The first couple portrayed as apes

Liberals can dish it out but they sure as shit can't take it. Obama has spent 5 years fucking over the United States and nobody is allowed to criticize him? He deserves all the shit anybody can throw at him, and so does his ugly ass entitlement wife. The first amendment works both ways, commies. Deal with it. :eusa_boohoo:
Liberals can dish it out but they sure as shit can't take it. Obama has spent 5 years fucking over the United States and nobody is allowed to criticize him? He deserves all the shit anybody can throw at him, and so does his ugly ass entitlement wife. The first amendment works both ways, commies. Deal with it. :eusa_boohoo:

The fucking hypocrisy of the left is almost beyond belief!!!

[ame=]I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton - YouTube[/ame]
I understand the oppositions need to denigrate the President in any way possible. They will attack him in all walks of life including his family. Images and vile talking points are a price of freedom. I do remember some monkey comparison with President Bush as well but I don't recall Laura Bush being attacked in such a way, but the internet is big and so full of shit.........

Yet she was. That is the simple truth of the matter. Attacking a presidents wife did not start with the Obama's. There a ton of pics I cant even post here. There were pics of their kids drunk and she was then accused of raising two "whores". The pic at the bottom suggests she may be a pedophile. So yeah, they have all been attacked.


This is what the Onion ran after the WH asked they stop using the presidential seal ( makes perfect sense to do that to Laura right?




Type Laura Bush Naked into Google and see the crap that comes back.
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I doubt that KKK members today are registered as either party but are probably independents. That would make more sense to me.

So then, lets stop peddling this non-sense that the KKK is somehow tied to today's Democratic party. It confuses people, and is not correct.

Our HISTORY demands being placed before the uninformed!
I doubt that KKK members today are registered as either party but are probably independents. That would make more sense to me.

So then, lets stop peddling this non-sense that the KKK is somehow tied to today's Democratic party. It confuses people, and is not correct.

Our HISTORY demands being placed before the uninformed!

But it's wrong to assert that the people who support the Democratic Party - today - are going to be the same people who support the Klu Klux Klan.
So then, lets stop peddling this non-sense that the KKK is somehow tied to today's Democratic party. It confuses people, and is not correct.

Our HISTORY demands being placed before the uninformed!

But it's wrong to assert that the people who support the Democratic Party - today - are going to be the same people who support the Klu Klux Klan.

Let the people decide once they have ALL the information!
Our HISTORY demands being placed before the uninformed!

But it's wrong to assert that the people who support the Democratic Party - today - are going to be the same people who support the Klu Klux Klan.

Let the people decide once they have ALL the information!

There's no "up in the air decision" to be made. The modern Democratic Party is no friend to the KKK.

The modern Democratic party pushes for things like affirmative action, and open borders, and generally has many more representatives of color than the Republicans. I'm not saying the Republicans "welcome" KKK members - by any means - I'm just saying (using common sense and logic) that the Democratic party is not going to be supported by the KKK for some extremely glaring reasons.

Can you at least admit this?
So then, lets stop peddling this non-sense that the KKK is somehow tied to today's Democratic party. It confuses people, and is not correct.

Our HISTORY demands being placed before the uninformed!

But it's wrong to assert that the people who support the Democratic Party - today - are going to be the same people who support the Klu Klux Klan.

It's not wrong for the many sins of the democrat party (and they include much more than just the KKK) be laid at their doorstep.
Our HISTORY demands being placed before the uninformed!

But it's wrong to assert that the people who support the Democratic Party - today - are going to be the same people who support the Klu Klux Klan.

It's not wrong for the many sins of the democrat party (and they include much more than just the KKK) be laid at their doorstep.

That's entirely different. I won't argue with you that the list is long.


To say that the modern Democratic Party, and the people that generally flock to it, are likely to be affiliated to the KKK in any meaningful way is an incorrect statement. That is the point I'm trying to drive through right now.
CaféAuLait;8844233 said:
I understand the oppositions need to denigrate the President in any way possible. They will attack him in all walks of life including his family. Images and vile talking points are a price of freedom. I do remember some monkey comparison with President Bush as well but I don't recall Laura Bush being attacked in such a way, but the internet is big and so full of shit.........

Yet she was. That is the simple truth of the matter. Attacking a presidents wife did not start with the Obama's. There a ton of pics I cant even post here. There were pics of their kids drunk and she was then accused of raising two "whores". The pic at the bottom suggests she may be a pedophile. So yeah, they have all been attacked.


This is what the Onion ran after the WH asked they stop using the presidential seal ( makes perfect sense to do that to Laura right?




Type Laura Bush Naked into Google and see the crap that comes back.

Really? You go scouring the internets to find obscure stuff nobody's ever seen before to make a strawman, just so you can excuse racism? Really?

And don't feed me that bullshit that that's not what you're doing. You fall back on this crutch of "b-but but every President gets criticized" as a pretext for excusing a racist depiction that has already been admitted to as racist by its creator. Not even the newspaper itself tries to pretend this is not racism, yet you do.

Poster please. You're a damn hypocrite, and it's transparent.
Our HISTORY demands being placed before the uninformed!

But it's wrong to assert that the people who support the Democratic Party - today - are going to be the same people who support the Klu Klux Klan.

Let the people decide once they have ALL the information!

We've had all the information since December 25, 1865 dumbass.

Maybe you mean "let the people decide once I've rewritten the history books", comrade? These half-dozen soldiers are unpersons around an uncampfire that never existed? Or wait, are you saying they created the Democratic Party at the same time? These six guys?

But then faced with the David Dukes and Edward Jacksons, oh no they're "independent", right?

Because we've got anther poster who claims the DP invented the slave trade, 200 years before it was even founded, so you might want to coordinate a common story before you need a whole Council of Nicea to decide what the revised history book is.

Political parties are neither useful, nor temporally static in their philosophy, and to troll around for power points by picking one party, denigrating it and pointing at it as the source of all evil, that's first a useless rhetorical wank and second it ascribes far more power to political parties than they actually have or can ever sustain.

What I'm saying is -- grow up already. Try to post on something higher than a third grade thought level.
If depicting a black person in a racist way by exaggerating their physical characteristics was not out of bounds for you liberals when they did it to Condoleeza Rice, it's not out of bounds for someone to do it to the Obamas. So quit your whining.

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