The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

There are plenty of "Democrat" run cities and towns that are operating pretty damn well. Selecting a few that went bust due to insolvency of major industries and the resulting erosion of the tax base is just disingenuous on your part.

The hierarchy in the republican social networks, having legacy wealth from their parents and grandparents ( the top 10%) build large corporations and then run them into the ground, threatening the fiscal well being of, not just a few cities, but the economic standing of the entire nation.

You're conveniently forgetting about all those Democrat politicians who were arrested and sent to prison for corruption. They were the leaders the citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected. They have no one to blame but themselves and their beloved Democrats. It isn't a Republican issue.
Why are you connecting kwami with flint? This is how we got in the Iraq war. Iraq and Afghanistan are not the same place and neither are flint and detroit

Flint's been controlled by Democrats for the past 40-50yrs. Republicans have never had any influence there. The citizens of Flint got the corrupt incompetent Democrats they themselves chose. So it's tme to stop all the whining and blaming others.

The auto industry isn't coming back. They should have figured that out by now. And maybe it's time to stop voting for Democrats. The same folks who destroyed it, aren't gonna be the ones to rebuild it. If the citizens don't wanna accept that, then just shutter the place and move on. Simple as that.

Ford had record profits in 1999 and last year. What happened in between? Bush.

And no Republicans haven't had any influence in Flint for a long time. Then they got a little influence and they poisoned the citizens of Flint with lead.

Flint and Detroit have been Democrat Hellholes for several decades. So stop lying and making excuses. Put the blame where it belongs.
Us Democrats have been begging for you corporate shills to stop shipping jobs overseas and instead put them in or around places like Detroit. We even made a movie about what you did to places like Flint.

Director Michael Moore pursues GM CEO Roger Smith to confront him about the harm he did to Flint, Michigan with his massive downsizing.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Roger & Me (1989) - IMDb

Show me what efforts the GOP have made to help Flint.
You're conveniently forgetting about all those Democrat politicians who were arrested and sent to prison for corruption. They were the leaders the citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected. They have no one to blame but themselves and their beloved Democrats. It isn't a Republican issue.
Why are you connecting kwami with flint? This is how we got in the Iraq war. Iraq and Afghanistan are not the same place and neither are flint and detroit

Flint's been controlled by Democrats for the past 40-50yrs. Republicans have never had any influence there. The citizens of Flint got the corrupt incompetent Democrats they themselves chose. So it's tme to stop all the whining and blaming others.

The auto industry isn't coming back. They should have figured that out by now. And maybe it's time to stop voting for Democrats. The same folks who destroyed it, aren't gonna be the ones to rebuild it. If the citizens don't wanna accept that, then just shutter the place and move on. Simple as that.

Ford had record profits in 1999 and last year. What happened in between? Bush.

And no Republicans haven't had any influence in Flint for a long time. Then they got a little influence and they poisoned the citizens of Flint with lead.

Flint and Detroit have been Democrat Hellholes for several decades. So stop lying and making excuses. Put the blame where it belongs.
Us Democrats have been begging for you corporate shills to stop shipping jobs overseas and instead put them in or around places like Detroit. We even made a movie about what you did to places like Flint.

Director Michael Moore pursues GM CEO Roger Smith to confront him about the harm he did to Flint, Michigan with his massive downsizing.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Roger & Me (1989) - IMDb

Show me what efforts the GOP have made to help Flint.

Uh yeah, the auto industry left Flint like 30-35yrs ago for God's sake. So why hasn't it rebuilt and recovered by now? The answer is, awful Democrat corruption and incompetence. Look, the auto industry isn't coming back. It's time to stop bitchin & whining, and revitalize the city. The citizens of Flint have had more than enough time to sit around playing the victim. 35yrs is enough.

It's time for Flint citizens to get off their asses and do something to rebuild their community. Blaming Republicans for Democrat destruction isn't gonna do it. Time for em to buck up and accept responsibility, or just shutter the place. I'm good ether way. I don't know why anyone would wanna live in Flint or Detroit.
Why are you connecting kwami with flint? This is how we got in the Iraq war. Iraq and Afghanistan are not the same place and neither are flint and detroit

Flint's been controlled by Democrats for the past 40-50yrs. Republicans have never had any influence there. The citizens of Flint got the corrupt incompetent Democrats they themselves chose. So it's tme to stop all the whining and blaming others.

