The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

"get a education"


These jokes just write themselves.


And dumbass, nothing alters the reality that the south fought for independence so that they could keep their slaves.
Lol 90% of the south never even seen a slave lol you moron! Keep lying ,, get A education lol
So? Doesn't mean they didn't fight to keep slavery legal. Slavery was at the heart of the economy in the south, regardless of who owned slaves. That's why they didn't want to lose it.

Of course, I'm explaining that to a dolt who can't even properly spell a two letter word, even after being shown the correct spelling, so there's no hope of you understanding any of this.
How to handle slavery was ONE of the reasons.. why do you need to lie to black people? If you ever saw a recruiting newspaper clippings they never once mentioned slavery. Lol it talks about succession protect the LAND FROM INVADERS! Most didn’t know what was going on. No need to lie to blacks.. get A education lol
Why lie?

Slavery was the primary issue.
Tell that to the free blacks that joined lol latinos, asians, Indians.. GET AN EDUCATION LOL

You're beyond stupid. Arguing slavery wasn't a main cause because some blacks worked on the side of the confederacy is as moronic as claiming killing Jews wasn't a big part of the Holocaust because some Jews worked on the side of the nazis. :cuckoo:

And what made those blacks free...?
The Dukes of Hazzard represented the flag, as demonstrated with my pic of the Gen Lee, and it's owners and their very attractive cousin,

as a harmless symbol of regional pride, celebrated by sympathetic and attractive main characters, and the nation as a whole accepted that without any shock or surprise.

Indeed, that show became a NATIONAL hit, loved as good, harmless, fluff entertainment by fans all over this nation.
So was Hogan's Heroes.

I'm sorry, I don't see how what you posted, related to my post, in any way.

Hogan's Heroes, the heroes was the POW, allied troops from America, or American allies, who were fighting the Nazis and were captured, and yet, continued to fight the Nazis.

The Nazis of the show, were all shown, as negative characters, with very little if ANY redeeming qualities.

Can you spell out your point, cause I don't see it at all?
Swastikas were brandished as a prop to show they were nazis. Likewise, the confederate references on Dukes of Hazard were brandished as a prop to show the were southerners.


And the Nazis were know by being nazis to be the bad guys, and the audience had not problem accepting this and enjoying the show.

The Southerns, were known to be southerns, by their use of southern symbols, and they were, not KNOWN to be good guys just on that basis, after all Boss Hogg was a southern and he was the bad guy,

but, the Duke Boys were known to be southerns, thanks in part to their use of southern or confederate symbols, and they were presented as THE HEROES of the show, and the viewing audience, the NATION WIDE viewing audience, had no problem with this, it was never commented on, that I ever heard of, at the time, then or since, till very recently.

That is MY point, that the symbol was "rebranded" LONG ago, from a symbol of secession and slavery to one of harmless regional pride.

You, being a modern liberal, might disagree with that rebranding, but it is an historical fact.

Ignoring it, and pretending that the people that use it today, are using it in a fashion they are NOT using it,

is just you ginning up a thin excuse to be very rude to people and to marginalize them.

ON false grounds.

Like with Hogan's Heroes, that didn't change the meaning of the flag or redeem General Lee, who led a revolt to protect slavery. They were props in TV shows to reflect their location.

My point was not that the show did anything to the symbol, but that the easy acceptance of it's portrayal of the symbol as a harmless symbol of regional pride, proves that the "rebranding" did occur, and was widely accepted by the nation as a whole.

That is my point.

Would you like to address it now, or would you like to pretend to not understand it some more?
"get a education"


These jokes just write themselves.


And dumbass, nothing alters the reality that the south fought for independence so that they could keep their slaves.
Lol 90% of the south never even seen a slave lol you moron! Keep lying ,, get A education lol
So? Doesn't mean they didn't fight to keep slavery legal. Slavery was at the heart of the economy in the south, regardless of who owned slaves. That's why they didn't want to lose it.

Of course, I'm explaining that to a dolt who can't even properly spell a two letter word, even after being shown the correct spelling, so there's no hope of you understanding any of this.
How to handle slavery was ONE of the reasons.. why do you need to lie to black people? If you ever saw a recruiting newspaper clippings they never once mentioned slavery. Lol it talks about succession protect the LAND FROM INVADERS! Most didn’t know what was going on. No need to lie to blacks.. get A education lol
Why lie?

