The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

You libs are fools. How long has Detroit been ruined and run down. Its always been a filthy, high crime, high unemployment area. And it's always been run by leftists. So when dirty water shows up, you Takers wanna blame any Republican you can find. You no good pos traitors make me sick.

Always been ruined and run down? Show the data. Never mind. When you are done eating your Republican shit sandwich and drinking your Tea Party Kool-Ade you festering herpes sore here's a history lesson for you and all the other factually challenged misanthropes and soulless corporate-whoring ass clowns.

HISTORY LESSON: (Att: Republicans: This is on a 4th grade reading level so it maybe too challenging for your primitive brains.)

Detroit was founded in 1701 you fact loathing moron. French officer Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, along with fifty-one French people and French Canadians, founded a settlement called Fort Pontchartrain du Détroit.

During the 19th century, Detroit grew into a thriving hub of commerce and industry, and the city spread along Jefferson Avenue, with multiple manufacturing firms taking advantage of the transportation resources afforded by the river and a parallel rail line. In the late 19th century several Gilded Age mansions were built just east of Detroit's current downtown. Detroit was referred to by some as the Paris of the West for its architecture, and for Washington Boulevard, recently electrified by Thomas Edison.[1] Throughout the 20th century various skyscrapers were built centered on Detroit's downtown.

Following World War II, the auto industry boomed and the area witnessed suburban expansion. The Detroit metropolitan area has emerged as one of the largest in the United States. Immigrants and migrants have contributed significantly to Detroit's economy and culture. In the 1990s and the new millennium, the city has experienced increased revitalization. Many areas of the city are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and include National Historic Landmarks. The city with its population migration to the suburbs has had to adjust its role in the midst of a much larger metropolitan area in the 21st century.

Progressive movement
Progressivism was energized starting in the 1890s by upper middle class men and women who felt a civic duty to uplift society by "freeing" it from the tyranny of corrupt politicians who worked hand in hand with unscrupulous saloon keepers.[30] The mosat prominent leader was Republican Mayor Hazen S. Pingree.[31] A representative community leader was automaker Henry M. Leland of the Detroit Citizens League. Supported by Detroit's business, professional, and Protestant religious communities, the League campaigned for a new city charter, an anti-saloon ordinance, and the open shop whereby a worker could get a job even if he did not belong to a labor union.[32]

Reinhold Niebuhr, a German-American Protestant minister trained at Yale Divinity School became nationally famous as a Detroit minister who attacked the KKK, which was strong among white Protestants in the city.[33] In an era when Henry Ford was an American icon, Niebuhr attracted national attention by criticizing the auto industry. He preached the Social Gospel, attacking what he considered the brutalization and insecurity of Ford workers.] Niebuhr had moved to the left and was troubled by the demoralizing effects of industrialism on workers. He became an outspoken critic of Ford and allowed union organizers to use his pulpit to expound their message of workers' rights. Niebuhr attacked poor conditions created by the assembly lines and erratic employment practices.
Irrelevant. Get off your computer and look out your window, moron. Look at reality. You leftists are literally destroying are country from inside-out. All these leftist run metro areas are imploding. Workers are fleeing to rural areas to escape the carnage - leaving government-dependent welfare honey boo-boos to care for our once thriving cities. That's reality asshole.
when it happened. 2001... You were probably in high school.

you can see it in GOVT revenue by year.

Receipts Outlays Surplus or Deficit (–)
1997 1,579,232 1,601,116 -21,884
1998 1,721,728 1,652,458 69,270
1999 1,827,452 1,701,842 125,610
2000 2,025,191 1,788,950 236,241
2001 1,991,082 1,862,846 128,236
2002 1,853,136 2,010,894 -157,758
2003 1,782,314 2,159,899 -377,585
2004 1,880,114 2,292,841 -412,727
2005 2,153,611 2,471,957 -318,346
2006 2,406,869 2,655,050 -248,181
2007 2,567,985 2,728,686 -160,701
2008 2,523,991 2,982,544 -458,553
2009 2,104,989 3,517,677 -1,412,688
2010 2,162,706 3,457,079 -1,294,373
2011 2,303,466 3,603,059 -1,299,593
2012 2,449,988 3,536,951 -1,086,963
2013 2,775,103 3,454,647 -679,544
2014 3,021,487 3,506,089 -484,602
No you are NOT free to leave. You and your soul are being held captive by mortgage payments, car payments, insurance payments, credit card debt, and families who want to keep their cable TV and the lights on.