The auto industry isn't coming back. They should have figured that out by now. And maybe it's time to stop voting for Democrats. The same folks who destroyed it, aren't gonna be the ones to rebuild it. If the citizens don't wanna accept that, then just shutter the place and move on. Simple as that.

Ford had record profits in 1999 and last year. What happened in between? Bush.

And no Republicans haven't had any influence in Flint for a long time. Then they got a little influence and they poisoned the citizens of Flint with lead.

Flint and Detroit have been Democrat Hellholes for several decades. So stop lying and making excuses. Put the blame where it belongs.
Us Democrats have been begging for you corporate shills to stop shipping jobs overseas and instead put them in or around places like Detroit. We even made a movie about what you did to places like Flint.

Director Michael Moore pursues GM CEO Roger Smith to confront him about the harm he did to Flint, Michigan with his massive downsizing.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Roger & Me (1989) - IMDb

Show me what efforts the GOP have made to help Flint.

Uh yeah, the auto industry left Flint like 30-35yrs ago for God's sake. So why hasn't it rebuilt and recovered by now? The answer is, awful Democrat corruption and incompetence. Look, the auto industry isn't coming back. It's time to stop bitchin & whining, and revitalize the city. The citizens of Flint have had more than enough time to sit around playing the victim. 35yrs is enough.

It's time for Flint citizens to get off their asses and do something to rebuild their community. Blaming Republicans for Democrat destruction isn't gonna do it. Time for em to buck up and accept responsibility, or just shutter the place. I'm good ether way. I don't know why anyone would wanna live in Flint or Detroit.
In a lot of ways I agree. I like it that half of Detroiters left Detroit after the bankruptsy. If there are no jobs, go somewhere else. I couldn't wait to get out of Detroit and into the burbs where there are jobs.

Blacks in Flint and Detroit are at a disadvantage but its not all whiteys fault. They need to take ownership I agree. And hopefully this lead poisoning will be the motivation for a lot of them to get the hell out. Then the rest can rebuild. If a neighborhood is falling apart, tear it down and let the trees grow. Shrink. Downsize. I don't have a problem with that. Too many shitty neighborhoods in Detroit. Close half of them. Let them move into new neighborhoods and bring the property values up. Detroit should turn 25% of Detroit into a forest for hunting and recreation and agriculture.
I love how you leftists blame successful people for your problems.

People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.
Lol your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage as the world laughs. And you libtards think that it's pretty cool as you pick your noses while your collective heads cave in. Fools - all of you.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
Wrong. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Look at my thumb. Gee you're dumb.


Get a clue you turd.
I love how you leftists blame successful people for your problems.

People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.
Lol your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage as the world laughs. And you libtards think that it's pretty cool as you pick your noses while your collective heads cave in. Fools - all of you.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
Wrong. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Look at my thumb. Gee you're dumb.


Get a clue you turd.
Kasich/Gingrich budgets, moron.
Flint last 2 mayors? That's right - both democrats.
So anything the white Governor does to them is their fault? Got it! White Michigan has been shitting on all the poor cities in Michigan for decades. I put a lot of the blame on the black communities for not taking more pride in themselves and instead of improving on their own, they've gotten comfortable and used to living in poverty. Like, if they were all Jews they wouldn't be poor. The jews would have figured it out on their own.

So I'm not completely blaming whites, but just remember Detroit and Flint got bad when Reagan started shipping manufacturing overseas and the Newt GOP came up with NAFTA and got Clinton to sign it. And shipping jobs picked up big time steam under GW Bush. Facts.
I never paid that much attention to your posts. Now I know why.

Ignorance is bliss.

Now for the non ignorant. Detroit is an example of corporate screw ups and bean counters having a hand in designing cars along with a good share of corporate malfeasance. GM has improved some since Bush bailed them out. That's right, the auto bailout was a Bush initiative and even when that low life gangster job killer and master out sourcing Mitt Romney of Bain Capital was saying let Detroit go bankrupt. Obama followed through with the bailout and GM paid off the loan ahead of time and GM is 2nd only to Toyota in sales but while Toyota was building plants in the US GM was outsourcing like typical corporate gangsters.