Slavery was the primary issue.
Let me ask you a question are you saying that there were no slaves that became part of that white family, had an emotional connection, and were treated as family.. are you saying NOT ONE?
No, ya raging dumbfuck, I'm saying slavery was the reason the south seceded. They even said it was, despite your flailing attempts to rewrite history.

The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. For many years these laws were executed. But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution. The States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, have enacted laws which either nullify the Acts of Congress or render useless any attempt to execute them. In many of these States the fugitive is discharged from service or labor claimed, and in none of them has the State Government complied with the stipulation made in the Constitution. The State of New Jersey, at an early day, passed a law in conformity with her constitutional obligation; but the current of anti-slavery feeling has led her more recently to enact laws which render inoperative the remedies provided by her own law and by the laws of Congress. In the State of New York even the right of transit for a slave has been denied by her tribunals; and the States of Ohio and Iowa have refused to surrender to justice fugitives charged with murder, and with inciting servile insurrection in the State of Virginia. Thus the constituted compact has been deliberately broken and disregarded by the non-slaveholding States, and the consequence follows that South Carolina is released from her obligation.
Yes that to.. democrats get a education lol
You mean an education like yours which produces a sentence with 7 words and one expression where you make 7 grammatical/spelling mistakes.

Who wants to be a dumbass con like you?

But g'head, tell the forum again how slavery wasn't the primary issue for the Civil War...

"A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery."
Yes that’s elite democrats who were down south at the time,, it didn’t represent the people of the south.. just like now Democrats are in the north all Kreiser racial oppression all urban sleep plantations are run by democrats I am not with Democrats, They don’t represent me

The people didn't elect representatives to represent them?

You're actually getting dumber. :ack-1:

"The Constitution of the United States, in its fourth Article, provides as follows: "No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up, on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due."

This stipulation was so material to the compact, that without it that compact would not have been made. The greater number of the contracting parties held slaves, and they had previously evinced their estimate of the value of such a stipulation by making it a condition in the Ordinance for the government of the territory ceded by Virginia, which now composes the States north of the Ohio River."

we have urban slave plantation’s today with Democrats have enforced new Jim Crowe laws that affect the education system that affect jobs that affect economic mobility.. let’s end it today.. are you with me?
You're a proven racist. Meaning anything you claim or propose is rooted in racism. And you've been caught lying repeatedly to further your racist agenda. Meaning whatever you suggest has an underlying purpose to perpetuate racism. So no, I neither accept your false premises nor agree with your proposals.
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Lol 90% of the south never even seen a slave lol you moron! Keep lying ,, get A education lol
So? Doesn't mean they didn't fight to keep slavery legal. Slavery was at the heart of the economy in the south, regardless of who owned slaves. That's why they didn't want to lose it.

Of course, I'm explaining that to a dolt who can't even properly spell a two letter word, even after being shown the correct spelling, so there's no hope of you understanding any of this.
How to handle slavery was ONE of the reasons.. why do you need to lie to black people? If you ever saw a recruiting newspaper clippings they never once mentioned slavery. Lol it talks about succession protect the LAND FROM INVADERS! Most didn’t know what was going on. No need to lie to blacks.. get A education lol
Why lie?

Slavery was the primary issue.
Tell that to the free blacks that joined lol latinos, asians, Indians.. GET AN EDUCATION LOL

You're beyond stupid. Arguing slavery wasn't a main cause because some blacks worked on the side of the confederacy is as moronic as claiming killing Jews wasn't a big part of the Holocaust because some Jews worked on the side of the nazis. :cuckoo:

And what made those blacks free...?
It absolutely wasn’t, said by BOTH LEADERS
Lol 90% of the south never even seen a slave lol you moron! Keep lying ,, get A education lol
So? Doesn't mean they didn't fight to keep slavery legal. Slavery was at the heart of the economy in the south, regardless of who owned slaves. That's why they didn't want to lose it.

Of course, I'm explaining that to a dolt who can't even properly spell a two letter word, even after being shown the correct spelling, so there's no hope of you understanding any of this.
How to handle slavery was ONE of the reasons.. why do you need to lie to black people? If you ever saw a recruiting newspaper clippings they never once mentioned slavery. Lol it talks about succession protect the LAND FROM INVADERS! Most didn’t know what was going on. No need to lie to blacks.. get A education lol
Why lie?

