The Flag of Treason

The Confederate Flag is a flag that says.....We HATE America

View attachment 357434

Always has been

Except that's not the Confederate flag.

Pssst.... STILL WAITING for you to address Rick Wilson's cooler.
Yea, yea

Confederate Battle Flag

It is now the symbol of the confederacy and a symbol of racism

You don't get to decide that. I consider it a symbol of harmless regional pride and you to be a race baiting asshole.
Of course I do

Your flag is a symbol of hatred of the United States or a symbol of hatred of blacks

When are you going to address Rick Wilson's cooler?
You seem obsessed with some guy's cooler.


It undermines the entire premise of this thread.

RightFaker posted a video from the Lincoln Project that labels the battle flag a "flag of treason". The Lincoln Project is headed up by Rick Wilson, who just 2 weeks ago was exposed to own a large cooler emblazoned with the battle flag as well as "The South Will Rise Again" stamped on the top. Photos of it were prominently featured on his and his wife's social media accounts at various outings.

TL;DR - The guy behind the video is a total fucking fraud and morons like RightFaker are holding him up as some kind of righteous gospel speaker. See for yourself on post 31 in this very thread.
A Cooler?

You are not serious are you?

If the image has power, it doesn't change regardless of how it's displayed. To indicate otherwise it's pure hypocrisy.

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LOL go fly your rainbow flag you gay faggot. As for the Confederate flag it is NOT treasonous as it does not exists anymore and all the confederates were pardoned. It is simply a historical flag of our past. Remind me do you support BLM in tearing down Washington's statue, Lincoln? Remind me again who is the traitor?
I thought confederates and kkk etc, were Democrats? So why are Republicans fighting to keep a flag belonging to Democrats up?
Because Republicans aren’t fascist scum like you Dimwingers.
Because Democrats of slavery and the kkk have switched parties with the Republicans is more likely.... y'all try to blame the Dems of today for past sins, but it's really the ancestors of today's Republicans in the South's past sins... is what seems obvious, to me....
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
The former confederate states are all conservative red states, dope.
Did the ideology of the populations of those states change or just their party affiliation?
We lost Vietnam ... can we still fly the American Flag?

We lost the War of 1812 ... can we still burn the Canadian Flag? ...
Actually it was the British who were our primary antagonists and I'd argue we won but even if not we certainly didn't lose. At the moment the law tries to protect the burning of the American flag so I imagine the same would apply to any other flag not owned by someone else,

My friend's Dad had that 45 and I must have heard it a hundred times. We'd stack up all his 45's and play 'em after they relegated us to bed.
I don't think I'd heard that in 55 years!

A classic and also a part of the Southern heritage that some asshoes demand we be ashamed of.
Why does our President support the racist, treasonous Confederate Flag?

Slick Willy flew the Stars and Bars over the State House while governor, so I assume you think he and Hitlery are both racist, right?

Neither is President TODAY

Beside the point. The Confederacy does not exist today either. So what's your problem with the flag? Have you noticed that all 50 States have and fly flags of their own and probably all have had slavery one time or another? Hypocrisy.

I can understand wanting to keep the confederate flag alive for one's ancestry' s sake, my ancestors on my father's side were mostly confederates.... most were not slave owners, but so far in my ancestry search, I've found only 3 great great etc grandfather's that were... but most were just farmers, with no slaves....only their 8 to 12 children each, as their farm laborers.... but the men relatives still served in the Confederate States Army through being drafted...

But, and that's a big BUT.... What I have slowly realized over my decades, it's such a hurtful reminder of what human beings, that were slaves and the ancestors of today's African Americans, had to go through...

That flying flag is a sign to them, that they too are STILL thought of, as less than human beings....

And that's just unacceptable to me.... I want no part in a continuation of hurting them, even if simply their feelings.

Fine, if they don't like it then propose legislation to ban the flag and let everyone vote their feelings about it, but Ooops! those states and their legal systems were all created by evil slave owners and worse, the buildings fly the American flag, created by evil slave owners, and must abide by the US Constitution, which defined a black man as only three fifths of a white man, so legal channels are just too painful to pursue and black Americans have no choice but to ignore the law and just destroy the flags and monuments of the Confederacy when they are not too busy looting and burning Target stores.

