The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

Testy little losers, aren't they though?


That's rich. You offer an unsolicited comment and question to a comment that wasn't addressed to you anyway and then bitch about it because you didn't want to hear my response to your unsolicited comment to my unsolicited comment. You're a special kind of chickenshit, aren't you?
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
It most likely will be sometime after a black Republican candidate announces his'her candidacy.

You know we can't just conscript people, right?
You've had black republicans announce before.
Yeah, and the Dems then seek to destroy.
There would probably would have been more, but those democrats.
Found one good article on the topic, but it ends up just covering the Democrats since there simply are no potential Republicans on the horizon. Money quote, literally,
Why is being perceived as too liberal an impediment to running for governor, senator or president? For one, that perception probably hinders big-dollar fundraising.
This money driven politics crap has to go. That will only happen due to greatly increased grassroots pressure.

Would you choose a black candidate over a white one that agrees with you more?
Meanwhile in the real world, you're defending a position that you already admitted you don't agree with , ie, that blacks cannot be racist.
In your dreams? I'm quite sure. But go right ahead. Be my guest. Quote me. Saying exactly that.
So here is Post 561 (thanks for providing the number):
So, do you agree that black people cannot be racist?
I agree that it's possible for black people to be racist. Do you agree that it's long been much easier for white people to actually harm blacks with their racism than vice versa?
So allegedly I've been "defending" the statement "blacks cannot be racist" while somehow disagreeing with that very same statement. In actual fact, your efforts have revealed me clearly stating "it's possible for black people to be racist" without qualification. All your blathering to the contrary has been just that. You have yet to quote me defending a position that I don't agree with.
"I was speaking hypothetically from a privileged, disinterested, third party perspective. IM2 speaks from the perspective of one who's experienced harmful racism. I don't blame him for showing negligible respect for my opinions on the subject. I know next to nothing by comparison."

Did you forget that?
Of course not. I can't help seeing race issues mainly from a majority (white)(establishment) perspective while he's both seen and experienced them from a minority perspective as well. Plus I gather, unlike me, he's studied the issue in great depth and professionally lectured on the subject. Yes, I do defer to his clearly superior expertise. That does not preclude us from disagreeing here and there.
You agree with me, that blacks can be racist, but you are siding with the black, because of skin color.
I'm going to say this more than once:

Fuck you.
Fuck you.

So, you disagree with me that you are defending a position that you don't agree with, because you openly state that black people can be racist.

THEN, you explain why you are deferring to the black guy on this issue, the guy that states that black people cannot be racist, because at least partially because of his skin color, ie his "minority perspective".

Then you attack me personally, for saying that you agree with me but are deferring to the black guy based on skin color.

Dude. Seriously. Don't be a self hating anti-white racist.

You should stop doing that to yourself, get some self respect and thank me for kicking your ass and teaching you something.

How old are you?
There was nothing good about slavery. Nothing. There were no good slave owners. Slaves were not treated like family. Slaves had no rights. This was not paid employment with benefits and a retirement package.
There was nothing good about slavery. Nothing. There were no good slave owners. Slaves were not treated like family. Slaves had no rights. This was not paid employment with benefits and a retirement package.
And yet YOU claim black slave owners were different. That somehow blacks owning slaves selling slaves to slavers is different. Retard.
Yes it is racist. Your comment says that blacks are incapable of thinking for ourselves and that we need white liberals to tell us what to think because we wouldn't know without them. That's pure d racism so.
You need to pay better attention.

I don't say I believe blacks need white liberals to tell you what to think.

White liberals believe that.

So when you start off with a lie, everything that follows can be discarded.

White liberals don't believe that. Racist white conservatives do. You are one of them. And you prove what I just said to be true
Yes, you believe a lot of horseshit.

Call me racist all you want without any factual evidence to back it up. It changes nothing.

I showed you the proof. Gaslighting doesn't work on me son.
On the contrary. The left's been gaslighting you since you were born.
No Democrats are whining about statues being removed.

They're whining the statues even exist at all, and tearing them down like 4-year-olds seeing a better sandcastle than theirs.

How many statues do we have to remove before slavery never happened, huh?

And you need to tell me what you believe a neo-Nazi is. Hint: It's not someone who disagrees with liberals. Kindly stick to established definitions of words, or shut the fuck up.

The statues were put up 60 years after the war as symbols of white supremacy. That's why they need to come down. Besides the confederate states was a foreign nation that waged war on the United States and lost. To the winner goes the spoils as you racists are so adept at saying, so these confederate symbols must be destroyed.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Democrats seek to destroy history all the time. You know why? Because it proves their plans and policies are failures.