Slavery was the primary issue.
Let me ask you a question are you saying that there were no slaves that became part of that white family, had an emotional connection, and were treated as family.. are you saying NOT ONE?
No, ya raging dumbfuck, I'm saying slavery was the reason the south seceded. They even said it was, despite your flailing attempts to rewrite history.

The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. For many years these laws were executed. But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution. The States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, have enacted laws which either nullify the Acts of Congress or render useless any attempt to execute them. In many of these States the fugitive is discharged from service or labor claimed, and in none of them has the State Government complied with the stipulation made in the Constitution. The State of New Jersey, at an early day, passed a law in conformity with her constitutional obligation; but the current of anti-slavery feeling has led her more recently to enact laws which render inoperative the remedies provided by her own law and by the laws of Congress. In the State of New York even the right of transit for a slave has been denied by her tribunals; and the States of Ohio and Iowa have refused to surrender to justice fugitives charged with murder, and with inciting servile insurrection in the State of Virginia. Thus the constituted compact has been deliberately broken and disregarded by the non-slaveholding States, and the consequence follows that South Carolina is released from her obligation.
YES ELITE DEMOCRATS! You moron! Lol not common southerners
Yes that to.. democrats get a education lol
You mean an education like yours which produces a sentence with 7 words and one expression where you make 7 grammatical/spelling mistakes.

Who wants to be a dumbass con like you?

But g'head, tell the forum again how slavery wasn't the primary issue for the Civil War...

"A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery."
Yes that’s elite democrats who were down south at the time,, it didn’t represent the people of the south.. just like now Democrats are in the north all Kreiser racial oppression all urban sleep plantations are run by democrats I am not with Democrats, They don’t represent me

The people didn't elect representatives to represent them?

You're actually getting dumber. :ack-1:

"The Constitution of the United States, in its fourth Article, provides as follows: "No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up, on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due."

This stipulation was so material to the compact, that without it that compact would not have been made. The greater number of the contracting parties held slaves, and they had previously evinced their estimate of the value of such a stipulation by making it a condition in the Ordinance for the government of the territory ceded by Virginia, which now composes the States north of the Ohio River."

we have urban slave plantation’s today with Democrats have enforced new Jim Crowe laws that affect the education system that affect jobs that affect economic mobility.. let’s end it today.. are you with me?
You're a proven racist. Meaning anything you claim or propose is rooted in racism. And you've been caught lying repeatedly to further your racist agenda. Meaning whatever you suggest has an underlying purpose to perpetuate racism. So no, I neither accept your false premises nor agree with your proposals.
It’s a fact I see it every day the common black in Boston can’t talk properly! I can can barely talk properly because I went to black schools Democrats did nothing and continue to do nothing! They Are leading them back into slavery they’re building dozens of new government controlled housing projects to move these people in that is control
Booker T. Washington noted, after the initial joy, many slaves worried about what they would do. If they had good masters, many stayed on the plantation, continued to work and received the food, clothing, shelter and healthcare they were provided as slaves. Some masters did not tell their slaves they were free, and this was not all bad for the slaves. Many slaves wanted to leave their plantations to prove they were free, but then found the same work at neighboring plantations.

About 25% of the slaves who chose to follow the Union Army died.
The 1860 census shows that in the states that sought to secede from the Union, an average of more than 32 percent of white families owned slaves.

Get AN education. Remedial lessons on how to look up facts on the internet, are free. SMGDH.
Yup, most didn't own slaves like I said,, and many slaves were with that family for a few generations, they were family, They were terrified of what the elite Democrats would’ve did in retaliation to free blacks which eventually came true Jim Crowe laws lynching etc... elite democrats still attack free blacks nothing has changed

What you stated was that 90% of the south did not have slaves.

Must I continue to spoon feed you facts that you choose to ignore?
The 1860 census shows that in the states that sought to secede from the Union, an average of more than 32 percent of white families owned slaves.

Get AN education. Remedial lessons on how to look up facts on the internet, are free. SMGDH.
Yup, most didn't own slaves like I said,, and many slaves were with that family for a few generations, they were family, They were terrified of what the elite Democrats would’ve did in retaliation to free blacks which eventually came true Jim Crowe laws lynching etc... elite democrats still attack free blacks nothing has changed

What you stated was that 90% of the south did not have slaves.

