The final solution is mixed race marriages.

So do you think you are superior to black men ?
To many of them, yes. Yes, I do.
See if white people really thought of themselves as superior then they would not need a system to prop them up.

White people believe they can't go toe to toe with black people on an equal playing field.

That's the reason why predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else.

They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white and non black people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

But it's primarily the ones who are the most obvious scumbags who pretend to be superior to everyone.
Let's face it. It wouldn't take much to be superior to you

Look. One thing I've learned in life is this

Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are.

They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

So when I hear the likes of you and Jitss617 trying to prove there superior you don't believe it deep. Deep down you know you have been the benefit of an unjust system.

Deep down you know
  • You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait the world over, and that white people are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation.
  • You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);
  • You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,
  • You see a world in which global white supremacy is everywhere being challenged. In which the white world’s militaries are incapable of subduing a rag-tag bunch of insurgents, with darker skin.
But guys like you are always trying to tell everyone how great you are, are just trying to convince yourselves. And given your persistence, you're finding the job harder than you imagined
You are delusional----for one, intelligent people have intelligent children. And intelligent people SELF EDUCATE and EDUCATE their kids--if your kids are failing---it ain't the schools sweetheart----------its the parents raising ability and genetic material.
Oh is not the same as intelligence---these are two different things completely. You can be very intelligent but uneducated, and you can be educated and still dumb as a rock.
So do you think you are superior to black men ?
To many of them, yes. Yes, I do.
See if white people really thought of themselves as superior then they would not need a system to prop them up.

White people believe they can't go toe to toe with black people on an equal playing field.

That's the reason why predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else.

They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white and non black people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

But it's primarily the ones who are the most obvious scumbags who pretend to be superior to everyone.
Let's face it. It wouldn't take much to be superior to you

Look. One thing I've learned in life is this

Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are.

They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

So when I hear the likes of you and Jitss617 trying to prove there superior you don't believe it deep. Deep down you know you have been the benefit of an unjust system.

Deep down you know
  • You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait the world over, and that white people are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation.
  • You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);
  • You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,
  • You see a world in which global white supremacy is everywhere being challenged. In which the white world’s militaries are incapable of subduing a rag-tag bunch of insurgents, with darker skin.
But guys like you are always trying to tell everyone how great you are, are just trying to convince yourselves. And given your persistence, you're finding the job harder than you imagined
You are delusional----for one, intelligent people have intelligent children. And intelligent people SELF EDUCATE and EDUCATE their kids--if your kids are failing---it ain't the schools sweetheart----------its the parents raising ability and genetic material.
Oh is not the same as intelligence---these are two different things completely. You can be very intelligent but uneducated, and you can be educated and still dumb as a rock.
Baltimore has pumped billions in there, and they still are the worst schools on earth
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race. culture is self destructive
..Africa is a shithole
..blacks LOVE criminals...hate whitey/cops/America

..your OP is babble crap = it doesn't make sense--at all
See if white people really thought of themselves as superior then they would not need a system to prop them up.

I don't need such a system...

White people believe they can't go toe to toe with black people on an equal playing field.

Where'd you get that bullshit from?

I'll go toe to toe with a negro any time...

That's the reason why predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else.

Sure they can. And I applaud those who work hard and become successful.

It's the negroes collecting gub'mint checks that are the problem...

They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white and non black people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

I would submit that it's the negro community which wants a social system which handicaps them. Then they get to suck off the government tit and, instead of going to work and being productive, they sit around all day drinking Colt .45 and bitching about how shitty their lot in life is...

Let's face it. It wouldn't take much to be superior to you

You're one stupid colored boy, you know that?

Look. One thing I've learned in life is this

Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are.

I've made no such claims, dummy...

They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

So when I hear the likes of you and Jitss617 trying to prove there superior you don't believe it deep. Deep down you know you have been the benefit of an unjust system.

It's not unjust. Get off your dead ass and go to work, boy...

You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait the world over, and that white people are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation.

The "recessive trait" I see in negroes like you is stupidity, and that stupidity exists regardless of whether or not anyone is smarter than you.

You're stupid...

You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);


The most important arena I know of is being a productive member of society and, in this arena, colored boys like you fail miserably. Again, I see countless examples of it every fucking day. The negroes of which you speak are nothing but would-be piece of shit gangsta's who are revered by negro boys who were raised by a crack whore mother and no father. They're nothing and, outside the negro community, nobody really gives a shit about them...