The filth on the right would like to blame the American worker but the fact remains that American are highly productive workers.

Americans Lazy? Not So, Says a Japanese Study ...

Americans Lazy? Not So, Says a Japanese Study : Productivity: U.S. workers outperform most of the rest of the world, including Japan, a researcher reports.

Corporate slime has spread the lie that American workers are less productive. Trump had an answer to that and that was a 25% tariff on any "American" car that comes from Mexico. Right now the best and most "American" of cars are Hondas and Toyotas. The big three have the engineers to design build cars better than Honda or Toyota but in the greedy minds of the corporate gangster they see a less reliable design as more profitable. Capitalism gone wild is a bad thing. The Japanese executives have more honor and more humanity than some piece of shit American.


Only in fascist America would a company compensate a CEO 475 times more than a worker.

And now for another Ted Cruz Lie.
The Truth-O-Meter Says:

People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.
Lol your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage as the world laughs. And you libtards think that it's pretty cool as you pick your noses while your collective heads cave in. Fools - all of you.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
Wrong. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Look at my thumb. Gee you're dumb.


Get a clue you turd.
Kasich/Gingrich budgets, moron.

WTF are you flapping your pie hole about? Clinton created a budget surplus out of a huge HW Bush deficit and GW Bush took that huge surplus and create a HUGE deficit and handed Obama the most damaged economy since the great depression.


We've seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds."

Barack Obama on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 in his 2015 State of the Union address

Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office

A word to the wise to all the tea tards her. If you post lies you will be busted but then again if you didn't lie you wouldn't be a clueless tea tarded Rethuglican.
Lol your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage as the world laughs. And you libtards think that it's pretty cool as you pick your noses while your collective heads cave in. Fools - all of you.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
Wrong. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Look at my thumb. Gee you're dumb.


Get a clue you turd.
Kasich/Gingrich budgets, moron.

WTF are you flapping your pie hole about? Clinton created a budget surplus out of a huge HW Bush deficit and GW Bush took that huge surplus and create a HUGE deficit and handed Obama the most damaged economy since the great depression.


We've seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds."

Barack Obama on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 in his 2015 State of the Union address

Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office

A word to the wise to all the tea tards her. If you post lies you will be busted but then again if you didn't lie you wouldn't be a clueless tea tarded Rethuglican.
Fucking moron overlooks the dot com bubble....that wasn't Bubba's fault ehhhhh genius? GFY.
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool
Wrong. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Look at my thumb. Gee you're dumb.


Get a clue you turd.
Kasich/Gingrich budgets, moron.

WTF are you flapping your pie hole about? Clinton created a budget surplus out of a huge HW Bush deficit and GW Bush took that huge surplus and create a HUGE deficit and handed Obama the most damaged economy since the great depression.


We've seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds."

Barack Obama on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 in his 2015 State of the Union address

Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office

A word to the wise to all the tea tards her. If you post lies you will be busted but then again if you didn't lie you wouldn't be a clueless tea tarded Rethuglican.
Fucking moron overlooks the dot com bubble....that wasn't Bubba's fault ehhhhh genius? GFY.

Prove it liar. Show us that there was a .com bubble, when it bursts and it's impact on the economy. This will probably go over your head. Subprime mortgage crisis

Bill Clinton signed the Banking Modernization Act which did away with Glass Stegal and deregulated the banks and Bush was just fine with letting the Banksters run wild.


What crashed the economy was the subprime scandal, Bush's tax cuts, and his unfunded war. Bush was a bigger borrower and spender than Reagan.


