The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

Why would I lie to them like that?
Beats me. White liberals have been lying to blacks for decades, though.

Please explain to me what white liberals are lying to me about. Because the only people trying to tell me my views are wrong in here are white conservatives.
I HAVE explained it. Repeatedly.

You're not interested.

You have not explained a damned thing xxxxxxx.
"You're not interested."

Yup. I called it. You're so predictable.

But I am curious what the Xed out word was. LOL!

I am not interested in what? Reading you repeat some right wing imaginary bullshit?
Not once has Ghost of a Rider acknowledged that the introduction of unverifiable anecdotes to forward an opposing political stance is of less use than toilet paper and a pathetic waste of everyone's time.. Gee, I (don't) wonder why?
But you're kissing IM2's ass and taking his deliberate misreading of the unverifiable anecdotes as gospel.

It's okay to criticize non-whites when they deserve it. You won't burst into flames. Promise.

LOL! I am not misreading anything son. Your criticism of me is based on your racism, not facts.
Oh, horseshit. You got Ghost's anecdote completely wrong...because you're a racist.

And you call me a racist because I'm not kissing your ass.

How's that working out for you? Have I stopped fucking with you yet? Sure doesn't look like, does it?

No, I am right. You not kissing my ass is of no concern because I don't need my ass kissed. I have the facts at my disposal, you don't. You can fuck with me for as long as you want. I welcome it. Because I will pound you into the ground.
Horseshit. You're afraid of words.
Look, I get it. You like the taste of Democrat horseshit. They say you're a victim, and you desperately want to feel like a victim, so you eat their shit.

Exactly as they want you to.

And more racism by the daveman. You see faggot, I live black. I don't need anybody white to tell me shit. I've whipped racisms ass my entire life and a number of racists to go with it. So now that I'm old, I damn sure won't be listening to a punk ass homosexual republican trying to tell me how I should see things when I see things quite fine.
I'm not racist -- but you're unquestionably homophobic.

That's okay. No one on the left will dare criticize you. Guaranteed.

Not homophobic, I chose to use that word to offend you, because you have offended me.
I've offended you? With words?

That's weak shit, dood. Seriously weak.

Protip: No one can hurt your feelings without your permission. Why give anonymous internet strangers that power over you? For example, I have not given you that permission, so there is nothing you can say that can hurt me.

It's words on a screen. Damn. I thought you said you beat up white racists. I'm finding that hard to believe.

Apparently you were offended or you would not have made the comments you did.
You suck at logic. Stop trying it.
I showed you the proof. Gaslighting doesn't work on me son.
On the contrary. The left's been gaslighting you since you were born.

Explain how the left has been gaslighting me since I was born. I was born in 1961. The left didn't stage the BirminGham church bombing, the killing of Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Dr. King, Bloody Sunday, The dogs in Birmingham, Goldwaters speech in 1964, Amadou Diallo, Johnny Gammage, Abner Louima, the racism I have personally face or Sean Bell. I can keep going.
I've been repeatedly assured that unverifiable anecdotes are not allowed.

Meanwhile, the left has told you (and I've explained this many times before, and I don't expect you to accept it this time) that blacks aren't good enough or smart enough to succeed on their own without help. Affirmative Action, hiring quotas, relaxed standards, etc.

Conservatives believe everyone is good enough and smart enough to succeed without help.

But you believe liberals and call conservatives racists.

You been gaslit af.

The left has not said that. The right has.
Really? Affirmative Action, hiring quotas, relaxed standards -- not conservative policies.

Liberals say you can't succeed without their help -- and you kiss their ass.

No self-respect. Pathetic.

Funny how you don't want to talk about the 189 years whites got affirmative action before the executive order.
Oh, but they did.

Europeans in America owned other Europeans as slaves.

Africans owned European slaves.

African slaves still enslave each other.

It looks like there's a lot of history you're ignorant about. You can cure that ignorance.

But I don't think you want to.
You really should not fuck with me about this son. I know more than you about this matter. Irish historians tell us that Irish were not slaves in the Americas.

Limerick-based research librarian and historian Liam Hogan takes aim at this notion in a series of papers debunking what he calls “the Irish slaves myth.” There were no Irish slaves in the Americas, Hogan says.
Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

There were no Irish slaves — here’s how bad history became a racist meme
All of my work on the “Irish slaves” meme (2015–’19)

1.2 million whites were enslaved mostly on the Barbary coast. I'll use your own link now to show how disingenuous your argument is.

"Barbary Pirates also known as Barbary Corsairs were involved in the captivity of European slaves and attacks on European coastal villages. However, just like African slave traders, the most prominent Barbary pirates were indeed European renegades, historian Adrian Tinniswood states."