Well son being that I am black and lived during the last movement of blacks away from the republican party, a process that began in the early 1900's thanks to the lily white republican movement, you trying to tell me about history is like a man trying to explain to a pregnant woman what morning sickness or labor pains feels like.
Look, I get it. You like the taste of Democrat horseshit. They say you're a victim, and you desperately want to feel like a victim, so you eat their shit.

Exactly as they want you to.

And more racism by the daveman. You see faggot, I live black. I don't need anybody white to tell me shit. I've whipped racisms ass my entire life and a number of racists to go with it. So now that I'm old, I damn sure won't be listening to a punk ass homosexual republican trying to tell me how I should see things when I see things quite fine.
I'm not racist -- but you're unquestionably homophobic.

That's okay. No one on the left will dare criticize you. Guaranteed.
Ohh I see you have a laundry list of EXCUSES for why black tribes sold slaves. You of course realize that black tribes had been taking slaves for about a 1000 years by then and simply found a more profitable way to use them? That IN FACT some blacks STILL TO THIS DAY ENSLAVE other blacks? What is your excuse for THAT?
If they were excuses I wouldn't be making them. But what they show is what you don't want to see. Therefore you try dismissing it. Whites had slaves for the same 1000 years. Still to this day whites enslave other whites. But you see, the deal here is that blacks slaves in Africa somehow could get out of slavery by repaying their debt or serving their time for crimes committed. They could own property and purchase their freedom and some even became kings. I don't think a serf was able to do that. Now would you like to talk about what happened to blacks after slavery ended? Or did blacks create Jim Crow segregation too?
LOL more excuses, just accept the fact you are racist and whites for you are the boggy man.

The only excuse being made is blacks sold each other into slavery. A black Ugandan doesn't consider himself the same as a black Algerian. This is another reason why I say your story is disingenuous. So why did whites buy the slaves? They didn't have to retardedsgt. WHY DIDN'T THEY ENSLAVE THEIR OWN?
Oh, but they did.

Europeans in America owned other Europeans as slaves.

Africans owned European slaves.

African slaves still enslave each other.

It looks like there's a lot of history you're ignorant about. You can cure that ignorance.

But I don't think you want to.
You really should not fuck with me about this son. I know more than you about this matter. Irish historians tell us that Irish were not slaves in the Americas.

Limerick-based research librarian and historian Liam Hogan takes aim at this notion in a series of papers debunking what he calls “the Irish slaves myth.” There were no Irish slaves in the Americas, Hogan says.
Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

There were no Irish slaves — here’s how bad history became a racist meme
All of my work on the “Irish slaves” meme (2015–’19)

1.2 million whites were enslaved mostly on the Barbary coast. I'll use your own link now to show how disingenuous your argument is.

"Barbary Pirates also known as Barbary Corsairs were involved in the captivity of European slaves and attacks on European coastal villages. However, just like African slave traders, the most prominent Barbary pirates were indeed European renegades, historian Adrian Tinniswood states."

Unlike the transatlantic slave trade, race was not the the only qualification for slavery. Again. I'll use your own link..

“Slaves in Barbary could be black, brown or white, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish or Muslim. Contemporaries were too aware of the sort of people enslaved in North Africa to believe, as many do today, that slavery, whether in Barbary or the Americas, was a matter of race. In the 1600s, no one’s racial background or religion automatically destined him or her for enslavement."

The transatlantic slave trade had how many slaves? 20-30 million? Whites still enslave each other also.

Modern Slavery in Europe
‘Modern-day slavery’ on the rise in Europe: report
‘Modern Slavery’ Ring in U.K. Ensnared up to 400 Polish People, Authorities Say
Modern slavery is a reality also in Europe

Now would you like to go on past slavery ad include the 100 years after slavery until the civil rights act?

Now try telling me how blacks created Jim Crow.
I "should not fuck with you"?

I can't tell you how little I'm intimidated.

Look, Skippy, you can't change the past, no matter how much you pout and stamp your feet.

Oh, and it wasn't blacks who created Jim Crow. I never claimed that, so I don't have to support it.

No, it was Democrats who created Jim Crow.

Looks like you're getting fucked with, but not by me. You're being exploited, and you're happy to let it happen.
There was nothing good about slavery. Nothing. There were no good slave owners. Slaves were not treated like family. Slaves had no rights. This was not paid employment with benefits and a retirement package.
And yet YOU claim black slave owners were different. That somehow blacks owning slaves selling slaves to slavers is different. Retard.

