The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

The 14th of never...LOL!

That is a stupid thing to say. Plenty of good candidates in just the last few years. I'm sure there will be more once Trump and Pence have their turns.

Perhaps those candidates should try to get elected to congressional and senate seats so Tim Scott won't be the ONLY BLACK REPUBLICAN in elected to DC -- and no, the other black guy isn't running for re-election....because he said stuff like this about your Trump cult...

“Don’t be a racist,” Mr. Hurd went on to say, according to the The Washington Blade. “Don’t be a misogynist, right? Don’t be a homophobe. These are real basic things that we all should learn when we were in kindergarten.”

Will Hurd, Only Black Republican in House, Is Retiring From Congress

1. Don't know, don't really care why they choose to not run for lesser office. Someone probably asked them, at sometime. If you care, you could look it up.

2. The support for Trump seems pretty normal to me. Your spin of calling it a "cult" is just you being an asshole. So, fuck off.

3. Why do you think that I would care about what Hurd has to say? "ists?" And "phobes"? Sounds like the same old shit.
Anytime a Diamond and Silk say the corniest rudimentary shit, morons like you cheer and treat them like rock stars -- trumpers like yourself believe Candace Owens is the second coming of Sarah Palin and want her to run for president -- all for putting on a minstrel show for goofy ass Trumpers....

But when it comes to serious minded people who don't put on a Stepin Fechit routine for closet racists -- then suddenly its "Who cares"
View attachment 311278

-- its almost like you want to keep the black republicans around for entertaintment instead of actual policy making...

You know as well as I do the only reason why chumps like Correll pump up black retards like those 3 is because they want to say they have blacks in the party so they can't be called racists. They aren't serious about black peoples concerns. The only reason they are lying about the republican party's entire history is to get enough blacks to vote for trump so he gets a second term. Not because trump has any policies that actually address the issues blacks face.

1. I never base my actions on trying to get people like you, to not call me "racist". And I never will.

2. Our policies serve the interests of many black people. IN a sane world, those blacks would notice and respond accordingly. Maybe Trump is loud enough that some of them will.

3. I never lie. YOu do. And you know it. Where does your best white friend send his kids to school?
He told his publisher he was "born in Kenya" he told his colleges and universities, his grandmother said he was born in Kenya, so did his half brother, are they all lying?

All those stories have been debunked. The only people that continue believing them are white racists that still hang on to the birther lie.


Obama was the first birther, Hillary was the second

More debunked bullshit.

LOLz. It's not "debunked" just because you don't like it

It's debunked because it's been proven to be untrue.

Speak clearly. So why did all those people claim that he said it then?
The 14th of never...LOL!

That is a stupid thing to say. Plenty of good candidates in just the last few years. I'm sure there will be more once Trump and Pence have their turns.

Perhaps those candidates should try to get elected to congressional and senate seats so Tim Scott won't be the ONLY BLACK REPUBLICAN in elected to DC -- and no, the other black guy isn't running for re-election....because he said stuff like this about your Trump cult...

“Don’t be a racist,” Mr. Hurd went on to say, according to the The Washington Blade. “Don’t be a misogynist, right? Don’t be a homophobe. These are real basic things that we all should learn when we were in kindergarten.”

Will Hurd, Only Black Republican in House, Is Retiring From Congress

1. Don't know, don't really care why they choose to not run for lesser office. Someone probably asked them, at sometime. If you care, you could look it up.

2. The support for Trump seems pretty normal to me. Your spin of calling it a "cult" is just you being an asshole. So, fuck off.

3. Why do you think that I would care about what Hurd has to say? "ists?" And "phobes"? Sounds like the same old shit.
Anytime a Diamond and Silk say the corniest rudimentary shit, morons like you cheer and treat them like rock stars -- trumpers like yourself believe Candace Owens is the second coming of Sarah Palin and want her to run for president -- all for putting on a minstrel show for goofy ass Trumpers....

But when it comes to serious minded people who don't put on a Stepin Fechit routine for closet racists -- then suddenly its "Who cares"
View attachment 311278

-- its almost like you want to keep the black republicans around for entertaintment instead of actual policy making...

Wait, so, because you perceive some racial aspect to conservative fans' support of Diamond and Silk, you think that somehow obligates me to give what Hurd says, some sort of extra credibility?