Must I continue to spoon feed you facts that you choose to ignore?
I said most

Accepted by who? Primarily by racists?

Ask most blacks how they feel about it.

That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

We live in an era of rebranding and makeover marketing.

What the symbol stands for has never changed.

Sure it did. IN the early 1860s, it stood for an army of the Confederacy.

Not long after that, it slowly morphed into a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And has been accepted as such, by America as a whole, for over 5 generations.


"America as a whole"?

Hardly. I've been to the majority of the states in this country, have quite a few active and retired educators in my family from states all over America, and heard many different views on it....very few of which view it as a "long standing, harmless symbol of regional pride", as you call it.

Outside of the south, and among a minuscule fringe of states rights sympathizers, it does not get much positive recognition.

At all.

But, I'm all for letting it fly, as a teachable example to future generations of what it's history stands for.

The photo below was taken within the "5 generation," period of "regional pride" that you reference, and I remember seeing some scenes like this, up close and personal when with my parents at civil rights marches in the south during the 1960's.

View attachment 313321

The Dukes of Hazzard represented the flag, as demonstrated with my pic of the Gen Lee, and it's owners and their very attractive cousin,

as a harmless symbol of regional pride, celebrated by sympathetic and attractive main characters, and the nation as a whole accepted that without any shock or surprise.

Indeed, that show became a NATIONAL hit, loved as good, harmless, fluff entertainment by fans all over this nation.

One buffoonish TV program portraying a "lighter side" does not negate what far many more viewed as a different type of "symbol".
The 1860 census shows that in the states that sought to secede from the Union, an average of more than 32 percent of white families owned slaves.

Get AN education. Remedial lessons on how to look up facts on the internet, are free. SMGDH.
Yup, most didn't own slaves like I said,, and many slaves were with that family for a few generations, they were family, They were terrified of what the elite Democrats would’ve did in retaliation to free blacks which eventually came true Jim Crowe laws lynching etc... elite democrats still attack free blacks nothing has changed

What you stated was that 90% of the south did not have slaves.

Must I continue to spoon feed you facts that you choose to ignore?
The 1860 census shows that in the states that sought to secede from the Union, an average of more than 32 percent of white families owned slaves.

Get AN education. Remedial lessons on how to look up facts on the internet, are free. SMGDH.
Yup, most didn't own slaves like I said,, and many slaves were with that family for a few generations, they were family, They were terrified of what the elite Democrats would’ve did in retaliation to free blacks which eventually came true Jim Crowe laws lynching etc... elite democrats still attack free blacks nothing has changed

What you stated was that 90% of the south did not have slaves.

Must I continue to spoon feed you facts that you choose to ignore?
I said most
"I said most"

Oh? Do you deny saying "90%" before changing that to "most?"

Lol 90% of the south never even seen a slave lol you moron! Keep lying ,, get A education lol
According to historian of the South, Eugene Genovese, about fifteen percent of slaves stayed with their masters.

Get AN education. Remedial lessons on how to look up facts on the internet, are free. SMGDH.
Yup, most didn't own slaves like I said,, and many slaves were with that family for a few generations, they were family, They were terrified of what the elite Democrats would’ve did in retaliation to free blacks which eventually came true Jim Crowe laws lynching etc... elite democrats still attack free blacks nothing has changed

What you stated was that 90% of the south did not have slaves.

Must I continue to spoon feed you facts that you choose to ignore?

Get AN education. Remedial lessons on how to look up facts on the internet, are free. SMGDH.
Yup, most didn't own slaves like I said,, and many slaves were with that family for a few generations, they were family, They were terrified of what the elite Democrats would’ve did in retaliation to free blacks which eventually came true Jim Crowe laws lynching etc... elite democrats still attack free blacks nothing has changed

What you stated was that 90% of the south did not have slaves.

Must I continue to spoon feed you facts that you choose to ignore?
I said most
"I said most"

Oh? Do you deny saying "90%" before changing that to "most?"

Lol 90% of the south never even seen a slave lol you moron! Keep lying ,, get A education lol
It says most,, can you read?

Get AN education. Remedial lessons on how to look up facts on the internet, are free. SMGDH.
Yup, most didn't own slaves like I said,, and many slaves were with that family for a few generations, they were family, They were terrified of what the elite Democrats would’ve did in retaliation to free blacks which eventually came true Jim Crowe laws lynching etc... elite democrats still attack free blacks nothing has changed

What you stated was that 90% of the south did not have slaves.

