The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Your point is not well taken. Did you notice from your list that 3 out of the top 10 are Detroit and surrounding area? Including Flint - the subject of this discussion? That liberalism breeds destruction? That liberalism has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage that it may never climb out of?

To be clear, the words you wrote in message #888 were - "Did you Google Chicago to see how much gun control worked there? I think it's time to get off your mommy's computer and look for yourself." - so I took your suggestion to heart and Googled it/looked for myself, how'd that work out for you?

So much of what you've written on this thread is just regurgitated rightwing media BS that's been debunked, I'm wondering, are you starting to question what else you've been told by the rightwing media is total bullshit?
Huh? So you are claiming that your spewage isn't more of the same said bullshit? You get your leftist regurgitated sewage from Rachel and Maher and all is well in your world - right? Keep them hands out Taker.
Your point is not well taken. Did you notice from your list that 3 out of the top 10 are Detroit and surrounding area? Including Flint - the subject of this discussion? That liberalism breeds destruction? That liberalism has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage that it may never climb out of?

To be clear, the words you wrote in message #888 were - "Did you Google Chicago to see how much gun control worked there? I think it's time to get off your mommy's computer and look for yourself." - so I took your suggestion to heart and Googled it/looked for myself, how'd that work out for you?

So much of what you've written on this thread is just regurgitated rightwing media BS that's been debunked, I'm wondering, are you starting to question what else you've been told by the rightwing media is total bullshit?
Huh? So you are claiming that your spewage isn't more of the same said bullshit? You get your leftist regurgitated sewage from Rachel and Maher and all is well in your world - right? Keep them hands out Taker.
We want our government working for us. You don't?

You nuts are what's wrong with America. I just found out today the president of my company thinks all the Republicans are nuts. I guess he's got his hand out too, huh stupid
Your point is not well taken. Did you notice from your list that 3 out of the top 10 are Detroit and surrounding area? Including Flint - the subject of this discussion? That liberalism breeds destruction? That liberalism has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage that it may never climb out of?
What would conservatives do? Seems to me corporations benefit from the large pool of cheap labor.

By liberal policies do you mean high wages?

Keep in mind Ford had record profits before and after Gw bush. No coincidence
If corporations benefit from cheap labor as you say , then certainly you government leeches benefit from said labor, also. After all, if it wasn't for these big, bad corporations employing taxpayers, you government leeches wouldn't have a pot to piss in.
Your point is not well taken. Did you notice from your list that 3 out of the top 10 are Detroit and surrounding area? Including Flint - the subject of this discussion? That liberalism breeds destruction? That liberalism has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage that it may never climb out of?

To be clear, the words you wrote in message #888 were - "Did you Google Chicago to see how much gun control worked there? I think it's time to get off your mommy's computer and look for yourself." - so I took your suggestion to heart and Googled it/looked for myself, how'd that work out for you?

So much of what you've written on this thread is just regurgitated rightwing media BS that's been debunked, I'm wondering, are you starting to question what else you've been told by the rightwing media is total bullshit?
Huh? So you are claiming that your spewage isn't more of the same said bullshit? You get your leftist regurgitated sewage from Rachel and Maher and all is well in your world - right? Keep them hands out Taker.
We want our government working for us. You don't?

You nuts are what's wrong with America. I just found out today the president of my company thinks all the Republicans are nuts. I guess he's got his hand out too, huh stupid
It's just your company president that's stupid. He's not the only one.
Flint last 2 mayors? That's right - both democrats.
So anything the white Governor does to them is their fault? Got it! White Michigan has been shitting on all the poor cities in Michigan for decades. I put a lot of the blame on the black communities for not taking more pride in themselves and instead of improving on their own, they've gotten comfortable and used to living in poverty. Like, if they were all Jews they wouldn't be poor. The jews would have figured it out on their own.

So I'm not completely blaming whites, but just remember Detroit and Flint got bad when Reagan started shipping manufacturing overseas and the Newt GOP came up with NAFTA and got Clinton to sign it. And shipping jobs picked up big time steam under GW Bush. Facts.
We have global competition to deal with now if we want keep manufacturing here we make it more profitable to be here in this country tht common sense compamnies are moving to iralnd becaue coroptar taxes are lower

We have a global economy with global competition If we amke it more buisness frincly to
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool

I love kicking your butt with facts. The taker states are the Red States. Republicanism is corporate welfare and welfare for the Bible Belt

People on the left are more affluent than the righties because the lefties are smarter, better educated, more creative, more moral and they work harder. The most impoverished and morally bankrupt states are the Red States.