True. If your house underwater..........hard to walk away. You forgot kids in school and their friends
Flint's been controlled by Democrats for the past 40-50yrs. Republicans have never had any influence there. The citizens of Flint got the corrupt incompetent Democrats they themselves chose. So it's tme to stop all the whining and blaming others.

The auto industry isn't coming back. They should have figured that out by now. And maybe it's time to stop voting for Democrats. The same folks who destroyed it, aren't gonna be the ones to rebuild it. If the citizens don't wanna accept that, then just shutter the place and move on. Simple as that.

Ford had record profits in 1999 and last year. What happened in between? Bush.

And no Republicans haven't had any influence in Flint for a long time. Then they got a little influence and they poisoned the citizens of Flint with lead.

Flint and Detroit have been Democrat Hellholes for several decades. So stop lying and making excuses. Put the blame where it belongs.
Us Democrats have been begging for you corporate shills to stop shipping jobs overseas and instead put them in or around places like Detroit. We even made a movie about what you did to places like Flint.

Director Michael Moore pursues GM CEO Roger Smith to confront him about the harm he did to Flint, Michigan with his massive downsizing.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Roger & Me (1989) - IMDb

Show me what efforts the GOP have made to help Flint.

Uh yeah, the auto industry left Flint like 30-35yrs ago for God's sake. So why hasn't it rebuilt and recovered by now? The answer is, awful Democrat corruption and incompetence. Look, the auto industry isn't coming back. It's time to stop bitchin & whining, and revitalize the city. The citizens of Flint have had more than enough time to sit around playing the victim. 35yrs is enough.

It's time for Flint citizens to get off their asses and do something to rebuild their community. Blaming Republicans for Democrat destruction isn't gonna do it. Time for em to buck up and accept responsibility, or just shutter the place. I'm good ether way. I don't know why anyone would wanna live in Flint or Detroit.
In a lot of ways I agree. I like it that half of Detroiters left Detroit after the bankruptsy. If there are no jobs, go somewhere else. I couldn't wait to get out of Detroit and into the burbs where there are jobs.

Blacks in Flint and Detroit are at a disadvantage but its not all whiteys fault. They need to take ownership I agree. And hopefully this lead poisoning will be the motivation for a lot of them to get the hell out. Then the rest can rebuild. If a neighborhood is falling apart, tear it down and let the trees grow. Shrink. Downsize. I don't have a problem with that. Too many shitty neighborhoods in Detroit. Close half of them. Let them move into new neighborhoods and bring the property values up. Detroit should turn 25% of Detroit into a forest for hunting and recreation and agriculture.

Some good suggestions. Thanks.
Irrelevant. Get off your computer and look out your window, moron. Look at reality. You leftists are literally destroying are country from inside-out. All these leftist run metro areas are imploding. Workers are fleeing to rural areas to escape the carnage - leaving government-dependent welfare honey boo-boos to care for our once thriving cities. That's reality asshole.

Hey pecker wood you in your abundant ignorance said that Detroit was always in ruins and I proved how full of shit you are.

Miami is Republican run and it's on of the most dangerous city in America.
Tomás RegaladoNovember 11, 2009 – present Republican

Miami FL crime rates and statistics - NeighborhoodScout


The most dangerous states are red states?

The liberal North East and West Coast have the least gun deaths and as expected the red states are the most dangerous.

Hey there StrokeALib, what's it like being an ignoramus?
Irrelevant. Get off your computer and look out your window, moron. Look at reality. You leftists are literally destroying are country from inside-out. All these leftist run metro areas are imploding. Workers are fleeing to rural areas to escape the carnage - leaving government-dependent welfare honey boo-boos to care for our once thriving cities. That's reality asshole.