Must I continue to spoon feed you facts that you choose to ignore?

Get AN education. Remedial lessons on how to look up facts on the internet, are free. SMGDH.
Yup, most didn't own slaves like I said,, and many slaves were with that family for a few generations, they were family, They were terrified of what the elite Democrats would’ve did in retaliation to free blacks which eventually came true Jim Crowe laws lynching etc... elite democrats still attack free blacks nothing has changed

What you stated was that 90% of the south did not have slaves.

Must I continue to spoon feed you facts that you choose to ignore?
I said most
That flag represents slavery and white supremacy. It has done so for 5 generations.

We live in an era of rebranding and makeover marketing.

What the symbol stands for has never changed.

Sure it did. IN the early 1860s, it stood for an army of the Confederacy.

Not long after that, it slowly morphed into a harmless symbol of regional pride.

And has been accepted as such, by America as a whole, for over 5 generations.


"America as a whole"?

Hardly. I've been to the majority of the states in this country, have quite a few active and retired educators in my family from states all over America, and heard many different views on it....very few of which view it as a "long standing, harmless symbol of regional pride", as you call it.

Outside of the south, and among a minuscule fringe of states rights sympathizers, it does not get much positive recognition.

At all.

But, I'm all for letting it fly, as a teachable example to future generations of what it's history stands for.

The photo below was taken within the "5 generation," period of "regional pride" that you reference, and I remember seeing some scenes like this, up close and personal when with my parents at civil rights marches in the south during the 1960's.

View attachment 313321

The Dukes of Hazzard represented the flag, as demonstrated with my pic of the Gen Lee, and it's owners and their very attractive cousin,

as a harmless symbol of regional pride, celebrated by sympathetic and attractive main characters, and the nation as a whole accepted that without any shock or surprise.

Indeed, that show became a NATIONAL hit, loved as good, harmless, fluff entertainment by fans all over this nation.

One buffoonish TV program does not negate what far many more viewed as a different type of "symbol".

The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

Get AN education. Remedial lessons on how to look up facts on the internet, are free. SMGDH.
Yup, most didn't own slaves like I said,, and many slaves were with that family for a few generations, they were family, They were terrified of what the elite Democrats would’ve did in retaliation to free blacks which eventually came true Jim Crowe laws lynching etc... elite democrats still attack free blacks nothing has changed

What you stated was that 90% of the south did not have slaves.

Must I continue to spoon feed you facts that you choose to ignore?

Get AN education. Remedial lessons on how to look up facts on the internet, are free. SMGDH.
Yup, most didn't own slaves like I said,, and many slaves were with that family for a few generations, they were family, They were terrified of what the elite Democrats would’ve did in retaliation to free blacks which eventually came true Jim Crowe laws lynching etc... elite democrats still attack free blacks nothing has changed

What you stated was that 90% of the south did not have slaves.

Must I continue to spoon feed you facts that you choose to ignore?
I said most
"I said most"

Oh? Do you deny saying "90%" before changing that to "most?"

Lol 90% of the south never even seen a slave lol you moron! Keep lying ,, get A education lol

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So was Hogan's Heroes.

I'm sorry, I don't see how what you posted, related to my post, in any way.

Hogan's Heroes, the heroes was the POW, allied troops from America, or American allies, who were fighting the Nazis and were captured, and yet, continued to fight the Nazis.

The Nazis of the show, were all shown, as negative characters, with very little if ANY redeeming qualities.

Can you spell out your point, cause I don't see it at all?
Swastikas were brandished as a prop to show they were nazis. Likewise, the confederate references on Dukes of Hazard were brandished as a prop to show the were southerners.


And the Nazis were know by being nazis to be the bad guys, and the audience had not problem accepting this and enjoying the show.

The Southerns, were known to be southerns, by their use of southern symbols, and they were, not KNOWN to be good guys just on that basis, after all Boss Hogg was a southern and he was the bad guy,

but, the Duke Boys were known to be southerns, thanks in part to their use of southern or confederate symbols, and they were presented as THE HEROES of the show, and the viewing audience, the NATION WIDE viewing audience, had no problem with this, it was never commented on, that I ever heard of, at the time, then or since, till very recently.