You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,

Perhaps "hip" for do-nothing 20-something negroes who'd rather drink Courvoisier and flash their grills than every get a fucking job...

You see a world in which global white supremacy is everywhere being challenged. In which the white world’s militaries are incapable of subduing a rag-tag bunch of insurgents, with darker skin.

Oh, it could be easily done...

But guys like you are always trying to tell everyone how great you are, are just trying to convince yourselves. And given your persistence, you're finding the job harder than you imagined

Two points: First, I don't have to tell people how great I am. They figure it out on their own. Second, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything...
... If they didn’t speak English, they stayed quiet, ...

That is not true, and you are far too young and too stupid to know anything about it. Many dimwitted bigots like to imagine that anything from history further than their own personal memory is whatever nonsense their fear and weakness needs to believe is true.
Yeah let’s reproduce with races that have IQs lower then dirt
IQ is not a valid measurement of intelligence since it only tells how good one is at completing an IQ-test. Furthermore, races do not even have IQ:s, individuals do and no one has asked anyone to reproduce with every single person of other races. Finally, the person who picks his romantic partner based on their IQ-score is a highly materialistic airhead - You are picking a partner, not a computer!
" Ask Not What Others Can Do For You But What Can You Do For Yourself "

* Self Infatuation Ignoring Superior Distinctions Among Individuals *

See if white people really thought of themselves as superior then they would not need a system to prop them up.
White people believe they can't go toe to toe with black people on an equal playing field.
The interest by whites is diminished for the school of liberal arts of competing on the playing field because of greater opportunities to pursue the school of scientific studies that is more lucrative in privilege through volume .

* On The Nature Of Private Property In A Freed Mammon Society *
That's the reason why predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else/
Where direct taxation is collected it is to be apportioned as nearly as possible for the direct benefit of those taxed and property tax is most often the direct tax collected to fund schools .

So that the principle of direct taxation is not violated , there is nothing stopping blacks from seeking funding from philanthropic organizations for its school systems to leverage advantages of elevated education through those capable from among its populations .

* Challenging Abilities Needed To Collaborate And Achieve Some Goal *
They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white and non black people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.
A median iq by race indicate that expected iq of a random selection from a sample space , but a median iq does not indicate whether an iq above or below the median iq will be found .

If the median iq of black populations is not sufficient to manifest a social system capable of supporting industries by which to raise the socioeconomic value of is residents , then an investment in education cannot be sustained by direct taxes .
" Whites Credited With Non White Hispanic And Hispanic Gang Land Violence In Overall Fbi Statistics "

* Disingenuous Statistics Abound *

Well, "Hispanic" is a bogus racial term to begin with since "Hispanics" can be anything from White, to Black to Amerindian and everything inbetween.
A designation of non white hispanic is added , along with an " other " classification meaning not white or hispanic .

Current fbi demographic classification is that a perpetrator is white or black , while the victim is ascribed a subjective criteria of racial classification .
* Better Approach Of Polite Demeanor With Benefits Of Doubt *

Yeah let’s reproduce with races that have IQs lower then dirt
An iq distribution indicates a likelihood that an individual will have a particular iq but it does not predict that an allowable iq will not occur , so it is a matter of probability that a higher in intelligence individual will occur , rather than a general condition that a lower in intelligence individual will occur .

Studies have collected data projecting that the expected height of offspring is nearer to the median height of the male and female parents , while studies have collected data projecting that the expected intelligence of offspring is nearer to the median iq of the male and female parents .
" Application Of Multiculturalism Is One Way Into Western Populations "

* Over Simplified Expectations Of Self Ownership And Self Determination *

Which why there are no empires today. We have had ethnic neighborhoods such as Chinese, Italian, Hispanic, Polish, Irish, Vietnamese, Russian, German, Arabic, ect developing and disappearing in this country for over 200 years. Their establishment is primarily due to other communities reluctant to accept their culture. As generations pass, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren move out these communities carrying with them parts of their ancestors culture to become part of American culture.

I so no reason to debate the merits and faults of multiculturalism because it is not going away and most likely within a century or so, there will be no geographic bounders for various cultures.
By statistical analysis of expected outcomes from non discriminate breeding in heterogeneous gene pools , multiculturalism diminishes the representation of japhetic peoples .

There is not an export of japhetic peoples to impose cultural diversity on the disparate global populations whose semitic and hamitic societies are numerically over represented and homogeneous thereby including self ownership and self determination for an identity as a peoples .

