The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

I love how you leftists blame successful people for your problems.

People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.
Lol your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage as the world laughs. And you libtards think that it's pretty cool as you pick your noses while your collective heads cave in. Fools - all of you.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
He did that by focusing on income redistribution rather than job creation.

Wow...and still the unemployment rate dropped by half during his presidency. We've had the longest stretch of uninterrupted private sector job growth in history.

Funny how the facts don't square with the ODS ain't it?
Same stupid answer from the same stupid bastards.
People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.
Lol your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage as the world laughs. And you libtards think that it's pretty cool as you pick your noses while your collective heads cave in. Fools - all of you.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
He did that by focusing on income redistribution rather than job creation.

Wow...and still the unemployment rate dropped by half during his presidency. We've had the longest stretch of uninterrupted private sector job growth in history.

Funny how the facts don't square with the ODS ain't it?
Same stupid answer from the same stupid bastards.

The elephant in the room is that Obama's EPA was aware of Flint, but of course as usual the left huddles around Dear Leader and his corrupt administration to deflect and not miss a chance to blame republicans. Never let a crisis go to waste, even if you are part of the crisis. Left loons are stupid son's of bitches
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool

I love kicking your butt with facts. The taker states are the Red States. Republicanism is corporate welfare and welfare for the Bible Belt

People on the left are more affluent than the righties because the lefties are smarter, better educated, more creative, more moral and they work harder. The most impoverished and morally bankrupt states are the Red States.

If you equate success with being wealthy, You've got a bigger problem then any leftist I know! Family, friends , shelter food and love is success to leftists. And er... having good clean drinking water!

People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.

It's a tribute to the First Amendment that a gun toting sister marrying brown shirt like you is free to spout such nonsense.

And we could solve poverty tomorrow too if the rich didn't like low wages

It's like a guy at my work said. They'd solve our energy problem tomorrow if we didn't have so much oil in the ground and if rich people weren't getting rich from oil..

And after all this ignorance, and stupidity spewed by these mindlessly stupid left-wingers.......

I think it is more complex than that but for the RW idiots that dominate this board, I'll keep it simple and agree with you....

Have you read this thread? The avalanche of stupidity just spewed on there, proves we do not dominate this board.

You people can't even discuss one single topic, without resorting to a non-stop flame war. And spouting off the most quack ignorant unscientific, non-economic claims I've seen. Too many for me to bother addressing one by one. You are pathetic. Really sad.

Oh but we are 'dominating' the board all right. Are there talking ponies in your world too?
Lol your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage as the world laughs. And you libtards think that it's pretty cool as you pick your noses while your collective heads cave in. Fools - all of you.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
He did that by focusing on income redistribution rather than job creation.

Wow...and still the unemployment rate dropped by half during his presidency. We've had the longest stretch of uninterrupted private sector job growth in history.

Funny how the facts don't square with the ODS ain't it?
Same stupid answer from the same stupid bastards.

The elephant in the room is that Obama's EPA was aware of Flint, but of course as usual the left huddles around Dear Leader and his corrupt administration to deflect and not miss a chance to blame republicans. Never let a crisis go to waste, even if you are part of the crisis. Left loons are stupid son's of bitches

It's hardly the elephant in the room. The Republican Snyder administration is to blame. GOP cost cutting and tax breaks to business in Michigan is to blame. The EPA is not to blame, but that is not to say that they do not have a role. They absolutely should have thrown their weight around in Michigan and done something about it and fuck the RWNJ's "phone, pen, Hitler" bullshit.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool

I love kicking your butt with facts. The taker states are the Red States. Republicanism is corporate welfare and welfare for the Bible Belt

People on the left are more affluent than the righties because the lefties are smarter, better educated, more creative, more moral and they work harder. The most impoverished and morally bankrupt states are the Red States.

If you equate success with being wealthy, You've got a bigger problem then any leftist I know! Family, friends , shelter food and love is success to leftists. And er... having good clean drinking water!

People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.

It's a tribute to the First Amendment that a gun toting sister marrying brown shirt like you is free to spout such nonsense.

And we could solve poverty tomorrow too if the rich didn't like low wages

It's like a guy at my work said. They'd solve our energy problem tomorrow if we didn't have so much oil in the ground and if rich people weren't getting rich from oil..

And after all this ignorance, and stupidity spewed by these mindlessly stupid left-wingers.......

I think it is more complex than that but for the RW idiots that dominate this board, I'll keep it simple and agree with you....

Have you read this thread? The avalanche of stupidity just spewed on there, proves we do not dominate this board.

You people can't even discuss one single topic, without resorting to a non-stop flame war. And spouting off the most quack ignorant unscientific, non-economic claims I've seen. Too many for me to bother addressing one by one. You are pathetic. Really sad.

Oh but we are 'dominating' the board all right. Are there talking ponies in your world too?