That is an interesting chain of logic. Which I do not agree with.

Hurd is welcome to his opinion. If he has something of substance to say, I will be happy to discuss it. But what you posted just sounded like more of the same old shit. So, consider it dismissed.

What was Diamond & Silk doing before they started grifting Trump voters?? Do you care? Nope...

They were Democrats before -- but they knew that buckdancing routine wouldn't play well there -- so they hitched onto Trump -- and what do you know, they get paid 2 million in "consulting fees" For what? Entertainment... ..Do you even know their real names?? Nope...just as long they shuck and jive for you, that is all you care about...

but a man who worked 10 years in intelligence, who speaks other languages fluently, worked undercover in Pakistan -- who cares about that guy -- he doesn't shuck and jive for massa the way you think he should....its all about celebrating intellectual rot for you Trumpers...
The democrats didn't do that. But you are evidence of why blacks won't vote republican.

He told his publisher he was "born in Kenya" he told his colleges and universities, his grandmother said he was born in Kenya, so did his half brother, are they all lying?

All those stories have been debunked. The only people that continue believing them are white racists that still hang on to the birther lie.


Obama was the first birther, Hillary was the second

More debunked bullshit.


That's fake news.

A popular item of “birther” chatter in October 2009 concerned the discovery of an archived copy of a 27 June 2004 article from the web version of the Kenyan-based Sunday Standard newspaper. The article was a

reproduction of an Associated Press (AP) wire story which dealt with the withdrawal of Republican candidate Jack Ryan from the race for a seat representing Illinois in the U.S. Senate, paving the way for the Democratic contender, Barack Obama, to win the election. Why this article was of particular interest to birthers was its lead-in sentence, which referred to Barack Obama as “Kenyan-born.” Surely, claimed birthers, such an august news agency as the Associated Press would not have identified Barack Obama as “Kenyan-born” if they did not have ample evidence to support its use of that term.

However, the Associated Press made no such reference; the identification of Barack Obama as “Kenyan-born” was added to the Sunday Standard‘s version of the AP story by someone else (who misspelled the politician’s given name as “Barrack” in the process) and is apparently unique to that publication. The full text of the “Jack Ryan Abandons Senate Bid” article as originally issued by the Associated Press is retrievable from the
LexisNexis archive of global news sources, and it contains no reference (in the lead-in or elsewhere) to Barack Obama’s being “Kenyan-born”:

AP Reports Obama as 'Kenyan-Born'

The idiots even spelled his name wrong and you're here posting up a copy of this in order to defend your claim. You have proven to every one who didn't know it already that you're a dumb ass. Now move on.

Associated Press Online

June 25, 2004 Friday

Illinois’ Jack Ryan Abandons Senate Bid

BYLINE: MAURA KELLY LANNAN; Associated Press Writer

Illinois Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the race Friday amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days.

“It’s clear to me that a vigorous debate on the issues most likely could not take place if I remain in the race,” Ryan, 44, said in a statement. “What would take place, rather, is a brutal, scorched-earth campaign – the kind of campaign that has turned off so many voters, the kind of politics I refuse to play.”

The campaign began to come apart Monday following the release of embarrassing records from Ryan’s divorce. In those records, his ex-wife, “Boston Public” actress Jeri Ryan, said Ryan took her to kinky sex clubs in Paris, New York and New Orleans and tried to get her to perform sex acts with him while others watched.

Ryan disputed the allegations, saying he and his wife went to one “avant-garde” club in Paris and left because they felt uncomfortable.

In quitting the race, Ryan lashed out at the media and said it was “truly outrageous” that the Chicago Tribune got a judge to unseal the records.

“The media has gotten out of control,” he said.

Top Illinois Republicans immediately began the work of selecting a new candidate. Their choice will become an instant underdog against Democratic state Sen. Barack Obama in the campaign for the seat of retiring GOP Sen. Peter Fitzgerald. Obama held a wide lead even before the scandal broke.

“I feel for him actually,” Obama said on WLS-AM. “What he’s gone through over the last three days I think is something you wouldn’t wish on anybody. Unfortunately, I think our politics has gotten so personalized and cutthroat that it’s very difficult for people to want to get in the business.”