Lol so we have the money and we're the dummies? You're the big dummy, dummy.
No You don't have the money. The top 10% does and none of them are likely to be posting on USMB. Why do you think we keep calling you poor RW bahs-turds stupid. Voting against your own interests while your masters pull the puppet strings attached to your sorry asses.
Lol so we have the money and we're the dummies? You're the big dummy, dummy.
No You don't have the money. The top 10% does and none of them are likely to be posting on USMB. Why do you think we keep calling you poor RW bahs-turds stupid. Voting against your own interests while your masters pull the puppet strings attached to your sorry asses.
So what is the difference If my masters (CEO's) or your masters (gov cronies paid by my masters) pull the strings? At least with my masters I have the freedom to leave. With your masters, do as your told or jail.
Lol so we have the money and we're the dummies? You're the big dummy, dummy.
No You don't have the money. The top 10% does and none of them are likely to be posting on USMB. Why do you think we keep calling you poor RW bahs-turds stupid. Voting against your own interests while your masters pull the puppet strings attached to your sorry asses.
So what is the difference If my masters (CEO's) or your masters (gov cronies paid by my masters) pull the strings? At least with my masters I have the freedom to leave. With your masters, do as your told or jail.
No you are NOT free to leave. You and your soul are being held captive by mortgage payments, car payments, insurance payments, credit card debt, and families who want to keep their cable TV and the lights on.
Lol so we have the money and we're the dummies? You're the big dummy, dummy.
No You don't have the money. The top 10% does and none of them are likely to be posting on USMB. Why do you think we keep calling you poor RW bahs-turds stupid. Voting against your own interests while your masters pull the puppet strings attached to your sorry asses.
So what is the difference If my masters (CEO's) or your masters (gov cronies paid by my masters) pull the strings? At least with my masters I have the freedom to leave. With your masters, do as your told or jail.
No you are NOT free to leave. You and your soul are being held captive by mortgage payments, car payments, insurance payments, credit card debt, and families who want to keep their cable TV and the lights on.
Not me. But then, I'm smarter than your average lib. House paid off in 3 more years. Zero cc debt, zero auto debt (always bought used), no cable (Internet plus chromecast). I could walk away from my job tomorrow and be working within a week. People unlike myself (government-dependent leftists) - they're the ones with big problems.
Wrong. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Look at my thumb. Gee you're dumb.


Get a clue you turd.
Kasich/Gingrich budgets, moron.

WTF are you flapping your pie hole about? Clinton created a budget surplus out of a huge HW Bush deficit and GW Bush took that huge surplus and create a HUGE deficit and handed Obama the most damaged economy since the great depression.


We've seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds."

Barack Obama on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 in his 2015 State of the Union address

Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office

A word to the wise to all the tea tards her. If you post lies you will be busted but then again if you didn't lie you wouldn't be a clueless tea tarded Rethuglican.
Fucking moron overlooks the dot com bubble....that wasn't Bubba's fault ehhhhh genius? GFY.

Prove it liar. Show us that there was a .com bubble, when it bursts and it's impact on the economy. This will probably go over your head. Subprime mortgage crisis

Bill Clinton signed the Banking Modernization Act which did away with Glass Stegal and deregulated the banks and Bush was just fine with letting the Banksters run wild.


What crashed the economy was the subprime scandal, Bush's tax cuts, and his unfunded war. Bush was a bigger borrower and spender than Reagan.


Wrong. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Look at my thumb. Gee you're dumb.


Get a clue you turd.
Kasich/Gingrich budgets, moron.

WTF are you flapping your pie hole about? Clinton created a budget surplus out of a huge HW Bush deficit and GW Bush took that huge surplus and create a HUGE deficit and handed Obama the most damaged economy since the great depression.


We've seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds."

Barack Obama on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 in his 2015 State of the Union address

Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office

A word to the wise to all the tea tards her. If you post lies you will be busted but then again if you didn't lie you wouldn't be a clueless tea tarded Rethuglican.
Fucking moron overlooks the dot com bubble....that wasn't Bubba's fault ehhhhh genius? GFY.

Prove it liar. Show us that there was a .com bubble, when it bursts and it's impact on the economy.

You just lost any credibility you had on economics
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.

Here's another insight to Republicanism;
Michigan State has issued orders that ID is not required to get replacement bottled water for the poisoned water in Flint, MI, but-----but either the National Guard, that's distributing the mostly donated bottled water, didn't get the memo or-----or the National Guard has taken it upon themselves to post ID required signs. That leaves undocumented immigrants with the Sophie's Choice of, the possibility that their American citizen children will be left parentless when the parents are deported or giving their children poisoned water.