The record shows that blacks who bought slaves in the US bought enslaved family members. The record shows that blacks were made to capture slaves so they could get guns to protect themselves and that whites instigated strife to cause wars between rival tribes knowing that Africans would sell the prisoners of war. Your argument is disingenuous because you don't want to recognize the facts. But that's to be expected from people like you retardedsgt, because you want to deny all white responsibility for slavery and for the resulting apartheid you are too scared to discuss in the years following
So, you pretending to have missed the last 150 years, where the focus of that flag was moved from Secession and slavery to a harmless symbol of regional pride?

That is silly. You are not that stupid.

Now, what of the incredible racism of the urban blacks and their rabid support of pro-black racial discrimination policies of the dems?

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.
These damn white supremacists!

Now, remember, it's your duty and obligation as a white liberal to tell these black people their views are wrong, and tell them what they have to believe.

It's the White Liberal's Burden.
Why would I lie to them like that?
Beats me. White liberals have been lying to blacks for decades, though.

Please explain to me what white liberals are lying to me about. Because the only people trying to tell me my views are wrong in here are white conservatives.
I HAVE explained it. Repeatedly.

You're not interested.
Yes it is racist. Your comment says that blacks are incapable of thinking for ourselves and that we need white liberals to tell us what to think because we wouldn't know without them. That's pure d racism so.
You need to pay better attention.

I don't say I believe blacks need white liberals to tell you what to think.

White liberals believe that.

So when you start off with a lie, everything that follows can be discarded.

White liberals don't believe that. Racist white conservatives do. You are one of them. And you prove what I just said to be true
Yes, you believe a lot of horseshit.

Call me racist all you want without any factual evidence to back it up. It changes nothing.

I showed you the proof. Gaslighting doesn't work on me son.
On the contrary. The left's been gaslighting you since you were born.

Explain how the left has been gaslighting me since I was born. I was born in 1961. The left didn't stage the BirminGham church bombing, the killing of Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Dr. King, Bloody Sunday, The dogs in Birmingham, Goldwaters speech in 1964, Amadou Diallo, Johnny Gammage, Abner Louima, the racism I have personally face or Sean Bell. I can keep going.
The statues were put up 60 years after the war as symbols of white supremacy. That's why they need to come down. Besides the confederate states was a foreign nation that waged war on the United States and lost. To the winner goes the spoils as you racists are so adept at saying, so these confederate symbols must be destroyed.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Democrats seek to destroy history all the time. You know why? Because it proves their plans and policies are failures.

Well son being that I am black and lived during the last movement of blacks away from the republican party, a process that began in the early 1900's thanks to the lily white republican movement, you trying to tell me about history is like a man trying to explain to a pregnant woman what morning sickness or labor pains feels like.
Look, I get it. You like the taste of Democrat horseshit. They say you're a victim, and you desperately want to feel like a victim, so you eat their shit.

Exactly as they want you to.

And more racism by the daveman. You see faggot, I live black. I don't need anybody white to tell me shit. I've whipped racisms ass my entire life and a number of racists to go with it. So now that I'm old, I damn sure won't be listening to a punk ass homosexual republican trying to tell me how I should see things when I see things quite fine.
I'm not racist -- but you're unquestionably homophobic.

That's okay. No one on the left will dare criticize you. Guaranteed.

Not homophobic, I chose to use that word to offend you, because you have offended me.
If they were excuses I wouldn't be making them. But what they show is what you don't want to see. Therefore you try dismissing it. Whites had slaves for the same 1000 years. Still to this day whites enslave other whites. But you see, the deal here is that blacks slaves in Africa somehow could get out of slavery by repaying their debt or serving their time for crimes committed. They could own property and purchase their freedom and some even became kings. I don't think a serf was able to do that. Now would you like to talk about what happened to blacks after slavery ended? Or did blacks create Jim Crow segregation too?
LOL more excuses, just accept the fact you are racist and whites for you are the boggy man.

The only excuse being made is blacks sold each other into slavery. A black Ugandan doesn't consider himself the same as a black Algerian. This is another reason why I say your story is disingenuous. So why did whites buy the slaves? They didn't have to retardedsgt. WHY DIDN'T THEY ENSLAVE THEIR OWN?
Oh, but they did.

Europeans in America owned other Europeans as slaves.

Africans owned European slaves.

African slaves still enslave each other.

It looks like there's a lot of history you're ignorant about. You can cure that ignorance.

But I don't think you want to.
You really should not fuck with me about this son. I know more than you about this matter. Irish historians tell us that Irish were not slaves in the Americas.