If you equate success with being wealthy, You've got a bigger problem then any leftist I know! Family, friends , shelter food and love is success to leftists. And er... having good clean drinking water!

People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.

It's a tribute to the First Amendment that a gun toting sister marrying brown shirt like you is free to spout such nonsense.

And we could solve poverty tomorrow too if the rich didn't like low wages

It's like a guy at my work said. They'd solve our energy problem tomorrow if we didn't have so much oil in the ground and if rich people weren't getting rich from oil..

And after all this ignorance, and stupidity spewed by these mindlessly stupid left-wingers.......

I think it is more complex than that but for the RW idiots that dominate this board, I'll keep it simple and agree with you....

Have you read this thread? The avalanche of stupidity just spewed on there, proves we do not dominate this board.

You people can't even discuss one single topic, without resorting to a non-stop flame war. And spouting off the most quack ignorant unscientific, non-economic claims I've seen. Too many for me to bother addressing one by one. You are pathetic. Really sad.

Oh but we are 'dominating' the board all right. Are there talking ponies in your world too?

They get dominated because they are ignorant and low info. Spewing left loon media talking points isn't going to win them anything

Excuse me, you bunker-dwelling kook, but aren't you late for your Flat Earth Society meeting?

Take your medication lunatic :uhoh3:
Fine move to Ireland but sell your shit in Ireland. Every other country regulates commerce why shouldn't we?

See what you want is corporations to pay no taxes and lower wages.

Go eat potatoes in Ireland. Carb up.

You leftist drive business out of this country with your highest corporate taxes in the world, your stupid over regulation, your big government crony bullshit. Blue collar workers are loosing their good paying jobs, because of you idiots. People in coal states are hurting, skilled trades workers like carpenters, brick layers, drywall hangers, are being replaced by lower wage legal and illegal immigrants, American college students are having problems finding jobs in their chosen field, because foreign workers from India are being shipped in to fill those positions. Obama's economy is made up of low wage service jobs, and part time workers. You leftist are pathetic ,anti American, scum.
Your point is not well taken. Did you notice from your list that 3 out of the top 10 are Detroit and surrounding area? Including Flint - the subject of this discussion? That liberalism breeds destruction? That liberalism has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage that it may never climb out of?
What would conservatives do? Seems to me corporations benefit from the large pool of cheap labor.

By liberal policies do you mean high wages?

Keep in mind Ford had record profits before and after Gw bush. No coincidence
If corporations benefit from cheap labor as you say , then certainly you government leeches benefit from said labor, also. After all, if it wasn't for these big, bad corporations employing taxpayers, you government leeches wouldn't have a pot to piss in.
That's just right wing talking point 206. Luckily it's not a popular message anyone's buying.

You anti government nuts are ruining America. It's not the greedy politicians fault its the dumb voters
Your point is not well taken. Did you notice from your list that 3 out of the top 10 are Detroit and surrounding area? Including Flint - the subject of this discussion? That liberalism breeds destruction? That liberalism has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage that it may never climb out of?
What would conservatives do? Seems to me corporations benefit from the large pool of cheap labor.

By liberal policies do you mean high wages?

Keep in mind Ford had record profits before and after Gw bush. No coincidence
If corporations benefit from cheap labor as you say , then certainly you government leeches benefit from said labor, also. After all, if it wasn't for these big, bad corporations employing taxpayers, you government leeches wouldn't have a pot to piss in.
That's just right wing talking point 206. Luckily it's not a popular message anyone's buying.

You anti government nuts are ruining America. It's not the greedy politicians fault its the dumb voters
Yeah government is growing at a rapid pace, and the anti government people, real Americans, are running the country?.:uhh: You're an idiot as much as you are a fake Detroiter :slap:
Your point is not well taken. Did you notice from your list that 3 out of the top 10 are Detroit and surrounding area? Including Flint - the subject of this discussion? That liberalism breeds destruction? That liberalism has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage that it may never climb out of?
What would conservatives do? Seems to me corporations benefit from the large pool of cheap labor.

