The Fix Is In


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Cory Booker tried to get the debate requirements shifted. But he’s black and not a billionaire.

This is part of an effort to deny Sanders the nomination. If he wins Iowa and NH, O, Hill, and others will increase their attacks on him. Thing is, their attacks likely increase his popularity.
So democrats are changing the rules to make the debate stage more "white"...:laugh:
Interesting that we always hear about all this shit from crazy Trump supporters, but never from anybody that might be possibly effected by any of it, even if it were true. I wonder why that is.
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Cory Booker tried to get the debate requirements shifted. But he’s black and not a billionaire.


Leftists are always moving the goal posts to suit their desires. This move; if true, should surprise no one. Bloomberg is the new candidate of the day who will save the Democrats from "The Bernie and Elizabeth wing of the party." They know Black voters aren't going to vote for this guy either, so they are trying to inject as many candidates with sustainability (ei… into the mix, to actually create a brokered convention so as they can do what they always do, and nominate whoever/whomever they want, lol.

If you take out the impeachment fiasco, this Leftist disaster is the biggest news politically going on. It is just not getting any play because of impeachment all the time, every day. Anyone with political chops can plainly see what the Democrats are trying to do.

Laugh if you want to but-------------->high rolling Democratic donors are more afraid of Bernie and Elizabeth, then they are of Trump.
This is part of an effort to deny Sanders the nomination. If he wins Iowa and NH, O, Hill, and others will increase their attacks on him. Thing is, their attacks likely increase his popularity.
Gipper, I sure hope you don't think tactics to undercut another candidate of the same party is somehow 'unkosher'. Because the guy you adore more than than honor or the Constitution used it almost exclusively to blind and win you to his camp. From Ted Cruz' Dad to the schoolyard nicknames of all other candidates to no-lie-too-sleazy to pay National Enquirer to print or Brietbart to publish, the guy pulled you in like a Starship tractor beam. And you are comfortable there.

Personally, as a old fart, I have NEVER considered voting for Bernie. I think his plan is naive and he is too 'long of tooth' to ignore the perils of the idealism many of us got hit with years ago. But your knuckle-biting horror that anyone would attack his plan in a Presidential campaign is a tad misplaced. It's the very thing that validated your cult membership.
Interesting that we always hear about all this shit from crazy Trump supporters, but never from anybody that might be possibly effected by any of it, even if it were true. I wonder why that is.
Obviously you sheeples are unaware and/or you fully support Deep State insiders selecting your nominee.
The Democrat filth will always do the wrong thing, no matter what it is.

That shithead Bloomberg is trying to buy his way to the candidacy and there are some idiot Democrats who will find a way to help him.
And still, only crazy trump supporters seem to see a problem. If there was much of a scandal, at least a couple Democratic party members would show some concern. Why do you think that is happening?
This is part of an effort to deny Sanders the nomination. If he wins Iowa and NH, O, Hill, and others will increase their attacks on him. Thing is, their attacks likely increase his popularity.
Gipper, I sure hope you don't think tactics to undercut another candidate of the same party is somehow 'unkosher'. Because the guy you adore more than than honor or the Constitution used it almost exclusively to blind and win you to his camp. From Ted Cruz' Dad to the schoolyard nicknames of all other candidates to no-lie-too-sleazy to pay National Enquirer to print or Brietbart to publish, the guy pulled you in like a Starship tractor beam. And you are comfortable there.

Personally, as a old fart, I have NEVER considered voting for Bernie. I think his plan is naive and he is too 'long of tooth' to ignore the perils of the idealism many of us got hit with years ago. But your knuckle-biting horror that anyone would attack his plan in a Presidential campaign is a tad misplaced. It's the very thing that validated your cult membership.
LMFAO. Wow that’s really fucked up.
And still, only crazy trump supporters seem to see a problem. If there was much of a scandal, at least a couple Democratic party members would show some concern. Why do you think that is happening?
Sadly, it’s because most Ds have been brainwashed to think only a centrist can beat Donnie. That’s laughable and a recipe for a second term for Don.

Secondly the msm where most Ds get their news, is controlled by a few billionaires. They don’t like Bernie naturally, so the constant drumbeat is Bernie’s a commie, his policies suck, and he’s too old.
Interesting that we always hear about all this shit from crazy Trump supporters, but never from anybody that might be possibly effected by any of it, even if it were true. I wonder why that is.
That's cuz we know we're crazy. You don't

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your secret is out.
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