Hey pecker wood you in your abundant ignorance said that Detroit was always in ruins and I proved how full of shit you are.

Miami is Republican run and it's on of the most dangerous city in America.
Tomás RegaladoNovember 11, 2009 – present Republican

Miami FL crime rates and statistics - NeighborhoodScout


The most dangerous states are red states?

The liberal North East and West Coast have the least gun deaths and as expected the red states are the most dangerous.

Hey there StrokeALib, what's it like being an ignoramus?
Quoting Little Havana..............a Liberal strong hold..........

Irrelevant. Get off your computer and look out your window, moron. Look at reality. You leftists are literally destroying are country from inside-out. All these leftist run metro areas are imploding. Workers are fleeing to rural areas to escape the carnage - leaving government-dependent welfare honey boo-boos to care for our once thriving cities. That's reality asshole.

Hey pecker wood you in your abundant ignorance said that Detroit was always in ruins and I proved how full of shit you are.

Miami is Republican run and it's on of the most dangerous city in America.
Tomás RegaladoNovember 11, 2009 – present Republican

Miami FL crime rates and statistics - NeighborhoodScout


The most dangerous states are red states?

The liberal North East and West Coast have the least gun deaths and as expected the red states are the most dangerous.

Hey there StrokeALib, what's it like being an ignoramus?
You're reaching for straws now ignoramus. Your cut and pastes don't impress me or anyone else. I know the reality. I've lived it and seen it. You Google one city to back up your leftist bullshit. Did you Google Chicago to see how much gun control worked there? I think it's time to get off your mommy's computer and look for yourself.
Irrelevant. Get off your computer and look out your window, moron. Look at reality. You leftists are literally destroying are country from inside-out. All these leftist run metro areas are imploding. Workers are fleeing to rural areas to escape the carnage - leaving government-dependent welfare honey boo-boos to care for our once thriving cities. That's reality asshole.

Hey pecker wood you in your abundant ignorance said that Detroit was always in ruins and I proved how full of shit you are.

Miami is Republican run and it's on of the most dangerous city in America.
Tomás RegaladoNovember 11, 2009 – present Republican

Miami FL crime rates and statistics - NeighborhoodScout


The most dangerous states are red states?

The liberal North East and West Coast have the least gun deaths and as expected the red states are the most dangerous.

Hey there StrokeALib, what's it like being an ignoramus?
You're reaching for straws now ignoramus. Your cut and pastes don't impress me or anyone else. I know the reality. I've lived it and seen it. You Google one city to back up your leftist bullshit. Did you Google Chicago to see how much gun control worked there? I think it's time to get off your mommy's computer and look for yourself.

Who's talking about gun control dip shit? I'm talking violent crime and the fact and I know you hate facts show that the red states/Republican are the most violent and dangerous.

Need more proof liar?

Irrelevant. Get off your computer and look out your window, moron. Look at reality. You leftists are literally destroying are country from inside-out. All these leftist run metro areas are imploding. Workers are fleeing to rural areas to escape the carnage - leaving government-dependent welfare honey boo-boos to care for our once thriving cities. That's reality asshole.

Hey pecker wood you in your abundant ignorance said that Detroit was always in ruins and I proved how full of shit you are.

Miami is Republican run and it's on of the most dangerous city in America.
Tomás RegaladoNovember 11, 2009 – present Republican

Miami FL crime rates and statistics - NeighborhoodScout


The most dangerous states are red states?

The liberal North East and West Coast have the least gun deaths and as expected the red states are the most dangerous.

Hey there StrokeALib, what's it like being an ignoramus?
You're reaching for straws now ignoramus. Your cut and pastes don't impress me or anyone else. I know the reality. I've lived it and seen it. You Google one city to back up your leftist bullshit. Did you Google Chicago to see how much gun control worked there? I think it's time to get off your mommy's computer and look for yourself.

Who's talking about gun control dip shit? I'm talking violent crime and the fact and I know you hate facts show that the red states/Republican are the most violent and dangerous.

Need more proof liar?

