The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.

I don't see how party affiliation has anything to do with how flint was screwed by their own state, local, deq which were all comprised of different parties. It has more to do with how incompetent government and agencies are.
The spotlight is on the governor. He is being held responsible, not the mayor. Other Republicans are refusing to acknowledge the issue because of this. They are scumbags.
I don't see how party affiliation has anything to do with how flint was screwed by their own state, local, deq which were all comprised of different parties. It has more to do with how incompetent government and agencies are.

OF course you dont agree. You support Republicans by and large. Right?

to me, it does not matter if a Dem was Gov, someone needs to go to jail for running this city like a third world country.

Pitiful that this could happen in American and no one wants to own up to their responsibility.

I read where the gov has hired a spin master to help him out.

BtW. When all the law suits are settled, will the state of MI have saved money from this govenours idea for city management?
Wilbur, you are right and I agree with all you say. But this is not as new as you think, although it is the first to get the national attention it deserves. The Erin Brockovich (sp?) case, and several others like it have been going on for well over 50 years. And even now there is a question about fracking, so we are still not facing the possibilities of doing the same to other areas. Whole communities in the mining districts of W. VA are gasping for clean water from polluted streams and have no Great Lakes nearby to rescue them. I was born in Flint and grew up there before moving away as an adult. I have family there and I love that old town and it's history. But I'm not for blaming the original move to river water. I am heavy into blame for ignoring the signs of deadly danger for so long. However Flint has known since even when it was living 'high on the hog' in the 50' & 60s that its infrastructure needs replacing, and chose to ignore the need. Blame is a waste of time at this point. We need a fix, then we can toss blame all we want.
This is the tip of an ICEBERG................This situation will be played out time and time again because of a aging infrastructure and aging Utilities that need to be replaced all over the country that would require at least 2 TRILLION dollars to deal with it....................

It the pipelines in the city had not been old and contained lead the Water from the Flint River wouldn't have been a problem to begin with for the final product, EXCEPT FOR THE RAW SEWAGE still going into the river for other Infrastructure NIGHTMARES that still exist. These HARMFUL contaminants cost more money to Treat, because TOO MANY sewage lines and now combined with RAIN WATER DRAINAGE causing Raw Sewage to mix with rain water in the Rivers. St. Lewis being another PRIME EXAMPLE.

The rest of this story is political Black Mail over MONEY, and who's gonna lose their jobs and get SUED.
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.

I don't see how party affiliation has anything to do with how flint was screwed by their own state, local, deq which were all comprised of different parties. It has more to do with how incompetent government and agencies are.
The spotlight is on the governor. He is being held responsible, not the mayor. Other Republicans are refusing to acknowledge the issue because of this. They are scumbags.

Says the far left drone that ignore all the far left members that were involved..
The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.
When you fuck over a poor black city you don't blame the mayor. Even Snyder admits its his fault

So the mayor has no responsibility over the safety of his city? Wtf does the mayor do then?

they don't have a clue. the other day one of them said Obama needed to spank them. Like he's the BOSS of every state
The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.

the mayor of Flint, just like the city council, had already been told what they were gonna do by the gov. appointed city manager.

But everbody knows that mayors of struggling cities have much more power and access to resources than the gov of a state.

Right dude?

What is it about republicans that make them encapable of accepting responsibility for their actions. Or lack of same?

Why are rethugs like that?

Oh the irony!

The left us undisputed king of not accepting responsibility.
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.

I don't see how party affiliation has anything to do with how flint was screwed by their own state, local, deq which were all comprised of different parties. It has more to do with how incompetent government and agencies are.
The spotlight is on the governor. He is being held responsible, not the mayor. Other Republicans are refusing to acknowledge the issue because of this. They are scumbags.

Says the far left drone that ignore all the far left members that were involved..

that is the way they operate
This thread is more proof of the lunacy of the left. Seriously, you left wingers are insane. Zero ability to produce ANY reasoned thought.

Fucking idiots....
The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.

the mayor of Flint, just like the city council, had already been told what they were gonna do by the gov. appointed city manager.

But everbody knows that mayors of struggling cities have much more power and access to resources than the gov of a state.

Right dude?

What is it about republicans that make them encapable of accepting responsibility for their actions. Or lack of same?

Why are rethugs like that?

Oh the irony!

The left us undisputed king of not accepting responsibility.
Lol tell that to Sarah Palin,
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.

I don't see how party affiliation has anything to do with how flint was screwed by their own state, local, deq which were all comprised of different parties. It has more to do with how incompetent government and agencies are.
The spotlight is on the governor. He is being held responsible, not the mayor. Other Republicans are refusing to acknowledge the issue because of this. They are scumbags.