Slavery was evil and were the Jim Crow laws, and black people were oppressed for much of our history, but they are no longer oppressed. Today, black Americans have all the same rights and opportunities as other Americans and we have a plethora of laws, government agencies to protect those rights, so if seeing someone waving a confederate flag, even if he is a white supremacist makes them feel less than human, it is is not because the guy with the flag has any particular weight or influence but because evil Democrats are exploiting the insecurities of black people for their own political gain before an election. It is you, not the guy with the flag who is causing them pain.
Easier said than done...
It's hard to pick oneself up by their bootstraps, when they were barefoot a few hundred years, and had no shoes.

Nonsense, we are a nation of immigrants. People came here with nothing who didn't even speak the language and the next generation flourished. Black people are being held back by people like you who tell them they are still oppressed and have no opportunities because some guy is carrying a flag.

I think the criminal tearing down of statues is wrong... They should legally be removed, in places where the statues were put up, with no local history behind them.... but the true history of these confederate officers belong in a museum, or on the grounds of historical battlefields, such as Gettysburg.... with historical reference.

I think the issue of the monuments should be put on the ballot case by case and let the voters decide. The facts that slavery and the Jim Crow laws once existed here are irrelevant to the conditions under which black Americans live today.

I think the issue of the monuments should be put on the ballot case by case and let the voters decide. The facts that slavery and the Jim Crow laws once existed here are irrelevant to the conditions under which black Americans live today.
Well, except the conditions under which those memorials venerating white supremacists were installed would then just be renewed and reaffirmed.
LOL go fly your rainbow flag you gay faggot. As for the Confederate flag it is NOT treasonous as it does not exists anymore and all the confederates were pardoned. It is simply a historical flag of our past. Remind me do you support BLM in tearing down Washington's statue, Lincoln? Remind me again who is the traitor?
I thought confederates and kkk etc, were Democrats? So why are Republicans fighting to keep a flag belonging to Democrats up?
Because Republicans aren’t fascist scum like you Dimwingers.
Because Democrats of slavery and the kkk have switched parties with the Republicans is more likely.... y'all try to blame the Dems of today for past sins, but it's really the ancestors of today's Republicans in the South's past sins... is what seems obvious, to me....
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
The former confederate states are all conservative red states, dope.
Did the ideology of the populations of those states change or just their party affiliation?
Have you failed to notice that the ideology of those (as well as others) States has well as the people who live there has changed very considerably in the last 150 years or so?

WTH is "Derp..." supposed to mean?
LOL go fly your rainbow flag you gay faggot. As for the Confederate flag it is NOT treasonous as it does not exists anymore and all the confederates were pardoned. It is simply a historical flag of our past. Remind me do you support BLM in tearing down Washington's statue, Lincoln? Remind me again who is the traitor?
I thought confederates and kkk etc, were Democrats? So why are Republicans fighting to keep a flag belonging to Democrats up?
Because Republicans aren’t fascist scum like you Dimwingers.
Because Democrats of slavery and the kkk have switched parties with the Republicans is more likely.... y'all try to blame the Dems of today for past sins, but it's really the ancestors of today's Republicans in the South's past sins... is what seems obvious, to me....
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
The former confederate states are all conservative red states, dope.
Did the ideology of the populations of those states change or just their party affiliation?
The South was solidly democrat from the Civil War till the late 90's.
I agree it's racist ... but it's not treasonous ... not anymore than me flying my own state flag ... burn both Sacramento and Salem to the ground ... the world would be a safer place ...
The people who fly it don't do it to denigrate black people.
The people who fly it don't do it to denigrate black people
Because they don't know any better.
There is no "better," douchebag.
LOL go fly your rainbow flag you gay faggot. As for the Confederate flag it is NOT treasonous as it does not exists anymore and all the confederates were pardoned. It is simply a historical flag of our past. Remind me do you support BLM in tearing down Washington's statue, Lincoln? Remind me again who is the traitor?
I thought confederates and kkk etc, were Democrats? So why are Republicans fighting to keep a flag belonging to Democrats up?
Because Republicans aren’t fascist scum like you Dimwingers.
Because Democrats of slavery and the kkk have switched parties with the Republicans is more likely.... y'all try to blame the Dems of today for past sins, but it's really the ancestors of today's Republicans in the South's past sins... is what seems obvious, to me....
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
The former confederate states are all conservative red states, dope.
Did the ideology of the populations of those states change or just their party affiliation?
Have you failed to notice that the ideology of those (as well as others) States has well as the people who live there has changed very considerably in the last 150 years or so?

