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The Flag of Treason

We lost Vietnam ... can we still fly the American Flag?

We lost the War of 1812 ... can we still burn the Canadian Flag? ...
Actually it was the British who were our primary antagonists and I'd argue we won but even if not we certainly didn't lose. At the moment the law tries to protect the burning of the American flag so I imagine the same would apply to any other flag not owned by someone else,

/——/.I’ve heard it’s a hate crime to burn the Gaye rainbow flag. You could go to jail.

Really? I never heard of such a law. I know it isn't the law here and doubt that it ever will be. It really was against the law to burn the USA flag except with proper ceremony until the court decision and hopefully will be again ASAP.
Why does our President support the racist, treasonous Confederate Flag?

Does he? Or does he just support the 1st Amendment as he was sworn to do?

First Amendment gives people the right to protest flags that honor slavery and racism

Bill and Hillary Clinton and Al Gore also love the Confederate flag. They used it during their campaigns.

Actually I don't believe those folks love anything or anyone other that themselves and maybe not even that
The Confederate Flag is a flag that says.....We HATE America

View attachment 357434

Always has been

Except that's not the Confederate flag.

Pssst.... STILL WAITING for you to address Rick Wilson's cooler.
Yea, yea

Confederate Battle Flag

It is now the symbol of the confederacy and a symbol of racism

You don't get to decide that. I consider it a symbol of harmless regional pride and you to be a race baiting asshole.
Of course I do

Your flag is a symbol of hatred of the United States or a symbol of hatred of blacks

Nope. It's a harmless symbol of regional pride and you are a faggot.

OK Regional pride in what?

That they hated the US so much that they fought against us
That they used to own slaves?

The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?

THat is a rhetorical question. I know you are just a race baiting troll asshole who is just here to be an asshole and troll.
The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?
It's not confusing in any way. In fact, it couldn't be more clear.

The culture of white supremacy.
The history of brutal slavery.
The brave fight to preserve their racial supremacy and expand brutal slavery to further their economic windfall from it.

Either you are confused or sympathetic.

You don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
I'm not defining anything. That's what the confederacy said they were all sbout.
Sorry if you believed otherwise. Rubes seem to abound in the south.

The government is not the nation. The policies of the government are not the nation. Trump runs this country. Yet, Hollywood is a very different and distinct community and culture within it.

A future statue could celebrate this time period's Hollywood and not be a celebration of our government or Trump's policies.

This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible.

Why are you working so hard to pretend to be so stupid?

Because it gives you an excuse for your bullying behavior.
This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible
Not my pretense. The clearly stated reasons the confederacy gave for their actions, dope.

Why would you choose to venerate the men who exploited the average white southern farmer to fight their war without telling them why?
Sounds like they were treated no better than negros.

Their service to their States is worthy of respect and commemoration. The politics of their leaders is not relevant in that context.

Is this a monument to WWII vets or a tribute to FDRs New Deal?

View attachment 358696

Your pretense of being too stupid to understand this is not credible.

You are just rationalizing your bullying behavior.

"Most of the people who were involved in erecting the monuments were not necessarily erecting a monument to the past," said Jane Dailey, an associate professor of history at the University of Chicago."But were rather, erecting them toward a white supremacist future."

The most recent comprehensive study of Confederate statues and monuments across the country was published by the Southern Poverty Law Center last year. A look at this chart shows huge spikes in construction twice during the 20th century: in the early 1900s, and then again in the 1950s and 60s. Both were times of extreme civil rights tension."