Unlike the transatlantic slave trade, race was not the the only qualification for slavery. Again. I'll use your own link..

“Slaves in Barbary could be black, brown or white, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish or Muslim. Contemporaries were too aware of the sort of people enslaved in North Africa to believe, as many do today, that slavery, whether in Barbary or the Americas, was a matter of race. In the 1600s, no one’s racial background or religion automatically destined him or her for enslavement."

The transatlantic slave trade had how many slaves? 20-30 million? Whites still enslave each other also.

Modern Slavery in Europe
‘Modern-day slavery’ on the rise in Europe: report
‘Modern Slavery’ Ring in U.K. Ensnared up to 400 Polish People, Authorities Say
Modern slavery is a reality also in Europe

Now would you like to go on past slavery ad include the 100 years after slavery until the civil rights act?

Now try telling me how blacks created Jim Crow.
I "should not fuck with you"?

I can't tell you how little I'm intimidated.

Look, Skippy, you can't change the past, no matter how much you pout and stamp your feet.

Oh, and it wasn't blacks who created Jim Crow. I never claimed that, so I don't have to support it.

No, it was Democrats who created Jim Crow.

Looks like you're getting fucked with, but not by me. You're being exploited, and you're happy to let it happen.

No, I'm not being exploited. You are trying to gaslight. Last fall a voting rights measure came to congress and only 1 republican voted for it. ALL THE DEMOCRATS VOTED FOR IT. So you can stop talking about democrats in the 1800's son.
And yet, oddly, I'm held responsible for slavery.


It's sad just how dumb some white people are. For the longest, I have challenged whites like you to talk about the years after slavery. But you stay stuck on slavery so you can try that weak ass excuse of how you're being blamed for something you did not participate in, while the fact is that you are here today based on programs and policies after slavery that denied blacks rights and opportunity. That's what you are being held to account for.
But the thing is, I don't support those programs and policies.

Because I am not a Democrat.

You're angry at the wrong people.
Beats me. White liberals have been lying to blacks for decades, though.

Please explain to me what white liberals are lying to me about. Because the only people trying to tell me my views are wrong in here are white conservatives.
I HAVE explained it. Repeatedly.

You're not interested.

You have not explained a damned thing xxxxxxx.
"You're not interested."

Yup. I called it. You're so predictable.

But I am curious what the Xed out word was. LOL!

I am not interested in what? Reading you repeat some right wing imaginary bullshit?
Can you stop being so damn boring?
And more racism by the daveman. You see faggot, I live black. I don't need anybody white to tell me shit. I've whipped racisms ass my entire life and a number of racists to go with it. So now that I'm old, I damn sure won't be listening to a punk ass homosexual republican trying to tell me how I should see things when I see things quite fine.
I'm not racist -- but you're unquestionably homophobic.

That's okay. No one on the left will dare criticize you. Guaranteed.

Not homophobic, I chose to use that word to offend you, because you have offended me.
I've offended you? With words?

That's weak shit, dood. Seriously weak.

Protip: No one can hurt your feelings without your permission. Why give anonymous internet strangers that power over you? For example, I have not given you that permission, so there is nothing you can say that can hurt me.

It's words on a screen. Damn. I thought you said you beat up white racists. I'm finding that hard to believe.

Apparently you were offended or you would not have made the comments you did.
You suck at logic. Stop trying it.

If what you call yourself posting is logic. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
He deliberately left that part of the definition out. Gee, I wonder why.
Not "the definition" sparky.

I said "that part of the definition".

Upon demand, like any normal person, I provided the most commonly used and understood definition.

No, you provided the definition you wanted to provide and it wasn't the only definition in any case. Even if you're right that it's most commonly used, it doesn't negate the fact of the other meanings. Therefore, going by the ancillary meanings of the word, if a black man assumes I'm singling him out, because he's black and I'm white, simply for asking him to put gloves on, refuses to sit down and discuss the matter and then spits on me, I'm calling the motherfucker a piece of shit racist.

Another thing, is for lay people. It's like the New International Version of dictionaries. The part of the definition that says "...has the right to dominate others..." is not in any other dictionary. I always use Merriam-Webster's because they've been in the dictionary business a lot longer.

I'm having a hard time understanding your motive here. On the one hand you allowed that black racism is possible (IM2 even jumped in to disagree with you) and on the other hand you try to tell me I couldn't have experienced black racism because I somehow had the power to oppress this guy.

Also the link that provided you another two. That adds up to three. You've provided tears and illogic. Dismissed.

Why didn't you just show the whole definition? All you did was copy and paste. How hard could it have been to copy and paste two additional sentences?
On the contrary. The left's been gaslighting you since you were born.