Lol is not guns linked to violent crime in your brainwashed empty mind? You Takers Crack me up. Thanks for the pretty pics though.
Irrelevant. Get off your computer and look out your window, moron. Look at reality. You leftists are literally destroying are country from inside-out. All these leftist run metro areas are imploding. Workers are fleeing to rural areas to escape the carnage - leaving government-dependent welfare honey boo-boos to care for our once thriving cities. That's reality asshole.

Hey pecker wood you in your abundant ignorance said that Detroit was always in ruins and I proved how full of shit you are.

Miami is Republican run and it's on of the most dangerous city in America.
Tomás RegaladoNovember 11, 2009 – present Republican

Miami FL crime rates and statistics - NeighborhoodScout


The most dangerous states are red states?

The liberal North East and West Coast have the least gun deaths and as expected the red states are the most dangerous.

Hey there StrokeALib, what's it like being an ignoramus?
You're reaching for straws now ignoramus. Your cut and pastes don't impress me or anyone else. I know the reality. I've lived it and seen it. You Google one city to back up your leftist bullshit. Did you Google Chicago to see how much gun control worked there? I think it's time to get off your mommy's computer and look for yourself.

Who's talking about gun control dip shit? I'm talking violent crime and the fact and I know you hate facts show that the red states/Republican are the most violent and dangerous.

Need more proof liar?

Lol is not guns linked to violent crime in your brainwashed empty mind? You Takers Crack me up. Thanks for the pretty pics though.

Your grammar is that of an ignoramus. You wrote "is not guns linked to violent crime" when you should have said, " Are guns not linked to violent crime?" Again, what's it like being and ignoramus?

Listen up dick head, violent crime would include assault and battery and the red states lead the country in violent crime and before you go and blame Blacks take a look at Alaska butt crack.
Irrelevant. Get off your computer and look out your window, moron. Look at reality. You leftists are literally destroying are country from inside-out. All these leftist run metro areas are imploding. Workers are fleeing to rural areas to escape the carnage - leaving government-dependent welfare honey boo-boos to care for our once thriving cities. That's reality asshole.

Hey pecker wood you in your abundant ignorance said that Detroit was always in ruins and I proved how full of shit you are.

Miami is Republican run and it's on of the most dangerous city in America.
Tomás RegaladoNovember 11, 2009 – present Republican

Miami FL crime rates and statistics - NeighborhoodScout


The most dangerous states are red states?

The liberal North East and West Coast have the least gun deaths and as expected the red states are the most dangerous.

Hey there StrokeALib, what's it like being an ignoramus?
You're reaching for straws now ignoramus. Your cut and pastes don't impress me or anyone else. I know the reality. I've lived it and seen it. You Google one city to back up your leftist bullshit. Did you Google Chicago to see how much gun control worked there? I think it's time to get off your mommy's computer and look for yourself.

Who's talking about gun control dip shit? I'm talking violent crime and the fact and I know you hate facts show that the red states/Republican are the most violent and dangerous.

Need more proof liar?

Lol is not guns linked to violent crime in your brainwashed empty mind? You Takers Crack me up. Thanks for the pretty pics though.

Your grammar is that of an ignoramus. You wrote "is not guns linked to violent crime" when you should have said, " Are guns not linked to violent crime?" Again, what's it like being and ignoramus?

Listen up dick head, violent crime would include assault and battery and the red states lead the country in violent crime and before you go and blame Blacks take a look at Alaska butt crack.
Who gives a shit asshole. So what if I'm a victim of common core education. It's not my fault.
Irrelevant. Get off your computer and look out your window, moron. Look at reality. You leftists are literally destroying are country from inside-out. All these leftist run metro areas are imploding. Workers are fleeing to rural areas to escape the carnage - leaving government-dependent welfare honey boo-boos to care for our once thriving cities. That's reality asshole.

Hey pecker wood you in your abundant ignorance said that Detroit was always in ruins and I proved how full of shit you are.

Miami is Republican run and it's on of the most dangerous city in America.
Tomás RegaladoNovember 11, 2009 – present Republican

Miami FL crime rates and statistics - NeighborhoodScout


The most dangerous states are red states?