Excerpted from letter to members:
Nearly 1,000 undocumented immigrants living with poisoned water in Flint, Michigan don’t have access to emergency services because they lack proper identification. The uniformed National Guard at the distribution centers posted signs that say a state-issued ID is required to get clean water.

The impact is devastating. Flint’s undocumented residents not only face contaminated water, but also increasingly punitive immigration raids and enforcement. They are faced with an impossible choice: either risk poisoning their families or separation by callous deportation.

Almost 15 weeks after a report exposing the high levels of lead toxicity in Flint’s water was released, Governor Snyder declared a state of emergency, and called in the National Guard.

State officials have already said that ID is not required to get clean water. Signs posted at the distribution centers needlessly intimidate undocumented immigrants seeking the help they need to keep their families from getting sick or sicker. They need to come down.

We cannot let Governor Snyder drag his feet any longer when it comes to ensuring the health and safety of Flint residents. Regardless of immigration status, everyone deserves clean water and access to aid.

*At least one local church is stepping up efforts to get clean and bottled water out to undocumented immigrants. St. Mary’s Catholic Church is handing out water to community members “with no questions asked, no identification needed,"
Flint last 2 mayors? That's right - both democrats.
So anything the white Governor does to them is their fault? Got it! White Michigan has been shitting on all the poor cities in Michigan for decades. I put a lot of the blame on the black communities for not taking more pride in themselves and instead of improving on their own, they've gotten comfortable and used to living in poverty. Like, if they were all Jews they wouldn't be poor. The jews would have figured it out on their own.

So I'm not completely blaming whites, but just remember Detroit and Flint got bad when Reagan started shipping manufacturing overseas and the Newt GOP came up with NAFTA and got Clinton to sign it. And shipping jobs picked up big time steam under GW Bush. Facts.
We have global competition to deal with now if we want keep manufacturing here we make it more profitable to be here in this country tht common sense compamnies are moving to iralnd becaue coroptar taxes are lower

We have a global economy with global competition If we amke it more buisness frincly to
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool

I love kicking your butt with facts. The taker states are the Red States. Republicanism is corporate welfare and welfare for the Bible Belt

People on the left are more affluent than the righties because the lefties are smarter, better educated, more creative, more moral and they work harder. The most impoverished and morally bankrupt states are the Red States.

If you equate success with being wealthy, You've got a bigger problem then any leftist I know! Family, friends , shelter food and love is success to leftists. And er... having good clean drinking water!

People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.

It's a tribute to the First Amendment that a gun toting sister marrying brown shirt like you is free to spout such nonsense.

And we could solve poverty tomorrow too if the rich didn't like low wages

It's like a guy at my work said. They'd solve our energy problem tomorrow if we didn't have so much oil in the ground and if rich people weren't getting rich from oil..

And after all this ignorance, and stupidity spewed by these mindlessly stupid left-wingers.......

I think it is more complex than that but for the RW idiots that dominate this board, I'll keep it simple and agree with you....

Have you read this thread? The avalanche of stupidity just spewed on there, proves we do not dominate this board.

You people can't even discuss one single topic, without resorting to a non-stop flame war. And spouting off the most quack ignorant unscientific, non-economic claims I've seen. Too many for me to bother addressing one by one. You are pathetic. Really sad.

Oh but we are 'dominating' the board all right. Are there talking ponies in your world too?

They get dominated because they are ignorant and low info. Spewing left loon media talking points isn't going to win them anything

Excuse me, you bunker-dwelling kook, but aren't you late for your Flat Earth Society meeting?

Take your medication lunatic :uhoh3:
This has been turned into a Political shit storm both sides flinging shit at each other.

As a Conservative, who backs the Tea Party see that the Governor is also to blame..............but to put ALL on him is utter HORSE HOCKEY...................

They would have never switched if Detroit hadn't increased the price of their water by 5 million a year.........while the pipeline was being built from Lake effect TAKING the SAVINGS Flint was trying make by getting off Detroit Water. So in effect, DETROIT was EXTORTING FLINT for MONEY..........That is their part of the equation. 2 Bankrupt Cities where Half their populations have left because they economically tanked.

