were stolen from enslaved and discriminated against Black people.
It doesn’t matter what you think the white man is the dominant race we take what we want
I agree that whites or should I say white supremacists are the most powerful race in terms of economic and political influence

But no white man believes he is superior to a black man.
Having been raised in the South in mid 20th century, I have to disagree with your statement that no white man believes he is superior to a black man. I must have heard at least a thousand times that blacks were just animals, ignorant, immoral, lazy, and not to be trusted. Those ideas still exist today and I dare say you will find them on this board.
It doesn’t matter what you think the white man is the dominant race we take what we want
I agree that whites or should I say white supremacists are the most powerful race in terms of economic and political influence

But no white man believes he is superior to a black man.
Having been raised in the South in mid 20th century, I have to disagree with your statement that no white man believes he is superior to a black man. I must have heard at least a thousand times that blacks were just animals, ignorant, immoral, lazy, and not to be trusted. Those ideas still exist today and I dare say you will find them on this board.
I think he means its all a front. Whites said alot of things about Blacks that a lot of whites knew were not true. The art of projection seems to have been elevated with white racists.
Basically if all Black people were to disappear the rest of the humans would soon follow.


I cant find the scientific study where I read that but its true. The human race has lived longer in Africa than anywhere else on the planet. The appearance of homo sapiens sapiens outside of Africa is a very recent phenomenon. The scientist know that this is true. They even have meetings every year on melanin.

I cant find the scientific study where I read that but its true.

Sure it is.

The human race has lived longer in Africa than anywhere else on the planet.


The appearance of homo sapiens sapiens outside of Africa is a very recent phenomenon.

So is most of our progress. Coincidence?

"So is most of our progress. Coincidence?"

No its not coincidence. Just imagine how much further we would be along if other races had not attacked the continent that gave us the foundation of civilization and learning? We are actually behind where we should be. Never forger that most of the inventions came from people that gave credit to Africa for their ideas unless they were stolen from enslaved and discriminated against Black people.

No its not coincidence.

I agree, whites are much better at it.

Just imagine how much further we would be along if other races had not attacked the continent that gave us the foundation of civilization and learning?

Foundation of civilization and learning so easily attacked by races that had much, much, much higher levels of progress. Weird, eh?

Never forger that most of the inventions came from people that gave credit to Africa for their ideas

Basically if all Black people were to disappear the rest of the humans would soon follow.


I cant find the scientific study where I read that but its true. The human race has lived longer in Africa than anywhere else on the planet. The appearance of homo sapiens sapiens outside of Africa is a very recent phenomenon. The scientist know that this is true. They even have meetings every year on melanin.

I cant find the scientific study where I read that but its true.

Sure it is.

The human race has lived longer in Africa than anywhere else on the planet.


The appearance of homo sapiens sapiens outside of Africa is a very recent phenomenon.

So is most of our progress. Coincidence?

"So is most of our progress. Coincidence?"

No its not coincidence. Just imagine how much further we would be along if other races had not attacked the continent that gave us the foundation of civilization and learning? We are actually behind where we should be. Never forger that most of the inventions came from people that gave credit to Africa for their ideas unless they were stolen from enslaved and discriminated against Black people.

No its not coincidence.

I agree, whites are much better at it.

Just imagine how much further we would be along if other races had not attacked the continent that gave us the foundation of civilization and learning?

Foundation of civilization and learning so easily attacked by races that had much, much, much higher levels of progress. Weird, eh?

Never forger that most of the inventions came from people that gave credit to Africa for their ideas

Whites are only better at violence. They are a savage insecure people.

Whites never had higher levels of progress in anything other than war. They couldnt even read.

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