The Flynn prosecution now stands exposed as massive FBI and DOJ abuse of power

"Even so, Strzok and Pientka wound up finding “no indication” that Flynn had lied to them. But then FBI lawyer Lisa Page (Strzok’s mistress at the time) instructed them to alter their official writeup of the conversation to say otherwise. And that’s the entire basis of the charges against him."

more altering things to get your "evidence".
Why did Trump fire Flynn?
Cause it's what Trump loves to do I suppose.

why did page alter what he said?
Come on Ice, let’s be straight... I don’t know why Page altered what Flynn said or if that’s what really happened. If she did without cause the she should be arrested. The IG didn’t find wrong doing so I’m skeptical about the reports in your OP.

But there has been official explanations released by Trumps White House explaining why Trump fired Flynn. You know the answer. It’s OK to say it.
start a thread on it and I'll look into it and dive in.

got enough trolls already pulling distraction shit to keep them from backing up the shit they say. like saying "I don't know why she did it, but no one cared so come to my topic" crap.
I wasn’t changing the topic. Flynn was fired for lying. Your topic is about whether Flynn lied to the FBI. You don’t think that’s relevant?
Topic to me is about fbi abuse of power and altering quotes.

We hear about this more and more.

But yea. It's close. "others" are trying to dovetail off into an abyss so I was working to stay on track.
It didn't start with Page. I know more than you. Flynn's part is totally separate. This is silly.
You dont have a clue and all you are doing is deflecting from verifiable facts...

View attachment 304252

You don't have facts. This is a phony legal argument. It's not going to fly.
Well shit. you said it was phony and you must know.

I mean you always back up what you emo out, gumby.

You’ve done nothing in this thread to demonstrate anything improper was done to Flynn.

He lied to the FBI. He’s trying to weasel out of taking responsibility.
I pointed out a story on a major news source.

you said NUH UNH!!!

It's an op-ed. I explained where it's wrong and where it's unsupported.
That op-ed was idiotic and a complete distortion of the truth.
that seems to be the norm these days.

the bottom line is obama's FBI/DOJ has been busted several times now for falsifying evidence, yet you cry FOUL and LIES and the sort. but you have zero issue pushing an agenda against trump based on heresay and speculation and some mythical "people go to jail on circumstantial evidence all the time!" and never once proved it with a case or 2.

this is the world we're all creating. just that the left seems to be leading the way.

Therr was no falsifying of evidence. That’s why the op-Ed is garbage.
uh huh

forgive me if I simply think you are full of shit.

you speak specifically in vague terms. come back when you actually say something l.

Basically everything Flynn has been saying about this case since he switched lawyers has been bogus. The right wing media has been making unsubstantiated allegations as well.

There was no falsifying of evidence. No evidence was withheld. Flynn wasn’t ambushed. They never denied him a lawyer. It wasn’t a perjury trap. The agents never stated they didn’t believe he was lying. Lisa Page proofread the report. She didn’t alter it substantively, just rewrote some sections which were badly worded.

The case isn’t collapsing. Flynn pled guilty before a court (under oath) and to get they reversed he has so show some good reason as to why he would have lied to them (or why his lies were immaterial) and so far that isn’t forthcoming. His judge hasn’t been impressed by his new counsel and it’s an outside chance he’s allowed to withdraw his plea.

Although I very much hope he does. I want to see this trial.
Mueller team turns over missing Flynn interview document after judge's order


McCabe altered his 302 of the Flynn interview, and DELETED ALL HISTORY OF REVISIONS…. – Investment Watch
Mueller team turns over missing Flynn interview document after judge's order
Therr was no falsifying of evidence. That’s why the op-Ed is garbage.
uh huh

forgive me if I simply think you are full of shit.

you speak specifically in vague terms. come back when you actually say something l.

Basically everything Flynn has been saying about this case since he switched lawyers has been bogus. The right wing media has been making unsubstantiated allegations as well.

There was no falsifying of evidence. No evidence was withheld. Flynn wasn’t ambushed. They never denied him a lawyer. It wasn’t a perjury trap. The agents never stated they didn’t believe he was lying. Lisa Page proofread the report. She didn’t alter it substantively, just rewrote some sections which were badly worded.