Explain how the left has been gaslighting me since I was born. I was born in 1961. The left didn't stage the BirminGham church bombing, the killing of Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Dr. King, Bloody Sunday, The dogs in Birmingham, Goldwaters speech in 1964, Amadou Diallo, Johnny Gammage, Abner Louima, the racism I have personally face or Sean Bell. I can keep going.
I've been repeatedly assured that unverifiable anecdotes are not allowed.

Meanwhile, the left has told you (and I've explained this many times before, and I don't expect you to accept it this time) that blacks aren't good enough or smart enough to succeed on their own without help. Affirmative Action, hiring quotas, relaxed standards, etc.

Conservatives believe everyone is good enough and smart enough to succeed without help.

But you believe liberals and call conservatives racists.

You been gaslit af.

The left has not said that. The right has.
Really? Affirmative Action, hiring quotas, relaxed standards -- not conservative policies.

Liberals say you can't succeed without their help -- and you kiss their ass.

No self-respect. Pathetic.

Funny how you don't want to talk about the 189 years whites got affirmative action before the executive order.
You really should not fuck with me about this son. I know more than you about this matter. Irish historians tell us that Irish were not slaves in the Americas.

Limerick-based research librarian and historian Liam Hogan takes aim at this notion in a series of papers debunking what he calls “the Irish slaves myth.” There were no Irish slaves in the Americas, Hogan says.
Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

There were no Irish slaves — here’s how bad history became a racist meme
All of my work on the “Irish slaves” meme (2015–’19)

1.2 million whites were enslaved mostly on the Barbary coast. I'll use your own link now to show how disingenuous your argument is.

"Barbary Pirates also known as Barbary Corsairs were involved in the captivity of European slaves and attacks on European coastal villages. However, just like African slave traders, the most prominent Barbary pirates were indeed European renegades, historian Adrian Tinniswood states."

Unlike the transatlantic slave trade, race was not the the only qualification for slavery. Again. I'll use your own link..

“Slaves in Barbary could be black, brown or white, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish or Muslim. Contemporaries were too aware of the sort of people enslaved in North Africa to believe, as many do today, that slavery, whether in Barbary or the Americas, was a matter of race. In the 1600s, no one’s racial background or religion automatically destined him or her for enslavement."

The transatlantic slave trade had how many slaves? 20-30 million? Whites still enslave each other also.

Modern Slavery in Europe
‘Modern-day slavery’ on the rise in Europe: report
‘Modern Slavery’ Ring in U.K. Ensnared up to 400 Polish People, Authorities Say
Modern slavery is a reality also in Europe

Now would you like to go on past slavery ad include the 100 years after slavery until the civil rights act?

Now try telling me how blacks created Jim Crow.
I "should not fuck with you"?

I can't tell you how little I'm intimidated.

Look, Skippy, you can't change the past, no matter how much you pout and stamp your feet.

Oh, and it wasn't blacks who created Jim Crow. I never claimed that, so I don't have to support it.

No, it was Democrats who created Jim Crow.

Looks like you're getting fucked with, but not by me. You're being exploited, and you're happy to let it happen.

No, I'm not being exploited. You are trying to gaslight. Last fall a voting rights measure came to congress and only 1 republican voted for it. ALL THE DEMOCRATS VOTED FOR IT. So you can stop talking about democrats in the 1800's son.
And yet, oddly, I'm held responsible for slavery.


It's sad just how dumb some white people are. For the longest, I have challenged whites like you to talk about the years after slavery. But you stay stuck on slavery so you can try that weak ass excuse of how you're being blamed for something you did not participate in, while the fact is that you are here today based on programs and policies after slavery that denied blacks rights and opportunity. That's what you are being held to account for.
But the thing is, I don't support those programs and policies.

Because I am not a Democrat.

You're angry at the wrong people.

You benefitted from them. So you do support them.
I'm not racist -- but you're unquestionably homophobic.

That's okay. No one on the left will dare criticize you. Guaranteed.

Not homophobic, I chose to use that word to offend you, because you have offended me.
I've offended you? With words?

That's weak shit, dood. Seriously weak.

Protip: No one can hurt your feelings without your permission. Why give anonymous internet strangers that power over you? For example, I have not given you that permission, so there is nothing you can say that can hurt me.

It's words on a screen. Damn. I thought you said you beat up white racists. I'm finding that hard to believe.

Apparently you were offended or you would not have made the comments you did.
You suck at logic. Stop trying it.