WTH is "Derp..." supposed to mean?
Have you failed to notice that the ideology of those (as well as others) States has well as the people who live there has changed very considerably in the last 150 years or so?

WTH is "Derp..." supposed to mean?
Always been conservative. If not, then how can that flag represent the pride and heritage that modern conservatives say it does?
I agree it's racist ... but it's not treasonous ... not anymore than me flying my own state flag ... burn both Sacramento and Salem to the ground ... the world would be a safer place ...
The people who fly it don't do it to denigrate black people.
The people who fly it don't do it to denigrate black people
Because they don't know any better.
There is no "better," douchebag.
is no "better," douchebag.
Case in point.
LOL go fly your rainbow flag you gay faggot. As for the Confederate flag it is NOT treasonous as it does not exists anymore and all the confederates were pardoned. It is simply a historical flag of our past. Remind me do you support BLM in tearing down Washington's statue, Lincoln? Remind me again who is the traitor?
I thought confederates and kkk etc, were Democrats? So why are Republicans fighting to keep a flag belonging to Democrats up?
Because Republicans aren’t fascist scum like you Dimwingers.
Because Democrats of slavery and the kkk have switched parties with the Republicans is more likely.... y'all try to blame the Dems of today for past sins, but it's really the ancestors of today's Republicans in the South's past sins... is what seems obvious, to me....
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
The former confederate states are all conservative red states, dope.
Did the ideology of the populations of those states change or just their party affiliation?
Have you failed to notice that the ideology of those (as well as others) States has well as the people who live there has changed very considerably in the last 150 years or so?

WTH is "Derp..." supposed to mean?
Have you failed to notice that the ideology of those (as well as others) States has well as the people who live there has changed very considerably in the last 150 years or so?

WTH is "Derp..." supposed to mean?
Always been conservative. If not, then how can that flag represent the pride and heritage that modern conservatives say it does?
Until 2006 every southern state was run by democrats at the State and federal level. Even now local politics are still dominated by democrats.
40 years ago, the Confederate flag just symbolized "Dixie," at least so far as I knew. It was a flag of the South. Then the white supremacists adopted it and blew the symbol all to shit. It's their fault people look so negatively on it now.

I still don't get what the Big Democrats here are trying to accomplish though, dragging up all this "traitor" stuff and reopening the Civil War. It's some kind of campaign tactic when you see rightwinger, Crepitus and LoneLaugher all leading the charge on the same topic a few months before the election. Official blue platform, all the way. But why?

It's not an attempt to appear "woke." The Dems got that one sewn up already. All this harping on the South being "traitors" is nothing but divisive sniping, and it is really getting people emotional, like they always do about their flags, their states, their homes. I don't care if they get rid of the Confederate flag. That's fine considering the crew that's appropriated it. But all this judgmental "traitor" business oughta stop.
LOL go fly your rainbow flag you gay faggot. As for the Confederate flag it is NOT treasonous as it does not exists anymore and all the confederates were pardoned. It is simply a historical flag of our past. Remind me do you support BLM in tearing down Washington's statue, Lincoln? Remind me again who is the traitor?
I thought confederates and kkk etc, were Democrats? So why are Republicans fighting to keep a flag belonging to Democrats up?
Because Republicans aren’t fascist scum like you Dimwingers.
Because Democrats of slavery and the kkk have switched parties with the Republicans is more likely.... y'all try to blame the Dems of today for past sins, but it's really the ancestors of today's Republicans in the South's past sins... is what seems obvious, to me....
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
The former confederate states are all conservative red states, dope.
Did the ideology of the populations of those states change or just their party affiliation?
The South was solidly democrat from the Civil War till the late 90's.
The South was solidly democrat from the Civil War till the late 90's.
What does party affiliation have to do with it?
What changed then?
We lost Vietnam ... can we still fly the American Flag?