The multiculturalism implementation is occurring in one direction into the demographics of japhetic peoples which will supplant and deprive them of self ownership and self determination for an identity as a peoples , that the left is enthusiastically willing to bequeeth to all non japhetic peoples .

In humans, production of the skin coloring agent melanin is controlled by two pairs of genes. We can designate them Aa and Bb, the capital letters representing dominant genes and the small letters recessive genes. A and B, being dominant, produce melanin very well; being recessive, a and b produce melanin to a lesser degree.
The answer is a resounding yes! If Adam and Eve had been “heterozygous” (AaBb; two dominant, two recessive genes), they would have been middle-brown in color. And, from them—in one generation—racial differences could have occurred quite easily. Figure 1 expresses the genetic possibilities that could result if Adam and Eve had been heterozygous. Note that in a single generation, one could expect (theoretically) these colorations to be produced: 1 darkest; 4 dark; 6 medium; 4 light; and 1 lightest.


* Vast Confounding Jungle *

An alternative truth about phenotype and genetic continuance is that it is much more complicated :

The finished sequence produced by the Human Genome Project covers about 99 percent of the human genome's gene-containing regions, and it has been sequenced to an accuracy of 99.99 percent. In addition, to help researchers better understand the meaning of the human genetic instruction book, the project took on a wide range of other goals, from sequencing the genomes of model organisms to developing new technologies to study whole genomes.

In biological taxonomy, race is an informal rank in the taxonomic hierarchy, below the level of subspecies. It has been used as a higher rank than strain, with several strains making up one race.[1][2] Various definitions exist. Races may be genetically distinct populations of individuals within the same species,[3] or they may be defined in other ways, e.g. geographically, or physiologically.[4] Genetic isolation between races is not complete, but genetic differences may have accumulated that are not (yet) sufficient to separate species.[5] The term is recognized by some, but not governed by any of the formal codes of biological nomenclature.

A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society.[1] The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations. By the 17th century the term began to refer to physical (phenotypical) traits. Modern scholarship regards race as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society. While partially based on physical similarities within groups, race does not have an inherent physical or biological meaning.[1][2]

* Fictional Ishmaelism Continues To Manifest A Left Wing Narrative For Racial Divisivenetss To Subdue Japhteic Sociaties Of Japheth *

The fictional ishmaelism adherent expects to diminish japhetic populations into becoming a minority , to overwhelm them , to forsake them , to replace their social systems of justice , to consume their self ownership and self determination , by diminishing and replacing their peoples with semitic and hamitic clads which are more inclined to be fools for the idiocy of fictional ishmaelism adherents .

Pan-Islamism (Arabic: الوحدة الإسلامية‎) is a political ideology advocating the unity of Muslims under one Islamic country or state – often a caliphate[1] – or an international organization with Islamic principles. It portrays Islam as being anti-racist and against anything that divides Muslims based on ethnicity.
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One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race.
What bullshit. Humans evolved by being separated and adapting to their environments. Remixing everyone would be de-evolving.

What happened to “diversity”? Now the left wants to eradicate ethnic groups.

When you see an interracial couple does it frighten you?
No, why would it?
You do seem frightened. Are you afraid of being "eradicated"?

The data suggests that ALL should be frightened by whitey being “eradicated”.
Why not get out of your FEELZ and tell us how multiculturalism is good for core Americans, show us data. Spare us the good food recipes bullshit please.
Multiculturalism is neither good nor bad. It is simply a fact of life in the US and most of the world. Multiculturalism in the US began with the founding of the country and has been growing ever since. With the rapid growth of the Internet, trade, tourism, multilingualism, and global corporations the world is fast becoming one giant community. Turning the clock back is not an option.
Exchange between two or more countries isn’t what we are talking about. Multiculturalism within a nation simply doesn’t work, there can be only one dominant culture in a society.
You should visit America some time.
And multiculturalism failed even here.

You still haven't explained how the most powerful and successful nation in the history of the world "failed." We have always been a land of many peoples, cultures, languages, religions, etc. and it has only made us stronger. If you imagine some "failure," does that mean you oppose certain relationships/marriages?
No the most multicultural cites are all failing , the assimilated communities are keeping America strong
Immigrants today are assimilating just as they have throughout American history.
See if white people really thought of themselves as superior then they would not need a system to prop them up.

I don't need such a system...

White people believe they can't go toe to toe with black people on an equal playing field.

Where'd you get that bullshit from?