The case isn’t collapsing. Flynn pled guilty before a court (under oath) and to get they reversed he has so show some good reason as to why he would have lied to them (or why his lies were immaterial) and so far that isn’t forthcoming. His judge hasn’t been impressed by his new counsel and it’s an outside chance he’s allowed to withdraw his plea.

Although I very much hope he does. I want to see this trial.
you should go tell the judge. I mean, you seem to know more than him.

I don’t need to. The judge knows more about this than me.

Read for yourself what Sullivan has had to say on the matter.
Federal Judge Rejects Flynn Attorney’s Request for Evidence, Says Filing Raised ‘Ethical Concerns’
Judge sets high bar for Michael Flynn to withdraw guilty plea

In a brief order Friday, Judge Sullivan said Flynn's lawyers should file legal briefs addressing whether the court should hold a hearing "where the parties would present all testimony and evidence concerning the issue of whether Mr. Flynn can show that there is good cause to set aside his guilty pleas."

Such a hearing, the judge said, might include "testimony from Mr. Flynn and other witnesses under oath, subject to cross-examination, to show any 'fair and just reason' for this court to grant his motion to withdraw."

Good luck Flynn. I don't think you're going to get very far, but as I stated earlier, I hope you do get to reverse your plea so that I can see you go to trial and get nailed.

Although I have a sneaking suspicion this is all a delay tactic and he's holding out for a pardon, not expecting to win at trial.
That op-ed was idiotic and a complete distortion of the truth.
that seems to be the norm these days.

the bottom line is obama's FBI/DOJ has been busted several times now for falsifying evidence, yet you cry FOUL and LIES and the sort. but you have zero issue pushing an agenda against trump based on heresay and speculation and some mythical "people go to jail on circumstantial evidence all the time!" and never once proved it with a case or 2.

this is the world we're all creating. just that the left seems to be leading the way.

Therr was no falsifying of evidence. That’s why the op-Ed is garbage.
Oh, really?
FBI lawyer under criminal investigation altered document to say Carter Page 'was not a source' for another agency
And it is far from the first time-
FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Falsifying Records, Stealing Drug Evidence
Ex-FBI agent charged with leaking sentenced to 48 months
This is a thread about Flynn. Stick to the topic.
that seems to be the norm these days.

the bottom line is obama's FBI/DOJ has been busted several times now for falsifying evidence, yet you cry FOUL and LIES and the sort. but you have zero issue pushing an agenda against trump based on heresay and speculation and some mythical "people go to jail on circumstantial evidence all the time!" and never once proved it with a case or 2.

this is the world we're all creating. just that the left seems to be leading the way.
Mueller himself had been busted for manufacturing evidence and altering witness testimony so how in the Hell can the guy in charge of The Antrhax Debacle and Enron case where he knowingly railroaded innocent men to jail have ever been anywhere near The Hoax Russia Investigation?

And let's not forget, this ASSHOLE, destroyed evidence and Obstructed Justice when he wiped Page and Strozk's phones and then committed perjury to the IG when he said he didn't know how all those messages disappeared.

Mueller also completely ignored the "source of his investigation" Russian Propaganda purchased by The Obama Administration, and Clinton from Putin.

Mueller then we later find out, that he didn't write a single word of the very report with his name on it.
Mueller has been busted?! Really? Is he going to jail, paying a fine, being held accountable by Trumps DOJ at all? What’s being done?
Of course he won't go to jail. So long as there are layers of Deep State-Socialists-Satanists Globalists in our Government betraying our country & covering for each other, most of these people will never see jail time when 100 years ago, about 50 of them would have been lined up against a wall and shot.

Why do you think The Clinton Campaign & The Podesta Group were given blanket immunity from Prosecution (200 People) and not 1 single person, volunteer, associate, or staff member associated with Trump was offered immunity in exchange for testimony?