MDeq signed off on the water supply. Has nothing to do with the governor unless he signed off a study that was not approved by the state.
But it's good to know the libs will be holding all the Democrat governors of failed cities accountable.

...oh wait.
There are plenty of people on the right that feel that Snyder is part of the problem here. Only a moron thinks he is not part of the problem.
Is anyone surprised that the GOP's response to the water crisis in Flint has been mostly silent, and what has been heard from the rank an file on other threads is, who cares, it only effects people who don't pay their water bill.

What is gleaned from this response, and the whiners who objected to Federal aid to the victims on the Jersey Shore from Hurricane Sandy, and using COTUS to defend their lack of humanity and concern for other Americans?

What is gleaned from a fiscally conservative GOP which shuts down the Government at great cost for political theater?

What is the take away from a Congress does nothing positive and spends millions of dollars working to take away health care from millions and investigates the same incident eight times?

For one, The Congress has an 80% + negative poll rating under the leadership (so to speak) of McConnell and Boehner (we've yet to see how well Ryan will impact the group of ne'er-do-wells elected from district which must be populated by members of the Ostrich Party).

A Donkey or a RINO-Elephant have governed under the principle of do no harm, the current iteration of the Republican Party seems focused on the destruction of our nation and creating a nation owned by and governed by the few, the very wealthy and their bidders.

One need only watch a rally for Bernie to see how well the TP mentality has created a movement which strikes fear in the heart of those who support these fiscally myopic authoritarians.

National Guard called up to help in Flint, Michigan water crisis

Just an update..............12,000 of an estimated 30,000 homes have received water filters. a little over 1/3rd of the homes in the city.

Water is being distributed throughout the region including donations of 50,000 cans of water from Colorado............

This doesn't change the fact that it went on for a year until drastic measures took place............It's a no brainer that they had to have known LONG AGO that it was a problem. There is no way that the citizens there didn't start complaining over brown water as soon as it happened.

The Lawsuits WILL SHOW THE FINAL ANSWER. I have NO DOUBT ON THAT I personally don't give a Rat's ass what party affiliation for those that are responsible.

I'll bet you, that the NEW WATER AUTHORITY is gonna get the LION'S SHARE OF THE BLAME..............aka whoever built the Treatment Plant.
Flint Mich. is mostly black and muslim...its a win win situation :dance:
The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.

the mayor of Flint, just like the city council, had already been told what they were gonna do by the gov. appointed city manager.

But everbody knows that mayors of struggling cities have much more power and access to resources than the gov of a state.

Right dude?

What is it about republicans that make them encapable of accepting responsibility for their actions. Or lack of same?

Why are rethugs like that?

Repubtards are that way. It is essential to their nature.

THEY ARE DEADBEATS who refuse to pay any taxes to pay for the wars they started.

And they NEVER accept responsibility for their actions such as cutting funding year after year for the VA and then when the VA crapped all over the job they blamed the VA ... not their fund cutting.

BUT --- that the same time --- they preach " fiscal responsibility " to the poor ... all while refusing to pay their own bills.
The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.

the mayor of Flint, just like the city council, had already been told what they were gonna do by the gov. appointed city manager.

But everbody knows that mayors of struggling cities have much more power and access to resources than the gov of a state.

Right dude?

What is it about republicans that make them encapable of accepting responsibility for their actions. Or lack of same?

Why are rethugs like that?

Repubtards are that way. It is essential to their nature.

THEY ARE DEADBEATS who refuse to pay any taxes to pay for the wars they started.

And they NEVER accept responsibility for their actions such as cutting funding year after year for the VA and then when the VA crapped all over the job they blamed the VA ... not their fund cutting.

BUT --- that the same time --- they preach " fiscal responsibility " to the poor ... all while refusing to pay their own bills.
Still trying to play the Party Line politics over any issue........................

Riddle me this..............Why did the state have the authority to appoint Emergency Managers to the cities of Detroit and Flint Michigan? and who was the Leadership of these cities that forced this intervention? Who ignored that the infrastructure was already considered old and degraded did nothing when the cities were booming?
The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.

the mayor of Flint, just like the city council, had already been told what they were gonna do by the gov. appointed city manager.

But everbody knows that mayors of struggling cities have much more power and access to resources than the gov of a state.

Right dude?

What is it about republicans that make them encapable of accepting responsibility for their actions. Or lack of same?

Why are rethugs like that?

Repubtards are that way. It is essential to their nature.

THEY ARE DEADBEATS who refuse to pay any taxes to pay for the wars they started.

And they NEVER accept responsibility for their actions such as cutting funding year after year for the VA and then when the VA crapped all over the job they blamed the VA ... not their fund cutting.

BUT --- that the same time --- they preach " fiscal responsibility " to the poor ... all while refusing to pay their own bills.
Translation = Wepubwicans are ebil!

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