We lost the War of 1812 ... can we still burn the Canadian Flag? ...
Actually it was the British who were our primary antagonists and I'd argue we won but even if not we certainly didn't lose. At the moment the law tries to protect the burning of the American flag so I imagine the same would apply to any other flag not owned by someone else,

My friend's Dad had that 45 and I must have heard it a hundred times. We'd stack up all his 45's and play 'em after they relegated us to bed.
I don't think I'd heard that in 55 years!

A classic and also a part of the Southern heritage that some asshoes demand we be ashamed of.

What part of your heritage are you proud of...

Hating the United States
Fighting for Slavery
40 years ago, the Confederate flag just symbolized "Dixie," at least so far as I knew. It was a flag of the South. Then the white supremacists adopted it and blew the symbol all to shit. It's their fault people look so negatively on it now.

I still don't get what the Big Democrats here are trying to accomplish though, dragging up all this "traitor" stuff and reopening the Civil War. It's some kind of campaign tactic when you see rightwinger, Crepitus and LoneLaugher all leading the charge on the same topic a few months before the election. Official blue platform, all the way. But why?

It's not an attempt to appear "woke." The Dems got that one sewn up already. All this harping on the South being "traitors" is nothing but divisive sniping, and it is really getting people emotional, like they always do about their flags, their states, their homes. I don't care if they get rid of the Confederate flag. That's fine considering the crew that's appropriated it. But all this judgmental "traitor" business oughta stop.
It goes beyond 40 years, back 100 years with the Daughters of the Confederacy appropriating our history and pushing Lost Cause justifications and erecting monuments in opposition of Civil Rights.
Put the negroes in their place
LOL go fly your rainbow flag you gay faggot. As for the Confederate flag it is NOT treasonous as it does not exists anymore and all the confederates were pardoned. It is simply a historical flag of our past. Remind me do you support BLM in tearing down Washington's statue, Lincoln? Remind me again who is the traitor?
I thought confederates and kkk etc, were Democrats? So why are Republicans fighting to keep a flag belonging to Democrats up?
Because Republicans aren’t fascist scum like you Dimwingers.
Because Democrats of slavery and the kkk have switched parties with the Republicans is more likely.... y'all try to blame the Dems of today for past sins, but it's really the ancestors of today's Republicans in the South's past sins... is what seems obvious, to me....
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
Which party had a KKK leader serving in the Senate until 2010?

That would be YOUR racist party.
The former confederate states are all conservative red states, dope.
Did the ideology of the populations of those states change or just their party affiliation?
Have you failed to notice that the ideology of those (as well as others) States has well as the people who live there has changed very considerably in the last 150 years or so?

WTH is "Derp..." supposed to mean?
Have you failed to notice that the ideology of those (as well as others) States has well as the people who live there has changed very considerably in the last 150 years or so?

WTH is "Derp..." supposed to mean?
Always been conservative. If not, then how can that flag represent the pride and heritage that modern conservatives say it does?
Until 2006 every southern state was run by democrats at the State and federal level. Even now local politics are still dominated by democrats.
You can disagree all you want until the census in 2010 when states redid congressional zones the democrats controlled every southern State. Until 2000 and after the dems had a lock on the South. Your whining complaining and marking my post disagree doesn't change the FACTS. I live in NC I know what I am talking about.
LOL go fly your rainbow flag you gay faggot. As for the Confederate flag it is NOT treasonous as it does not exists anymore and all the confederates were pardoned. It is simply a historical flag of our past. Remind me do you support BLM in tearing down Washington's statue, Lincoln? Remind me again who is the traitor?
Not of "our past". Of the past. They lost.

We lost Vietnam ... can we still fly the American Flag?
We need monuments to Ho Chi Minh
Why does our President support the racist, treasonous Confederate Flag?

Why was Biden best friends with KKK member Dem Senator Robert Byrd?

Why not?

Byrd had long ago denounced his association and his voting record on Civil Rights was endorsed by the NAACP


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