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a lefty organization that is not objective or credible.
Its an NPR article.
NPR is trustworthy and least biased.
the only thing SPLC provided there is a chart of when statues were built.
Actually that is mentioned by the phrase enemies foreign and DOMESTIC and by rebellion.
At the time of secession the States were not enemies (foreign or domestic) nor were they in rebellion. When the Union attacked SC it was a sovereign State and no longer a part of the union so not in rebellion.
Wrong as usual the US did not attack anyone until after they were attacked. You can lie and misrepresent all you want History is clear on this South Carolina attacked Fort Sumnter on 12 April and Lincoln DID NOT call up the militia or the army until 15 April. As for sovereign wrong again The states that tried to leave the Union were in open rebellion against the LEGAL Government in Washington DC.
South Carolina gave the Union occupiers of Fort Sumter every opportunity to leave and even take their weapons with them. This property was now the sovereign property of SC. When Lincoln sent ships to re supply the Fort it was an act of treachery and an act of war.
Actually that is mentioned by the phrase enemies foreign and DOMESTIC and by rebellion.
At the time of secession the States were not enemies (foreign or domestic) nor were they in rebellion. When the Union attacked SC it was a sovereign State and no longer a part of the union so not in rebellion.
Wrong as usual the US did not attack anyone until after they were attacked. You can lie and misrepresent all you want History is clear on this South Carolina attacked Fort Sumnter on 12 April and Lincoln DID NOT call up the militia or the army until 15 April. As for sovereign wrong again The states that tried to leave the Union were in open rebellion against the LEGAL Government in Washington DC.
Look Doc9 you are either a blazing MORON or a bald faced liar, what I have posted here is fact Fort sumnter was fired on April 12th and Lincoln did NOT call out the militia until April 15th AFTER the ATTACK. Disagreeing with FACTS makes you look REALLY STUPID. And the USA considered the Southern States in rebellion which is ALSO HISTORICAL FACT.
Actually that is mentioned by the phrase enemies foreign and DOMESTIC and by rebellion.
At the time of secession the States were not enemies (foreign or domestic) nor were they in rebellion. When the Union attacked SC it was a sovereign State and no longer a part of the union so not in rebellion.
Wrong as usual the US did not attack anyone until after they were attacked. You can lie and misrepresent all you want History is clear on this South Carolina attacked Fort Sumnter on 12 April and Lincoln DID NOT call up the militia or the army until 15 April. As for sovereign wrong again The states that tried to leave the Union were in open rebellion against the LEGAL Government in Washington DC.
Look Doc9 you are either a blazing MORON or a bald faced liar, what I have posted here is fact Fort sumnter was fired on April 12th and Lincoln did NOT call out the militia until April 15th AFTER the ATTACK. Disagreeing with FACTS makes you look REALLY STUPID. And the USA considered the Southern States in rebellion which is ALSO HISTORICAL FACT.
I may be a blazing moron but I can't be bald-faced anything because I have really nice beard. I have not questioned those facts nor am interested in what the Union considered. Nations say whatever they like (true or not) to put the best possible spin on their actions. You should know this. Called "propaganda" and one side's propaganda is as questionable as the others. In addition there is considerable truth in the old saying that the winner writes the history anyway they like.
I say again: the South considered the Unions' refusal to leave SC's territory coupled with the reinforcement of the armed troops there an attack. I tend to agree with them. Either way it was definitely a deliberate provocation that is also a historical fact. The Union did in fact peacefully give up forts and other federal installations elsewhere in the South so why not this time? It might also be remembered that many Confederate officers had been Union officers that were allowed to peacefully leave Union service. If it was "rebellion" wouldn't those officers have been considered rebels/traitors and perhaps shot? Gen. Robert E Lee left Union employ to become a Southern leader. If the Union considered him a traitor/rebel why didn't they simply jail or shoot him and save themselves a whole lot of grief?
Its an NPR article.
NPR is trustworthy and least biased.