Ryan had faced mounting pressure to quit from party leaders, who met several times in Washington this week to discuss whether the campaign could survive.

“He really was a dead man walking,” Gary MacDougal, former Illinois Republican Party chairman.

Ryan conducted an overnight poll to gauge his support. After reviewing the results, Ryan’s advisers told the candidate that the only way to survive would be wage an extremely negative and expensive response.

“Jack Ryan made the right decision. I know it must have been a difficult one,” said House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois, who made his feelings known by canceling a fund-raising event scheduled for Thursday with Ryan.

Ryan was a political neophyte when he got into the race – a millionaire investment banker who had left business four years ago to teach at an all-boys parochial school in Chicago. He spent $3 million of his own fortune to win the primary.

With his good looks and Harvard background, Ryan was seen by many as the party’s best hope for revitalizing the Illinois GOP. The party lost control of the governor’s office and nearly every statewide office two years ago in the wake of a corruption scandal involving then-Gov. George Ryan, who has since been indicted. He is not related to Jack Ryan.

During the primary, Ryan waved off rumors of damaging sex allegations in his sealed divorce records, assuring state officials there was nothing in the file to worry about.

But the Tribune and Chicago TV station WLS sued for the records’ release, and a California judge ordered them unsealed. The couple fought to keep the records sealed, saying the release could harm their 9-year-old son.

“The fact that the Chicago Tribune sues for access to sealed custody documents and then takes unto itself the right to publish details of a custody dispute – over the objections of two parents who agree that the re-airing of their arguments will hurt their ability to co-parent their child and hurt their child – is truly outrageous,” he said.

Although most party leaders abandoned Ryan, Fitzgerald said Friday that he had encouraged him to stay in the race. “I think the public stoning of Jack Ryan is one of the most grotesque things I’ve seen in politics,” the senator said.

He said the party’s bigwigs pushed Ryan out: “It was like piranhas. They smelled blood in the water and they just devoured him.”

Ryan won the GOP primary by more than 10 percentage points over his two closest rivals, dairy owner James Oberweis and state Sen. Steve Rauschenberger.

Both Oberweis and Rauschenberger said this week that they would step in as Ryan’s replacement if party leaders asked. Other possible candidates mentioned include U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, former Gov. Jim Edgar and Sen. Fitzgerald, though all three have said they are not interested.

AP Reports Obama as 'Kenyan-Born'

On 2 August 2009, realtor/dentist/lawyer Dr. Orly Taitz Esq. unveiled her latest piece of dubious evidence in her long-running quest to demonstrate that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States of America: A photograph of a document purporting to be a Certified Copy of Registration of Birth issued by the Republic of Kenya in February 1964 which recorded a “Barack Hussein II” as having been born to Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann (Dunham) Obama in Mombasa, Kenya, in August 1961. Said document was reportedly obtained by Dr. Taitz from “an anonymous source” who didn’t want his name disclosed because he was “afraid for his life”:

<img src="" data-recalc-dims="1">

Skeptics quickly identified a variety of reasons for questioning the legitimacy of the supposed Kenyan document, such as:

  • The document is dated 17 February 1964 and a bears a legend identifying it as having been issued by the “Republic of Kenya,” but Kenya (a former British colony) didn’t officially adopt that name until 12 December 1964. In February 1964, it was known as the Dominion of Kenya.
  • The listed age of Barack Obama’s father is incorrect. (Barack Obama Sr. was born in 1936 and therefore would have been 24 or 25 years old at the time of Barack Jr.’s birth, not 26 as shown on the document.)
  • Mombasa is very far (several hundred miles) away from the part of Kenya in which Barack Obama Sr.’s family lived. Even if Barack Obama’s parents and family had wanted to travel away from their home so his birth could take place at hospital facilities within a large city, they would likely have set out for the much closer city of Nairobi.
Within a few days the certificate was clearly revealed to be a fake — it was actually a forgery based on a copy of an Australian Registration of Birth issued to one David Jeffrey Bomford (who was born in South Australia in 1959) which was grabbed off the Internet and used as a template for creating the fake Kenyan certificate:

<img src="" data-recalc-dims="1">

(Note the many features shared by these documents: Same certificate number, same book number, same page number, and the remarkable similarities in names — the Registrar listed on the Australian document is G.F. Lavender, while on the Kenyan document, it’s E.F. Lavender; the District Registrar listed on the Australian document is J.H. Miller, while on the Kenyan document it’s M.H. Miller.)
When reporters tracked down David Bomford, who currently lives in Adelaide, South Australia, for comment, he was somewhat bemused at having become the focus of an international news story:

Another Barack Obama “Kenyan birth certificate” of dubious origin was offered for sale by one Lucas Smith via eBay in August 2009:

<img src="" data-recalc-dims="1">

This document exhibited many of the same red flags as the previous forgery, including its identification of the location of Barack Obama Jr.’s birth as Mombasa, even though that city was very far away from the part of Kenya in which Barack Obama Sr.’s family lived:
The image is part of the extremely ill-informed conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Mombasa — conveniently, one of the more Muslim parts of the country.

This has always been a red flag for conspiracy theorists, so it deserves some explanation. Barack Obama Sr. was born and educated in Nyanza Province, in southwestern Kenya, on Lake Victoria. This is the area where Obama’s family lived and continues to live; Sarah Obama, the step-grandmother of the president, lives in Nyang’oma Kogelo, a small town in the province. But Mombasa is a city on the Indian Ocean, a thousand miles to the east. It didn’t even have an international airport until 1979.

In September 2009, Orly Taitz attempted to introduce the second “Kenyan birth certificate” in the case of Rhodes v. MacDonald as evidence that Barack Obama was born outside the United States U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land dismissed the complaint and threatened to sanction Ms. Taitz if she filed any similarly frivolous motions in the future:

Plaintiff has demonstrated no likelihood of success on the merits. Her claims are based on sheer conjecture and speculation. She alleges no factual basis for her “hunch” or “feeling” or subjective belief that the President was not born in the United States … Unlike in Alice in Wonderland, simply saying something is so does not make it so.

Plaintiff’s counsel, who champions herself as a defender of liberty and freedom, seeks to use the power of the judiciary to compel a citizen, albeit the President of the United States, to “prove his innocence” to “charges” that are based [solely] upon conjecture and speculation. Any middle school civics student would readily recognize the irony of abandoning [the] fundamental principles upon which our country was founded in order to purportedly “protect and preserve” those very principles.

Plaintiff’s counsel is hereby notified that the filing of any future actions in this Court, which are similarly frivolous, shall subject counsel to sanctions.

A spoof web site, the Republic of Kenya Birth Certificate Generator, allows Internet users to create their very own fake Certified Registration of Birth documents from Kenya.

FACT CHECK: Is This Barack Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth?

The Obama is a Kenyan story has been debunked.

Trump supporters criticise Democrats because the last four letters spell 'rats'

With the amount of black support Trump has won over -- he has grown the republican party by an exponential amount -- at least 70% of blacks either publicly or privately support 2016 he won 8% of the black vote and he said this year he will win 95% of the black vote....with this increase in black support -- it's only reasonable to believe that after Trump -- the GOP may be nominating their first black presidential candidate very soon.....but who??

Among the possible candidates, whom do you believe is the most brilliant, capable and inspiring conservative mind in America?? I know there are a few rising stars who can definitely get the Diamond & Silk, either one of them could get the nod as soon as republicans stop treating them like minstrels and realize their actual political brilliance...

"The pair, who are regulars on Fox News and InfoWars, were Democrats until 2015 but then made a dramatic shift to Trumpism by utilising social media and the right-wing ecosystem to promote arguments that are quite frankly nonsensical but somehow found an audience. Unsurprisingly Donald Trump is a big fan of them and their status has grown to the point that they are now talking at CPAC, America's most prominent conservative conference, which is currently happening in Washington."