Flint decided to go to the River..........they had done so in the past on temp save the extortion money.........the very reason they were switching water supplies...........................What they OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T DO was HIRE A COMPETENT CHEMIST.................who would have recommended changing the PH of the water..............aka GET RID OF THE ACID SOFT WATER....................................They COMPLETELY FUCKED UP THE WATER CHEMISTRY..................This is the CORE OF THE PROBLEM.............ALONG WITH OLD PIPES.

The Flint Water Dept started getting complaints early..............they ignored them and said IT'S the cover up begins.....................The complaints SCREAMED CORROSIVE WATER.........but nothing was done............when it went up the food chain they kept saying IT'S FINE..........................

Eventually everyone gets word from the Governor, to the EPA, the City, and EVERYONE DRAGS THEIR FEET............Knowing it's a crisis brewing.............Yet NO ONE TOOK IMMEDIATE ACTION................THEY DRUG THEIR FEET..............It is during this time that the EPA found out that the Flint Water Supply was in VIOLATION OF CORROSION CONTROL CFR'S..............They did nothing but recommend to do so as soon as least a half year or more goes on from this point were EVERYONE basically SITS ON IT..........because the damage to the OLD PIPES is extensive.................


Now please go back to saying YOU SUCK, NO YOU SUCK, NO YOU SUCK COMMENTS.
Flint last 2 mayors? That's right - both democrats.
So anything the white Governor does to them is their fault? Got it! White Michigan has been shitting on all the poor cities in Michigan for decades. I put a lot of the blame on the black communities for not taking more pride in themselves and instead of improving on their own, they've gotten comfortable and used to living in poverty. Like, if they were all Jews they wouldn't be poor. The jews would have figured it out on their own.

So I'm not completely blaming whites, but just remember Detroit and Flint got bad when Reagan started shipping manufacturing overseas and the Newt GOP came up with NAFTA and got Clinton to sign it. And shipping jobs picked up big time steam under GW Bush. Facts.
We have global competition to deal with now if we want keep manufacturing here we make it more profitable to be here in this country tht common sense compamnies are moving to iralnd becaue coroptar taxes are lower

We have a global economy with global competition If we amke it more buisness frincly to
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool

I love kicking your butt with facts. The taker states are the Red States. Republicanism is corporate welfare and welfare for the Bible Belt

People on the left are more affluent than the righties because the lefties are smarter, better educated, more creative, more moral and they work harder. The most impoverished and morally bankrupt states are the Red States.

If you equate success with being wealthy, You've got a bigger problem then any leftist I know! Family, friends , shelter food and love is success to leftists. And er... having good clean drinking water!

People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.

It's a tribute to the First Amendment that a gun toting sister marrying brown shirt like you is free to spout such nonsense.

And we could solve poverty tomorrow too if the rich didn't like low wages

It's like a guy at my work said. They'd solve our energy problem tomorrow if we didn't have so much oil in the ground and if rich people weren't getting rich from oil..

And after all this ignorance, and stupidity spewed by these mindlessly stupid left-wingers.......

I think it is more complex than that but for the RW idiots that dominate this board, I'll keep it simple and agree with you....

Have you read this thread? The avalanche of stupidity just spewed on there, proves we do not dominate this board.

You people can't even discuss one single topic, without resorting to a non-stop flame war. And spouting off the most quack ignorant unscientific, non-economic claims I've seen. Too many for me to bother addressing one by one. You are pathetic. Really sad.

Oh but we are 'dominating' the board all right. Are there talking ponies in your world too?

They get dominated because they are ignorant and low info. Spewing left loon media talking points isn't going to win them anything

Excuse me, you bunker-dwelling kook, but aren't you late for your Flat Earth Society meeting?

Take your medication lunatic :uhoh3:

Keep drinking the Republican Kool-Ade numb nuts.

You libs are fools. How long has Detroit been ruined and run down. Its always been a filthy, high crime, high unemployment area. And it's always been run by leftists. So when dirty water shows up, you Takers wanna blame any Republican you can find. You no good pos traitors make me sick.
You libs are fools. How long has Detroit been ruined and run down. Its always been a filthy, high crime, high unemployment area. And it's always been run by leftists. So when dirty water shows up, you Takers wanna blame any Republican you can find. You no good pos traitors make me sick.
The smart half of those cities left........

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