They get dominated because they are ignorant and low info. Spewing left loon media talking points isn't going to win them anything
It's like not being able to flush your toilet and blaming the homeowners association.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
He did that by focusing on income redistribution rather than job creation.

Wow...and still the unemployment rate dropped by half during his presidency. We've had the longest stretch of uninterrupted private sector job growth in history.

Funny how the facts don't square with the ODS ain't it?
Same stupid answer from the same stupid bastards.

The elephant in the room is that Obama's EPA was aware of Flint, but of course as usual the left huddles around Dear Leader and his corrupt administration to deflect and not miss a chance to blame republicans. Never let a crisis go to waste, even if you are part of the crisis. Left loons are stupid son's of bitches

It's hardly the elephant in the room. The Republican Snyder administration is to blame. GOP cost cutting and tax breaks to business in Michigan is to blame. The EPA is not to blame, but that is not to say that they do not have a role. They absolutely should have thrown their weight around in Michigan and done something about it and fuck the RWNJ's "phone, pen, Hitler" bullshit.

A low info left loon weighs in....go back to bed or get informed and then comment. I have no use for someone spewing MSNBC crap, if I want that I'll turn on MSNBC
He did that by focusing on income redistribution rather than job creation.

Wow...and still the unemployment rate dropped by half during his presidency. We've had the longest stretch of uninterrupted private sector job growth in history.

Funny how the facts don't square with the ODS ain't it?
Same stupid answer from the same stupid bastards.

The elephant in the room is that Obama's EPA was aware of Flint, but of course as usual the left huddles around Dear Leader and his corrupt administration to deflect and not miss a chance to blame republicans. Never let a crisis go to waste, even if you are part of the crisis. Left loons are stupid son's of bitches

It's hardly the elephant in the room. The Republican Snyder administration is to blame. GOP cost cutting and tax breaks to business in Michigan is to blame. The EPA is not to blame, but that is not to say that they do not have a role. They absolutely should have thrown their weight around in Michigan and done something about it and fuck the RWNJ's "phone, pen, Hitler" bullshit.

A low info left loon weighs in....go back to bed or get informed and then comment. I have no use for someone spewing MSNBC crap, if I want that I'll turn on MSNBC

You have no use for someone that consistently provides facts that destroy your RWNJ argument.

The water in Flint is poisoned. It was poisoned by bad decisions made by the Snyder administration. But who do you want to blame? The guys on the outside that were fighting with the Snyder administration over the rules and regulations.

You can dance and deflect, but even Snyder said this was his Katrina.

And now Snyder, who is sitting on a rainy day fund, wants the Federal government to pay for it. I realize you probably don't pay taxes, but I do and I think the money should come from MI first.
I graduated in '82 you really don't know that much about Detroit do you? Look up southwest Detroit. My area has large % white and still pretty evenly mixed. I don't pick my friends based on race. i moved in 2001 but all my friends are still in Detroit and i have no problem hanging out there quit often actually. I also have a service based business and work there almost every day in all parts of Detroit. I didn't flee, I just wanted some land. I also have no problem living there.You stereotype people. That's not a virtue actually, it's a hindrance to reality.
Mexican town? Those aren't whites. LOL. Actually I did hang out in that part of Detroit. Little bars on every corner, shots daily, etc. Bottom line is you moved. You didn't want land you wanted out. You wanted to feel safe. You sold out. That's ok, so did I. LOL

Sorry you can't make new friends in the burbs.

I wanted land too so I purchased 65 acres in Boyne. I didn't move there though.

And you know who does business in Detroit? People who have to. You see an opportunity in Detroit you can't find out in the burbs. That's why arabs and other immigrants open up party stores in Detroit. It's real cheap to get started. And I know a few who've been shot. Real brave of you to live and visit in hell.

I like Detroit. Screw working in Bloomfield for all those preppy people. So let me get this straight. You're 45 yrs old, and left Detroit in 1978. That would have made you 7yrs old. You said you went to Jr high there..Are you a genius? Did you start at 7?:eusa_think:. Mexican town is only one part of Southwest are you sure you're in Michigan? :dunno:
A. Emerson MIDDLE SCHOOL was k-8. My last year there was 4th grade. I started school when I was 4. Graduated highschool when I was 17.

B. People in the burbs don't know what east side or west side or south side means. That's how you detroiters distinguish yourselves. In fact I grew up 6& evergreen and I still don't know what side that's on. It's all either downtown or shit. Sounds like you live in the whitest part of Detroit to me. You sure you didn't live just outside of Detroit? Grosse point?

