The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Is anyone surprised that the GOP's response to the water crisis in Flint has been mostly silent, and what has been heard from the rank an file on other threads is, who cares, it only effects people who don't pay their water bill.

What is gleaned from this response, and the whiners who objected to Federal aid to the victims on the Jersey Shore from Hurricane Sandy, and using COTUS to defend their lack of humanity and concern for other Americans?

What is gleaned from a fiscally conservative GOP which shuts down the Government at great cost for political theater?

What is the take away from a Congress does nothing positive and spends millions of dollars working to take away health care from millions and investigates the same incident eight times?

For one, The Congress has an 80% + negative poll rating under the leadership (so to speak) of McConnell and Boehner (we've yet to see how well Ryan will impact the group of ne'er-do-wells elected from district which must be populated by members of the Ostrich Party).

A Donkey or a RINO-Elephant have governed under the principle of do no harm, the current iteration of the Republican Party seems focused on the destruction of our nation and creating a nation owned by and governed by the few, the very wealthy and their bidders.

One need only watch a rally for Bernie to see how well the TP mentality has created a movement which strikes fear in the heart of those who support these fiscally myopic authoritarians.

Notice how the far left runs their religious narratives without question or hesitation, the same narratives that they run when they want to blame anyone not part of the far left religion!

These same old narratives for the past 25+ years!

They will never blame their own, but they will be quick to point the finger at someone else!

This from the party of King Nothing!
Forgetting about why Gov. Snyder had to call in emergency managers in the first place.
Why must the elite left politicize everything? dupe their foolish believers and keep America divided. Seems to work EVERY time.
Emergency managers needed or not should have zero affect on safe drinking water. If it does, then money is more important than life.
Wow, another Flint thread. The libs are using the story for porn. Work those toys boys!
America is divided that's what keeps it strong. Its divided by politics and class and rightfully so.
The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.

the mayor of Flint, just like the city council, had already been told what they were gonna do by the gov. appointed city manager.

But everbody knows that mayors of struggling cities have much more power and access to resources than the gov of a state.

Right dude?

What is it about republicans that make them encapable of accepting responsibility for their actions. Or lack of same?

Why are rethugs like that?

Repubtards are that way. It is essential to their nature.

THEY ARE DEADBEATS who refuse to pay any taxes to pay for the wars they started.

And they NEVER accept responsibility for their actions such as cutting funding year after year for the VA and then when the VA crapped all over the job they blamed the VA ... not their fund cutting.

BUT --- that the same time --- they preach " fiscal responsibility " to the poor ... all while refusing to pay their own bills.
Still trying to play the Party Line politics over any issue........................

Riddle me this..............Why did the state have the authority to appoint Emergency Managers to the cities of Detroit and Flint Michigan? and who was the Leadership of these cities that forced this intervention? Who ignored that the infrastructure was already considered old and degraded did nothing when the cities were booming?

You don't think they'll actually use logical deduction do you? All they need is a shiny nickel and they're mesmerized.
Conservatives cut money for clean water and poison people=It was the libs. Never any responsibility.
The people gave about 800 BILLION for Obama to spend on INFRASTRUCTURE................He handed it out like candy to new ventures like Solar Companies that later filed Bankruptcy...............and High Speed Trains TOOT TOOT............

Instead of using the money to deal with Infrastructure as it should have been...............Fools and their money are soon departed.........We had much bigger issues than a fucking High Speed Train in California..................The establishment........yes that includes Obama..............handed it out to their CRONIES instead of using it to fix areas like in Flint Mich............

Not only that, Federal Mandates in California to save a fish pumped TRILLIONS of GALLONS OF WATER into the Ocean instead of saving it for drought stricken areas.

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks.
Emergency managers needed or not should have zero affect on safe drinking water. If it does, then money is more important than life.

Seems that is what the Flint Michigan Mayor (Dem) and City Council did (7 to 1), when they made the decision to switch to the Flint River, rather than renew the 50 year contract with Detroit to save the City some money.
Conservatives cut money for clean water and poison people=It was the libs. Never any responsibility.
Simple answers for simple people.
Says the fool that wants to cut the EPA.
And I said that when? Who's the fool?
So you don't want to eliminate the EPA? Tell me about it.
Pop your head out of your ass and learn to read. Juveniles like you think you can throw shit out and make people defend themselves but it doesn't work that way.
Emergency managers needed or not should have zero affect on safe drinking water. If it does, then money is more important than life.

Seems that is what the Flint Michigan Mayor (Dem) and City Council did (7 to 1), when they made the decision to switch to the Flint River, rather than renew the 50 year contract with Detroit to save the City some money.
If the State had the final say then why would they even have a vote? I agree.
Conservatives cut money for clean water and poison people=It was the libs. Never any responsibility.
Simple answers for simple people.
Says the fool that wants to cut the EPA.
And I said that when? Who's the fool?
So you don't want to eliminate the EPA? Tell me about it.
Pop your head out of your ass and learn to read. Juveniles like you think you can throw shit out and make people defend themselves but it doesn't work that way.

So do you want to eliminate the EPA or not? Stop being a pussy and put it out on the line.

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