Limerick-based research librarian and historian Liam Hogan takes aim at this notion in a series of papers debunking what he calls “the Irish slaves myth.” There were no Irish slaves in the Americas, Hogan says.
Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

There were no Irish slaves — here’s how bad history became a racist meme
All of my work on the “Irish slaves” meme (2015–’19)

1.2 million whites were enslaved mostly on the Barbary coast. I'll use your own link now to show how disingenuous your argument is.

"Barbary Pirates also known as Barbary Corsairs were involved in the captivity of European slaves and attacks on European coastal villages. However, just like African slave traders, the most prominent Barbary pirates were indeed European renegades, historian Adrian Tinniswood states."

Unlike the transatlantic slave trade, race was not the the only qualification for slavery. Again. I'll use your own link..

“Slaves in Barbary could be black, brown or white, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish or Muslim. Contemporaries were too aware of the sort of people enslaved in North Africa to believe, as many do today, that slavery, whether in Barbary or the Americas, was a matter of race. In the 1600s, no one’s racial background or religion automatically destined him or her for enslavement."

The transatlantic slave trade had how many slaves? 20-30 million? Whites still enslave each other also.

Modern Slavery in Europe
‘Modern-day slavery’ on the rise in Europe: report
‘Modern Slavery’ Ring in U.K. Ensnared up to 400 Polish People, Authorities Say
Modern slavery is a reality also in Europe

Now would you like to go on past slavery ad include the 100 years after slavery until the civil rights act?

Now try telling me how blacks created Jim Crow.
I "should not fuck with you"?

I can't tell you how little I'm intimidated.

Look, Skippy, you can't change the past, no matter how much you pout and stamp your feet.

Oh, and it wasn't blacks who created Jim Crow. I never claimed that, so I don't have to support it.

No, it was Democrats who created Jim Crow.

Looks like you're getting fucked with, but not by me. You're being exploited, and you're happy to let it happen.

No, I'm not being exploited. You are trying to gaslight. Last fall a voting rights measure came to congress and only 1 republican voted for it. ALL THE DEMOCRATS VOTED FOR IT. So you can stop talking about democrats in the 1800's son.

The symbolism of the flag has never changed. It still represents slavery and oppression. That was the reason for its birth and it still means that today, even if modern day supporters want to view it differently.
These damn white supremacists!

Now, remember, it's your duty and obligation as a white liberal to tell these black people their views are wrong, and tell them what they have to believe.

It's the White Liberal's Burden.
Why would I lie to them like that?
Beats me. White liberals have been lying to blacks for decades, though.

Please explain to me what white liberals are lying to me about. Because the only people trying to tell me my views are wrong in here are white conservatives.
I HAVE explained it. Repeatedly.

You're not interested.

You have not explained a damned thing xxxxxxx.
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It was a racist show written for morons and it is an embarrassment for anyone to admit they liked it.

No, there is nothing "wrong with me" because I do not share your particular taste in TV programs, and for you to even make a statement like that, makes YOU a pompous ass, not me. Obviously the show would have some regional appeal. By your own admission you were in a rust belt area where some people identified with the characters of the show, that's human nature.

I personally do not care who liked the show and who did not, nor am I judging anyone who did. It's not a big deal to me.

But you questioning my personal preferences as far as television shows, makes you someone who clearly has far too much time on their hands.

You nor me, nor anyone else "Knows what EVERYONE in America actually thought of the show", as you stated.

That is a ridiculous and illogical overstatement, because no one has the psychic ability to have such knowledge.

We have differing views of the Confederate flag and that amounts to what it is......different opinions, which has nothing to do with who watches what on television.

You are an extremely small and petty individual.

You'll understand if I don't hold my breath waiting for you to chastise rightwinger for what you're chastising Correll for.

Because everyone involved knows you're not going to do that.
Not once has Ghost of a Rider acknowledged that the introduction of unverifiable anecdotes to forward an opposing political stance is of less use than toilet paper and a pathetic waste of everyone's time.. Gee, I (don't) wonder why?
But you're kissing IM2's ass and taking his deliberate misreading of the unverifiable anecdotes as gospel.

It's okay to criticize non-whites when they deserve it. You won't burst into flames. Promise.
All I said was that I had experienced black racism and that when I related the story to IM2 in an earlier discussion, he assumed I made it up and he assumed it because I'm white.
Briefer synopsis: More unsolicited, unverifiable anecdote. My unsolicited advice? Stop doing this. Stop whining. Permanently. Make factual claims that your interlocutor(s) can easily verify. Simples. Honest. No bullshit.
I must have missed the bit in the TOS where you have final say over all posts. Can you point it out for me, please?

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