If what you call yourself posting is logic. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I'm done with this. You can pretend you ran off the scary white racist now.
Explain how the left has been gaslighting me since I was born. I was born in 1961. The left didn't stage the BirminGham church bombing, the killing of Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Dr. King, Bloody Sunday, The dogs in Birmingham, Goldwaters speech in 1964, Amadou Diallo, Johnny Gammage, Abner Louima, the racism I have personally face or Sean Bell. I can keep going.
I've been repeatedly assured that unverifiable anecdotes are not allowed.

Meanwhile, the left has told you (and I've explained this many times before, and I don't expect you to accept it this time) that blacks aren't good enough or smart enough to succeed on their own without help. Affirmative Action, hiring quotas, relaxed standards, etc.

Conservatives believe everyone is good enough and smart enough to succeed without help.

But you believe liberals and call conservatives racists.

You been gaslit af.

The left has not said that. The right has.
Really? Affirmative Action, hiring quotas, relaxed standards -- not conservative policies.

Liberals say you can't succeed without their help -- and you kiss their ass.

No self-respect. Pathetic.

Funny how you don't want to talk about the 189 years whites got affirmative action before the executive order.

I understand your fear son. Because your little white delusion of grandeur will be deconstructed if you chose to even try getting into such a discussion. So go on to sleep before I put you there.
Not homophobic, I chose to use that word to offend you, because you have offended me.
I've offended you? With words?

That's weak shit, dood. Seriously weak.

Protip: No one can hurt your feelings without your permission. Why give anonymous internet strangers that power over you? For example, I have not given you that permission, so there is nothing you can say that can hurt me.

It's words on a screen. Damn. I thought you said you beat up white racists. I'm finding that hard to believe.

Apparently you were offended or you would not have made the comments you did.
You suck at logic. Stop trying it.

If what you call yourself posting is logic. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I'm done with this. You can pretend you ran off the scary white racist now.

I don't have to pretend. You have run.
Please explain to me what white liberals are lying to me about. Because the only people trying to tell me my views are wrong in here are white conservatives.
I HAVE explained it. Repeatedly.

You're not interested.

You have not explained a damned thing xxxxxxx.
"You're not interested."

Yup. I called it. You're so predictable.

But I am curious what the Xed out word was. LOL!

I am not interested in what? Reading you repeat some right wing imaginary bullshit?
Can you stop being so damn boring?

Look at the scared one.
You need to pay better attention.

I don't say I believe blacks need white liberals to tell you what to think.

White liberals believe that.

So when you start off with a lie, everything that follows can be discarded.

White liberals don't believe that. Racist white conservatives do. You are one of them. And you prove what I just said to be true
Yes, you believe a lot of horseshit.

Call me racist all you want without any factual evidence to back it up. It changes nothing.

I showed you the proof. Gaslighting doesn't work on me son.
On the contrary. The left's been gaslighting you since you were born.

Explain how the left has been gaslighting me since I was born. I was born in 1961. The left didn't stage the BirminGham church bombing, the killing of Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Dr. King, Bloody Sunday, The dogs in Birmingham, Goldwaters speech in 1964, Amadou Diallo, Johnny Gammage, Abner Louima, the racism I have personally face or Sean Bell. I can keep going.
LOL blacks from his own group killed Malcolm X.
White liberals don't believe that. Racist white conservatives do. You are one of them. And you prove what I just said to be true
Yes, you believe a lot of horseshit.

Call me racist all you want without any factual evidence to back it up. It changes nothing.

I showed you the proof. Gaslighting doesn't work on me son.
On the contrary. The left's been gaslighting you since you were born.

Explain how the left has been gaslighting me since I was born. I was born in 1961. The left didn't stage the BirminGham church bombing, the killing of Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Dr. King, Bloody Sunday, The dogs in Birmingham, Goldwaters speech in 1964, Amadou Diallo, Johnny Gammage, Abner Louima, the racism I have personally face or Sean Bell. I can keep going.
LOL blacks from his own group killed Malcolm X.

Another lie. Malcolm left the NOI at the time of his killing. The FBI paid for the hit. But let's not allow facts stand in the way of the retarded sgt's denial of white racism. Funny how you mention X, but the other events you don't want to deal with.
Why didn't you just show the whole definition? All you did was copy and paste. How hard could it have been to copy and paste two additional sentences?
Here, Mr. Merriam-Webster.. Read!
See yet? A definition equals one ("whole") meaning of a term. When 3 ("whole") definitions are provided for a term I tend to pick the first. Why? Already answered, plus why risk confusing you even more than you're determined to be already.
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Here's what Google provides:

noun: racism
  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a program to combat racism"
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
      "theories of racism"
Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
if a black man assumes I'm singling him out, because he's black and I'm white, simply for asking him to put gloves on
..does not appear.
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Ghost won't tell us if he ever turned in white workers for the same thing. Again as I stated, he will claim the whites always wore their gloves to justify himself.

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