The final solution is mixed race marriages.

My opinion, I don't need a reason
What are you? A child? This a discussion board and if you just spit preferences without backing them up by, at least trying, to present an argument, I really see no reason for you to be here.

Anyways, you just said you want the government to decide who marries whom and that tells me all I need to know about you.
My opinion, I don't need a reason
What are you? A child? This a discussion board and if you just spit preferences without backing them up by, at least trying, to present an argument, I really see no reason for you to be here.

Anyways, you just said you want the government to decide who marries whom and that tells me all I need to know about you.
Oh poor baby offended that Im not going to debate with you.
I have no need to explain myself to you If you don't like it block me.
The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people are and have been the main evil.

So, I'm inherently evil because I'm white?

That's like me saying you like watermelon because you're black.

You're the dumbest dipshit on the internet, you know that?

I don't care about white people the way you do and I'm pretty sure you feel the same way about black people.

You know what's funny? I see white people marching at BLM (Be Like Monkeys) protests all the time, but I'd bet my last nickel that you'd never do that at a protest supporting whites.

That's because you're a fucking racist negro...
Immigrants today are assimilating just as they have throughout American history.
I take it you never you never walked through Little Havana or little Haiti in Miami, there are no signs of assimilation in either place.
I take it you never you never walked through Little Havana or little Haiti in Miami, there are no signs of assimilation in either place
Take a walk through a trailer park in Appalachia sometime.

Not a whole lot of assimilation going on there either.
I don't need such a system...
The system of white supremacy is there for you whether you like it or not and without that system white people would not be able to compete with black people.

It’s hard for white supremacists to admit they live in a socialist system called white supremacy, where whiteness offers them a welfare system of racial guarantees and benefits

I would submit that it's the negro community which wants a social system which handicaps them. Then they get to suck off the government tit and, instead of going to work and being productive, they sit around all day drinking Colt .45 and bitching about how shitty their lot in life is...
Then why is the welfare capital of America a place that is an all white town in Kentucky and is 99% white ? The place is Owsley County and they are never told to “pull themselves up by their boot straps” like Black people who have had a history of systematic economic deprivation, are told to do ?
Thus is literally an entire town that 99% white and every single person there is on welfare. You won't find a Black city where 99% of the people are on welfare NO PLACE in this country

You're one stupid colored boy, you know that?
I'm not throwing out any insults. Nor am I attacking you personally. I'm focusing entirely on your argument. So if you have the self control then you do the same.

It's not unjust. Get off your dead ass and go to work, boy...
So how do explain the fact that white men with a criminal record have more of a chance at getting the job than a black man that is clean ?

Sure they can. And I applaud those who work hard and become successful.
And blk ppl are are told, "just do the best with what’s around you" which is usually next to nothing and it’s their fault if they don’t make it.

Sure, there are people who have done it, but why should anyone have to and why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation….? Unrealistic.

But here's the kicker.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way African Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most African Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people
You have made a claim that there is a 'system of White supremacy' in place in America without which Whites would not be able to compete against Blacks. Can you cite a couple of examples of this system and how it enables White people to compete against Blacks?
The only baby here is you. Clearly, you are inept of having a discussion since you do not understand the basics of a debate. If this is how you always act, you should definitely not be here - Sign out and never come back.
Immigrants today are assimilating just as they have throughout American history.
I take it you never you never walked through Little Havana or little Haiti in Miami, there are no signs of assimilation in either place.

You have no idea what you're talking about. I work in (very) inner city environments all the time. Not everyone lives their lives controlled by fear. Not everyone is weak and ignorant.
Immigrants today are assimilating just as they have throughout American history.
I take it you never you never walked through Little Havana or little Haiti in Miami, there are no signs of assimilation in either place.

You have no idea what you're talking about. I work in (very) inner city environments all the time. Not everyone lives their lives controlled by fear. Not everyone is weak and ignorant.
Do you even know what assimilation means?
Im not talking about living in fear or being controlled by fear.
Immigrants today are assimilating just as they have throughout American history.
I take it you never you never walked through Little Havana or little Haiti in Miami, there are no signs of assimilation in either place.

You have no idea what you're talking about. I work in (very) inner city environments all the time. Not everyone lives their lives controlled by fear. Not everyone is weak and ignorant.
Do you even know what assimilation means?

I'm very confident that I know what it means much better than you do.

And multiculturalism failed even here.

You still haven't explained how the most powerful and successful nation in the history of the world "failed." We have always been a land of many peoples, cultures, languages, religions, etc. and it has only made us stronger. If you imagine some "failure," does that mean you oppose certain relationships/marriages?
No the most multicultural cites are all failing , the assimilated communities are keeping America strong
Immigrants today are assimilating just as they have throughout American history.
No they aren’t
Yes, they are. Every day, in very much the same way immigrants to America always have.
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race.
What bullshit. Humans evolved by being separated and adapting to their environments. Remixing everyone would be de-evolving.

What happened to “diversity”? Now the left wants to eradicate ethnic groups.

When you see an interracial couple does it frighten you?
No, why would it?
You do seem frightened. Are you afraid of being "eradicated"?