I'll go toe to toe with a negro any time...

That's the reason why predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else.

Sure they can. And I applaud those who work hard and become successful.

It's the negroes collecting gub'mint checks that are the problem...

They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white and non black people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

I would submit that it's the negro community which wants a social system which handicaps them. Then they get to suck off the government tit and, instead of going to work and being productive, they sit around all day drinking Colt .45 and bitching about how shitty their lot in life is...

Let's face it. It wouldn't take much to be superior to you

You're one stupid colored boy, you know that?

Look. One thing I've learned in life is this

Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are.

I've made no such claims, dummy...

They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

So when I hear the likes of you and Jitss617 trying to prove there superior you don't believe it deep. Deep down you know you have been the benefit of an unjust system.

It's not unjust. Get off your dead ass and go to work, boy...

You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait the world over, and that white people are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation.

The "recessive trait" I see in negroes like you is stupidity, and that stupidity exists regardless of whether or not anyone is smarter than you.

You're stupid...

You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);


The most important arena I know of is being a productive member of society and, in this arena, colored boys like you fail miserably. Again, I see countless examples of it every fucking day. The negroes of which you speak are nothing but would-be piece of shit gangsta's who are revered by negro boys who were raised by a crack whore mother and no father. They're nothing and, outside the negro community, nobody really gives a shit about them...

You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,

Perhaps "hip" for do-nothing 20-something negroes who'd rather drink Courvoisier and flash their grills than every get a fucking job...

You see a world in which global white supremacy is everywhere being challenged. In which the white world’s militaries are incapable of subduing a rag-tag bunch of insurgents, with darker skin.

Oh, it could be easily done...

But guys like you are always trying to tell everyone how great you are, are just trying to convince yourselves. And given your persistence, you're finding the job harder than you imagined

Two points: First, I don't have to tell people how great I am. They figure it out on their own. Second, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything...
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race.

The final solution is mixed race marriages.
NEGATIVE....bust you asses keeping your race pure and free of diversity. Multiculturalism fucks everything up.
What are things a white racist says, Alex.

One does not have to be a racist to understand simple shit.
I guarantee you DaShawn and ShaQuita do not want little DaNeeca dating white Seth Smith.
If they told you that there is no way in hell you’d call them RACIST is there?
stick your solution up your ass
Haha...I’m guessing you married a ShaQuita or your daughter is married to a DaShawn or Gustavo? I’m sorry.
" Strict Definitions Of Whiteness And Disputing One Third Portions Applied Therein "

* Red Herring Gull Calls Distracting From Incrimination For Intentional Diminution To One Twenty Fifth *

Immigrants today are assimilating just as they have throughout american history.
An issue is when immigrants become subjects by title in legal immigration systems and as subjects of jurisdiction follow a process to citizenship that includes verification for self sufficiency , versus when immigrants become citizens as non subjects of jurisdiction through a debase application of jus soli to their offspring , rather than jus sanguinin , thereby setting aside the privileges and responsibilities of citizens to vet the validity for self sufficiency of those to whom an opportunity for citizenship is extended .

Such illegitimate practices are against the subject to clause of us fourteenth amendment and are unnecessary , unethical and unlawful acts by the state against us citizens .

In humans, production of the skin coloring agent melanin is controlled by two pairs of genes. We can designate them Aa and Bb, the capital letters representing dominant genes and the small letters recessive genes. A and B, being dominant, produce melanin very well; being recessive, a and b produce melanin to a lesser degree.
The answer is a resounding yes! If Adam and Eve had been “heterozygous” (AaBb; two dominant, two recessive genes), they would have been middle-brown in color. And, from them—in one generation—racial differences could have occurred quite easily. Figure 1 expresses the genetic possibilities that could result if Adam and Eve had been heterozygous. Note that in a single generation, one could expect (theoretically) these colorations to be produced: 1 darkest; 4 dark; 6 medium; 4 light; and 1 lightest.

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And multiculturalism failed even here.

You still haven't explained how the most powerful and successful nation in the history of the world "failed." We have always been a land of many peoples, cultures, languages, religions, etc. and it has only made us stronger. If you imagine some "failure," does that mean you oppose certain relationships/marriages?
No the most multicultural cites are all failing , the assimilated communities are keeping America strong
Immigrants today are assimilating just as they have throughout American history.

you’re out of your fucking mind if you believe that crazy bullshit.
How many Ireland, Scotland and British flags have you seen waved on US soil?

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