Actually that is mentioned by the phrase enemies foreign and DOMESTIC and by rebellion.
At the time of secession the States were not enemies (foreign or domestic) nor were they in rebellion. When the Union attacked SC it was a sovereign State and no longer a part of the union so not in rebellion.
Wrong as usual the US did not attack anyone until after they were attacked. You can lie and misrepresent all you want History is clear on this South Carolina attacked Fort Sumnter on 12 April and Lincoln DID NOT call up the militia or the army until 15 April. As for sovereign wrong again The states that tried to leave the Union were in open rebellion against the LEGAL Government in Washington DC.
Look Doc9 you are either a blazing MORON or a bald faced liar, what I have posted here is fact Fort sumnter was fired on April 12th and Lincoln did NOT call out the militia until April 15th AFTER the ATTACK. Disagreeing with FACTS makes you look REALLY STUPID. And the USA considered the Southern States in rebellion which is ALSO HISTORICAL FACT.
I may be a blazing moron but I can't be bald-faced anything because I have really nice beard. I have not questioned those facts nor am interested in what the Union considered. Nations say whatever they like (true or not) to put the best possible spin on their actions. You should know this. Called "propaganda" and one side's propaganda is as questionable as the others. In addition there is considerable truth in the old saying that the winner writes the history anyway they like.
I say again: the South considered the Unions' refusal to leave SC's territory coupled with the reinforcement of the armed troops there an attack. I tend to agree with them. Either way it was definitely a deliberate provocation that is also a historical fact. The Union did in fact peacefully give up forts and other federal installations elsewhere in the South so why not this time? It might also be remembered that many Confederate officers had been Union officers that were allowed to peacefully leave Union service. If it was "rebellion" wouldn't those officers have been considered rebels/traitors and perhaps shot? Gen. Robert E Lee left Union employ to become a Southern leader. If the Union considered him a traitor/rebel why didn't they simply jail or shoot him and save themselves a whole lot of grief?
And yet every time I post the FACTS you mark my post as disagree, Facts are not changeable. The Union wanted no war Lincoln made it clear in several VERY SPECIFIC speeches , his actions NOT raising the Militia while the South did made it clear he wanted no war. He took NO ACTION UNTIL the South attacked the Union. That is a simple FACT proven by the dates I have given you, by the speeches Lincoln gave by the entirety of the all the actions taken BY LINCOLN. The Confederacy WANTED WAR and made sure to start it. Their actions lead to the destruction of their society in 4 years instead of 20 to 30 years. And yes the SOCIETY they were fighting for was SLAVERY.
Actually that is mentioned by the phrase enemies foreign and DOMESTIC and by rebellion.
At the time of secession the States were not enemies (foreign or domestic) nor were they in rebellion. When the Union attacked SC it was a sovereign State and no longer a part of the union so not in rebellion.
Wrong as usual the US did not attack anyone until after they were attacked. You can lie and misrepresent all you want History is clear on this South Carolina attacked Fort Sumnter on 12 April and Lincoln DID NOT call up the militia or the army until 15 April. As for sovereign wrong again The states that tried to leave the Union were in open rebellion against the LEGAL Government in Washington DC.
Look Doc9 you are either a blazing MORON or a bald faced liar, what I have posted here is fact Fort sumnter was fired on April 12th and Lincoln did NOT call out the militia until April 15th AFTER the ATTACK. Disagreeing with FACTS makes you look REALLY STUPID. And the USA considered the Southern States in rebellion which is ALSO HISTORICAL FACT.
I may be a blazing moron but I can't be bald-faced anything because I have really nice beard. I have not questioned those facts nor am interested in what the Union considered. Nations say whatever they like (true or not) to put the best possible spin on their actions. You should know this. Called "propaganda" and one side's propaganda is as questionable as the others. In addition there is considerable truth in the old saying that the winner writes the history anyway they like.
I say again: the South considered the Unions' refusal to leave SC's territory coupled with the reinforcement of the armed troops there an attack. I tend to agree with them. Either way it was definitely a deliberate provocation that is also a historical fact. The Union did in fact peacefully give up forts and other federal installations elsewhere in the South so why not this time? It might also be remembered that many Confederate officers had been Union officers that were allowed to peacefully leave Union service. If it was "rebellion" wouldn't those officers have been considered rebels/traitors and perhaps shot? Gen. Robert E Lee left Union employ to become a Southern leader. If the Union considered him a traitor/rebel why didn't they simply jail or shoot him and save themselves a whole lot of grief?
And yet every time I post the FACTS you mark my post as disagree, Facts are not changeable. The Union wanted no war Lincoln made it clear in several VERY SPECIFIC speeches , his actions NOT raising the Militia while the South did made it clear he wanted no war. He took NO ACTION UNTIL the South attacked the Union. That is a simple FACT proven by the dates I have given you, by the speeches Lincoln gave by the entirety of the all the actions taken BY LINCOLN. The Confederacy WANTED WAR and made sure to start it. Their actions lead to the destruction of their society in 4 years instead of 20 to 30 years. And yes the SOCIETY they were fighting for was SLAVERY.
What I believe you are missing is that I believe you are mixing some fact with some opinion (not fact and may be fiction). example: "The Union wanted no war Lincoln made it clear in several VERY SPECIFIC speeches , his actions NOT raising the Militia while the South did made it clear he wanted no war." That is entirely opinion; not fact. Lincoln wanting no war is your opinion. What seems clear to you or someone else is again opinion. You may accurately list dates and quote actions and be correct historically but what they mean is opinion. Historians may state what they think actions and dates mean but it is truly just one more opinion. The Union may have honestly believed one thing and the South may honestly have believed another. In fact I think that is exactly the case. Again opinions; not facts. And 160 yrs later we each have our own opinions and they are even less likely to be true. I believe Lincoln didn't believe the South would actually succeed and when they did he would have done anything-including starting
a war and that he did so. All in an effort keep the union together.
The Confederate Flag is a flag that says.....We HATE America