They were among the first to leave the Democratic plantation and cashed in on the lucrative business of black conservative novelty -- I know some may say Candace Owens, but Diamond and Silk switched over far earlier than Candace Owens did -- Candace switched after Trump became president, so it makes her look more like a grifter...There is also Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, he has been a long time conservative scholar and could also be a great presidential candidate, he can shore up the evangelical vote -- here is a list of others:

KingFace (Conservative Thug)
View attachment 310638
Sheriff Clarke -- (long time conservative lawman and strategist)
View attachment 310639

Paris Dennard - (Former Bush official and brilliant political mind)
View attachment 310641

Kanye West is most likely the frontrunner for it right now, but there is stiff competition.....
Trump’s gonna do a hell of a lot better with black votes than in ‘16, but it won’t be anywhere near 95%. But he will get enough to fuck the dims royally.
Trump supporters criticise Democrats because the last four letters spell 'rats'

With the amount of black support Trump has won over -- he has grown the republican party by an exponential amount -- at least 70% of blacks either publicly or privately support 2016 he won 8% of the black vote and he said this year he will win 95% of the black vote....with this increase in black support -- it's only reasonable to believe that after Trump -- the GOP may be nominating their first black presidential candidate very soon.....but who??

Among the possible candidates, whom do you believe is the most brilliant, capable and inspiring conservative mind in America?? I know there are a few rising stars who can definitely get the Diamond & Silk, either one of them could get the nod as soon as republicans stop treating them like minstrels and realize their actual political brilliance...

"The pair, who are regulars on Fox News and InfoWars, were Democrats until 2015 but then made a dramatic shift to Trumpism by utilising social media and the right-wing ecosystem to promote arguments that are quite frankly nonsensical but somehow found an audience. Unsurprisingly Donald Trump is a big fan of them and their status has grown to the point that they are now talking at CPAC, America's most prominent conservative conference, which is currently happening in Washington."

They were among the first to leave the Democratic plantation and cashed in on the lucrative business of black conservative novelty -- I know some may say Candace Owens, but Diamond and Silk switched over far earlier than Candace Owens did -- Candace switched after Trump became president, so it makes her look more like a grifter...There is also Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, he has been a long time conservative scholar and could also be a great presidential candidate, he can shore up the evangelical vote -- here is a list of others:

KingFace (Conservative Thug)
View attachment 310638
Sheriff Clarke -- (long time conservative lawman and strategist)
View attachment 310639

Paris Dennard - (Former Bush official and brilliant political mind)
View attachment 310641

Kanye West is most likely the frontrunner for it right now, but there is stiff competition.....
Trump’s gonna do a hell of a lot better with black votes than in ‘16, but it won’t be anywhere near 95%. But he will get enough to fuck the dims royally.
Just promise that if that doesn't happen -- you won't go calling those black voters slaves on a plantation for not voting the way you
  • Thanks
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Trump supporters criticise Democrats because the last four letters spell 'rats'

With the amount of black support Trump has won over -- he has grown the republican party by an exponential amount -- at least 70% of blacks either publicly or privately support 2016 he won 8% of the black vote and he said this year he will win 95% of the black vote....with this increase in black support -- it's only reasonable to believe that after Trump -- the GOP may be nominating their first black presidential candidate very soon.....but who??

Among the possible candidates, whom do you believe is the most brilliant, capable and inspiring conservative mind in America?? I know there are a few rising stars who can definitely get the Diamond & Silk, either one of them could get the nod as soon as republicans stop treating them like minstrels and realize their actual political brilliance...

"The pair, who are regulars on Fox News and InfoWars, were Democrats until 2015 but then made a dramatic shift to Trumpism by utilising social media and the right-wing ecosystem to promote arguments that are quite frankly nonsensical but somehow found an audience. Unsurprisingly Donald Trump is a big fan of them and their status has grown to the point that they are now talking at CPAC, America's most prominent conservative conference, which is currently happening in Washington."

They were among the first to leave the Democratic plantation and cashed in on the lucrative business of black conservative novelty -- I know some may say Candace Owens, but Diamond and Silk switched over far earlier than Candace Owens did -- Candace switched after Trump became president, so it makes her look more like a grifter...There is also Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, he has been a long time conservative scholar and could also be a great presidential candidate, he can shore up the evangelical vote -- here is a list of others:

KingFace (Conservative Thug)
View attachment 310638
Sheriff Clarke -- (long time conservative lawman and strategist)
View attachment 310639

Paris Dennard - (Former Bush official and brilliant political mind)
View attachment 310641