The liberal North East and West Coast have the least gun deaths and as expected the red states are the most dangerous.

Hey there StrokeALib, what's it like being an ignoramus?
You're reaching for straws now ignoramus. Your cut and pastes don't impress me or anyone else. I know the reality. I've lived it and seen it. You Google one city to back up your leftist bullshit. Did you Google Chicago to see how much gun control worked there? I think it's time to get off your mommy's computer and look for yourself.

OK, you talked me into it. I looked up the most violent cities in the United States, the below is what I found.

Where you find lots of people, lots of people stuff happens but...

...check it out

What is equally interesting is which cities did not make the list: Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York are all absent, despite being the centers for some of the largest urban areas in the nation.

Rank City
100 Madera, CA
99 Orlando, FL
98 Pueblo, CO
97 Sumter, SC
96 Norristown, PA
95 Schenectady, NY
94 Council Bluffs, IA
93 Cincinnati, OH
92 Baton Rouge, LA
91 St. Petersburg, FL
90 Worcester, MA
89 Canton, OH
88 Bridgeport, CT
87 Chattanooga, TN
86 Lawton, OK
85 Poughkeepsie, NY
84 Lauderdale Lakes, FL
83 Desert Hot Springs, CA
82 Lima, OH
81 Carbondale, IL
80 Albany, GA
79 Lawrence, MA
78 Minneapolis, MN
77 Texarkana, AR
76 Miami Beach, FL
75 Rochester, NY
74 San Bernardino, CA
73 Anderson, SC
72 Riviera Beach, FL
71 Holyoke, MA
70 Springfield, IL
69 Nashville, TN
68 Houston, TX
67 Richmond, CA
66 Oklahoma City, OK
65 Lansing, MI
64 Jackson, MS
63 Fall River, MA
62 Beaumont, TX
61 Weslaco, TX
60 Paterson, NJ
59 Monroe, LA
58 Odessa, TX
57 Springfield, MA
56 New London, CT
55 New Bedford, MA
54 Philadelphia, PA
53 Rocky Mount, NC
52 Fort Myers, FL
51 Salisbury, MD
50 Jackson, MI
49 Gary, IN
48 Springfield, MO
47 Gadsden, AL
46 Miami, FL
45 Hartford, CT
44 Niagara Falls, NY
43 East Palo Alto, CA
42 East Point, GA
41 Brockton, MA
40 Stockton, CA
39 Indianapolis, IN
38 Chelsea, MA
37 Kansas City, MO
36 New Haven, CT
35 Tulsa, OK
34 Lake Worth, FL
33 Daytona Beach, FL
32 Compton, CA
31 Buffalo, NY
30 Newark, NJ
29 Washington, DC
28 Atlanta, GA
27 Trenton, NJ
26 Birmingham, AL
25 Bridgeton, NJ
24 Jackson, TN
23 Milwaukee, WI
22 Fort Pierce, FL
21 Spartanburg, SC
20 Rockford, IL
19 Little Rock, AR
18 Baltimore, MD
17 Homestead, FL
16 Cleveland, OH
15 Newburgh, NY
14 St. Louis, MO
13 Harvey, IL
12 Myrtle Beach, SC
11 Alexandria, LA
10 Memphis, TN
9 Wilmington, DE
8 Atlantic City, NJ
7 Flint, MI
6 Bessemer, AL
5 Oakland, CA
4 Saginaw, MI
3 Detroit, MI
2 Chester, PA
1 Camden, NJ

You're as bad as an OJ prosecutor -"if it doesn't fit, you must acquit". IOW, if you don't know the answer you shouldn't make the accusation.
Flint last 2 mayors? That's right - both democrats.
So anything the white Governor does to them is their fault? Got it! White Michigan has been shitting on all the poor cities in Michigan for decades. I put a lot of the blame on the black communities for not taking more pride in themselves and instead of improving on their own, they've gotten comfortable and used to living in poverty. Like, if they were all Jews they wouldn't be poor. The jews would have figured it out on their own.