The data suggests that ALL should be frightened by whitey being “eradicated”.
Why not get out of your FEELZ and tell us how multiculturalism is good for core Americans, show us data. Spare us the good food recipes bullshit please.
Multiculturalism is neither good nor bad. It is simply a fact of life in the US and most of the world. Multiculturalism in the US began with the founding of the country and has been growing ever since. With the rapid growth of the Internet, trade, tourism, multilingualism, and global corporations the world is fast becoming one giant community. Turning the clock back is not an option.
Exchange between two or more countries isn’t what we are talking about. Multiculturalism within a nation simply doesn’t work, there can be only one dominant culture in a society.
You should visit America some time.
You should, especially the riot zones and “diverse” neighborhoods.
I am in "diverse" neighborhoods all the time. Stop living in fear.
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race.
What bullshit. Humans evolved by being separated and adapting to their environments. Remixing everyone would be de-evolving.

What happened to “diversity”? Now the left wants to eradicate ethnic groups.

When you see an interracial couple does it frighten you?
No, why would it?
You do seem frightened. Are you afraid of being "eradicated"?

The data suggests that ALL should be frightened by whitey being “eradicated”.
Why not get out of your FEELZ and tell us how multiculturalism is good for core Americans, show us data. Spare us the good food recipes bullshit please.
Multiculturalism is neither good nor bad. It is simply a fact of life in the US and most of the world. Multiculturalism in the US began with the founding of the country and has been growing ever since. With the rapid growth of the Internet, trade, tourism, multilingualism, and global corporations the world is fast becoming one giant community. Turning the clock back is not an option.
Exchange between two or more countries isn’t what we are talking about. Multiculturalism within a nation simply doesn’t work, there can be only one dominant culture in a society.
You should visit America some time.
You should, especially the riot zones and “diverse” neighborhoods.
I am in "diverse" neighborhoods all the time. Stop living in fear.
Well give you a cookie. Miami is a very diverse city.... can you believe at one time English was the main language of the city.
Now you have to be bi lingual to get a job in an American city.
Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't hate blacks, Hispanics or even Haitians. I do not approve of marriages, I feel that English should be the main language of the Unite States and all government business should be conducted in it. Like I said before don't like my views, block me. Why are you so concerned about my views?
... Like I said before don't like my views, block me. Why are you so concerned about my views?

A better question would be why you come to a discussion site just to whine and avoid discussion all the time. Just sit in an empty room writing post-it notes to yourself if you are so desperate to avoid discussion.
... I do not approve of marriages, .....

What gives you the asinine notion that it's any of your damn business?
What the fuck.... I thought this was a discussion form where we could express our opinions. Or is this a BLM form where you can express your opinion only if it agrees with yours. Like I said don't like what I said block me.
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race.
What bullshit. Humans evolved by being separated and adapting to their environments. Remixing everyone would be de-evolving.

What happened to “diversity”? Now the left wants to eradicate ethnic groups.

When you see an interracial couple does it frighten you?
No, why would it?
You do seem frightened. Are you afraid of being "eradicated"?

The data suggests that ALL should be frightened by whitey being “eradicated”.
Why not get out of your FEELZ and tell us how multiculturalism is good for core Americans, show us data. Spare us the good food recipes bullshit please.
Multiculturalism is neither good nor bad. It is simply a fact of life in the US and most of the world. Multiculturalism in the US began with the founding of the country and has been growing ever since. With the rapid growth of the Internet, trade, tourism, multilingualism, and global corporations the world is fast becoming one giant community. Turning the clock back is not an option.
Exchange between two or more countries isn’t what we are talking about. Multiculturalism within a nation simply doesn’t work, there can be only one dominant culture in a society.
You should visit America some time.
You should, especially the riot zones and “diverse” neighborhoods.
I am in "diverse" neighborhoods all the time. Stop living in fear.
Well give you a cookie. Miami is a very diverse city.... can you believe at one time English was the main language of the city.
Now you have to be bi lingual to get a job in an American city.
Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't hate blacks, Hispanics or even Haitians. I do not approve of marriages, I feel that English should be the main language of the Unite States and all government business should be conducted in it. Like I said before don't like my views, block me. Why are you so concerned about my views?
As long as foreigners are accommodated they don't need to assimilate. A Hispanic can live their entire lives here and never have a need to speak English. They are a country within a country.
Well give you a cookie. Miami is a very diverse city.... can you believe at one time English was the main language of the city.
Now you have to be bi lingual to get a job in an American city.
It is not true that you have to be bilingual to get a job in America. It all depends on your individual field, experiences and skillset and if "lousy immigrants" are able to learn another language to become bilingual, so should "superior Whites", no?

Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't hate blacks, Hispanics or even Haitians. I do not approve of marriages, I feel that English should be the main language of the Unite States and all government business should be conducted in it.
English will always be the first language of the US and there are no signs of it going away. The second generation immigrants always acquire fluency in English because it is kind of impossible to grow up and be schooled in an English speaking country without learning English.

NOw, there are obviously big problems with education and culture at large. As long as society is collecitvistic and both sides of the debate make tribalistic arguments, assimilation will never be possible. Your side and the Multicultural side are making the exact same arguments which is why we never get anywhere.

Like I said before don't like my views, block me. Why are you so concerned about my views?
Are you here for backrubs or for discussion?

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