The Forward Party

That's the psychology of partisanship. It helps many feel they belong to a team, and that provides comfort. So they can't give a goddamn inch.
The key is that the two major parties have come to rely on fear mongering as their go-to strategy. Why bother with constructive ideas and a real platform when you can just go apeshit demonizing the other side? That doesn't work nearly as well with RCV, so they want nothing to do with it.
Just a voter movement without party could vote out absolutely every House member every two years. Revolution is built into the Constitution..
The key is that the two major parties have come to rely on fear mongering as their go-to strategy. Why bother with constructive ideas and a real platform when you can just go apeshit demonizing the other side? That doesn't work nearly as well with RCV, so they want nothing to do with it.
Yep - we have to change a system that incentivizes and rewards the worst behaviors of its participants.

It's much easier to fling poo and hide in the cave.
Ok, maybe you really don't get it.
I get it....Flood the ballot with schmendrick jobbers who have no chance to win (probably funded by one or both of the majors), then kneecap the real winner because they didn't crack 50%, then hand the election over to the loser, because they got more 2nd or 3rd place votes

No room for shenanigans there......newp!
I get it....Flood the ballot with schmendrick jobbers who have no chance to win (probably funded by one or both of the majors), then kneecap the real winner because they didn't crack 50%, then hand the election over to the loser, because they got more 2nd or 3rd place votes
Wow - uh, I don't know where to go from here. You have it exactly backwards - you really don't understand how it works. And I don't know whether to try to explain it to you or not. You seem pretty invested in the partisan douchebag schtick.
Wow - uh, I don't know where to go from here. You have it exactly backwards - you really don't understand how it works. And I don't know whether to try to explain it to you or not. You seem pretty invested in the partisan douchebag schtick.
I gave up trying to explain anything in detail here a year or two ago. It's pointless, and the "conversations" are entirely predictable.
Wow - uh, I don't know where to go from here. You have it exactly backwards - you really don't understand how it works. And I don't know whether to try to explain it to you or not. You seem pretty invested in the partisan douchebag schtick.
I saw how it works in practice....That's how it's meant to work.

Just like we don't need to see how communism ultimately fails economically and murders millions, we don't need to see anymore of the RCV shit show scam to know what it is.
Wow, I really do take up a lot of space in people's heads.

As the below logo says, and as I've said MANY times, I'm a one-issue voter: We have to change a system that incentivizes and rewards the worst impulses of its participants. And the Forward Party is the one and only party committed to doing that.

Everything else is secondary. All of it. All the destruction and division and ugliness we're seeing flows from that.

There. I made that absolutely as simple as I could. You're welcome.

^ Doesn't understand that the system isn't broken, but working EXACTLY as it was designed to.
I saw how it works in practice....That's how it's meant to work.
Yep. It worked the way it's supposed to. It takes away the spoiler effect when third parties are running candidates. It doesn't benefit Democrats over Republican, or vice versa, in any way. It just takes away their ability to scare people into voting for them.

If you think it is a scam, try to explain why. Just saying that it's bad because one election didn't turn out like you wanted isn't an argument. It's just grunting.
Just a voter movement without party could vote out absolutely every House member every two years. Revolution is built into the Constitution..

It's been years since a member of Congress has been permitted to offer an amendment from the House floor. Any amendments are screened by the Speaker of the House or her committee for the Speaker's approval. None will be approved for a vote if they have any chance of passing, or unless they have her approval.

This, by default, renders these elected officals powerless to represent their constituents.

As it is, representative government has been made moot by the oligarch.

The so-called ''forward party'' is just a not so clever rebranding of the status quo at a time when it is apparent that people are getting tired of the status quo.
As we've seen, that can happen with ordinary voting as well. Especially when the sides are so bitterly opposed and divisive - something that RCV would help mitigate.

I really don't get the opposition to RCV. The worst case scenario is that it's no worse than what we have now. Most of the opposition I've seen is backed by the assumption that it's a scheme by the "other" side to get more votes.
RCV is a scam built on a scam.

NO candidate with the interests of The People in heart & mind is allowed near either criminal party.
I gave up trying to explain anything in detail here a year or two ago. It's pointless, and the "conversations" are entirely predictable.
I so often feel like I'm dealing intelligent people refusing to be intelligent.
Yeah I can see how it could give voters more than one of two options. It's still wouldn't save a guy like HW or Biden who pissed off an element of his own party and had a recession. But it could have an effect when there are two fairly equally despised candidates like we had in 16.

I used to look at Israel in horror of seeing so many nutty parties, from religious re-actionists to socialism, but I think that non-American Jews are just very diverse, and frankly the Pales would make anyone insane. And I look at the UK and Germany and think .... maybe it'd be better to have more voices competing to form a majority. And RCV might be a way to do that.
RCV won't accomplish that.

Ending the stranglehold the criminal two party system has will.
Ending the stranglehold the criminal two party system has will.
That's exactly what RCV would accomplish. The parties would still be around, but people wouldn't be cowed by the lesser-of-two-evils threat.

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