By liberal policies do you mean high wages?

Keep in mind Ford had record profits before and after Gw bush. No coincidence
If corporations benefit from cheap labor as you say , then certainly you government leeches benefit from said labor, also. After all, if it wasn't for these big, bad corporations employing taxpayers, you government leeches wouldn't have a pot to piss in.
That's just right wing talking point 206. Luckily it's not a popular message anyone's buying.

You anti government nuts are ruining America. It's not the greedy politicians fault its the dumb voters
Well you just keep supporting this huge, unaccountable, bankrupt government. Apparently, you need all the help you can get. Here's a thought - learn to think for yourself.
Your point is not well taken. Did you notice from your list that 3 out of the top 10 are Detroit and surrounding area? Including Flint - the subject of this discussion? That liberalism breeds destruction? That liberalism has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage that it may never climb out of?
What would conservatives do? Seems to me corporations benefit from the large pool of cheap labor.

By liberal policies do you mean high wages?

Keep in mind Ford had record profits before and after Gw bush. No coincidence
If corporations benefit from cheap labor as you say , then certainly you government leeches benefit from said labor, also. After all, if it wasn't for these big, bad corporations employing taxpayers, you government leeches wouldn't have a pot to piss in.
That's just right wing talking point 206. Luckily it's not a popular message anyone's buying.

You anti government nuts are ruining America. It's not the greedy politicians fault its the dumb voters
Yeah government is growing at a rapid pace, and the anti government people, real Americans, are running the country?.:uhh: You're an idiot as much as you are a fake Detroiter :slap:
They are only anti government when it comes to helping the poor and middle class.

But I get your point. Rand Paul just dropped out. Anti government types aren't taken seriously and when they are we get lead poisoning.

Funny story. I'm in L.A. and I get in an argument with this big black guy scalping tickets outside the staple center. He tried to hussle me and I called him out. He said, "man I don't know where you from but you don't talk to people like that around here" and I said to him, "bitch I'm from Detroit!" and he realized I wasn't intimidated.

Please tell me more about your part of Detroit. Besides Mexican town what's around there?

And where did you move to?
Your point is not well taken. Did you notice from your list that 3 out of the top 10 are Detroit and surrounding area? Including Flint - the subject of this discussion? That liberalism breeds destruction? That liberalism has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage that it may never climb out of?
What would conservatives do? Seems to me corporations benefit from the large pool of cheap labor.

By liberal policies do you mean high wages?

Keep in mind Ford had record profits before and after Gw bush. No coincidence
If corporations benefit from cheap labor as you say , then certainly you government leeches benefit from said labor, also. After all, if it wasn't for these big, bad corporations employing taxpayers, you government leeches wouldn't have a pot to piss in.
That's just right wing talking point 206. Luckily it's not a popular message anyone's buying.

You anti government nuts are ruining America. It's not the greedy politicians fault its the dumb voters
Yeah government is growing at a rapid pace, and the anti government people, real Americans, are running the country?.:uhh: You're an idiot as much as you are a fake Detroiter :slap:
They are only anti government when it comes to helping the poor and middle class.

But I get your point. Rand Paul just dropped out. Anti government types aren't taken seriously and when they are we get lead poisoning.

Funny story. I'm in L.A. and I get in an argument with this big black guy scalping tickets outside the staple center. He tried to hussle me and I called him out. He said, "man I don't know where you from but you don't talk to people like that around here" and I said to him, "bitch I'm from Detroit!" and he realized I wasn't intimidated.

Please tell me more about your part of Detroit. Besides Mexican town what's around there?

And where did you move to?

Used to be a nice area it's a bit run down now. There's still lots of white people there. blacks, Mexicans, Arabs, Puerto Ricans. there used to be a lot of polish people there but most died off or moved

This Area..