Are you STUPID or do you just PLAY DUMB?
i just go on the fact and don’t run wild with crazy conspiracy narratives. So Trump and Barr the leaders of the executive and DOJ... you think they are deep staters covering for the Dems?! How does that make sense? And why wouldn’t they be going after Mueller if he is as guilty as you claim?

your shit is too easy to debunk. It’s comical.
Why don't you tell us Why The Obama Administration Ordered Blanket Immunity for The Entire Clinton Campaign & Podesta Group including The Podesta Brothers. That's over 200 people.

How many people in The Trump campaign were given immunity by contrast?

And then please explain your reasoning, if you have any at all, besides bullshit and deflection.

And then when you are done with that, explain how Democrats thought it was a good idea to throw Due Process out the window on their shampeachment inquiry and then rig the game by calling 21 Witnesses and allowing The President just 1.
No I’m not going to let you change the subject and ignore my questions. Answer mine and I’ll answer yours
That op-ed was idiotic and a complete distortion of the truth.
that seems to be the norm these days.

the bottom line is obama's FBI/DOJ has been busted several times now for falsifying evidence, yet you cry FOUL and LIES and the sort. but you have zero issue pushing an agenda against trump based on heresay and speculation and some mythical "people go to jail on circumstantial evidence all the time!" and never once proved it with a case or 2.

this is the world we're all creating. just that the left seems to be leading the way.

Therr was no falsifying of evidence. That’s why the op-Ed is garbage.
Oh, really?
FBI lawyer under criminal investigation altered document to say Carter Page 'was not a source' for another agency
And it is far from the first time-
FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Falsifying Records, Stealing Drug Evidence
Ex-FBI agent charged with leaking sentenced to 48 months
This is a thread about Flynn. Stick to the topic.
Honey, it is part of the topic, it just didn’t fit your agenda. See my later post for Flynn specifics. ;)
Why did Trump fire Flynn?
Cause it's what Trump loves to do I suppose.

why did page alter what he said?
Come on Ice, let’s be straight... I don’t know why Page altered what Flynn said or if that’s what really happened. If she did without cause the she should be arrested. The IG didn’t find wrong doing so I’m skeptical about the reports in your OP.

But there has been official explanations released by Trumps White House explaining why Trump fired Flynn. You know the answer. It’s OK to say it.
start a thread on it and I'll look into it and dive in.

got enough trolls already pulling distraction shit to keep them from backing up the shit they say. like saying "I don't know why she did it, but no one cared so come to my topic" crap.
I wasn’t changing the topic. Flynn was fired for lying. Your topic is about whether Flynn lied to the FBI. You don’t think that’s relevant?
Topic to me is about fbi abuse of power and altering quotes.

We hear about this more and more.

But yea. It's close. "others" are trying to dovetail off into an abyss so I was working to stay on track.
if the FBI was making false accusations and changing quotes then that’s a major offense. Again, I have a hard time believing those accusation coming from editorialist after the IG investigates this specific situation and leveled no charges. There is a world of intel involved with this that we are not privy to and these media hyperbolists soon up narratives based on cherry picked intel so I can’t take it too seriously. Open to any credible intel that gets exposed though. Just don’t see much here.
That op-ed was idiotic and a complete distortion of the truth.
that seems to be the norm these days.

the bottom line is obama's FBI/DOJ has been busted several times now for falsifying evidence, yet you cry FOUL and LIES and the sort. but you have zero issue pushing an agenda against trump based on heresay and speculation and some mythical "people go to jail on circumstantial evidence all the time!" and never once proved it with a case or 2.

this is the world we're all creating. just that the left seems to be leading the way.

Therr was no falsifying of evidence. That’s why the op-Ed is garbage.
Oh, really?
FBI lawyer under criminal investigation altered document to say Carter Page 'was not a source' for another agency
And it is far from the first time-
FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Falsifying Records, Stealing Drug Evidence
Ex-FBI agent charged with leaking sentenced to 48 months
This is a thread about Flynn. Stick to the topic.
Honey, it is part of the topic, it just didn’t fit your agenda. See my later post for Flynn specifics. ;)

Part of the topic? I looked at the thread header. It says Flynn.