Kanye West is most likely the frontrunner for it right now, but there is stiff competition.....
Trump’s gonna do a hell of a lot better with black votes than in ‘16, but it won’t be anywhere near 95%. But he will get enough to fuck the dims royally.
Just promise that if that doesn't happen -- you won't go calling those black voters slaves on a plantation for not voting the way you
If the others want to stay on the plantation that’s their prerogative. Maybe they’ll wake someday too, maybe not.
Trump supporters criticise Democrats because the last four letters spell 'rats'

With the amount of black support Trump has won over -- he has grown the republican party by an exponential amount -- at least 70% of blacks either publicly or privately support 2016 he won 8% of the black vote and he said this year he will win 95% of the black vote....with this increase in black support -- it's only reasonable to believe that after Trump -- the GOP may be nominating their first black presidential candidate very soon.....but who??

Among the possible candidates, whom do you believe is the most brilliant, capable and inspiring conservative mind in America?? I know there are a few rising stars who can definitely get the Diamond & Silk, either one of them could get the nod as soon as republicans stop treating them like minstrels and realize their actual political brilliance...

"The pair, who are regulars on Fox News and InfoWars, were Democrats until 2015 but then made a dramatic shift to Trumpism by utilising social media and the right-wing ecosystem to promote arguments that are quite frankly nonsensical but somehow found an audience. Unsurprisingly Donald Trump is a big fan of them and their status has grown to the point that they are now talking at CPAC, America's most prominent conservative conference, which is currently happening in Washington."

They were among the first to leave the Democratic plantation and cashed in on the lucrative business of black conservative novelty -- I know some may say Candace Owens, but Diamond and Silk switched over far earlier than Candace Owens did -- Candace switched after Trump became president, so it makes her look more like a grifter...There is also Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, he has been a long time conservative scholar and could also be a great presidential candidate, he can shore up the evangelical vote -- here is a list of others:

KingFace (Conservative Thug)
View attachment 310638
Sheriff Clarke -- (long time conservative lawman and strategist)
View attachment 310639

Paris Dennard - (Former Bush official and brilliant political mind)
View attachment 310641

Kanye West is most likely the frontrunner for it right now, but there is stiff competition.....
Trump’s gonna do a hell of a lot better with black votes than in ‘16, but it won’t be anywhere near 95%. But he will get enough to fuck the dims royally.

No he will not. And I am not going to argue with a white trump supporter about blacks voting for trump when I am black and there ain't nobody in the black community I live in, the next town over, the capital city of this state and the black communities of the largest 2 cities in this state that are supporting trump.
Trump supporters criticise Democrats because the last four letters spell 'rats'

With the amount of black support Trump has won over -- he has grown the republican party by an exponential amount -- at least 70% of blacks either publicly or privately support 2016 he won 8% of the black vote and he said this year he will win 95% of the black vote....with this increase in black support -- it's only reasonable to believe that after Trump -- the GOP may be nominating their first black presidential candidate very soon.....but who??

Among the possible candidates, whom do you believe is the most brilliant, capable and inspiring conservative mind in America?? I know there are a few rising stars who can definitely get the Diamond & Silk, either one of them could get the nod as soon as republicans stop treating them like minstrels and realize their actual political brilliance...

"The pair, who are regulars on Fox News and InfoWars, were Democrats until 2015 but then made a dramatic shift to Trumpism by utilising social media and the right-wing ecosystem to promote arguments that are quite frankly nonsensical but somehow found an audience. Unsurprisingly Donald Trump is a big fan of them and their status has grown to the point that they are now talking at CPAC, America's most prominent conservative conference, which is currently happening in Washington."

They were among the first to leave the Democratic plantation and cashed in on the lucrative business of black conservative novelty -- I know some may say Candace Owens, but Diamond and Silk switched over far earlier than Candace Owens did -- Candace switched after Trump became president, so it makes her look more like a grifter...There is also Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, he has been a long time conservative scholar and could also be a great presidential candidate, he can shore up the evangelical vote -- here is a list of others:

KingFace (Conservative Thug)
View attachment 310638
Sheriff Clarke -- (long time conservative lawman and strategist)
View attachment 310639

Paris Dennard - (Former Bush official and brilliant political mind)
View attachment 310641

Kanye West is most likely the frontrunner for it right now, but there is stiff competition.....
Trump’s gonna do a hell of a lot better with black votes than in ‘16, but it won’t be anywhere near 95%. But he will get enough to fuck the dims royally.
Just promise that if that doesn't happen -- you won't go calling those black voters slaves on a plantation for not voting the way you
If the others want to stay on the plantation that’s their prerogative. Maybe they’ll wake someday too, maybe not.
Voting for trump is a vote for the plantation.
Candace Owens.