7720 Michigan Ave Detroit MI | Comerica Bank, Banks 48210 |
Last edited:
Lol so we have the money and we're the dummies? You're the big dummy, dummy.
No You don't have the money. The top 10% does and none of them are likely to be posting on USMB. Why do you think we keep calling you poor RW bahs-turds stupid. Voting against your own interests while your masters pull the puppet strings attached to your sorry asses.
So what is the difference If my masters (CEO's) or your masters (gov cronies paid by my masters) pull the strings? At least with my masters I have the freedom to leave. With your masters, do as your told or jail.
No you are NOT free to leave. You and your soul are being held captive by mortgage payments, car payments, insurance payments, credit card debt, and families who want to keep their cable TV and the lights on.
Not me. But then, I'm smarter than your average lib. House paid off in 3 more years. Zero cc debt, zero auto debt (always bought used), no cable (Internet plus chromecast). I could walk away from my job tomorrow and be working within a week. People unlike myself (government-dependent leftists) - they're the ones with big problems.

1. I would like to see a comparison of your IQ and that of the "average " lib. I don't think you would want the results to made public!

2. I am not interested in your self aggrandizements, you can't prove any of them just stop it.
3. Now, to tie this in with the Flint water is standard form for you RW republiCONs types to deflect and cover for damage done by one if your heroes.
You are exhibiting the same kind of interference that EPA ran into when they first notified state officials that protocols weren't being followed after the switch. Thanks for continuing to show just how devious republicans are.
What would conservatives do? Seems to me corporations benefit from the large pool of cheap labor.

By liberal policies do you mean high wages?

Keep in mind Ford had record profits before and after Gw bush. No coincidence
If corporations benefit from cheap labor as you say , then certainly you government leeches benefit from said labor, also. After all, if it wasn't for these big, bad corporations employing taxpayers, you government leeches wouldn't have a pot to piss in.
That's just right wing talking point 206. Luckily it's not a popular message anyone's buying.

You anti government nuts are ruining America. It's not the greedy politicians fault its the dumb voters
Yeah government is growing at a rapid pace, and the anti government people, real Americans, are running the country?.:uhh: You're an idiot as much as you are a fake Detroiter :slap:
They are only anti government when it comes to helping the poor and middle class.

But I get your point. Rand Paul just dropped out. Anti government types aren't taken seriously and when they are we get lead poisoning.

Funny story. I'm in L.A. and I get in an argument with this big black guy scalping tickets outside the staple center. He tried to hussle me and I called him out. He said, "man I don't know where you from but you don't talk to people like that around here" and I said to him, "bitch I'm from Detroit!" and he realized I wasn't intimidated.

Please tell me more about your part of Detroit. Besides Mexican town what's around there?

And where did you move to?

Used to be a nice area it's a bit run down now. There's still lots of white people there. blacks, Mexicans, Arabs, Puerto Ricans. there used to be a lot of polish people there but most died off or moved

This Area..

7720 Michigan Ave Detroit MI | Comerica Bank, Banks 48210 |
Ha ha! It says "page not found" I knew you lived in a fictitious part of Detroit. Lol. Jk.

The part of Detroit I lived in was 100% black. Your part of town may be a bit run down but not so bad all the whites Arabs and Muslims have all left.

Just another Republican cover up. He took control of the City. He appointed emergency managers who switched the water source for the City. He ignored to many calls from Doctors and residents warning the water was contaminated. JUST ANOTHER REPUBLICAN COVER UP!
And I just heard Snyder's efm didn't show up in Washington to testafy. He's mia. He's another Ben carson type if you know what I mean.

Let's see if Republicans are right about this being flint city council's fault.

Also notice Republican presidential candidates aren't talking about flint? That tells me they want to distance themselves from this. Hillary and Bernie are addressing it though.

Republicans think a I'm sorry is going to fix this.

And expect Republicans to try to spread blame out to everyone including Democrats. No way they'll own this.
Rep. Lawrence outraged GOP members refuse to call Gov. Rick Snyder in Flint water crisis hearing

Just another Republican cover up. He took control of the City. He appointed emergency managers who switched the water source for the City. He ignored to many calls from Doctors and residents warning the water was contaminated. JUST ANOTHER REPUBLICAN COVER UP!
Are you familiar with the 80's group Simple Minds?
You defend Republicans too hard and too much. No chance you're being fair and balanced
Rep. Lawrence outraged GOP members refuse to call Gov. Rick Snyder in Flint water crisis hearing

Just another Republican cover up. He took control of the City. He appointed emergency managers who switched the water source for the City. He ignored to many calls from Doctors and residents warning the water was contaminated. JUST ANOTHER REPUBLICAN COVER UP!
And I just heard Snyder's efm didn't show up in Washington to testafy. He's mia. He's another Ben carson type if you know what I mean.