View attachment 357434

Always has been

Except that's not the Confederate flag.

Pssst.... STILL WAITING for you to address Rick Wilson's cooler.
Yea, yea

Confederate Battle Flag

It is now the symbol of the confederacy and a symbol of racism

You don't get to decide that. I consider it a symbol of harmless regional pride and you to be a race baiting asshole.
Of course I do

Your flag is a symbol of hatred of the United States or a symbol of hatred of blacks

Nope. It's a harmless symbol of regional pride and you are a faggot.

OK Regional pride in what?

That they hated the US so much that they fought against us
That they used to own slaves?

The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?

THat is a rhetorical question. I know you are just a race baiting troll asshole who is just here to be an asshole and troll.
The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?
It's not confusing in any way. In fact, it couldn't be more clear.

The culture of white supremacy.
The history of brutal slavery.
The brave fight to preserve their racial supremacy and expand brutal slavery to further their economic windfall from it.

Either you are confused or sympathetic.

You don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
I'm not defining anything. That's what the confederacy said they were all sbout.
Sorry if you believed otherwise. Rubes seem to abound in the south.

The government is not the nation. The policies of the government are not the nation. Trump runs this country. Yet, Hollywood is a very different and distinct community and culture within it.

A future statue could celebrate this time period's Hollywood and not be a celebration of our government or Trump's policies.

This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible.

Why are you working so hard to pretend to be so stupid?

Because it gives you an excuse for your bullying behavior.
This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible
Not my pretense. The clearly stated reasons the confederacy gave for their actions, dope.

Why would you choose to venerate the men who exploited the average white southern farmer to fight their war without telling them why?
Sounds like they were treated no better than negros.
Whatever the Confederacy's stated reasons, Lincoln did not invade Virginia to free the slaves. He didn't give a damn about the slaves.
If one looks at Lincoln’s position on slavery throughout his career he repeatedly opposed slavery. A

His position was so extreme that the south chose secession rather than live under Lincolns rule
He only opposed extending slavery to new states. he did not oppose slavery. He even stated he would sign an amendment that would enshrine slavery into the Constitution if that would keep the Southern states from seceding.