That is MY point, that the symbol was "rebranded" LONG ago, from a symbol of secession and slavery to one of harmless regional pride.

You, being a modern liberal, might disagree with that rebranding, but it is an historical fact.

Ignoring it, and pretending that the people that use it today, are using it in a fashion they are NOT using it,

is just you ginning up a thin excuse to be very rude to people and to marginalize them.

ON false grounds.

Like with Hogan's Heroes, that didn't change the meaning of the flag or redeem General Lee, who led a revolt to protect slavery. They were props in TV shows to reflect their location.

My point was not that the show did anything to the symbol, but that the easy acceptance of it's portrayal of the symbol as a harmless symbol of regional pride, proves that the "rebranding" did occur, and was widely accepted by the nation as a whole.

That is my point.

Would you like to address it now, or would you like to pretend to not understand it some more?
The flag and the name didn't portay regional pride on the show anymore than it portrayed lawlessness as part of the south, which were the main characters of the show. The show was about some southerners and the flag and name were props to describe the location.
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Why do you democrats want to lie about the south!! Many slaves returned HOME to their family!
According to historian of the South, Eugene Genovese, about fifteen percent of slaves stayed with their masters.

Southerners wanted a different end to slavery than the north they also wanted to control the economics of the south that’s the reason for the war. Robert E Lee had the first all black school it is goddamn living room! After the war these are not racist people
I'm sorry, I don't see how what you posted, related to my post, in any way.

Hogan's Heroes, the heroes was the POW, allied troops from America, or American allies, who were fighting the Nazis and were captured, and yet, continued to fight the Nazis.

The Nazis of the show, were all shown, as negative characters, with very little if ANY redeeming qualities.

Can you spell out your point, cause I don't see it at all?
Swastikas were brandished as a prop to show they were nazis. Likewise, the confederate references on Dukes of Hazard were brandished as a prop to show the were southerners.


And the Nazis were know by being nazis to be the bad guys, and the audience had not problem accepting this and enjoying the show.

The Southerns, were known to be southerns, by their use of southern symbols, and they were, not KNOWN to be good guys just on that basis, after all Boss Hogg was a southern and he was the bad guy,

but, the Duke Boys were known to be southerns, thanks in part to their use of southern or confederate symbols, and they were presented as THE HEROES of the show, and the viewing audience, the NATION WIDE viewing audience, had no problem with this, it was never commented on, that I ever heard of, at the time, then or since, till very recently.

That is MY point, that the symbol was "rebranded" LONG ago, from a symbol of secession and slavery to one of harmless regional pride.

You, being a modern liberal, might disagree with that rebranding, but it is an historical fact.

Ignoring it, and pretending that the people that use it today, are using it in a fashion they are NOT using it,

is just you ginning up a thin excuse to be very rude to people and to marginalize them.

ON false grounds.

Like with Hogan's Heroes, that didn't change the meaning of the flag or redeem General Lee, who led a revolt to protect slavery. They were props in TV shows to reflect their location.

My point was not that the show did anything to the symbol, but that the easy acceptance of it's portrayal of the symbol as a harmless symbol of regional pride, proves that the "rebranding" did occur, and was widely accepted by the nation as a whole.

That is my point.

Would you like to address it now, or would you like to pretend to not understand it some more?
The flag and the name didn't portay regional pride on the show anymore than it portrayed lawlessness as part of the south, which were the main characters of the show. The show was about some southerners and the flag and name were props to describe the location.
1 blacks originally enslaved black people and sold them
2. Free blacks owned slaves in America
3. Many blacks returned home to their masters after the war
4. Many blacks and people of color fought for the Confederacy because they all knew the south was not racist lol YOU MORONS. STOP LYING
I'm sorry, I don't see how what you posted, related to my post, in any way.

Hogan's Heroes, the heroes was the POW, allied troops from America, or American allies, who were fighting the Nazis and were captured, and yet, continued to fight the Nazis.

The Nazis of the show, were all shown, as negative characters, with very little if ANY redeeming qualities.

Can you spell out your point, cause I don't see it at all?
Swastikas were brandished as a prop to show they were nazis. Likewise, the confederate references on Dukes of Hazard were brandished as a prop to show the were southerners.


And the Nazis were know by being nazis to be the bad guys, and the audience had not problem accepting this and enjoying the show.