Let's see if Republicans are right about this being flint city council's fault.

Also notice Republican presidential candidates aren't talking about flint? That tells me they want to distance themselves from this. Hillary and Bernie are addressing it though.

Republicans think a I'm sorry is going to fix this.

And expect Republicans to try to spread blame out to everyone including Democrats. No way they'll own this.

Yeah, We better "hunt down" the black guy:eusa_shifty:

If corporations benefit from cheap labor as you say , then certainly you government leeches benefit from said labor, also. After all, if it wasn't for these big, bad corporations employing taxpayers, you government leeches wouldn't have a pot to piss in.
That's just right wing talking point 206. Luckily it's not a popular message anyone's buying.

You anti government nuts are ruining America. It's not the greedy politicians fault its the dumb voters
Yeah government is growing at a rapid pace, and the anti government people, real Americans, are running the country?.:uhh: You're an idiot as much as you are a fake Detroiter :slap:
They are only anti government when it comes to helping the poor and middle class.

But I get your point. Rand Paul just dropped out. Anti government types aren't taken seriously and when they are we get lead poisoning.

Funny story. I'm in L.A. and I get in an argument with this big black guy scalping tickets outside the staple center. He tried to hussle me and I called him out. He said, "man I don't know where you from but you don't talk to people like that around here" and I said to him, "bitch I'm from Detroit!" and he realized I wasn't intimidated.

Please tell me more about your part of Detroit. Besides Mexican town what's around there?

And where did you move to?

Used to be a nice area it's a bit run down now. There's still lots of white people there. blacks, Mexicans, Arabs, Puerto Ricans. there used to be a lot of polish people there but most died off or moved

This Area..

7720 Michigan Ave Detroit MI | Comerica Bank, Banks 48210 |
Ha ha! It says "page not found" I knew you lived in a fictitious part of Detroit. Lol. Jk.

The part of Detroit I lived in was 100% black. Your part of town may be a bit run down but not so bad all the whites Arabs and Muslims have all left.

I was shot by a white guy:eek:
Rep. Lawrence outraged GOP members refuse to call Gov. Rick Snyder in Flint water crisis hearing

Just another Republican cover up. He took control of the City. He appointed emergency managers who switched the water source for the City. He ignored to many calls from Doctors and residents warning the water was contaminated. JUST ANOTHER REPUBLICAN COVER UP!
And I just heard Snyder's efm didn't show up in Washington to testafy. He's mia. He's another Ben carson type if you know what I mean.

Let's see if Republicans are right about this being flint city council's fault.

Also notice Republican presidential candidates aren't talking about flint? That tells me they want to distance themselves from this. Hillary and Bernie are addressing it though.

Republicans think a I'm sorry is going to fix this.

And expect Republicans to try to spread blame out to everyone including Democrats. No way they'll own this.

Yeah, We better "hunt down" the black guy:eusa_shifty:


Yup, "those people" are always trying to poison themselves!
Rep. Lawrence outraged GOP members refuse to call Gov. Rick Snyder in Flint water crisis hearing

Just another Republican cover up. He took control of the City. He appointed emergency managers who switched the water source for the City. He ignored to many calls from Doctors and residents warning the water was contaminated. JUST ANOTHER REPUBLICAN COVER UP!
And I just heard Snyder's efm didn't show up in Washington to testafy. He's mia. He's another Ben carson type if you know what I mean.

Let's see if Republicans are right about this being flint city council's fault.

Also notice Republican presidential candidates aren't talking about flint? That tells me they want to distance themselves from this. Hillary and Bernie are addressing it though.

Republicans think a I'm sorry is going to fix this.

And expect Republicans to try to spread blame out to everyone including Democrats. No way they'll own this.

Yeah, We better "hunt down" the black guy:eusa_shifty:


Yup, "those people" are always trying to poison themselves!

See what I mean!

The Sorrowful Story of The Jonestown Massacre

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