B. What do you do and what % of your customers are black detroiters?

C. How many black detroiters agree with your politics? Maybe you're the racist.

6 and evergreen is Northwest side and fourth grade?..You didn't even grow up there. You were just a little kid when you left suburbanite boy. :slap:
You are right but still I went in once a week every week for 30 years. Really, without jobs, other than get out, what can those people all do? I suppose they can go to a community college but not much work opportunity there. Not like all us suburbanites who benefitted from parents with good jobs, good schools, good friends, safe, no gangs, no violence, every fight settled with fists. Even us kids could find jobs that paid $5 when minimum wage was $3.50.

I worked in a factory where they brought in blacks to meet the quota back during affirmative action. They treated the black very badly. Paid them less, didn't let them use the locker. White trash losers.

Don't try to pretend whites in Michigan aren't racist.

I used to have nightmares we had to move back. There were only 3 of us whites in the entire school. Our white principal was hospitalized! You grew up in a very soft part of Detroit. 6& evergreen was all white kindergarten, 50/50 first grade, 75% black in 2nd grade and all black 3rd and 4th.

Where we moved was paradise. My dad got a job at the wixom Lincoln continental plant. That plant helped Detroit out greatly. That plant is in mexico now.

Oh, and alot of those whites who fled to the burbs are your fellow republicans

There's lots and lot of good people in Detroit, but you're prejudice and wouldn't know that. Lots of people that I have as friends you wouldn't even bother look at because you're a scared little leftist, suburbanite bitch, who thinks he knows what's good for them, not being around you would be one of those things. How about you leftist quit shipping in low income workers, and quit making victims out of people, you'll be a lot better off. You leftist like your victims the more the better for you people. You wouldn't have survived where I came from boy.... You're soft.
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Wow...and still the unemployment rate dropped by half during his presidency. We've had the longest stretch of uninterrupted private sector job growth in history.

Funny how the facts don't square with the ODS ain't it?
Same stupid answer from the same stupid bastards.

The elephant in the room is that Obama's EPA was aware of Flint, but of course as usual the left huddles around Dear Leader and his corrupt administration to deflect and not miss a chance to blame republicans. Never let a crisis go to waste, even if you are part of the crisis. Left loons are stupid son's of bitches

It's hardly the elephant in the room. The Republican Snyder administration is to blame. GOP cost cutting and tax breaks to business in Michigan is to blame. The EPA is not to blame, but that is not to say that they do not have a role. They absolutely should have thrown their weight around in Michigan and done something about it and fuck the RWNJ's "phone, pen, Hitler" bullshit.

A low info left loon weighs in....go back to bed or get informed and then comment. I have no use for someone spewing MSNBC crap, if I want that I'll turn on MSNBC

You have no use for someone that consistently provides facts that destroy your RWNJ argument.

The water in Flint is poisoned. It was poisoned by bad decisions made by the Snyder administration. But who do you want to blame? The guys on the outside that were fighting with the Snyder administration over the rules and regulations.

You can dance and deflect, but even Snyder said this was his Katrina.

And now Snyder, who is sitting on a rainy day fund, wants the Federal government to pay for it. I realize you probably don't pay taxes, but I do and I think the money should come from MI first.

The feds can help with it since the EPA guys screwed up. you leftist would rather use this as a political issue. Obama spent almost a trillion dollars, supposedly on infrastructure, only to use it to pay off his government union buddies and crony supporters
I love how you leftists blame successful people for your problems.

People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.
Lol your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage as the world laughs. And you libtards think that it's pretty cool as you pick your noses while your collective heads cave in. Fools - all of you.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool

I love how you leftists blame successful people for your problems.

People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.
Lol your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage as the world laughs. And you libtards think that it's pretty cool as you pick your noses while your collective heads cave in. Fools - all of you.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
He did that by focusing on income redistribution rather than job creation.
You guys talk out of both sides of your mouth. You don't really want to create jobs. At least not good paying jobs.

The only ones who focused on income redistributions are the ones who got all our money. We use to have 25% of the pie now we have 10%. You fucking dummies.
Flint last 2 mayors? That's right - both democrats.
So anything the white Governor does to them is their fault? Got it! White Michigan has been shitting on all the poor cities in Michigan for decades. I put a lot of the blame on the black communities for not taking more pride in themselves and instead of improving on their own, they've gotten comfortable and used to living in poverty. Like, if they were all Jews they wouldn't be poor. The jews would have figured it out on their own.

So I'm not completely blaming whites, but just remember Detroit and Flint got bad when Reagan started shipping manufacturing overseas and the Newt GOP came up with NAFTA and got Clinton to sign it. And shipping jobs picked up big time steam under GW Bush. Facts.
Lol your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage as the world laughs. And you libtards think that it's pretty cool as you pick your noses while your collective heads cave in. Fools - all of you.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
He did that by focusing on income redistribution rather than job creation.

Wow...and still the unemployment rate dropped by half during his presidency. We've had the longest stretch of uninterrupted private sector job growth in history.