You simply don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Your understanding of history is all leftwing myths.
Lincoln was a pragmatist. He knew he had no power to end slavery. Best he could do is stop its expansion

The South overreacted to Lincoln’s election and secession resulted in the end of slavery in four years rather than in decades

They were thinking long term and were desperate. They did not want to live under a government that was actively hostile to them and their interests.
They were thinking long term and were desperate. They did not want to live under a government that was actively hostile to them and their interests.
Exactly. What interests were those, dope?

Why? YOu think that the emotional impact of saying it, is the only way for you to score a point because your argument is so stupid that it can't stand up to any actual thought?

My point stands. Lincoln was deeply hostile to them, and had a real plan to use the power of the Federal Government against them.

So they left. Or tried to and LIncoln conquered them. A lot of their people fought to defend their homelands.

That their descendants put up some statues in memory of their service, is pretty normal.

That you are butthurt about it, is not.

YOu are the bad guy. NOt the people that have some regional pride in their heritage. YOu are for wanting to attack them and it.
The Confederate Flag is a flag that says.....We HATE America

View attachment 357434

Always has been

Except that's not the Confederate flag.

Pssst.... STILL WAITING for you to address Rick Wilson's cooler.
Yea, yea

Confederate Battle Flag

It is now the symbol of the confederacy and a symbol of racism

You don't get to decide that. I consider it a symbol of harmless regional pride and you to be a race baiting asshole.
Of course I do

Your flag is a symbol of hatred of the United States or a symbol of hatred of blacks

Nope. It's a harmless symbol of regional pride and you are a faggot.

OK Regional pride in what?

That they hated the US so much that they fought against us
That they used to own slaves?

The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?

THat is a rhetorical question. I know you are just a race baiting troll asshole who is just here to be an asshole and troll.
The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?
It's not confusing in any way. In fact, it couldn't be more clear.

The culture of white supremacy.
The history of brutal slavery.
The brave fight to preserve their racial supremacy and expand brutal slavery to further their economic windfall from it.

Either you are confused or sympathetic.

You don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
I'm not defining anything. That's what the confederacy said they were all sbout.
Sorry if you believed otherwise. Rubes seem to abound in the south.

The government is not the nation. The policies of the government are not the nation. Trump runs this country. Yet, Hollywood is a very different and distinct community and culture within it.

A future statue could celebrate this time period's Hollywood and not be a celebration of our government or Trump's policies.

This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible.

Why are you working so hard to pretend to be so stupid?

Because it gives you an excuse for your bullying behavior.
This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible
Not my pretense. The clearly stated reasons the confederacy gave for their actions, dope.

Why would you choose to venerate the men who exploited the average white southern farmer to fight their war without telling them why?
Sounds like they were treated no better than negros.

Their service to their States is worthy of respect and commemoration. The politics of their leaders is not relevant in that context.

Is this a monument to WWII vets or a tribute to FDRs New Deal?

View attachment 358696

Your pretense of being too stupid to understand this is not credible.

You are just rationalizing your bullying behavior.

"Most of the people who were involved in erecting the monuments were not necessarily erecting a monument to the past," said Jane Dailey, an associate professor of history at the University of Chicago."But were rather, erecting them toward a white supremacist future."

The most recent comprehensive study of Confederate statues and monuments across the country was published by the Southern Poverty Law Center last year. A look at this chart shows huge spikes in construction twice during the 20th century: in the early 1900s, and then again in the 1950s and 60s. Both were times of extreme civil rights tension."

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a lefty organization that is not objective or credible.
Its an NPR article.
NPR is trustworthy and least biased.
the only thing SPLC provided there is a chart of when statues were built.

You are telling me what the statues supports think, but quoting people who oppose that statue....

Serious? You don't see any flaw with that plan?

My point stands. I have never heard anyone who supports the statues say that that is what they mean.
The Confederate Flag is a flag that says.....We HATE America

View attachment 357434

Always has been

Except that's not the Confederate flag.