No spacey Gracie, Candace is an idiot. She is there to show a black face. But then again, brains ain't high on the republican agenda. Look at what you support now.
This post was not made for bodecea. It was for the republicans in here who keep talking crazy then wonder why blacks don't join their party.

The media isn't your problem. It's your policies. And until you nominate a black presidential candidate, the question will be, when will the so called color blind non racist, doesn't ever consider race, brag about the republicans 160 years ago freeing the slaves, no identity politics, republicans ever nominate a black presidential candidate, a woman candidate or any candidate of color.[/QUOTE]
This post was not made for bodecea. It was for the republicans in here who keep talking crazy then wonder why blacks don't join their party.

The media isn't your problem. It's your policies. And until you nominate a black presidential candidate, the question will be, when will the so called color blind non racist, doesn't ever consider race, brag about the republicans 160 years ago freeing the slaves, no identity politics, republicans ever nominate a black presidential candidate, a woman candidate or any candidate of color.

The Latinos have already arrived.
Too late.

Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
It most likely will be sometime after a black Republican candidate announces his'her candidacy.

You know we can't just conscript people, right?
You've had black republicans announce before.

What happened this year Martin?

Candace Owens.

No spacey Gracie, Candace is an idiot. She is there to show a black face. But then again, brains ain't high on the republican agenda. Look at what you support now.
You aare an embarrassment to your race.
No, Candace Owen is. Go to a mostly black forum, brag on her and see what you get. You only like her because she says what loser whites like you need to hear.
This post was not made for bodecea. It was for the republicans in here who keep talking crazy then wonder why blacks don't join their party.

The media isn't your problem. It's your policies. And until you nominate a black presidential candidate, the question will be, when will the so called color blind non racist, doesn't ever consider race, brag about the republicans 160 years ago freeing the slaves, no identity politics, republicans ever nominate a black presidential candidate, a woman candidate or any candidate of color.

The Latinos have already arrived.
Too late.

I doubt that. The majority of Hispanics don't like trump and you're hoping that you can get 20 percent black support for trump. That would mean you think that 4 out 5 blacks not liking trump is great. That's how delusional you are.
Trump supporters criticise Democrats because the last four letters spell 'rats'

With the amount of black support Trump has won over -- he has grown the republican party by an exponential amount -- at least 70% of blacks either publicly or privately support 2016 he won 8% of the black vote and he said this year he will win 95% of the black vote....with this increase in black support -- it's only reasonable to believe that after Trump -- the GOP may be nominating their first black presidential candidate very soon.....but who??.........

It is weird the way you say that, like it is something the Party does to the Candidate.

It is up to the Candidate to win the Primary. The Party falls in line, after the voters choose the winner.

That is the way it is supposed to go.
No. In fact, the DNC argued in court during the aftermath of the 2016 charade that is has no legal imperative to honor the wishes of primary voters in the general.
not Ben Carson...CANDACE OWENS!

with VP Darrell Scott and Press Sec Pastor Burns

WTF is Darrell Scott?
Darrell Scott is a black pastor that supports trump. He's been trying to get blacks to support trump by giving them envelopes of cash at events his organization holds.

That anything like food stamps?
I don't know. Never seen a food stamp. What do they look like?
This post was not made for bodecea. It was for the republicans in here who keep talking crazy then wonder why blacks don't join their party.

The media isn't your problem. It's your policies. And until you nominate a black presidential candidate, the question will be, when will the so called color blind non racist, doesn't ever consider race, brag about the republicans 160 years ago freeing the slaves, no identity politics, republicans ever nominate a black presidential candidate, a woman candidate or any candidate of color.

The Latinos have already arrived.
Too late.

I doubt that. The majority of Hispanics don't like trump and you're hoping that you can get 20 percent black support for trump. That would mean you think that 4 out 5 blacks not liking trump is great. That's how delusional you are.[/QUOTE]

3M eligible Latino voters in 2020 versus 2016.

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