Funny how the facts don't square with the ODS ain't it?
Same stupid answer from the same stupid bastards.

The elephant in the room is that Obama's EPA was aware of Flint, but of course as usual the left huddles around Dear Leader and his corrupt administration to deflect and not miss a chance to blame republicans. Never let a crisis go to waste, even if you are part of the crisis. Left loons are stupid son's of bitches
So it isn't Snyders fault, now it's Obama's? You guys are so fucking stupid.
Shutter Flint and Detroit. Democrats destroyed em a long time ago. It's all over. Movin on...
There are plenty of "Democrat" run cities and towns that are operating pretty damn well. Selecting a few that went bust due to insolvency of major industries and the resulting erosion of the tax base is just disingenuous on your part.

The hierarchy in the republican social networks, having legacy wealth from their parents and grandparents ( the top 10%) build large corporations and then run them into the ground, threatening the fiscal well being of, not just a few cities, but the economic standing of the entire nation.

You're conveniently forgetting about all those Democrat politicians who were arrested and sent to prison for corruption. They were the leaders the citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected. They have no one to blame but themselves and their beloved Democrats. It isn't a Republican issue.
Why are you connecting kwami with flint? This is how we got in the Iraq war. Iraq and Afghanistan are not the same place and neither are flint and detroit

Flint's been controlled by Democrats for the past 40-50yrs. Republicans have never had any influence there. The citizens of Flint got the corrupt incompetent Democrats they themselves chose. So it's tme to stop all the whining and blaming others.

The auto industry isn't coming back. They should have figured that out by now. And maybe it's time to stop voting for Democrats. The same folks who destroyed it, aren't gonna be the ones to rebuild it. If the citizens don't wanna accept that, then just shutter the place and move on. Simple as that.
Shutter Flint and Detroit. Democrats destroyed em a long time ago. It's all over. Movin on...
There are plenty of "Democrat" run cities and towns that are operating pretty damn well. Selecting a few that went bust due to insolvency of major industries and the resulting erosion of the tax base is just disingenuous on your part.

The hierarchy in the republican social networks, having legacy wealth from their parents and grandparents ( the top 10%) build large corporations and then run them into the ground, threatening the fiscal well being of, not just a few cities, but the economic standing of the entire nation.

You're conveniently forgetting about all those Democrat politicians who were arrested and sent to prison for corruption. They were the leaders the citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected. They have no one to blame but themselves and their beloved Democrats. It isn't a Republican issue.
Why are you connecting kwami with flint? This is how we got in the Iraq war. Iraq and Afghanistan are not the same place and neither are flint and detroit

Flint's been controlled by Democrats for the past 40-50yrs. Republicans have never had any influence there. The citizens of Flint got the corrupt incompetent Democrats they themselves chose. So it's tme to stop all the whining and blaming others.

The auto industry isn't coming back. They should have figured that out by now. And maybe it's time to stop voting for Democrats. The same folks who destroyed it, aren't gonna be the ones to rebuild it. If the citizens don't wanna accept that, then just shutter the place and move on. Simple as that.

Ford had record profits in 1999 and last year. What happened in between? Bush.

And no Republicans haven't had any influence in Flint for a long time. Then they got a little influence and they poisoned the citizens of Flint with lead.
Shutter Flint and Detroit. Democrats destroyed em a long time ago. It's all over. Movin on...
There are plenty of "Democrat" run cities and towns that are operating pretty damn well. Selecting a few that went bust due to insolvency of major industries and the resulting erosion of the tax base is just disingenuous on your part.

The hierarchy in the republican social networks, having legacy wealth from their parents and grandparents ( the top 10%) build large corporations and then run them into the ground, threatening the fiscal well being of, not just a few cities, but the economic standing of the entire nation.

You're conveniently forgetting about all those Democrat politicians who were arrested and sent to prison for corruption. They were the leaders the citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected. They have no one to blame but themselves and their beloved Democrats. It isn't a Republican issue.
Why are you connecting kwami with flint? This is how we got in the Iraq war. Iraq and Afghanistan are not the same place and neither are flint and detroit

Flint's been controlled by Democrats for the past 40-50yrs. Republicans have never had any influence there. The citizens of Flint got the corrupt incompetent Democrats they themselves chose. So it's tme to stop all the whining and blaming others.

The auto industry isn't coming back. They should have figured that out by now. And maybe it's time to stop voting for Democrats. The same folks who destroyed it, aren't gonna be the ones to rebuild it. If the citizens don't wanna accept that, then just shutter the place and move on. Simple as that.

Ford had record profits in 1999 and last year. What happened in between? Bush.

And no Republicans haven't had any influence in Flint for a long time. Then they got a little influence and they poisoned the citizens of Flint with lead.

Flint and Detroit have been Democrat Hellholes for several decades. So stop lying and making excuses. Put the blame where it belongs.

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