So I'm not completely blaming whites, but just remember Detroit and Flint got bad when Reagan started shipping manufacturing overseas and the Newt GOP came up with NAFTA and got Clinton to sign it. And shipping jobs picked up big time steam under GW Bush. Facts.
We have global competition to deal with now if we want keep manufacturing here we make it more profitable to be here in this country tht common sense compamnies are moving to iralnd becaue coroptar taxes are lower

We have a global economy with global competition If we amke it more buisness frincly to
How did he do that? And why is Canada and Germany higher than us on the best country list? Stop with this Barry ruined America bullshit. Your party did it and you voted for it.

Do you want workers to make more? Then vote democratic you fool

I love kicking your butt with facts. The taker states are the Red States. Republicanism is corporate welfare and welfare for the Bible Belt

People on the left are more affluent than the righties because the lefties are smarter, better educated, more creative, more moral and they work harder. The most impoverished and morally bankrupt states are the Red States.

If you equate success with being wealthy, You've got a bigger problem then any leftist I know! Family, friends , shelter food and love is success to leftists. And er... having good clean drinking water!

People on the "left" are more affluent than the righties by far. The trailer dwelling cousin marrying confederate flag waving rednecks blame everything on Obama even though it was Bush and the corporate Rethuglicans who crashed the economy.

It's a tribute to the First Amendment that a gun toting sister marrying brown shirt like you is free to spout such nonsense.

And we could solve poverty tomorrow too if the rich didn't like low wages

It's like a guy at my work said. They'd solve our energy problem tomorrow if we didn't have so much oil in the ground and if rich people weren't getting rich from oil..

And after all this ignorance, and stupidity spewed by these mindlessly stupid left-wingers.......

I think it is more complex than that but for the RW idiots that dominate this board, I'll keep it simple and agree with you....

Have you read this thread? The avalanche of stupidity just spewed on there, proves we do not dominate this board.

You people can't even discuss one single topic, without resorting to a non-stop flame war. And spouting off the most quack ignorant unscientific, non-economic claims I've seen. Too many for me to bother addressing one by one. You are pathetic. Really sad.

Oh but we are 'dominating' the board all right. Are there talking ponies in your world too?

They get dominated because they are ignorant and low info. Spewing left loon media talking points isn't going to win them anything

Excuse me, you bunker-dwelling kook, but aren't you late for your Flat Earth Society meeting?

Take your medication lunatic :uhoh3:
Fine move to Ireland but sell your shit in Ireland. Every other country regulates commerce why shouldn't we?

See what you want is corporations to pay no taxes and lower wages.

Go eat potatoes in Ireland. Carb up.
Your point is not well taken. Did you notice from your list that 3 out of the top 10 are Detroit and surrounding area? Including Flint - the subject of this discussion? That liberalism breeds destruction? That liberalism has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage that it may never climb out of?
Democrats Run America's Ten Poorest Cities - Eagle Rising


Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected
a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.
Your point is not well taken. Did you notice from your list that 3 out of the top 10 are Detroit and surrounding area? Including Flint - the subject of this discussion? That liberalism breeds destruction? That liberalism has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage that it may never climb out of?

To be clear, the words you wrote in message #888 were - "Did you Google Chicago to see how much gun control worked there? I think it's time to get off your mommy's computer and look for yourself." - so I took your suggestion to heart and Googled it/looked for myself, how'd that work out for you?

So much of what you've written on this thread is just regurgitated rightwing media BS that's been debunked, I'm wondering, are you starting to question what else you've been told by the rightwing media is total bullshit?
Jobs left due to taxes and regulations. they gave us NAFTA.........where you going to build Coffee pots? Where taxes are 15% and you can hire and fire at will with no workers comp or whatever? Or Camden where you start out at 40% FED + STATE..........unless you swing a lot of Tax rebates for equipment or?
Your point is not well taken. Did you notice from your list that 3 out of the top 10 are Detroit and surrounding area? Including Flint - the subject of this discussion? That liberalism breeds destruction? That liberalism has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage that it may never climb out of?
What would conservatives do? Seems to me corporations benefit from the large pool of cheap labor.

By liberal policies do you mean high wages?

Keep in mind Ford had record profits before and after Gw bush. No coincidence

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