Pssst.... STILL WAITING for you to address Rick Wilson's cooler.
Yea, yea

Confederate Battle Flag

It is now the symbol of the confederacy and a symbol of racism

You don't get to decide that. I consider it a symbol of harmless regional pride and you to be a race baiting asshole.
Of course I do

Your flag is a symbol of hatred of the United States or a symbol of hatred of blacks

Nope. It's a harmless symbol of regional pride and you are a faggot.

OK Regional pride in what?

That they hated the US so much that they fought against us
That they used to own slaves?

The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?

THat is a rhetorical question. I know you are just a race baiting troll asshole who is just here to be an asshole and troll.
The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?
It's not confusing in any way. In fact, it couldn't be more clear.

The culture of white supremacy.
The history of brutal slavery.
The brave fight to preserve their racial supremacy and expand brutal slavery to further their economic windfall from it.

Either you are confused or sympathetic.

You don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
I'm not defining anything. That's what the confederacy said they were all sbout.
Sorry if you believed otherwise. Rubes seem to abound in the south.

The government is not the nation. The policies of the government are not the nation. Trump runs this country. Yet, Hollywood is a very different and distinct community and culture within it.

A future statue could celebrate this time period's Hollywood and not be a celebration of our government or Trump's policies.

This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible.

Why are you working so hard to pretend to be so stupid?

Because it gives you an excuse for your bullying behavior.
This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible
Not my pretense. The clearly stated reasons the confederacy gave for their actions, dope.

Why would you choose to venerate the men who exploited the average white southern farmer to fight their war without telling them why?
Sounds like they were treated no better than negros.

Their service to their States is worthy of respect and commemoration. The politics of their leaders is not relevant in that context.

Is this a monument to WWII vets or a tribute to FDRs New Deal?

View attachment 358696

Your pretense of being too stupid to understand this is not credible.

You are just rationalizing your bullying behavior.

"Most of the people who were involved in erecting the monuments were not necessarily erecting a monument to the past," said Jane Dailey, an associate professor of history at the University of Chicago."But were rather, erecting them toward a white supremacist future."

The most recent comprehensive study of Confederate statues and monuments across the country was published by the Southern Poverty Law Center last year. A look at this chart shows huge spikes in construction twice during the 20th century: in the early 1900s, and then again in the 1950s and 60s. Both were times of extreme civil rights tension."

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a lefty organization that is not objective or credible.
Its an NPR article.
NPR is trustworthy and least biased.
the only thing SPLC provided there is a chart of when statues were built.
The Confederate Flag is a flag that says.....We HATE America

View attachment 357434

Always has been

Except that's not the Confederate flag.

Pssst.... STILL WAITING for you to address Rick Wilson's cooler.
Yea, yea

Confederate Battle Flag

It is now the symbol of the confederacy and a symbol of racism

You don't get to decide that. I consider it a symbol of harmless regional pride and you to be a race baiting asshole.
Of course I do

Your flag is a symbol of hatred of the United States or a symbol of hatred of blacks

Nope. It's a harmless symbol of regional pride and you are a faggot.

OK Regional pride in what?

That they hated the US so much that they fought against us
That they used to own slaves?

The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?

THat is a rhetorical question. I know you are just a race baiting troll asshole who is just here to be an asshole and troll.
The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?
It's not confusing in any way. In fact, it couldn't be more clear.

The culture of white supremacy.
The history of brutal slavery.
The brave fight to preserve their racial supremacy and expand brutal slavery to further their economic windfall from it.

Either you are confused or sympathetic.

You don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
I'm not defining anything. That's what the confederacy said they were all sbout.
Sorry if you believed otherwise. Rubes seem to abound in the south.

The government is not the nation. The policies of the government are not the nation. Trump runs this country. Yet, Hollywood is a very different and distinct community and culture within it.

A future statue could celebrate this time period's Hollywood and not be a celebration of our government or Trump's policies.

This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible.

Why are you working so hard to pretend to be so stupid?