What are your posts attempting to convey? It's just a handful of links.
that seems to be the norm these days.

the bottom line is obama's FBI/DOJ has been busted several times now for falsifying evidence, yet you cry FOUL and LIES and the sort. but you have zero issue pushing an agenda against trump based on heresay and speculation and some mythical "people go to jail on circumstantial evidence all the time!" and never once proved it with a case or 2.

this is the world we're all creating. just that the left seems to be leading the way.

Therr was no falsifying of evidence. That’s why the op-Ed is garbage.
Oh, really?
FBI lawyer under criminal investigation altered document to say Carter Page 'was not a source' for another agency
And it is far from the first time-
FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Falsifying Records, Stealing Drug Evidence
Ex-FBI agent charged with leaking sentenced to 48 months
This is a thread about Flynn. Stick to the topic.
Honey, it is part of the topic, it just didn’t fit your agenda. See my later post for Flynn specifics. ;)

Part of the topic? I looked at the thread header. It says Flynn.

What are your posts attempting to convey? It's just a handful of links.
You claim no falsifying of evidence. They do, they have. Now let’s see you respond to my post with Flynn info in it.
Honey, it is part of the topic, it just didn’t fit your agenda. See my later post for Flynn specifics. ;)

Part of the topic? I looked at the thread header. It says Flynn.

What are your posts attempting to convey? It's just a handful of links.
You claim no falsifying of evidence. They do, they have. Now let’s see you respond to my post with Flynn info in it.

The claim was in a thread about the Flynn prosecution. It's called context. Obviously I was not declaring there has never been falsifying of any evidence ever. That would be absurd. Again, context.

What info do you want me to respond to? You just have links. What are you trying to convey with the links?

Part of the topic? I looked at the thread header. It says Flynn.

What are your posts attempting to convey? It's just a handful of links.
You claim no falsifying of evidence. They do, they have. Now let’s see you respond to my post with Flynn info in it.

The claim was in a thread about the Flynn prosecution. It's called context. Obviously I was not declaring there has never been falsifying of any evidence ever. That would be absurd. Again, context.

What info do you want me to respond to? You just have links. What are you trying to convey with the links?
If article titles don’t suit you, then click and read. They are relevant. It is just another attempt by you to ignore the facts since they don’t suit your agenda.
This is a thread about Flynn. Stick to the topic.
Honey, it is part of the topic, it just didn’t fit your agenda. See my later post for Flynn specifics. ;)

Part of the topic? I looked at the thread header. It says Flynn.

What are your posts attempting to convey? It's just a handful of links.
You claim no falsifying of evidence. They do, they have. Now let’s see you respond to my post with Flynn info in it.

The claim was in a thread about the Flynn prosecution. It's called context. Obviously I was not declaring there has never been falsifying of any evidence ever. That would be absurd. Again, context.

What info do you want me to respond to? You just have links. What are you trying to convey with the links?
If article titles don’t suit you, then click and read. They are relevant. It is just another attempt by you to ignore the facts since they don’t suit your agenda.

I assumed you linked those articles for a reason. What is it? Use your own words.
Honey, it is part of the topic, it just didn’t fit your agenda. See my later post for Flynn specifics. ;)

Part of the topic? I looked at the thread header. It says Flynn.

What are your posts attempting to convey? It's just a handful of links.
You claim no falsifying of evidence. They do, they have. Now let’s see you respond to my post with Flynn info in it.

The claim was in a thread about the Flynn prosecution. It's called context. Obviously I was not declaring there has never been falsifying of any evidence ever. That would be absurd. Again, context.

What info do you want me to respond to? You just have links. What are you trying to convey with the links?
If article titles don’t suit you, then click and read. They are relevant. It is just another attempt by you to ignore the facts since they don’t suit your agenda.

I assumed you linked those articles for a reason. What is it? Use your own words.
Let’s try another for your perusal. Let’s see if you will read it. If not it is obvious you only care to continue to spread your parties agenda, rather than the truth.
Comey Told Congress FBI Agents Didn't Think Flynn Lied | RealClearPolitics

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