The Southerns, were known to be southerns, by their use of southern symbols, and they were, not KNOWN to be good guys just on that basis, after all Boss Hogg was a southern and he was the bad guy,

but, the Duke Boys were known to be southerns, thanks in part to their use of southern or confederate symbols, and they were presented as THE HEROES of the show, and the viewing audience, the NATION WIDE viewing audience, had no problem with this, it was never commented on, that I ever heard of, at the time, then or since, till very recently.

That is MY point, that the symbol was "rebranded" LONG ago, from a symbol of secession and slavery to one of harmless regional pride.

You, being a modern liberal, might disagree with that rebranding, but it is an historical fact.

Ignoring it, and pretending that the people that use it today, are using it in a fashion they are NOT using it,

is just you ginning up a thin excuse to be very rude to people and to marginalize them.

ON false grounds.

Like with Hogan's Heroes, that didn't change the meaning of the flag or redeem General Lee, who led a revolt to protect slavery. They were props in TV shows to reflect their location.

My point was not that the show did anything to the symbol, but that the easy acceptance of it's portrayal of the symbol as a harmless symbol of regional pride, proves that the "rebranding" did occur, and was widely accepted by the nation as a whole.

That is my point.

Would you like to address it now, or would you like to pretend to not understand it some more?
The flag and the name didn't portay regional pride on the show anymore than it portrayed lawlessness as part of the south, which were the main characters of the show. The show was about some southerners and the flag and name were props to describe the location.

The main characters, who painted the flag on the roof of their car, and named their car, The General Lee, were clearly and obviously showing regional pride in doing so.

AND, this behavior, done by the heroes of the show, was accepted as normal behavior, by the nation wide viewing audience.

THus, demonstrating my point, that the symbol has for over 5 generations been accepted by America as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

Your denial of the fact that the characters were showing regional pride with those actions and symbols, is not credible. You are being very dishonest.
Swastikas were brandished as a prop to show they were nazis. Likewise, the confederate references on Dukes of Hazard were brandished as a prop to show the were southerners.


And the Nazis were know by being nazis to be the bad guys, and the audience had not problem accepting this and enjoying the show.

The Southerns, were known to be southerns, by their use of southern symbols, and they were, not KNOWN to be good guys just on that basis, after all Boss Hogg was a southern and he was the bad guy,

but, the Duke Boys were known to be southerns, thanks in part to their use of southern or confederate symbols, and they were presented as THE HEROES of the show, and the viewing audience, the NATION WIDE viewing audience, had no problem with this, it was never commented on, that I ever heard of, at the time, then or since, till very recently.

That is MY point, that the symbol was "rebranded" LONG ago, from a symbol of secession and slavery to one of harmless regional pride.

You, being a modern liberal, might disagree with that rebranding, but it is an historical fact.

Ignoring it, and pretending that the people that use it today, are using it in a fashion they are NOT using it,

is just you ginning up a thin excuse to be very rude to people and to marginalize them.

ON false grounds.

Like with Hogan's Heroes, that didn't change the meaning of the flag or redeem General Lee, who led a revolt to protect slavery. They were props in TV shows to reflect their location.

My point was not that the show did anything to the symbol, but that the easy acceptance of it's portrayal of the symbol as a harmless symbol of regional pride, proves that the "rebranding" did occur, and was widely accepted by the nation as a whole.

That is my point.

Would you like to address it now, or would you like to pretend to not understand it some more?
The flag and the name didn't portay regional pride on the show anymore than it portrayed lawlessness as part of the south, which were the main characters of the show. The show was about some southerners and the flag and name were props to describe the location.

The main characters, who painted the flag on the roof of their car, and named their car, The General Lee, were clearly and obviously showing regional pride in doing so.

AND, this behavior, done by the heroes of the show, was accepted as normal behavior, by the nation wide viewing audience.

THus, demonstrating my point, that the symbol has for over 5 generations been accepted by America as a whole, as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

Your denial of the fact that the characters were showing regional pride with those actions and symbols, is not credible. You are being very dishonest.
They are just democrats that want to control the narrative of south.. fortunate for us we have history on our side with facts, no matter how far Google wants to hide the facts this still can be found, we got quotes from slaves. We have Booker T. Washington the vehemently disagreed with northern blacks about how the south treated blacks... Booker T. Washington actually felt more comfortable around Southerners then he did around northern black people, BECAUSE THEY LIED

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