Because it gives you an excuse for your bullying behavior.
This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible
Not my pretense. The clearly stated reasons the confederacy gave for their actions, dope.

Why would you choose to venerate the men who exploited the average white southern farmer to fight their war without telling them why?
Sounds like they were treated no better than negros.

Their service to their States is worthy of respect and commemoration. The politics of their leaders is not relevant in that context.

Is this a monument to WWII vets or a tribute to FDRs New Deal?

View attachment 358696

Your pretense of being too stupid to understand this is not credible.

You are just rationalizing your bullying behavior.

"Most of the people who were involved in erecting the monuments were not necessarily erecting a monument to the past," said Jane Dailey, an associate professor of history at the University of Chicago."But were rather, erecting them toward a white supremacist future."

The most recent comprehensive study of Confederate statues and monuments across the country was published by the Southern Poverty Law Center last year. A look at this chart shows huge spikes in construction twice during the 20th century: in the early 1900s, and then again in the 1950s and 60s. Both were times of extreme civil rights tension."

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a lefty organization that is not objective or credible.
Its an NPR article.
NPR is trustworthy and least biased.
the only thing SPLC provided there is a chart of when statues were built.

DO you or do you not hate America?
The Confederate Flag is a flag that says.....We HATE America

View attachment 357434

Always has been

Except that's not the Confederate flag.

Pssst.... STILL WAITING for you to address Rick Wilson's cooler.
Yea, yea

Confederate Battle Flag

It is now the symbol of the confederacy and a symbol of racism

You don't get to decide that. I consider it a symbol of harmless regional pride and you to be a race baiting asshole.
Of course I do

Your flag is a symbol of hatred of the United States or a symbol of hatred of blacks

Nope. It's a harmless symbol of regional pride and you are a faggot.

OK Regional pride in what?

That they hated the US so much that they fought against us
That they used to own slaves?

The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?

THat is a rhetorical question. I know you are just a race baiting troll asshole who is just here to be an asshole and troll.
The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?
It's not confusing in any way. In fact, it couldn't be more clear.

The culture of white supremacy.
The history of brutal slavery.
The brave fight to preserve their racial supremacy and expand brutal slavery to further their economic windfall from it.

Either you are confused or sympathetic.

You don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
I'm not defining anything. That's what the confederacy said they were all sbout.
Sorry if you believed otherwise. Rubes seem to abound in the south.

The government is not the nation. The policies of the government are not the nation. Trump runs this country. Yet, Hollywood is a very different and distinct community and culture within it.

A future statue could celebrate this time period's Hollywood and not be a celebration of our government or Trump's policies.

This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible.

Why are you working so hard to pretend to be so stupid?

Because it gives you an excuse for your bullying behavior.
This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible
Not my pretense. The clearly stated reasons the confederacy gave for their actions, dope.

Why would you choose to venerate the men who exploited the average white southern farmer to fight their war without telling them why?
Sounds like they were treated no better than negros.

Their service to their States is worthy of respect and commemoration. The politics of their leaders is not relevant in that context.

Is this a monument to WWII vets or a tribute to FDRs New Deal?

View attachment 358696

Your pretense of being too stupid to understand this is not credible.

You are just rationalizing your bullying behavior.

"Most of the people who were involved in erecting the monuments were not necessarily erecting a monument to the past," said Jane Dailey, an associate professor of history at the University of Chicago."But were rather, erecting them toward a white supremacist future."

The most recent comprehensive study of Confederate statues and monuments across the country was published by the Southern Poverty Law Center last year. A look at this chart shows huge spikes in construction twice during the 20th century: in the early 1900s, and then again in the 1950s and 60s. Both were times of extreme civil rights tension."

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a lefty organization that is not objective or credible.
Its an NPR article.
NPR is trustworthy and least biased.
the only thing SPLC provided there is a chart of when statues were built.
Timing of when they were built proves nothing about their motives.

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